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1、家庭作业的7大秘密- 3第二部分:养成良好的学习习惯- 5第三部分:合理安排家庭作业 - 8第四部分:如何激励孩子学习 - 13第五部分:语言学习策略- 15第六部分:EF教师对学习英语的建议- 23第七部分:补充学习用资源- 27SECTION ONE第一部分The Seven Hidden Values of Homework家庭作业的7大秘密Homework affects achievement in schoolResearch tells us that time spent doing homework directly affects a childs achievement.

2、 Students who consistently do homework perform better academically than those who do not do homework. By doing homework, students can improve academic achievement in all subjects. This occurs across all grade levels for both high and low achievers.Parents can maximize the benefit of homework for you

3、r child when you understand the purpose of it and the values it engenders.家庭作业有助学习成绩研究表明花在家庭作业上的时间直接影响一个孩子的学习成绩。那些一直完成家庭作业的孩子比那些不做家庭作业的孩子在学习上取得的成绩更好。学生们通过完成家庭作业可以在所有的科目上取得进步。这种现象在各年级中都有出现,无论学生的学习能力强还是弱。家长理解家庭作业的目的和其价值后可以最大限度的帮助孩子从中获益。1. Responsibility: Homework is the childs responsibility. When par

4、ents get too involved they deny the child the opportunity to take responsibility. The homework task may get done but the real lessons do not get learned.2. Independence: Because this is the first time that someone other than a parent assigns frequent tasks to the child, homework breaks new ground. H

5、ow this golden opportunity is handled will enhance or detract from the childs progress toward self-direction.3. Perseverance: There is no point to a child doing homework, if every time the gets frustrated, parents step right in and take over. It is alright to let the child struggle a little with a p

6、roblem or task.4. Time management: Children need to be told when to finish homework, not when to start it. That way, instead of learning to waste time, the child learns to manage it efficiently.5. Initiative: Like a muscle, the ability to be a self-starter strengthens with exercise. For this reason,

7、 it is essential that the child decides when it is time to begin each homework assignment.6. Self-reliance: Homework can affirm a childs feeling of I CAN DO IT! If homework is mismanaged, it destroys that feeling. Unfortunately, there is no in-between.7. Resourcefulness: The ability to be inventive

8、in the face of problems is the very essence of being human. Homework encourages students to use lateral thinking, problem solving and other coping mechanisms, equipping them to meet the demands of the adult world.1. 责任感:家庭作业是孩子的责任。如果家长替孩子完成作业,那么家长就剥夺了孩子承担责任的机会,同时这样做也仅仅是完成作业本身而已,真正的知识孩子没有学到。2. 独立性:对于

9、孩子来说,这可能是第一次家长以外的人给他们布置作业,家庭作业可能是非常新奇的事情。如何引导孩子认识家庭作业可以给他们以后的进步带来帮助也可以让他们向错误的方向发展。3. 坚持力:如果每次孩子遇到困难家长就帮孩子解决掉,那么家庭作业就没有任何意义了。让孩子自己尽力去解决问题会比较合适。4. 管理时间:我们应该告诉孩子何时完成作业,而不是何时开始做作业。这样,孩子就会学会如何有效使用时间而不是学会浪费时间。5. 自发性:自发性就像肌肉一样,越锻炼就越强。所以,培养孩子能够自己决定应该什么时候开始做作业的能力是非常关键的。6. 自信度:家庭作业能够强化孩子“我能做到!”这种感觉。如果家庭作业安排不合

10、理,那么也可以伤害孩子的这种自信。基本上没有介于这两者之间的情况。7. 适应力:对于人类而言,碰到困难的时候是否具有能力找到新的解决方法是非常重要的。家庭作业可以培养孩子突破思维定势的思考能力,问题的解决能力和其他适应性能力,这些可以帮助他们以后更好的适应成年人的世界。SECTION TWO第二部分Building good study habits养成良好的学习习惯Getting startedDevelop a homework system. Find a time, place and plan that becomes as routine as soon as possible.

11、Make study a part of this daily routine: teach your child to pace their study, rather than cramming at the last minute. Study daily in short segments.As you read the homework tips below, keep in mind that patience and step-by-step management are vital to developing organizational skills in your chil

12、d. Remember: To threaten children can destabilize them To overwhelm them can immobilize them Yet, to rescue them can undermine their self-confidence in their ability to take charge of their lives.The most promising approach is to MODEL and COACH. MODEL by demonstrating the behavior and approach you

13、want to encourage. COACH by slowly and gradually building upon their progress and appreciating every step they take toward independence.如何起步你可以制定一个家庭作业系统。规划出时间,地点和安排,让这些尽快成为孩子的日常活动。把学习放到这个日常活动中去,你可以教孩子如何合理安排学习,而不是让他们急急忙忙的赶作业。最好每天都花一点时间学习。在你阅读下面的家庭作业小窍门的时候,请记住耐心和逐步渐进对于培养孩子的管理能力是非常关键的。请记住: 孩子需要安全的稳定感,

14、威胁孩子是不必要的 对孩子过高的要求会让孩子变得迟钝 总是不让孩子面对困难会降低他们对于独立生活的自信心最推荐的方法是榜样和引导。榜样的意思是你希望孩子怎么做你就应该做出这个榜样来给孩子看。引导的意思是在孩子成长的每一步中我们都慢慢的逐步的指引他们,并赞赏他们在通往独立的道路上所取得的每个成就。Give your child choicesSome children are comfortable alone or in their bedroom while others will choose the kitchen table. Give your child the choice of

