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1、B. Its as if the brain is preserving its most important memories.C. Thats why students do better in tests if they get a chance to sleep after learning.D. Similarly, when people go for a few days without sleeping, they get sick.E. The processes take place to stop our brains becoming loaded with memor

2、ies.F. Tononis team measured the size of these connections, or synapses, in the brains of 12 mice.G. “Sleep is the price we pay for learning,” says Giulio Tononi, who developed the idea.【答案】 D;C;G;F;B 【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了睡觉对神经元的影响。 (1)根据上一句的When lab rats are not allowed to sleep, they die within a

3、month.(实验室的小老鼠若不让它睡觉,它不到一个月就死了)可知,D项“同样,人若几天不睡觉就会生病。”符合语境,故选D。 (2)结合上文提到睡眠帮助我们加强记忆,而C项中说“这就是为什么学生在学习之后有机会睡一觉的话,考试的成绩会更好。”是对上一句的进一步说明举例,C项最切题,故选C。 (3)结合上文,上文Support is growing for a theory提及的是一个理论,选项G中的“Giulio Tononi, who developed the idea.(朱莉奥是提出这个理论的人)”正好呼应,故选G。 (4)根据下文可知,老鼠在睡眠结束时,突触会变小18%,表明睡眠时神经

4、元会变弱,F项“托诺尼的团队测量了12只老鼠的大脑”与下文最呼应,故选F。 (5)根据上文讲述神经元虽然会变弱,但有些神经元会保持不变,再结合下文说,你记住了最重要的事,由此可知,B项“大脑似乎会保护最重要的记忆”与上下文的衔接最好,故选B。 【点评】阅读理解七选五解题步骤 1)分析选项,串联主题:了解文章的主题、大意,会让解题的方向更明确。 2)研究空格前后,对比选项,选择答案。 3)复读短文,核对答案:为了保证答案的正确性,一定要把答案代入原文,进行核对检查。2请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 If there is one word to d

5、escribe the progress made in the last 100 years, its connectedness. From the telephone to the radio to the TV to the Internet, we have found ways to bring us all closer together, enabling,constant worldly access. I dont think I need to highlight the benefits of all this. But the downsides are also b

6、eginning to show. Beyond the current talk about privacy and data collection, there is perhaps an even more detrimental side-effect here: We now live in a world where were connected to everything except ourselves. According to Pascal, we fear the silence of existence, and we dread boredom and instead

7、 choose aimless distraction and use the noise of the world to block out the discomfort of dealing with ourselves. However, we ignore the fact that never facing ourselves is why we feel lonely an anxious in spite of being so intimately connected to everything else around us. Fortunately, there is a s

8、olution. The only way to avoid being ruined by this is to face it. Its to let the boredom take you where it wants so you can deal with whatever it is that is really going on with your sense of self. Thats when youll hear yourself think, and learn to engage the parts of you that are masked by distrac

9、tion. The beauty of this is that, once you cross that initial barrier, you realize that being alone isnt so bad. Boredom can provide its own stimulation. When you surround yourself with moments of solitude and stillness, you become intimately familiar with your environment in a way that forced stimu

10、lation doesnt allow. The world becomes richer, the layers start to peel back, and you see things for what they really are, in all their wholeness, in all their contradictions, and in all their unfamiliarity. You learn that there are things you are capable of paying attention to than just what makes

11、the most noise on the surface. Just because a quiet room doesnt scream with excitement like the idea of immersing yourself in a movie or a TV show doesnt mean there isnt depth to explore there. Sometimes, the direction that this solitude leads you in can be unpleasant, especially when it comes to in

12、trospection (内省)your thoughts and your feelings, your doubts and your hopesbut in the long term, its far more pleasant than running away from it all without even realizing what you are. Being alone and connecting inwardly is a skill nobody ever teaches us. Thats ironic because its more important tha

