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1、2. There isnt _ milk in the fridge. Youd better buy _.any; some3. There are lots of English books here, and _ of them is easy to understand.each4. These sweaters are too small for me. Please show me _ one.another5. There are some trees on _ side of the street.either6. _ of them has a dictionary and

2、_ one of them can look up words in the dictionary.Each; every7. Which of the two dictionaries do you like better?I like _, because theyre not useful.neither8. There are twenty teachers in this grade. Eight of them are women teachers and _ are men teachers.the others9. The climate of Beijing is not s

3、o damp as _ of Shanghai.that10. _ is a long way to the school.It. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. When you arrive, I _ (wait) for you in reception.will be waiting2. I _ (listen) to the music at this time tomorrow evening.will be listening3. Would you like to go to the cinema tomorrow?Sure. By then, I _ (finish) my ex

4、am.shall/will have finished4. He _ (work) in the factory for five years before he moved here.had worked5. The mayor of the city says that all construction work for the Olympics _ (complete) by 2015.will have been completed. 完成句子1. I hope you _ before you go abroad next month.我希望你下个月出国前学会所有的法语单词。will

5、 have learned all the French words2. Dont go out until you _.直到你从感冒中恢复过来你再出去。have recovered from your cold3. Tom _ all next day.Tom明天一整天都将在登泰山。will be climbing in the Mountain Tai4. The weather report says that it _.天气预报说我们到达伦敦时将会下雨。will be raining when we arrive in London5. We _.我们明天一早就出发。are leavi

6、ng early tomorrow morning.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1.I want to have my CD player fixed, but I cant find a repair shop.Oh, I know _. Come on, Ill take you there.one指同类事物中的一个,在此句中替代a repair shop,用one。2. Will you see to _ that the flowers are well protected during the rainy season?it“see to it that.”固定搭配,it作形式宾语

7、。3. Daniels family _ (enjoy) their holiday in Huangshan this time next week.will be enjoying根据“this time next week”可知应用将来进行时。4. I am sure he _ (leave) Paris by this time tomorrow.will have left根据时间状语“by this time tomorrow”可知用将来完成时。5. Do you think _ possible to work out a correct figure of the income

8、 that the World Expo will bring to China?itit用作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式短语。6. What do you think of store shopping in the future?Personally, I think it will exist along with home shopping but will never _ (replace)be replaced此处意为不会被取代,故用将来的被动语态。7. Would you like a magazine for killing time?No, thanks. I have

9、 brought _, too.one句意:你想要本杂志来打发时光吗?不,谢谢。我也带了一本。故用one代替a magazine。8. At this time tomorrow we _ (drive) on the way home.will be driving根据“At this time tomorrow”可知,谓语动词用将来进行时。9. Tommy is planning to buy a car.I know. By next month, he _ (save) enough for a used one.will have saved根据“By next month”可知,此

10、处用将来完成时。10. Pick me up at 8 oclock; I _ (have) breakfast by then.will have had句意:8点钟来接我,到那时我将已经吃过了早饭。根据句意知用将来完成时。提升实战能力. 完形填空What do you do when no one is watching? Do you _1_ doing things? Do you waste your valuable time? Do you do what you have to do without being told or _2_? Do you look for ways

11、 to be helpful without being _3_?Character, the special qualities built into a persons life, _4_ his response regardless of the environment.Character _5_ the success of every person, family, organization, community and nation. You can _6_ important character qualities in your life today. That will h

12、elp you to be truly _7_ in everything you do. Also, these qualities _8_ influence everyone you come into _9_ with at home, at work, at the store, in your community and on your job.We dont live on a lonely island. Your success in life greatly _10_ the successful relationships you _11_ with others. We

13、 are all in this together. How do you build these relationships? Well, it all _12_ with your character of course.Understanding and building character is at the _13_ of real selfimprovement. You will find that many of the men and women of great achievement are described by _14_ character attributes (

14、特征) such as bravery, persistence, charity, patience, etc.In terms of time and energy, it is much more effective (and more enjoyable) to _15_ and balance your character than to try and force a behavior change in yourself. The improvement in character will act to make some negative habits _16_ by them

15、selves without the _17_ for conscious effort.By _18_ your attention on positive character qualities you will be improving your outlook on life and you will find that your character also _19_ greater levels of harmony (和谐)Remember, it is who you are _20_ is most important to your success, not what yo

16、u have.语篇导读:我们在生活中免不了与他人打交道。个人的成功往往取决于良好的人际关系,而人际关系又取决于性格。因此,性格决定成败。1. Aput off Bsuffer fromCcare for Dgo againstA你是否经常推迟(put off)做事?下句“Do you waste your valuable time?”是提示。2. Areminded BreceivedCallowed DrefusedA你是否会在未经告知或“提醒”的情况下做你该做的事?3. Afollowed BcheatedCasked DtoldC联系上文的几个问题可知,作者问的是关于积极性方面的问题,