15、 where to study, but set some guidelines. Your child should: Study in the same place every day Do work on a hard surface Choose a place that is quiet, without a lot of distractions or traffic (As a parent, ask yourselfcan you concentrate there? Is the noise level right for you?) Turn off the TV, com

16、puter games, music, mobile Make sure that the area is well lit Have supplies at their fingertips让孩子做选择有些孩子愿意自己一个人或者待在自己的房间里,而有些孩子喜欢比较公开的地方例如餐桌。让你的孩子选择在什么什么地方学习,但是要做出一些规定。你的孩子应该: 每天在同一个地方学习 学习的地方应该有硬台面 选择安静没有太多干扰的地方(作为家长,我们可以问问自己,我能在这里集中注意力吗?这里是否太嘈? 关掉电视,电脑游戏,音乐和手机 确保学习的地方照明良好 确保手边有需要的学习用品Create and

17、organize a study space conducive for learningHave your child organize their workspace or do it with him/her. Consider what supplies the child might need (dictionary, pens, books, a notebook, etc). There should be a storage area to keep supplies and work. Store each and every thing in its place and r

18、eturn things to their place after use. You may even consider labeling in English where supplies belong. Also consider how the child will organize paper work. Usually the teacher will determine whether a notebook or folder will be used. (Tip: Dont throw away old tests, homework or papers. File them s

19、o you have the information for later reference and to study for tests.)创造一个有学习气氛的学习空间让你的孩子整理出一个良好的学习空间或者你和他们一起整理。想想他们可能需要什么学习用品,可能他们需要字典,笔,书,笔记本等等。最好有个储存空间,这样可以把所有的学习用品都分门别类放好,并且要求孩子在使用后把学习用品放回原处。你还可以考虑给不同的学习用品放置区贴上英文的标签,还可以考虑如何放置书面作业。通常教师都会决定是否使用笔记本或文件夹。小窍门:不要扔掉过去的试卷,家庭作业和文档。你可以把它们归档留作后用。SECTION TH

20、REE第三部分Managing homework合理安排家庭作业 Help your child organize timeHomework for the school-aged child is an opportunity to learn the valuable organizational skills for strong study habits. Children need to learn to effectively manage their time- both their free time and their homework time- for school an

21、d life success. Here are a few ideas to get them started.帮助你孩子安排时间对于已满学龄的孩子来说,做家庭作业是他们学习管理能力的一种很好的方式,这可以帮助他们养成良好的学习习惯。孩子们需要学会如何有效分配利用他们的空闲时间和家庭作业时间,这样他们才能学得开心玩得开心。下面有一些相关建议。PrioritizeA good way to manage time is to make a prioritized to-do list so that the most important tasks are completed first an

22、d the less important ones are completed last. Practice this with your child. List the activities your child must do. Start with the time school finishes and record what your child must do from then until bedtime. On a daily basis, have your child prioritize their homework assignments onto a to-do li

23、st. (TIP: Do the most difficult tasks first.)学会分清主次一个管理时间的好方法就是按照事情的重要程度列出一个单子。最重要的事情最先完成,最不重要的最后完成。你可以和孩子一起练习列这种单子。列出从放学后到睡觉前所有你孩子必须作的事情。每天都要你的孩子按照重要性的不同把家庭作业列入必做事情单子。先做最困难的事情。Use a calendarUse a calendar to keep track of dates and deadlines. Teach your child to record information in advance so the

24、y can plan for upcoming assignments and events. For a great activity, have you child design their own calendar.使用日历使用日历可以记录跟踪每次要做的事情的时间和最后期限。教你的孩子如何提前纪录下要做的事情,这样他们就能够提前安排作准备了。你还可以要你孩子自己设计他们自己的日历。Make a personalized calendarDirections:1. Find a blank calendar or create a template yourself.2. Write th

25、e name of the month on the top of the 12 blank calendar pages. Put them in order in a folder or on a bulletin board/wall.3. Go through each month and write the names of important events- tests, assignment dates, vacation dates, sports schedules, birthdays, party dates, etc.4. Glue to a piece of cons

26、truction paper and creatively decorate the background for each calendar to give it a personal touch.5. Punch holes at the side, if using a folder. If hanging, put holes at the top and string together with two loops of string. Then hang with paper clips.6. Each month, add important dates to your cale

27、ndar.(TIP: Try color-coding events for a quick at-a-glance reference. For example: write homework in red, tests in blue, vacation dates in green and so on).如何制作个性化的日历制作步骤:1. 找到一个空白的日历或者你自己设计制作一个.2. 在12张空白日历纸的上方写下每个月的名称。按照顺序排列好后放入一个文件夹或挂起来。3. 在每个月中标明重要事项的日期,例如,考试日,作业上交日,假日,体育锻炼安排,生日,聚会日等等。4. 用胶水把日历贴到一张彩色硬质纸上,并装饰其背景,使之更富有个性。5. 如果使用文件夹,在日历边上打好洞。如果要悬挂起来,在日历上方打好洞,用两根绳子穿起来,然后可以使用夹子把日历挂起来。6. 每个月都把重要的日子添加到日历中。Make a weekly study planTransfer important events from your monthly calendar to your weekly plan. Put all assignments and due dates i

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