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1、人教版高一英语Book 2 Unit 1一、单词拼写1. Have you seen the latest _ (设计)of the bridge over the Changjiang River?2. Lucy has a good sense of beauty, and always _ (装饰)her badroom in a comfortable manner.3. On her maiden voyage, Titanic knocked against a huge iceberg and _ (下沉)under the sea before the rescue ship

2、arrived.4. While _ (移动)these valuable vases, you must be very careful, because they are very easy to break.5. How was it that the two boys discovered the _ (入口)to the cave of the ancient paintings in the 1980s.6. A team of rescuers were sent to that area to search for those who might s_ the flood.7.

3、 There was a lot of e_ that could prove that the young man had stolen many things in the past five months.8. When the bomb hidden under the seat in the bus e_, many passengers were killed or hurt.9. Five excellent students were s_ to take part in the Spoken English Competion for our school.10. My si

4、ster likes to wear f_ clothes so you can recognise her in the crowd easily.答案:1. design 2. decorates 3. sank 4. removing 5. entrance 6. survive 7. evidence 8. exploded 9. selected 10. fancy二、单词拼写1. I am pleased with the postcards s_ by her.2. It was one of the most serious accidents this year. Very

5、few passengers s_.3. No one knows how much this picture is w_.4. If you want to book a room in a hotel, you should first go to the r_ desk.5. He proved himself innocence(无罪) by providing a lot of e_.6. Suppose you dont use the mobile phone for a long time, you should r_ the batteries from it.7. The

6、room looks empty because theres no _(家具)in it.8. Although he ate a lot, he still _(保持)skinny.9. The necklace made of _(珠宝)was made in Japan.10. Some animals are hunted illegally, so they became _ (稀有的).答案:1. selected 2. survived 3. worth 4. reception 5. evidence 6. remove 7. furniture 8. remained 9.

7、 jewels 10. rare三、单词拼写1. Her parents died in the Wenchuan earthquake, but she s_.2. In order to celebrate the New Years Day, they d_ the room with flowers and balloons.3. There is no d_ that he will get the first prize.4. The old man told us an _ (令人惊奇的)story.5. He bought me a v_ diamond ring as a b

8、irthday present.6. The judge cares only about whether the eyewitness has given useful information, which is called e_.7. The bomb was timed to _ (爆炸)during the rush-hour.8. Who can p_ that China has more people than any other country in the world?9. Ill meet you at the _ (入口)of the zoo tommorrow.10.

9、 Wood doesnt s_ in water, it floats.答案:1. survived 2. decorated 3. doubt 4. amazing 5. valuable 6. evidence 7. explode 8. prove 9. entrance 10.sink四、单词拼写1. There was not enough e_ to prove that he stole the wallet.2. Of the six people in the plane that crashed, only one s_.3. The girl p_ to be readi

10、ng a book when her mother came into the room.4. There is a lot of _ (家具)for us to choose from in the shop.5. To their great surprise, they found plenty of buried _ (财宝)in the tomb.6. The robber who killed a shop owner will be on t_next week.7. Can you show me any _ (证据) ?8. He p_ to be reading an im

11、portant paper.9. In this old _ (城堡)you can see guns from the 17th century.10. The t_ dug out of the earth was a box of gold coins.答案:1. evidence 2. survived 3. pretended 4. furniture 5. treasure 6. trial 7. evidence 8. pretended 9. castle 10. treasure五、单词拼写1. Only a few yellow leaves r_ on the tree.

12、2. This is a r_ coin, so its very valuable.3. Few buildings _ (幸存)the fire.4. Professors of this university are _ (提供) with assistants.5. Ill wait for you at _ (接待处).6. He is receiving an operation to r_ the tumour.(肿瘤)7. The Great Wall of China is publicly recognised as one of the w_ of the world.8

13、. The couple bought an apartment in town, and they still needed several pieces of _(家具)9. When and where the last emperor died remained a _ (谜)to the world.10. The new year here if often c_ with a dance party.答案:1. remained 2.rare 3. survived 4. provided 5. reception 6. remove 7. wonders 8. furnitur

14、e 9. mystery 10. celebrated六、单词拼写1. The murderder (凶手)who killed the shop owner will be on t_ next week.2. He p_ to be reading an important paper when the boss entered.3. Please m_ the words with their right meanings.4. Is there any e_ for believing the world is round?5. In this old c_ you can see cannons from the 17th century.6. His _ (财宝) is well known to us all.7. His _ (看法,意见)gave us some good aspect.(方面)8. My computer doesnt work well and Ill have it taken _ (分离,分别地).9. We _ (认为)him to be a good stude

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