17、故此处用ask表示“还没被要求就去找有助于解决问题的方法”。4. Apredicts BdeterminesCshows DexplainsB性格是一种特殊的内在特征,它决定(determine)着一个人的反应。5. Aexpresses BchoosesCnotices DinfluencesD性格“影响”着每个人、每个家庭、每个组织、每个社区甚至每个国家的成功。6. Atrain BdevelopCgrow DfindB联系上一句中性格的作用和下一句中它的益处可知,此处指培养(develop)一些重要的性格特征。7. Agenerous BsuccessfulCbrave Dpatient

18、B这些性格特征会帮助你在做任何事时都能真正地“成功”。8. Apositively BpossiblyCgenerally DformallyA联系上文可知,这些会使你成功的性格特征也积极地(positively)影响着别人。由上一句可知,作者的语气是肯定的,故不选possibly。9. Aoperation BrelationCcontact DstateC联系下文可知,你的这些性格特征会影响与你有接触的人。come into contact with是固定短语,意为“接触,联系”。10. Acarries on Bturns onCputs on Ddepends onD你人生中的成功极大

19、地取决于(depend on)你跟别人建立的关系。11. Amake BplayCbuild DchangeC表示“建立关系”用build relationships。本段倒数第二句有提示。12. Atalks BagreesCstarts DendsC如何跟他人建立关系呢?这当然要从你的性格开始(start)入手。13. Aheart BheadCside DbackA联系下一句可知,了解和塑造性格是真正自我提升的核心,是取得成就的关键因素。“at the heart of.”在的核心。14. Astrange BvariousCextra DfunnyB很多成功人士都被描述为具有多种(va

20、rious)性格特征的人。后面的举例可以看作提示。15. Aincrease BformCcontrol DimproveD作者认为,“改进”和平衡性格比强迫自己改变行为更有效。16. Adisappear BstruggleClose DfallA性格的改进会使得一些不良习惯自行消失(disappear)。17. Aeffect BneedCtime DresearchB不良习惯会自行消失,不“需要”有意识的努力。18. Apaying BgivingCfocusing DleavingC通过将注意力“集中”于积极的性格特征上,你会改变你的人生观。19. Aresults in Bgets

21、inCtakes in Dbrings inD你会发现,你的积极的性格也会带来(bring in)更高程度的和谐。20. Awhat BwhichCit DthatD这里that引起一个强调句。句意:记住,要想成功的话,最重要的是你是谁,而不是你拥有什么。. 阅读理解NEW DELHINearly 600 people have been killed by destructive flooding in northern India and 50,000 remained trapped in the forecast with more rain, authorities said.Flo

22、oding in the mountainsous Himalayan state of Uttarakhand happened when 60,000 Sikh and Hindu pilgrims (朝圣者) were walking to four holy sites in the region. Many pilgrims, tourists and local residents were trapped as roads, bridges and houses were washed away.Local media described the disaster as a “H

23、imalayan tsunami” that could claim hundreds, even thousands, more lives. Vijay Bahuguna, Uttarakhands chief minister, told the local CNNIBN news channel late Friday that 556 bodies had been recovered from mud and more could be buried.News video showed cars, trucks and threestory houses swept away by

24、 the violent river, and the area around Kedarnath nearly flattened, with dead bodies lying about and no signs of life. Authorities said many bodies were swollen and badly damaged, making identification difficult.Some 43 aircraft have been carrying rescue workers, doctors, equipment, food and medicin

25、e into the area and moving people out, with about 33,000 rescued after many had become trapped after heavy rain over the weekend. Rescue operations have been hampered by the weather and about 500 roads and 200 bridges damaged or destroyed and the size of the area affected, more than 15,000 square mi

26、les. In nearby Nepal, authorities said 39 people had died and 20 were missing.Some people waiting for loved ones complained that the government reaction was slow, disorganized and held back by a lack of necessary equipment.“Were completely unhappy with the lack of preparation,” said Vamshi Varagani,

27、 a Hyderabadbased software engineer who had 15 relatives going to Kedarnath when the storm hit. “The government effort wasnt nearly enough.”Varagani said his family members walked some distance last weekend to a helipad (停机坪) only to find thousands waiting to be evacuated by too few helicopters. The

28、y then walked 55 miles over several days with limited food and some suffering from fever.本文是一篇新闻报道。讲述了强暴雨袭击了印度的北部,造成洪水及泥石流等次生灾害,带来巨大人员和财产损失。1. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Flooding leaves 600 killed and thousands trapped.B. Most of the Indian holy sites have been destroyed.C. The continuing rain does bad damage to India.D. All the Hindu pilgrims were trapped on the way.A主旨大意题。这是一篇新闻报道,文章第一段即是文章的主题,即强暴雨袭击了印度的北部,造成600人死亡,5万人困在森林中。故选A项。2

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