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本文(学年高一英语人教版必修3同步辅导与检测Unit 5 第三学时 Using Language文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

学年高一英语人教版必修3同步辅导与检测Unit 5 第三学时 Using Language文档格式.docx

1、on his way d_13离这里大约5英里远be a_ 5 miles from here14朝发夕至start at d_ and arrive at dusk15在餐车吃自助餐have a b_ in the buffet car16有广博的计算机知识have a b_ knowledge of computers17有一次可怕的经历have a t_ experience18被老鼠吓坏了be t_ by a rat19她的表演很满意be p_ with her performance20一次给人深刻印象的表演an i_ performance仔细阅读课文“The True North

2、 from Toronto to Montreal”,选择正确答案。 1What is the main idea of this part?AThe whole travel in Canada of the cousins.BWhat they have done and seen during the trip in Toronto and Montreal.CThe cousins feelings about Canada.DThe delicious food and beautiful sights in Toronto and Montreal.2Which city is t

3、he capital of Canada?AToronto. BMontreal.CVancouver. DOttawa.3Where do Chinese people in Chinatown in Toronto mainly come from?AEast China. BSouth China.CWest China. DNorth China.4What are the things that show Montreal is a French city?Cantonese foodFrench languageculture and traditionsgood breadA B

4、 C D5If you want to enjoy Cantonese food, which city will you prefer? AToronto. BMontreal.CVancouver. DCalgary.答案:15BDBDA Part ARole Play情景:Lily向李黛玉询问有关加拿大之旅的情况。角色:Lily和李黛玉。任务:请你和你的朋友分别扮演一个角色,根据中文提示提出问题,然后根据课文内容回答问题。Q1: 你们什么时候到达多伦多?_Q2: 在多伦多你们看到了什么?Q3: 你们去唐人街了吗? 在那里做了什么?Q4: 接下来你们去了什么地方?Q5: 你们遇到了加拿大人

5、, 对吗?Q6: 他告诉你们什么事情?Q1:When did you arrive in Toronto?A1:We arrived in Toronto at noon.Q2:What did you see in Toronto?A2:In Toronto we saw Niagara Falls and the covered stadium.Q3:Did you go to Chinatown? What did you do there?A3:Yes.We had dinner there and had a chat with Lin Fei,one of old schoolma

6、tes of my mother.Q4:Where did you go next?A4: We went to Montreal the next morning. You met some Canadian there, didnt you ?A5:Yes.We met Henri when we sat in a buffet restaurant looking over the St Lawrence River.Q6:What did he tell you?A6:He told us much about Montreal.For example, the city has Fr

7、ench culture and most people in Montreal speak both English and French.Part BRetelling请参照上述问题及答案,用自己的话复述课文。关键词:Toronto 多伦多Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑布covered stadium 室内体育馆Montreal 蒙特利尔culture 文化Li Daiyu and Liu Qian arrived in Toronto where they saw Niagara Falls and the covered stadium.Then Li Daiyu called

8、 one of her mothers old schoolmates who lived there. At a restaurant in Chinatown they talked a lot, such as Cantonese food, Chinese people and Canadas capital.The next morning they arrived in Montreal where they knew Henri, a student at the university nearby, and learnt much about Montreal from him

9、.For example, the city has French culture and most people in Montreal speak both English and French.1mix(p.37)词语链接mix vt.&vi.混合;调配mixture nU,C 混合(物);混合状态mix A and/with B 把A与B拌和起来mix sth.up 把某物拌和;混淆某物mix把某物掺进去be/get mixed up with sth./sb.与某事有关;与某人混在一起The chemist mixed (up) some medicine f

10、or me.药剂师给我配了些药。Oil and water dont mix.油和水不能混合。Oil wont mix with water.油不能和水混合。即学即练选用上述词语完成下列句子。(1)Dont try to_business_pleasure.(2)Mix the eggs_the flour.(3)I dont want to_in the affair.(1)mix; with(2)into(3)be mixed up2There was frost on the ground, confirming that fall had arrived in Canada.(p.38

11、)地面上覆盖了一层薄霜,表明秋天已经来到了加拿大。confirm vt.证明,证实confirm that.证实It has been confirmed that.已证实confirm sb. in sth.使某人确信某事Their advice confirmed my decision.他们的建议使我更肯定了我的决定。The President confirmed that he would visit France the following month.总统先生证实了他会在下个月访问法国。(1)The latest developments_my belief.最新的发展使我坚信我的

