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1、云南省2011年1月普通高中学业水平考试英语试卷(真题)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,共25分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每题1分,共15分)从下列A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的真确答案。21. Will you go to concert so that itll take your mind off the hard situation for _ while.A. the; the B. the; a C. a; the D. a; a22. We have been informed that the conference might be _.A. take awa

2、y B. get out C. come out D. put off23. _ their surprise, _ they could speak to him, he left.A. In; before B. To; before C. In; after D. To; after24.Mike, can I get you anything to drink? _A. You are welcome B. No problem C. I wouldnt mind a coffee D. Doesnt matter25. The phone, as well as computers,

3、 _ an important part in our daily life.A. have played B. is playing C. are playing D. play26. The warmed-hearted teacher keeps on telling the students that the world _ to the well-educated.A. belongs B. is belonged C. is belonging D. will be belonged27. _ in their best clothes, the girls tried to ma

4、ke themselves _ at the evening party.A. Dressed; noticed B. Dressing; noticing C. Dressing; noticed D. Dressed; noticing28. After a few weeks in hospital, the patient is _ getting over from his operation.A. actually B. gradually C. practically D. quietly29. The professor spoke more loudly _ all of t

5、hem could hear him clearly.A. in order to B. so that C. so as to D. all the above30. Jack is often late for work, _ makes his leader very angry.A. it B. which C. he D. who31. Whose advice do you think I should take? _.A. Thats it B. You speak C. You get it D. Its up to you 32. _ of the money _ used

6、up.A. Six-sevenths; are B. Two-thirds; have been C. Two-thirds; has been D. Six-seventh; is33.The tiger, a once _ animal to humans, is now _ of disappearing on the earth.A. dangerous; danger B. dangerous; in danger C. in danger; dangerous D. danger; dangerous34. We know that eco-travel is a form of

7、travel combining common tourism with learning, _ a way to find out what can be done to help animals, plants and people._.A. as well as; I couldnt agree any more B. as far as; I disagree C. as soon as; I agree D. as long as; I dont agree35. There will be a a(an) _ TV program of the basketball match b

8、etween the two countries.A. alive B. lively C. live D. living36. How much sugar did you put in the salad just now? _.A. Nothing B. None C. anything D. No37. Would you like to join us in the game? _,for I have something important to attend to.A. I will B. Im afraid not C. I wont D. Id love to38. The

9、good thing about the children is that they _ very easily to the new environment.A. appeal B. attach D. apply D. adapt39. Is that 110? A thief is in my house OK, help is _.A. in the way B. in its way C. on the way D. by the way40. We usually make our fingers to form a V shape to _ victory.A. recreate

10、 B. restore C. represent D. rebuild第二节完型题空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Can you imagine what life would be like if there were no telephone? You could not call _41_ your friends on the phone and talk to them. If a(an) _42_ broke out in your house, you could not _43_ the fire depart

11、ment . If somebody were sick, you could not call a doctor. In our daily life we need to communicate with _44_ . We do this _45_ by speaking to other people and listening to what they have to say to us, and when we are _46_ to them we can do this very easily. However, our _47_ will not travel very fa

12、r even when we _48_ , and it is thanks to the invention of the telephone that we are able to communicate with each other clearly _49_ we were next door neighbours. The man who made this possible was Alexander Graham Bell, a Scotsman, born in Edinburgh in 1847. Bell, a teacher visible speech who late

13、r moved to Canada, _50_ all his spare time experimenting, so enthusiastic(热情的) was he in his research for a means for sending speech by electricity that he left little time for his day-to-day work and at one time was almost penniless.41. A. on B. for C. up D. in42. A. fire B. accident C. event D. war43. A. cry B. shout

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