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1、5.When was Mike transferred to a school in Chicago? A. Three months ago. B.Half a year ago. C. Three years ago.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.How was Abby when she gave the speech? A. Nervous B. Confident C. Excited7. What should Abby avoid for her next speech? A. The organization. B. The c

2、onclusion C. The long pauses. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.What is the date today? A. January 1st. B. December 24th. C.December 25th9.What will they buy for the mother? A. hat B. A box of chocolates. C. We dont know.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.What was Bonzo doing when he was hit by a car? A. Running after a ball. B. P

3、laying in a garden. C. playing football on the road.11.What do we know about Bonzo? A. He was two months old. B. He was a pet. C. He was Megans brother.12.What will they do later? A. Do some shopping. B. Go to the hospital. C. Have some coffee.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Where did Darwin learn magic trics

4、when he was a kid? A. At a Magic Shop B. At a Magic School C.At his home.14. What does Darwin think of children? A. Curious B. Imaginative. C. Careful.15. How did Darwin teach people to do magic? A. By sending e-mails. B. By using DVDs. C. By making a call.16. How does Darwin take inspiration? A. He

5、 gets inspiration from famous stars. B. He gets inspiration by watching films. C. He gets inspiration from daily life.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What do you need to describe first in the game? A. What the trees look like. B. Where you are walking. C. How you are feeling.18. What will you see first in the

6、 jungle? A. A key. B. A tiger. C. A house.19. Where will you see a key? A. On the path. B. Outside the house. C. In the house.20. What does the tiger mean? A. Your idea of God. B. Your idea of yourself. C. Your idea of how you see others.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中

7、,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21Our graduation party was _ success.We sang and danced until it came to_ end at ten oclock.Aa;the Ba;an Cthe;an D不填;不填22Shanghai has _ more foreign capital this year than last year.Abrought down Bbrought up Cbrought in Dbrought out23_ the houses were knocked down in the earthquake.A

8、A great many BThe number ofCA great many of DA great deal of24_ in 1993,the EU,together with the US,is one of the two largest economies in the world.AHaving founded BFoundedCFounding DBeing founded25The government will force companies to _ any possible measure to reduce air pollution.Aadjust Badopt

9、Cadapt Daccept26_ the plan has been made,lets get down to _ it out.ANow that;carry BBecause;carryCSince;carrying DNow;putting27A new bridge will be built just at the place where the old one was _.Adamaged Bhurt Cinjured Ddestroyed28I was _ leave _ I saw him _ towards me with a bag in his hand.Aabout

10、 to;when;run Babout to;runningCto about;run Dto about;while;run29. The song is sung all over the country, _ it the most popular song this year.A. made B. having made C. to make D. making30. I used to go camping a lot, so it wasnt the first time I _ in a tent. A. will sleep B. would sleep C. had slep

11、t D. have slept第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。What would life be like without television?Would you spend more time _31_,reading,or studying?Well,now its your chance to turn off your TV and _32_!TVTurnoff Week is here.The goal of TVTurnoff Week is to let people

12、leave their TV sets _33_ and participate in activities _34_ drawing to biking.The event was founded by TVTurnoff Network,a nonprofit organization which started the event in 1995.In the _35_,only a few thousand people took part.Last year more than 7.6 million people participated,_36_ people in every

13、state in America and in more than 12 other countries!This is the 14th year in which _37_are asking people to “turn off the TV and turn on _38_.”According to the TVTurnoff Network,the average _39_ in the US spend _40_ time in front of the TV (about 1,023 hours per year) than they do in school (about

14、900 hours per year)Too much TV _41_ has made many kids grow fat._42_,in 2001s TVTurnoff Week, US Surgeon General David Satcher said,“We are raising the most _43_ generation of youngsters in American history.This week is about saving lives.”Over the years,studies have shown that watching a lot of TV

15、_44_ poor eating habits,too little exercise,and violence.Frank Vespe of the TVTurnoff Network said that turning off the TV “is or _45_,part of a healthy lifestyle”“One of the great lessons of _46_TVTurnoff Week is the realization that _47_ I turn on the TV,Im deciding not to do something else,”Vespe

