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1、2 编制依据/Compiling电气装置安装工程高压电器施工及验收规范/ “electrical installation project HV construction and inspection specification”(GB50147-90)电气装置安装工程盘、柜及二次回路结线施工及验收规范/ “electrical installation project cabinet and secondary loop tereminal construation and inspection specification” (GB50171-92)电气装置安装工程电力变流设备施工及验收规范

2、/ “electrical installation project current transformer construation and inspection specification” GB50255-963 设备参数Equipment Profile序号No.设备名称Equipment数量Qty.质量(KG)Weight安装标高(米)Elevation就位形式Type设备位置Location1110KV变压器/ Transformer2580000.9立式/vertical110变电所/Substation 11010KV干式变压器/ dry type transformer850

3、00二层/2nd Floor110变电所及公用站变电所Substation 110 & Utility Substation3自耦变压器/ autotransformer8000110变电所/ Substation 110410KV中压柜/ MV Cabinet298005低压柜及保护柜/ LV Cabinet1376GIS柜/ Cabinet7 Transportation4.1 设备检验/ Equipment Inspection110KV变压器由于设备太大,运输直接到达现场,其余设备根据现场条件出库,设备在吊装之前需经过承包方及质检方的共同检验,并做记录,必要时要拍摄照片,设备主要符合下

4、例要求:Due to the big bulk of 110Kv Transformer, it had better transfer to installation site directly, the other euqipemnt handover in accordance with actual condition. Equipment joint inspection carry out by TPT and ELECO, prior to lifting, record and take the photographer is necessary; the equipment

5、should comply with the following standard:铭牌数据应符合设计要求。Nameplate data comply with engineering;油箱及所有附件应齐全,无锈蚀及机械损伤,密封应良好;油箱与散热管联接处,放油法兰阀无渗油现象,储油柜油位略高于正常位置。Oil box and accessories in place, no rust and damage, seal in good condition, oil drain valve of joint between oil box and radiator dont have leaka

6、ge, oil level of oil box higher slightly than normal level.高、中压瓷件无损伤痕迹,瓷件 釉彩无撞击脱落现象。HV & MV porcelain fits dont have damage, glaze dont have break off.高、中压引出线的螺栓丝扣无损伤,所带垫片螺帽齐全,中压引出线及螺栓、螺帽齐全。出厂的有关资料及产品证明文件齐全。Thread of HV & MV outgoint cable no damage, washers and nuts are complete, manufacturer files

7、 are complete.盘柜内的所有元器件均齐全,没有表面损伤现象。Components inside of cabinet are complete, no damage in outlook.4.2 设备运输Transportation变压器由于吨位太大,所以直接运至现场。Due to the big bulk of transformer, it should transfer to installation site directly.汽车载重吨位与高低压盘柜和GIS系统柜装车的重量相对应,吊车起吊能力应为1.52倍盘柜的重量。起重索具应检查可靠、起吊时盘柜应使用吊装带兜底吊装。吊

8、索与铅垂线的夹角不宜大于30度,起落要平稳缓慢。装车后,必须用绳索进行封车,才能进行运输。在运输中车速尽量均匀,注意行车平稳,禁止急煞车DWT of trailer match the weight of HV & LV and GIS system cabinet, SWL of crane should 1.52 times weight of cabinet. Lifting gear should in good condition and wrap the cabinet from bottom of cabinet by lifting belt for lifting, lift

9、ing slowly. Fix properly for transportation. Driving in constant speed, and avoid emergency brake.运至现场后视吊车位置停车,便于吊装。Transportor parking should according to crane location for lifting conveniencely.5 设备的吊装/Lifting5.1 吊装前准备工作/Preparation吊装方案编制完毕,经承包商审核,确定无误后方可施工;Submit lifting MS for approval prior to

