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1、口腔专业英语教学大纲口腔专业英语教学大纲课程基本信息课程名称(中、英文):口腔专业英语 Stomatological Technical English课程号(代码):、(7年制)(5年制)课程类别:专业课学时:64(七年制)32(五年制)学分:4(七年制)2(五年制)内容学习内容包括口腔内科学(牙体牙髓病学、牙周病学、粘膜病学)、口腔修复学、口腔颌面外科学专业词汇及用法。 Teaching Outline for Professional EnglishFor Operative dentistry/Endodontics/periodontics/Oral Medicine口腔内科学专业英

2、语教学大纲For the Students of Five-Year and Seven Year Classesof the West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan UniversityDept. of conservative dentistry, West China College of Stomatology of Sichuan University四川大学华西口腔医学院口腔内科教研室2005年6月2006年9月修订一、 教学目的及要求: Objective of the course is to train the students i

3、n reading, translating, apprehending and writing of professional English in the field of Cariology, Endodontology, Periodontology and Oral Medicine.The students will be required pre-reading the text, listening the teachers lecture and complete assigned homework. After each lesson, the students shoul

4、d be able to thoroughly understanding the context, remembering the related professional terms, bring forward questions and answer by their own. based on the text.The teachers desire is to teach not only the professional knowledge, but also the professional English skills as a tool of catching up int

5、ernational modern advances in the field of Cariology, Endodontology, Periodontology and Oral Medicine for the students of the West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University. 二、教学内容(各章节主要内容、学时分配及重点、难点) The course will be delivered in 12 units of lectures, each in 2 hours. Lesson 1. Clinical Fe

6、atures Of Dental CariesTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand the characteristic features of dental cariesRecognize the characteristic features of root surface caries and occlusal caries.Be familiar macroscopic features and Surface features of the clini

7、cal white spot lesionLanguage Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing i

8、n English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind: dental caries n. 龋 white spot lesion 白恶班损害facet-area n. 面,面区 dental floss 牙线brown spot lesion棕褐色的,褐色班损害 remineralization 再矿化interproximal a. 邻面 perikymata n 釉面横纹discoloration n. 变色 fissure caries 沟裂,沟裂龋focus n. 病灶 groove-fossa sys

9、tem 窝沟系统Lesson 2. Stages And Steps In Cavity PreparationTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand the proper stages and steps in cavity preparation. Recognize the initial stage and the final stage of cavity preparationBe familiar with the concept of outlin

10、e form, initial depth, resistance form, retention form, convenience form, final procedures.Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences c

11、hosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind: cavity preparation 制备,洞型制备,预备 outline form 外形,洞缘形 resistance form 抗力形 retention form 固位形 convenience form 便利形 varnishing n. 上洞漆 conditioning 指修复前的一些准备工作 cavosur

12、face angle 洞缘角 air syringe 喷枪、注射机,气枪 cling 附着 microleakage 微漏Lesson 3. Amalgam RestorationsTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand concept of Amalgam Recognize Class 1 and 2 preparations and insertion techniques for dental amalgam. Be familiar with advan

13、tages and disadvantages of dental amalgam Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of compre

14、hending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind: amalgam n. 汞合金 faciolingual a. 面舌的,颊舌的 resin fissure sealant树脂窝沟封闭剂 marginal ridge a. 边缘嵴 mesiodistally adv. 近远中向地 etchant n. 刻蚀剂 slot restoration 开槽性修复 round bur 钻针,球钻 handpiece n. 牙科用手机Lesson 4 . Initial End

15、odontic Treatment ProblemsTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand symptoms, clinical signs, prognosis and treatment of reversible pulpitis, irreversible pulpitis, acute periapical inflammation.Recognize three categories of endodontic treatment problemsBe

16、 familiar with symptoms, clinical signs, prognosis and treatment of chronic periapical inflammation.Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from

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