12、理念。(2)When asked, she_that she was going to retire.有人问她时,她确定了她即将退休。(3)_he has become the captain of the rest of the season.他已成为这个赛季剩余时间的队长已被证实。(1)confirmed me in(2)confirmed(3)It has been confirmed that3In the distance,they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls,which is on

13、 the south side of the lake.(p.38)远处,她们可以看到在湖的南边尼亚加拉瀑布上方升腾着的雾霭。in the distance在远处,在远方at a distance隔一段距离;距离稍远一些from a distance从远方keep a distance别靠近keep a distance对某人保持疏远We can see the mountain in the distance.我们从远处就可以看到那座山。Night fell.The hills in the distance turned dark blue.夜暮渐临,远山变成了深蓝色。(1)W

14、e can see a windmill_(2)The picture looks better_(3)He was asked many times to join the party, but he always_(1)in the distance(2)at a distance(3)kept his distance 4Its too bad you cant go as far as Ottawa,Canadas capital.(p.38) 真遗憾,你们不能一直走到加拿大的首都渥太华。as far as 远到,直到;至于as/so far as sb.knows 就某人所知as f

15、ar as sb.can see/tell/remember 就某人看来/所说/所记得as/so far as sb./sth. is concerned 就某人/事物而言far from sth. 毫不;一点也不; 远非So far, so good.(谚)到目前为止,一切都很顺利。Ill walk with you as far as the post office.我会陪你走到邮局。ve read as far as the third chapter.我已读到第三章了。(1)_(对我个人来说), you can do what you like.(2)The problem is_(绝

16、非易事)(3)Well go by train_(直到) London, and then take a bus.(1)As far as Im concerned(2)far from easy(3)as far as 5What impressed you?(p.39)什么给你留下深刻印象?impress vt.使印象深刻;使铭记impression nC印象;感想impressive adj.给人印象深刻的impress sth.on/upon sb.impress sb.with/by sth.使某人铭记某事物make/give/create an impression on/upon

17、.给一个印象have/get the impression that 有的印象The sights of the city never fail to impress foreign tourists.外国游客无一不对该市留有深刻印象。We were most impressed with/by your efficiency.你的工作效率很高,我们极为钦佩。(1)Father_me _ the value of hard work.(2)One candidate in particular_us_her knowledge.(3)You_an excellent_us.(4)When I

18、first met him I_he was a humorous man.(1)impressed; on(2)impressed; with(3)made; impression upon(4)had the impression that.根据句意用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空at dawn, as/so far as, as well as, settle down, have a gift for, in the distance, manage to do, catch sight of, rather than, go downtown1.He grows flowers _ v

19、egetables, so he can save much money to buy from the market.2Yesterday I _ to buy a computer in a supermarket.3_ I can see, that is impossible.4His grandfather _ in the armchair with a newspaper.5It seems that she _ music.6The mountains _ turned dark blue.7I _ the great scenery of the whole city on

20、the top of the hill.8Even though the project is difficult, we _ finish it on time.9_we rose and set off again.10_be criticized, he should be well as2.went downtown3.As far as4settled down5.has a gift the distance7.caught sight of8.managed to9.At dawn10Rather than.在下列各句空格中填入适当的虚词

21、1The next stop was Calgary, _ is famous for the Calgary Stampede.2In fact,Canada has one third of the worlds total fresh water,_most of _ is in the Great Lakes.3Chinas population is much larger than _ of any other country.4Go eastward,_youll pass the mountains and thousands of lakes and forests.5It

22、is so wet _ the trees are extremely tall,some measuring over 90 metres.6Toronto is the biggest and the _ wealthy city in Canada.7_ the distance,we could see small boats going up and _ the river.8We usually took a walk after supper,often as _ as 5 kilometres.9The next morning,we went _ a tour of the

23、city of Guangzhou.10People in Montreal speak _ English and French.1.which2.but; it3.that4.and5.that6most7.In;down8.far9.on10.both.语法填空The train left late that night and arrived in Montreal at dawn the next morning. At the station,people everywhere were speaking French. There were signs and 1._(adver

24、tise) in French, but some of them had English words in smaller letters. “We dont leave 2._ this evening,” said Liu Qian. “Lets go downtown. Old Montreal is close to the water.” They 3._ (spend) the afternoon in lovely shops and visiting 4._ (art) in their workplaces beside the water. As 5._sat in a buffet restaurant 6._ (look) over the broad St Lawrence River, a young man sat down with them.“Hello, my name is Henri,” he said, “and I 7._(wonder) where you are from.” The girls told

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