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1、29. go on doing sth. 继续干某事30. go shopping 购物31. be good at 在某方面擅长32. hand in / out 交上 呈送/分发,施舍33. have a good time 旅途愉快34. have breakfast / supper 吃早餐/午餐35. have sports 做运动36. hear from 收到某人来信37. here and there 到处38. hold a meeting 举行会议39. hold on 坚持 抓住 ,不挂电话,等一下40. hurry up 匆忙 赶快41. keep on doing s

2、th. 继续做某事,保持。状态42. all kinds of 各种各样43. a kind of 一种44. laugh at 嘲笑45. listen to sb. 听某人说46. no longer 不再47. look after / at / for/ up 照顾 看,注视 寻找 查询,查找48. make a mistake 犯错误49. make noise 发出。声音 噪音 noise不可数50. in the middle of 在中间51. neithernor 既不 也不52. from now on 从现在开始53. a number of 大量的55. once up

3、on a time 很久以前56. put on / sth down / up 穿上 放下 搭起 张贴57. get / be ready to do 准备做某事 前者强调行为,后者强调状态58. take / have a rest 休息59. ring up 打电话60. send for 派人去请,召唤61. by the side of 在什么旁边62. go to sleep 睡觉,入睡63. stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人干某事64. take a walk 散步65. take away 带走66. take out 注意小心 拿出来67. take

4、 down / off 关小 关掉68. take a train / bus 乘火车 乘公汽69. think about 思考有关。问题70. all the time 一直71. on / in time 按时 及时72. tooto 太。而不。73. try on 试穿74. turn off 关掉75. wake up 醒来76. by the way 顺便77. on the / ones way to 在、路上78. write down 写下来79. take a message for sb. 为某人带个口信80. What a pity!很可惜81. of course 当

5、然82. turn left 向左转83. feel well 感觉好84. be neck and neck 肩并肩 并驾齐驱,不分上下85. fall behind 落后86. take turns 轮流按顺序87. hands up 举起手 , 投降88. as usual 像平常一样89. prefer a. to b. A与B相比较起来更喜欢A90. Youd better not do sth. 你最好不要做某事91. Help oneself to sth. 用餐自便92. change ones mind 改变主意94. take ones time 花费某人时间95. kno

6、ck into sb. 撞上某人96 becovered with 被覆盖97. with ones help 在某人帮助下98. wear out 使疲倦 99 sell out 脱销 卖完100 in surprise 惊奇地 the foot of 在(山)脚下103. meet for the first time 第一次见面104. at the beginning of 在开始的时候105. nice to meet you 很高兴见到你107. in ones opinion 在某人看来 108. summer vacation 暑假109. a general id

7、ea 大意 大概 主要观点110. find out 发现111. right now 马上 立即112 from dawn until dark 从早到晚114. by the lights of 借助115 as a result 结果116. pump water 抽水117. on an open fire 篝火118. give ones regards to sb. 把某人的祝福带给。119. its nice of you. 你太好了,太善良了,120. send ones best wishes to 送上某人的祝福121. follow ones instructions 根

8、据某人的说明 按照某人的做法122. by the side of 在旁边123. at the end of 在最后 尽头124. a little man with glasses 一个戴眼睛的矮男人125. have a way of doing sth 有方法做某事126. dip sth into sth. 把某东西蘸到某东西里去,翻阅浏览127. hold up 举起 承载128. instead of 坚持129. make a face 做鬼脸130. have difficulty in doing sth 做某事有困难131. have difficulty with st

9、h. 在某方面有困难132. know about 知道有关于。133. more or less 或多或少134. stay the same 保持原样135. way of life 生活方式136. bring in 带进来,赚取137. I guess 我猜测我预料138. go off to Guangzhou 飞往广州139. see sb off 给某人送行140. take a taxi 打出租车145. a friend of mine 我的一个朋友146. by air /sea 乘飞机/乘船147. say Hi to A. from B. 替B向A问好 148. hav

10、e a good trip 旅途愉快149. tie the boat to a tree 把船系到树上150. by the river bank 靠着河岸151. all night long 整个晚上152. be about to do sth 即将做某事.153. nothing except / but 除了。都没有154. at a high price 高价155. stay long 呆了很长时间156. cover a with b 用B盖住A157. so that 如此/已至于158. in rows 一排一排地160. in order to 为了161. make

11、sure 确信162. knock sb down 把某人撞倒163. obey the rules 遵守规则164. break the rules 打破/违反规则165. in the past 在过去166. wash away 冲走167. take a look at 看一眼168. take a picnic 野炊169. a great many 大量170. agree on 赞同 达成一致171. supply sb with sth 供应某人某物172. all over the country 整个国家173. at the crossing 在十字路口174. plen

12、ty of 大量175. as soon as possible 尽可能176. set up 发射 建立177. spend .in doing / on sth. 花时间经历,花钱干谋事178. as follows 如下179. fall off / down 跌倒,滑落180. for quite a while 一会儿181. a great part of 大部分,大量的182. on the morning of 在早晨183. the number of 的数量184. cut off 切断185. at 5.3 centimetres a year 以一年5.3厘米的速度18

13、6. as a result of 由于187. It is said that 据说188. do ones best to do sth. 尽某人最大的努力189. change a. for b. 把A换成B190. a waste of money 浪费钱191. make a decision 做决定192. go up 上升193. bring down 降低194. get sb to do sth. 迫使/使某人做某事195. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事196. keep a record of 保持一个记录197. thanks to 多亏了198

