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1、Unit1 a land of diversity1.illustrate v. 说明, 阐明, 图解, 配图The companys bank statements illustrate its success. 这家公司的银行报表说明了它的成功。 This diagram will illustrate what I mean. 这个图表可说明我的意思She decides to use charts and diagrams to illustrate. 她决定用图表来说明。Let me illustrate. 让我举出这样一个例子来illustrate by facts 用事实说明Il

2、lustrate five of your words. 图解你的五个单词The publisher will illustrate the book . 那个出版商将给这本书配图。illustrated adj. 有插图的illustrative adj. 解说性的,说明性的illustration n. 1.(书、杂志等中的)插图, 图表, 图案 例证, 实例; 说明, 图解, 图示Here is another illustration: 这是另外一个例子。Acting or serving as an illustration. 作为解释说明的Take an airline as an

3、 illustration. 以航空公司为例子.2.distinct adj. 截然不同的; 清晰的,明显的Those two ideas are quite distinct.这两个主意完全不同。 Gold is distinct from iron.金在性质上不同于铁。 There is a distinct improvement in your spoken English. 你的英语口语有明显的进步。 His pronunciation is quite distinct.他的发音非常清楚。 It is distinct that smoking is harmful to heal

4、th. 很明显, 抽烟对健康有害。a distinct image 清晰的图像distinct improvement 明显的改进distinction n. 明显差别,特征; 卓越,优秀; 荣誉,奖赏I cant see any distinction between these two cases. 我看不出这两个案例有什么不同。He is a writer of real distinction.他是一位真正才智超群的作家。He has gained a distinction in various fields of scholarly studies.他在多种科学的学术研究中享有盛名

5、。the main distinction 主要区别a nice distinction 细微的差别A diplomat of distinction. 一位卓越的外交官an essential distinction 本质差别3.majority n. 大多数 半数以上; 超过的票数;法定年龄 成年The majority of his books are kept upstairs.他的大部分书收藏在楼上。The majority of the damage is easy to repair.这次的大部分损害容易补救。The draft resolution was adopted by

6、 a majority of 128.这项提案以超过128票的多数获得通过。She has reached her majority.她已达到法定年龄。She has reached her majority.她已达到法定年龄。a slender narrow majority 微弱的多数an overwhelming majority 绝大多数*be in the majority属多数;占多数Publishing houses where women are in the majority. 妇女占多数的出版社。major adj. 较大的 主要的 严重的 n. 少校 专业 主修科目 vi

7、. 美主修 专攻There are major and minor principles in everything, and the minor principles are all subordinate to the major. 事情有大道理, 有小道理, 一切小道理都归大道理管着。They suffered some major setbacks during the fighting. 在这次战斗中, 他们遭到了严重挫折。The car needs major repairs.这辆汽车需要大修。The major ordered his men to fall in at once

8、. 少校命令他的士兵立即集合。Mathematics is my major. 我的专业是数学Are you majoring in English Literature? 你是在专修英国文学吗?4.ministry n. (政府的)部; 牧师职位;神职任期 (US=department) The Ministry has resigned. 内阁辞职了。 Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部 the Ministry of National Defence 国防部 The ministry of p

9、reaching. 布道的神职 He is training for the ministry. 他正在接受培训,准备做牧师。 牧师: blackcoat churchman minister pastor priestminister n. 部长,大臣; 外交使节; 某些新教教会的牧师 (US=secretary)the prime minister 首相;(内阁)总理Minister of Defence 国防大臣the Minister of F-Affairs (=F-Minister) 外交部长5.adventure n. 冒险活动; 冒险经历; 奇遇All the children

10、 listened to his adventures with eager attention.孩子们注意力十分集中地听他讲他的冒险经历。The trip to Afghanistan was an adventure for Helen.到阿富汗旅行对海伦来说是一次冒险的经历。Stories of adventure thrilled him . 探险小说使他神情激动。He is full of adventure. 他富有冒险精神。Adventure travel is becoming very popular. 探险旅游正在盛行起来。v. 冒险No man would adventu

11、re it.没有人敢冒险做这种事。Those explorers gallantly adventured on unknown seas.那些探险家们大胆地在陌生的海域探险。6.make a live Most people are so busy making a living that they forget to make a life. 大多数人忙于求生,而忘了真正的生活!7.percentage n. 百分率, 比率Television attracts a large percentage of the people. 电视吸引了大部分观众。 What is the percen

12、tage of nitrogen in air? 空气中所含的氮的比例是多少?What percentage of children were absent? 缺席的学童占百分之几?The figure is expressed as a percentage 那数字是以百分比表示的.a percentage of 5 百分之五the percentage of greenery coverage 城市绿化覆盖率percent 百分比,百分数;百分之一be hundred-percent sure 有十分把握Genius in one percent inspiration and ninet

13、y-nine percent perspiration. 天才是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的努力.Fifteen percent discount to you. 给您打八五折。cut down by ten percent 减少百分之十a 97 percent cure rate 治愈率达97%8.boom n. v.激增,猛涨; 兴隆,迅速发展,繁荣昌盛发出隆隆声,轰鸣,轰响Business is booming.生意日趋繁荣。He is booming as a teacher.作为一位教师, 他日趋成功。The guns boomed.大炮隆隆作响。The boom has cre

14、ated job opportunities.经济繁荣创造了就业的机会。The new aircraft creates a sonic boom.那种新飞机会产生声震。9. 柬埔寨Cambodia;泰国Thailand越南Viet Nam老挝Laos 缅甸Burma (东南亚)10. 巴基斯坦Pakistan(南亚) 巴勒斯坦Palestine(西亚)11.Korea(高丽)是南北朝鲜的统称。1948年南北分开成立政府以后,各持有正式名称:朝鲜:(DPRK)the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea(north Korea)韩国:(ROK)(South

15、Korea)the Republic of Korea(south Korea)12.racial adj. 人种的, 种族的 They have long been involved in a campaign for racial equality.长期以来他们一直致力于争取种族平等的运动。 They have the same racial type. 他们有相同的种族类型。 We should have racial pride.我们应该有种族优越感。 He spoke out against racial discrimination.他声言反对种族歧视。racial differences; racial discrimination/prejudices. 种族差异;种族歧视。racial equality 种族平等racial conflict 种族冲突race 1.人种, 种

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