10、 construction.施工前应对作业人员进行详细的技术、安全交底;Particular Technical & safety disclosure to worker;吊装用机、索具齐全到位,经检查状态需完好。Lifting equipment and gear available and in good condition;本次吊装站车位置有两处,一处在变电所东侧110KV变压器旁,一处在变电所西侧V8管廊旁,吊车移动与站车区域场地地基需处理,地基需推平压实,满足吊装要求。具体吊车站位的位置见附图一所示There are two locations for crane setup; o

11、ne is next to 110 Kv transformer on east side of substation, another one in on west side of substation, next piperack V8. Crane setup area should leveling and tamp to fit lifting. Crane setup location see DWG-1 please.吊车站位附图一/DWG-1(crane setup)5.2 设备吊装/Lifting5.2.1 吊装施工工艺 Lifting Process技术准备现场准备及场地处

12、理设备运输就位吊车达到作业条件吊装索具拴挂试吊检查及处理吊起设备落至道木垛吊车摘钩设备移位至安装位置吊起抽出滚杠落下就位吊装完成Technology preparation site preparation & ground treatment equipment in place crane in work condition lifting gear hook uppre-lifting & treatment lifting equipment lay on the sleep wood remove lifting gear remove equipment to installati

13、on location lifting remove roller down to location lifting finish5.2.2 设备吊装计算Calculation5.2.2.1 110KV变压器计算吊装参数/Lifting parameters 设备位号Item No.:TR00301 / TR00302几何尺寸/Size 7120*4720*6550 设备质量/Weight:62t 主吊耳为厂家已安装吊耳/ Lifting lug installed by manufactor吊装受力/Lifting StressTransformer图示二 Dwg-2设备起吊时受力计算/Li

14、fting Stress Calculation:F1=G1.1=68.2tF1为150吨汽车吊受力,工况为:杆长13.9米;工作半径7米,起重能力68.9t;具体吊车性能表见第11项附表F1-150t Mobile Crane, work condition: boom length=13.9m, radius=7m, SWL=68.9tWORKING RANGES see the attached table of CLAUSE-11.F1= 68.2 t68.9t 安全/Safe。吊装选用绳/steel wire rope:47.5 绳长/Length:12m 2根/Piece, 钢丝绳

15、的破断拉力/Break Stress: Sb=117260Kg 安全系数/safety factor: K=6单股许用拉力/single-stranded available stress: P= Sb/K=19543Kg一弯两股使用单股拉力/ single-stranded stress for double-stranded: P1=19543*0.9=17588.7kg17050kg (68.2t/4); 安全/Safe钢丝绳的具体受力见附图三所示:wire rope force analysis see the following DWG-3附图三5.2.2.2 10KV变压器及盘柜吊

16、装的计算/10Kv transformer & cabinet lifting calculationTR00321 / TR00322 几何尺寸/ Size 2350*1700*2850 设备质量/Weight: 8t 吊装受力(图纸和上图同)/ Lifting Stress (Same as the drawing above)设备起吊时受力计算/ Lifting Stress Calculation:F1=81.1=8.8tF1为80吨汽车吊受力,工况为:杆长30米;工作半径14.6米,起重能力10.0t;具体80吨吊车性能表见第11项附表F1-80t Mobile Crane, wor

17、k condition: boom length=30m Lifting Radius=14.6m, SWL=10.0t80 Crane WORKING RANGES see the attached table of CLAUSE-11F1= 8.8 t10.0t 安全/Safe。选用吊装带/ Lifting Belt Selection:吊装带选用10t;安全/Safe5.2.3 设备卸车/ Unload5.2.3.1 110KV变压器卸车/ Unload of 110Kv transformer变压器在吊装前,吊车先进场,进场前先平整场地,场地平整时达到150T汽车吊占车需要的地面压实要

18、求,吊装场地应无杂物等影响吊装作业。Prior to transformer lifting, leveling ground for crane setup, leveling area fit the requestion of 150t mobile crane, and tamp, clear the sundries for lifting.变压器使用150T汽车吊直接吊至变压器基础上,具体吊装站位和工作半径如下图所示:Lift the transformer to foundation directly, the crane location and lifting diagram