14、. at one time 一度 曾经199. make plans for 为做一个计划200. at home and abroad 在国内外201. take up 占据,占去202. every four years 每四年203. take part in /join in / compete in 参加、加入204. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事205. hear of 听说206. on / over / through the radio 打开收音机207. be well thought of 深思熟虑208. make fun of sb. 取笑某人209

15、. not justbut 不仅.而且210. The more, the better. 越多越好211. Thats easy said than done. 说起来容易做起来难213. go with 和.一起214. give advice to sb. 给某人建议215. from month to month 日积月累216. write to sb. 给某人写信217. tens of thousands of 成千上万218. be well received 深受欢迎219. be of great help 有很大帮助220. write to/ about/write f

16、or 写信给/写关于/为写作221. fight against/ fight for 为反对.而战;为争取.而战222. She did all (that )she could (do) to help him 她做她能做的一切去帮助他223. She did what she could do to help him. 她做她能做的去帮助他224. no more than 至多/和.一样不225. in ones spare time 在某人的业余时间226. break out/ break into , 突然爆发/非法闯入、强行进入227. break down 损坏/(健康等)垮

17、掉,崩溃228. early the next morning 第二天一早229. be sad at sth. 对感到悲伤230. consider sb to be. 把某人看做是231. be beaten to death 被打死232. measure a. with b. 用b测量a233. get along well with 与某人相处的很好234. ask sb. for sth. 询问某人某事235. tell lies 撒谎236. advise sb to do sth. 建议某人做某事237. have a good rest 好好休息238. take the m

18、edicine 吃药239. get a cough / headache 头疼240. I suggest sb do sth. 我建议某人做241. and so on 等等242. be measured in calories 用卡度量243. burn up 烧光/烧毁244. be rich / low /high in 在方面富裕/底/高245. in the form of 以.形式246. scores of 许多247. put on /lose weight 发胖/减肥248. look out 注意,留神249. be on fire / catch fire 着火25

19、0. in that case 以防万一251. turn the gas off 关掉燃气252. sound the fire alarm 拉响火警报警器253. be trapped in 陷入困境254. belong to 属于255. in the ceiling of 在.的顶部256. get close to 靠近.紧贴.挨着257. at present 目前258. long ago 259. the number of sth. 某事物的数目260. It is hoped that 希望.261. be invited to 被邀请.262. call on sb.

20、拜访某人263. sth look nice on sb. 某物在某人身上看起来很好看264. pay back 归还265. be worth 值得266. at the most 大多数的时候267. pick up 捡(拾)起/搭车268. to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是269. offer sth to sb. 为某人提供某物270. think of / think about .想起,记得/想出,提出271. be cross with 生气,发脾气272. look down upon sb. 看不起某人273. in the beginning 起初。开始27

21、4. come out 出现,显露/出版,发表/结果是275. again and again 在一次,反复276. a paper-making factory 造纸厂277. catch /have a cold 278. come across sb. 偶然碰见某人279. cut up 切开280. praise sb. for sth. 因某事而奖励某人281. in ones fifties 在某人50岁282. give advice on sth. 就某事给出建议283. receive a doctors degree 取得博士学位284. be supported by s

22、b. 受到某人的支持285. close friends 亲密的朋友286. translate a. into b. 把A翻译成B287. make progress 取得进步288. before long /long before 不久/很久以前289. stand for 象征,代表290. be made up of 由.组成300. be famous for 因.而出名301. be devided into 被分成302. be full of / be filled with 充满303. live on potatoes 以马铃薯为生304. keep in touch w

23、ith sb. 与某人保持联系305. go to church 去教堂306. play an important part in 在方面起重要作用307. feel like doing sth. 喜欢做某事308. on the edge of sth. 在的边缘309. all through the year 全年310. rise by 63 metres 上升63米311. be in danger 处于危险之中312. stone by stone 一步一个脚印313. work on sth. 从事314. be marked with 用做标记315. at breakfa

24、st 吃早餐317. make a good effort 好好努力318. date from 起源于319. be busy with 忙于320. knock out of 打昏、击倒321. point out 指出322. turn over 翻身323. go against 反对324. year after/by year 年复一年、逐年325. agree to do sth. 326. now and then 时不时的327. give a talk 作报告、演讲328. send out 分发、发送(信函、货物等)329. get through 干完工作、完成任务;通

25、过(考试)330. ring sb back 给某人回电话331. May I have your attention? 请注意一下好吗?332. receive an invitation (客观上)收到邀请333. accept the invitation (主观上)收到邀请334. be out of breath 上气不接下气335. turn down 调低,调小336. ring off 挂断电话337. for free 免费338. become interested in 对.感兴趣339. form a pop group 组成一个流行小组340. manage to d

26、o sth. 设法做某事341. persuade sb. to do sth. 劝说某人做某事342. go straight ahead 一直往前走343. at the entrance to 在的入口处343. on the other side 在另一边344. in the hope of 怀着的希望345. take along 随身携带346. lose heart 灰心347. in this way 用这种方法348. be pleased with 对感到满意/高兴349. in the 1920s 在20世纪30年代350. as far as the coast 远至海岸线351. bring on sth. 引起,助长,促进某事352. Do yo

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