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1、全国卷短文改错解题技巧 1考点设置 1处多一个词,删除符号“”;1处少一个词,漏字符号“”;8处错一个词,修改符号“”。一般会考到的情况1. 考冠词 2. 考名词 (记住典型不可数名词:fun, progress, furniture, advice, information) 3. 考形容词/副词 填形容词: adj.(作定语) +名词 系动词be/feel/get/become + adj.(作表语)填副词: 副词常在句首或句未 副词在动词前或动词后 副词在形容词前 副词放在副词前4.考代词指代错误 单复数 反身代词 主格宾格 名词性物主代词 your/yours 5. 考连词 befor

2、e/after if / unless when/until/because6. 考介词 7. 考谓语 主动:does三单式 did 过去式 have/has/had done 完成时 is/are/was/were doing进行时 will do 被动:is/are done was/were done have/has/had been done is/are/was/were being done will be done8. 考非谓语 主动:doing having done to do to have done被动:done having been done to be done

3、being done9. 考一般的状语从句,定语从句,名词性从句10. 考 感到.的 (excited /interested /disappointed /surprised) 令人的(exciting /interesting /disappointing /surprising)一. 多一个词1. 多了冠词 (记住不用冠词的情况)球类棋类和游戏,非特指的三餐,惟一职位名词前,go to school (bed, church, town, class, college, etc),by bus/by plane /by train, 用于某些独立结构中(如:The teacher cam

4、e in, book in hand.), 但是in a/the bus, on a/the/my bike2. 多了“be”类 不是被动,不要在动词前乱加be 是被动(但是非谓语的被动), 也不要乱加be3. 多了“have”类 不是完成时态,别乱加have (如果没有典型完成时标志,用一般过去式就可以了 have/has/had played played )4. 多了to 1) 记住不用to的两个动词 let/makeMake sb to do sth; let sb to do sth have sb to do sth2) 记住以下句子里home, downtown是副词,不要to

5、Go to home go to abroad (abroad也是副词)Tomorrow Ill go to downtown with my sister.但是 I went to my uncles home. (要to,这里home是名词)5. 宾语从句(已有how/what/ where引导),多了thatI dont know that what he said. I dont know that when/why/where he goes.6. each time/ every time / the moment/ the first time可以直接引导时间状语从句,再加whe

6、n 就多余了Each time/ Every time when I remember my grandma, I feel warm.The moment when I arrive in Beijing, I will call you.I knew we would be good friends the first time when I met her若是定语从句,用when没错 At the moment when you want to give up, think about why you have come this far. Paul and I met for the

7、first time when we were both at university. I still well remember the first time when I met her.7. 定语从句,多了代词(which/who已经指代名词了)Honghong is a lovely girl whom many boys love her in secret.8. 及物动词,多了介词 ( marry with, serve for )翻译:为人民服务。 serve for the people (错) 因为serve是及物动词 serve as a doctor/ work as a

8、 doctor 作为一个医生9. 意思重复 again/retell, although/but, because/so, most/favorite Retell the story again This is my most favorite food.二. 少了一个词少了冠词 记住要定冠词the的情况:1)演奏乐器 2)方位的名词前 3)序数词,形容词最高级前Play the piano (但是play music)少了“be”类少了“have”类少了to, 如: ask sb to do sth / sb. is made to do sth不及物动词,少了介词agree with;

9、approve of; suffer from; adapt to; apply for graduate from少了副词up, down, on., away少了引导词(定语从句,名词性从句)三. 记住固定搭配at home and abroad go abroad heart and soulneither . nor / either or not . but / not untilso that / such that as as / such as四. 经常区分以下考点1. and / but / or / so / while 2. however / besides / the

10、refore / otherwise3. some / any / every 4. something / anything / everything 5. somebody / anybody / everybody6. all/none三者或以上 both/neither两者 7. very / very much / much /well8. many / much; so much /so many 9. few / a few; little / a little10. much / more much 原级more 比较级most最高级much+比较级 “得多” more+多音节

11、单词 more beautiful, more difficult11. more / less / bettermore / less +原级 =构成比较级,例如: more / less beautiful/difficult12. visit / pay a visit toI visited Beijing last weekend.I payed a visit to Beijing last weekend.13. other / another / others / the other 14. others / others15. its/its whose/ whos16. d

12、octor / doctors it/ its you/your them/their17. some one else / some one elses ; 18. yesterday/ yesterdays two hours / two hours hours / hours students / students19 区分so / suchso kind a boy / such a kind boyso + adj./adv. + that-从句 such + a/an +adj. + n. + that-从句such good boys (对) / so good boys (错)

13、 (但是 so many boys 对,so much/so many)20. 区分how / whatHow kind a boy he is ! / what a kind boy he is !How to do it (宾语) / What to do(缺宾语, what充当do的宾语)How do you feel? (内心情感的感受)/ what do you feel?(察觉到什么)Computers could pick up what we feel.21. 区分which/ what (都是在从句中作主语,宾语或表语)which常用于 定语从句what常用于 名词性从句22

14、. used to do 过去常做(暗含现在不再.) be used to doing 习惯于做23. be familiar with对熟悉。/ be familiar to为所熟知Most of us are familiar with the small village.The small village is familiar to most of us.24. leave Beijing 离开北京 leave for Beijing (离开某地方)到北京去25. because + 主语+ 谓语+(宾语)because of +名词/代词/宾语从句26. advertise sth 登广告宣传或推销某物advertise forsth (sb) 登广告征求或寻找某物或某人27. prepare/ prepare forThe students are preparing for the coming college entrance exam. 学生复习备考The teacher is preparing mid-term exams 老师出题备考Mother is preparing lunch. 正在准备午饭。The students are prepar

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