16、 said.TVTurnoff Week seems to be making a _48_.Recent US Census(人口普查) data_49_ that about 72 percent of kids under 12 have a limit on their TV time.Thats _50_ about 63 percent ten years ago.31A.drinking Bsleeping Cwashing Dplaying outside32A.find out Bgo out Clook out Dkeep out33A.away Boff Con Dbes

17、 Bas Cfrom Dsuch as35A.end Bevent Cbeginning Dtotal36A.besides Bexcept for Cincluding Dexcept37A.governments Bparents Corganizers Dbusinessmen38A.the light Bthe radio Clife Dthe Internet39A.grownups Bkids Cclerks Dparents40A.less Benough Clittle Dmore41A.programs Bscreen Chours Dwatching4

18、2A.However BOn the contrary CIn fact DAs a result43A.overweight Bovereaten Covergrown Doverseen44A.leads to Bresults from Cdevelops Dkeeps away45A.will be Bshould be Cmay be Dcould be46A.organizing Btaking part inCparticipating Dasking for47A.wherever Bevery day Cevery time Dthis Bcho

19、ice Cdifference Dsense49A.shows Bsays Creads Dwrites50A.rising Bdown from Cup to Dup from第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AOne of the qualities that most people admire in others is the willingness to admit ones mistakes.It is extremely hard sometimes to sa

20、y a simple thing like “I was wrong about that,”and it is even harder to say,“I was wrong,and you were right about that.”I had an experience recently with someone admitting to me that he had made a mistake fifteen years ago.He told me he had been the manager of a certain grocery store in the neighbor

21、hood where I grew up,and he asked me if I remembered the egg cartons (箱子)Then he related an incident and I began to remember clearly the incident he was describing.I was about eight years old at the time,and I had gone into the store with my mother to do the weekly grocery shopping.On that day,I mus

22、t have found my way to the dairy (乳品的) food department where the incident took place.There must have been a special sale on eggs that day because there was an impressive display of eggs in dozen and halfdozen cartons.The cartons were stacked(堆放) three or four feet high.I must have stopped in front o

23、f a display to admire the stacks.Just then a woman came by pushing her grocery cart and knocked off the stacks of cartons.For some reason,I decided it was up to me to put the display back together,so I went to work.The manager heard the noise and came rushing over to see what had happened.When he ap

24、peared,I was on my knees examining some of the cartons to see if any of the eggs were broken,but to him it looked as though I was the criminal.He severely scolded me and wanted me to pay for any broken eggs.I protested(抗议)my innocence and tried to explain,but it did no good.Even though I quickly for

25、got all about the incident,obviously the manager did not.51The author was _ when he wrote this article.Aabout 8 Babout 18Cabout 23 Dabout 1552Who should have been blamed for knocking off the stacks of cartons?AThe author. BThe manager.CThe woman. DThe authors mother.53When the manager scolded him,th

26、e author _.Awas frightened and criedBfelt the manager was rightCdid not say anythingDtried to explain54It can be inferred that the author _.Aregrets arguing with the manager for what he didnt doBhas forgiven the manager for what he did to him fifteen years agoCwould like to tell people never to be f

27、ooled by an egg saleDexpects the woman to say sorry to him for the mistake she madeBRachel Carson,a wellknown nature author in America,was happiest writing about the strength and stability of natural systems.Her books mainly described the inter connectedness of nature and all living things.Completin

28、g Silent Spring took Carson four years.First published in The New Yorker in June 1962,the book alarmed readers across America.It described how DDT entered the food chain and accumulated (堆积) in the fatty tissues of animals,including human beings,and caused cancer and genetic damage.Carson begins by

29、describing exactly these effects in the first chapter,creating strong images and drawing the readers in.As the book continues,she gives various examples of how insecticides(杀虫剂) are not only unsuccessful,but actually very costly and damaging.She also explains about the biological controls which are less expensive and much more efficient.A single application on a crop,she

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