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1、vlin标枪a light spear for throwing used in sport;a light spear thrown with the hand and used as a weapon.标枪:一种用手投掷的且用作武器的轻型长矛The athletic field event in which a javelin is thrown.一种投标枪的田径赛项目Morocco mrkuA country of northwest Africa on the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. 摩洛哥:非洲西北部的一个国家,位于地中海和

2、大西洋沿岸。古时由柏柏尔人居住,这个地区在公元前 1世纪成为罗马的一个省,并在 公元 7世纪被阿拉伯侵占。在15世纪欧洲势力第一次渗透入该地区,并不断增强了对摩洛哥控制权的争夺直至1912年,那时法国赢得了对其大多数国土的保护地位。1956年摩洛哥获得独立,拉巴特是其首都,卡萨布兰卡Casablanca .ksblk是其最大城市。Bulgaria blgri 保加利亚A country of southeast Europe on the Black Sea. Settled in the 6th century a.d. by Slavic tribes, it was ruled by T

3、urkey from the late 14th to the early 20th century. Sofia is the capital and the largest city. Population, 8,960,679. 保加利亚:欧洲东南部的一个国家,位于黑海岸边。于公元 6世纪由斯拉夫人建立,14世纪末至20世纪初受土耳其统治,索非亚是其首都及最大城市。Guatemala危地马拉.gwtim:lAbbr. Guat.A country of northern Central America. Inhabited by a Mayan civilization for more

4、 than a thousand years before the Spanish conquest in 1524, Guatemala achieved independence in 1839. Guatemala is the capital and the largest city. Population, 6,054,227.缩写 Guat.危地马拉:中美洲北部一国家,在1524年被西班牙征服之前玛雅文明在此延续三千年之久。危地马拉于1839年赢得独立。危地马拉市为该国首都及最大城市。人口6,054,227Kenya肯尼亚A country of east-central Afri

5、ca bordering on the Indian Ocean. Controlled by the British in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Kenya became independent in 1963. Nairobi is the capital and the largest city. Population, 15,327,061.肯尼亚:非洲中东部国家,临印度洋。19世纪后期和20世纪初由英国控制,1963年独立,内罗毕是其首都和最大城市。人口15,327,061Kilimanjarokilimnd:ru n. 乞力

6、马扎罗山(非洲最高山,位于坦桑尼亚东北部)CubaAn island country in the Caribbean Sea south of Florida. 古巴:加勒比海的一个岛国,位于佛罗里达以南。它于1492年为哥伦布发现,在1898年以前一直是西班牙的一个殖民地。从1933年起古巴政府一直处于伏尔吉西奥巴蒂斯塔的控制中,直至1959年他被菲德尔卡斯特罗所取代。哈瓦那是该国首都和最大城市。人口9,723,605Czech Republic tek捷克共和国A native or inhabitant of Czechoslovakia, especially a Bohemian,

7、 Moravian, or Silesian.捷克人:捷克斯洛伐克的本地人或居民,尤指波希米亚人、摩拉维亚人或西里西亚人The Slavic language of the Czechs.捷克语:捷克人讲的斯拉夫语You are going to hear some of track and field world records. Complete the chart. Pay special attention to the country and the record.Event Record holderCountry Record 9.79”USA10. 49”3 26”China

8、3 50. 46”Britain 12. 91”12. 21”1 : 17 46” Russia 41 4”Morocco 25 42”20 43”2. 45mBulgaria 2.09m8.95m7.52m98.48mGermany 80mTAPESCRIPT1. In track events, Maurice Greene is the fastest man in 100 meter dash. His record is 9. 79 seconds.2. F. Griffith-Joyner from the USA sets the record for the womens 10

9、0 meter dash in 10. 49 seconds.3. The mens 1, 500 meter race world record is set by Hicham El Guerrouj from Morocco, and his record is 3 minutes 26 seconds.4. The fastest woman in the world in 1,500 meter race is Qu Yunxia from China. Her record is 3 minutes 50.46 seconds.5. The world record for men

10、s 110 meter hurdle race is set by Colin Jackson from Britain. The record is 12.91 seconds.6. The gold medal winner for the womens 100 meter hurdle race is Yordanka Donkova from Bulgaria, and her record is 12.21 seconds.7. In 20km walk for men, Julio Martinez from Guatemala is the gold medal winner.

