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本文(如何发挥新闻舆论监督的作用Word格式文档下载.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、由此看来,开展对反腐倡廉工作的舆论监督,是我们党赋予新闻媒体的重要任务和工作职责。作为县级广播电视新闻媒体,积极发挥对反腐倡廉的舆论监督作用,是义不容辞的责任。 充分认识县级广播电视舆论监督对反腐倡廉工作的重要作用 一是舆论监督的引导作用。在目前社会不断变革的时期,地方上的反腐败斗争和行业不正之风也变的错综复杂。基础不牢,何以建高楼大厦,因此作为基层的新闻媒介加强对反腐倡廉的舆论监督非常重要。在监督中,监督什么,怎么监督,如果把握不好,就会适得其反,事与愿违。从这个意义上讲,我们要从宣传政策,法规,条例等入手,用宣传的手段来推动党中央确定的反腐败指导思想、基本原则、领导体制和工作格局在地方的贯

2、彻落实。比如,在我们新闻或专题节目中开设廉政之窗行风在线身边说法,把in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management r

3、egional, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sens

4、ors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and

5、customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device

6、 as a different color . To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered po

7、lice love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang auto

8、matically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was 生硬枯燥的法规,条文用形式活泼的电视节目表达出来,以此来引导提高党员干部廉洁从政的自觉性,纠正部门和行业不正之风,加强对领导干部行使权力的监督,促进防范腐败机制的形成,推进反腐倡廉法制的进程等。二是舆论监督的示范作用。毛泽东同志曾讲过:“一张省报,对于全省工作,全体人民


10、形式,传播快,范围广,影响大,有很强的震慑力和广泛的警示作用。2004年秋,郧县遭受长时间的暴雨袭击,很多农民房屋倒塌,让倒房户安全过冬成了县委,政府的中心工作,然而郧县某乡镇不顾镇内倒房户的安危,却拿出大批的钱来装修政府的办公楼,在县领导过in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the

11、 toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved a

12、nd sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to manag

13、ement requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points,

14、 access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color . To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family

15、, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring

16、 system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was 问后,该镇任然我行我素,郧县台在获得这一线索后,立即进行了采访报道,该镇迫于舆论压力,停止了办公


18、舆论监督,要从三个方面入手。一是要围绕地方党委,政府的中心工作,以建设性态度从事舆论监督。舆论监督的目的就是针砭时弊,弘扬正气,解决问题,推动工作,增进团结,维护稳定。因此,我们要把舆论监督的目的与地方党委的奋斗目标联系起来,以正面宣传为主,要贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,善于发现和总结那些工作在基层、服务在基层、奉献在基层的活生生的勤廉俱优的集体和典型人物的先进事迹,充分发挥正面典型in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage

19、 district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely process

20、ing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In th

21、e monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alar

22、m points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color . To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of mean

23、s on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light ala

24、rm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital

25、management authority was 的示范引导作用。在进行反面报道时,要着眼于维护改革发展稳定的大局,发现矛盾,查找问题,而不能凭主观意志“找茬子”;要着眼于解决问题,改进工作,而不能满足于揭短扬丑,图一时之快,片面追求轰动效应。无论是批评错误,还是揭露问题,都要是建设性的。要有利于加强我们党的廉政建设,有利于发展和保护先进生产力,有利于维护最广大人民的根本利益,有利于维护社会稳定。二是要以求实的精神开展舆论监督。作为党的喉舌,要把党政机关及其官员存在的突出问题作为舆论监督的重点,从党政机关重大决策和措施的制定情况,党政机关及其公务人员落实重大政策和措施情况,党的政治纪律执行情况

26、,公共权力机关及其工作人员的廉政勤政情况,社会公共事业机构和垄断行业的不良行为,突出的社会丑恶现象等方面,进行有效的舆论监督。开展舆论监督必须靠事实的力量,凭事实说话,用事实监督。必须深入采访和调查研究,掌握准确、全面、翔实的第一手材料;。郧县某部门有一名科级干部利用手中的权力承包了一茶场,在经营的过程中短斤少两坑害消费者,今年3月的一个晚上记者接到举报,与工商执法人员一起在其家中当场查获已包装好的50斤短斤少两茶叶,记者在掌握第一手翔实资料的基础上对此事进行了深入采访,对这起事件背后以权谋私的阴暗行为进行了深刻揭露。这起事实确凿的舆论监督,既反映了群众普遍关注的坑害消in the Park

27、below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional, set variety alarm facilities, through

28、 sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound a

29、nd light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone

30、 can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color . To alarm system, depen

31、ding on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system link

32、age management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was 费者的问题,又揭露了一个党员干部以权谋私的不洁行为。充分发挥了新闻媒体在反映群众呼声,监督党政机关、党员干部廉洁从政的作用。三是掌握舆论监督的技巧,以恰当的方法实施舆论监督。舆论监督工作难度较大,尤其县

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