19、 see the following:图示四/DWG- 10KV变压器、电气盘柜及GIS系统柜卸车Unload of 10Kv transformer, electrical cabinet and GIS system cabinet图示五运输平台使用设计的专用平台进行作业。此平台是7055U-003-DW-16-42-009图纸上设计的,平台的设计承重荷载是25KN/m2。平台使用前必须经过验收合格,方可使用。Use the special working plate for transportation. The work plate in accordance with

20、 drawing 7055U-003-DW-16-42-009, the designing bearing capacity is 25 KN/m2. It has to apply for inspection prior to using, only the qualified work plate could be use.滚杠选用/roller selection:选用323.75 L=2m钢管/ Steel tube 10根/Pic.2t的手动液压推车2台。Hydro-trolley 2sets.10KV变压器使用80t吊车把变压器从管廊上侧运至平台上,如图五所示,然后使用滚杠把变

21、压器运至安装位置,然后使用门型架子,把变压器吊起,送至安装位置固定。Lift the 10kv transformer to access plate from piperack by 80t crane, (see dwg-5), and then remove transformer to installation location by roller, hoist the transformer by lifting frame, located and fixed it.电气盘柜使用80t吊车把电气盘柜从管廊上侧运至平台上,如图五所示,然后使用手动液压推车把盘柜运至安装位置,按设计设计

22、的盘柜顺序固定。Lift the electrical cabinet to access plate from piperack by 80t crane, (see Dwg-5), and the remove the cabinet to installation location by hydro-trolley, cabinet installation order following engineering design.5.2.4 110KV变压器至基础上/ 110KV Transformer to Foundation变压器到位后,由于变压器室是非封闭的,所以150t吊车占车在

23、变压器室的门口,把变压器吊起,然后使设备的中心落至变压器基础中心上。After transformer placed, due to transformer room doesnt confined, so setup the 150t crane at the gate of transformer room, lift it and located on foundation.机具、索具选用一览表/ Lifting equipment & gear list序号/No.名称/Equipment型 号 规 格/ Type单位/Unit数量/Qty备注/Note汽车吊/Mobile Crane

24、QY100H-2 150t 台/Set吊装带/ Lfting Belt10t根/Pic.卸扣/ Shackle80t & 10t个/Pic.各/every 4证书见附件Certification See attachment please钢丝绳/ Wire Rope47.5, 12m手拉葫芦/ Chain Block15t6 设备的安装 Equipment Installation6.1 变压器安装/ Transformer Installation6.1.1 变压器基础安装/ Transformer Support Installation本变电所的配电变压器基础型钢设计外框是10#槽钢,内

25、侧是使用10#槽钢,安装的方式是立式安装,型钢安装后,先进行防腐处理,然后进行面漆处理。Sub-transformer shape steel support of substation designed as 10# channel steel for out frame, 10# channel steel for inside, standing installation, painting and touch-up after shape steel installation.在钢制平台上将型钢的平面及立面分别平整,校直,全长偏差控制在1-5mm之内(包括平面和立面)。下料时尽量少用气

26、割,以减小型钢的变形度。Section steel shall be leveled and lined on steel plate, the allowable error of the whole length is 1-5mm. (include horizontal and vertical levels), It is not suitable that cut material with gas welding to avoid change shape.基础型钢的组对焊接应有熟练的焊工施焊。变压器的基础型钢外框和盘柜基础同时制作。 Assembly and welding of

27、 support shape steel on foundation shall be carried out by skilled welder. Transformer support out frame and cabinet support fabricated together.6.1.2 变压器就位和附件安装Transformer Located & Accessories Installation变压器前吊装检查变压器的基础道轨宽度与变压器道轨宽度一致。变压器就位固定必须依据图纸尺寸进行,对没有设计具体尺寸的则应根据变压器二次出线的B相与中压进线盘的B相对准。确定位置后,应用角钢将变压器固定在基础槽上。Check the support track size match to transformer track siz

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