11、His record is 1 hour 17 minutes 46 seconds.8. In 10 km walk for women, the record is 41 minutes and 4 seconds, which is set by Yelena Nikolayeva from Russia.9. Who is the world record holder for mens marathon? Its Khalid Khannouchi from Morocco, and his record is 2 hours 5 minutes 42 seconds.10. For

12、 womens marathon, Tegla Loroupe from Kenya holds the record in 2 hours 20 minutes and 43 seconds.11. In field events, Javier Sotomayor from Cuba is the man who jumps highest in the world. His record is 2.45 meters.12. S. Kostandinova from Bulgaria seizes the gold medal for womens high jump. Her reco

13、rd is 2.09 meters.13. The world record for mens long jump owes to Mike Powell from the USA, whose record is 8.95 meters.14. The world record for womens long jump owes to Galina Christyakova from the former Soviet Union, whose record is 7.52 meters. 15. In the mens javelin event, the world record hol

14、der is Jan Zelezny from Czech Republic. His record is 98.48 meters.16. Petra Felke from Germany is the world record holder for the womens javelin event. Her record is80 meters.Part 2 The Womens World CupvictorsOne who defeats an adversary; the winner in a fight, battle, contest, or struggle.胜利者:击败对手

15、的人;在一场格斗、斗争、比赛或者争夺中的获胜者soccer英式足球A game played on a rectangular field with net goals at either end in which two teams of 11 players each maneuver a round ball mainly by kicking or butting or by using any part of the body except the arms and hands in attempts to score points.英式足球:在一个两端有带网的球门的四方形场地上的一

16、种比赛,每方十一人,除了胳膊和手之外,可以用任何身体部位踢球或头顶球来得分resounding rizaundivery great, complete极大的, 彻底的, 十足的a resounding success极大的成功NorwaySwedenDenmarktournament锦标赛tunmntA series of contests in which a number of contestants compete and the one that prevails through the final round or that finishes with the best recor

17、d is declared the winner.锦标赛,联赛:一群竞争者参加竞赛的一系列比赛,某人在最后一轮获胜或以最佳记录完成比赛被宣布为胜者A. Listen to a passage about the FIFA Womens World Cup. Fill in the blanks with the wordsNovember of 1991 successThe United States19911995Germanyfinala remarkable levelfirst12two tournamentswomens soccerB. Listen to a passage a

18、bout womens soccer and the World Cup. Match Column A, the numbers, with column B, the relevant information.1. c2. a3. b4. e5. f6. dAmericans are excited about an international sporting event now taking place in the United States. It is the biggest womens soccer event in the world, the World Cup. The

19、 game Americans call soccer is known around world as football. And more and more Americans are learning to love it. The Unite States Soccer Federation is the major soccer organization in the country. It says more than 18 million people play soccer in the United States. This means that more Americans

20、 play soccer than any other sports. Right now, more people in the United States are watching soccer, too. They are attention the 32 Womens World Cup games being played in several American cities. Four hundred and sixty thousand tickets have been sold for the three week contest that will end July 10t

21、h. Womens soccer teams from sixteen nations are taking part. Americans are closely following the progress of the United States womens World cup team. And the team is already setting records. On June 19th, the American team defeated Denmark in the opening game. Almost 79, 000 people watched the game

22、at Giant Stadium near New York City. That is a world record - the most people who have ever watched a womens sporting event. One of the most popular players on the American team is twenty-seven-year-old Mia Hamm. She became well-known in 1996 when the United States women won the soccer gold medal at

23、 the Olympic Games. She has scored more goals than any man or women ever to play international soccer. Mia Hamm is a hero to many young American girls. Television broadcasters say 1, 000 million people around the world are watching the games on television.Part 3 Luck in the hatThe London Marathonfun

24、d-raising 募捐活动The organized activity or an instance of soliciting money or pledges, as for charitable organizations or political campaigns.募捐活动:如为慈善机构或政治运动筹集资金或物品的有组织的活动或事件keep up with跟上= keep pace withstaturethe degree to which something is regarded as important and influentialAn achieved level; st

25、atus.声望:获得的状况;地位charitykindness and generosity towards people who are poor, sick, in difficulties, etc.Provision of help or relief to the poor; almsgiving.救济,施舍:向穷人提供帮助或救济;施舍Something given to help the needy; alms.施舍物,救济金:帮助穷人给出的物品;布施An institution, an organization, or a fund established to help the

26、 needy.慈善机构,救济基金:为帮助穷人而建立的机构、组织或基金会Benevolence or generosity toward others or toward、博爱:对他人或人类的仁慈或慷慨Indulgence or forbearance in judging others. 宽厚、仁慈:对别人的宽容或耐心get round toto do something that you have intended to do for a long time腾出时间来做A. Listen to some statements about the London Mara

27、thon. Pay special attention to numbers1. March 29, 1981 20, 000;7, 747 6, 2552. grow in size3. over 413, 4814. 30, 809 19995. a charity fund-raising event. Over 80 million poundsB. Listen to an interview with John Goodman, a runner in the London Marathon. Supply the missing information with key word

28、s.InterviewTwice26 miles and a bit moreRunning a maximum of about 20 mils a weekWorried / nervous about the injury to the ankleWhen realizing that he was unable to complete the last 3 miles as fast as the previous 232 hours 47 minutesC. Now listen again. Decide whether the statements are true or false.1. John Goodman never did keep exercises because he thought they were not good at all.2. John Goodman w

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