13、n most of the ones they do. Solitude may not be the solution to everything, but it certainly is a start.The Cost of ConnectednessIntroduction_ the development of IT has brought us all closer together than ever before, we _to connect ourselves while connected to everything.The disadvantages of connec

14、tedness We are afraid of a_ state of existence and the boredom it brings.We feel so uncomfortable when dealing with ourselves that we _ from it all and choose to be aimlessly distracted by the noise of the world.We often ignore the fact that never facing ourselves is to _ for our feeling lonely and

15、anxious.The _ to the problemYou can deal with whatever is going on with your sense of self.Youll hear yourself, think, and learn to engage what is masked by distraction.Being alone isnt so bad. _, youll be stimulated by boredom.The world becoming richer and ,the layers starting to peel back, youll h

16、ave _ views about what you see.ll find yourself capable of being attentive to some things and _ in depth beyond noise and scream.ConclusionSolitude is the first step you should take to save yourself from being ruined by _ and anxiety.【答案】 Although/Though/While;fail;silent/quiet;escape/ hide/ shrink/

17、 withdraw;blame;solution(s);Instead/Rather/Actually;comprehensive/thorough/ overall;exploring;loneliness 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,信息技术的发展让我们可以和除了自己以外的一切事物保持联系,也让我们害怕孤独和无聊。事实上,独处不仅能让我们克服这种恐惧,也能让我们认清自己和更全面的看清问题。孤独也许不是解决一切问题的办法,但它确实是一个开始。 (1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的”But the downsides are also beginning to show. Beyond t

18、he current talk about privacy and data collection, there is perhaps an even more detrimental side-effect here:re connected to everything except ourselves.“可知,让人们变得更近的科技最近展示出了缺点,那就是我们生活在一个除了和自己,我们和一切都有联系的世界。故可推出科技的发展和我们和一切都有联系,除了自己之间是转折意义。填Although/Though/While。 (2)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的”We now live in a wor

19、ld where were connected to everything except ourselves“可知我们生活在这样的一个世界,除了自己我们和一切都有联系,即我们没能与自己联系,fail to do sth,固定短语,没能做某事。空格处是主句谓语动词,一般现在时,主语是we,故用动词原形,填fail。 (3)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的”we fear the silence of existence“可知我们害怕独处。此处考查用a_ state of existence替换silence of existence,通过分析可知空格处应填形容词,a silent/quiet sta

20、te of existence=silence of existence(独处)。故填silent/quiet。 (4)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的”we dread boredom and instead choose aimless distraction and use the noise of the world to block out the discomfort of dealing with ourselves.“可知我们害怕无聊,取而代之,我们选择漫无目的的分散注意力,用世界的噪音来阻止我们面对自己时的不舒适感觉。故第4空处可译为We feel so uncomfortabl

21、e when dealing with ourselves that we _ from it all我们在面对自己时感到如此不舒适以至于我们想要躲避/逃离/退缩,此处是句子谓语动词,根据feel判断为一般现在时,主语是we,故用动词原形,填escape/ hide/ shrink/ withdraw。 (5)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的”However, we ignore the fact that never facing ourselves is why we feel lonely an anxious“可知,我们却忽略了事实,那就是从未面对过自己是我们感到孤独和焦虑的原因。neve

22、r facing ourselves is to _ for our feeling lonely and anxious.从未面对过自己应为我们的孤独感和焦虑感负责。此处用be to blame for”对负责“符合文意,由to判断此处用动词原形。故填blame。 (6)考查原词重现。根据此空后面列举的内容可知,它们都是解决孤独的方法,且原文中”Fortunately, there is a solution.“也有提示,根据the判断此处填名词。故填solution(s)。 (7)考查推理判断。根据第五段中的”you realize that being alone isnt so bad

23、. Boredom can provide its own stimulation.“可知你会意识到孤独并没有那么糟糕,无聊会提供它自己的刺激。Being alone isnt so bad. _ , youll be stimulated by boredom.独处并没有那么糟糕,相反/事实上,无聊会刺激你,符合文意,又此处是修饰句子,应用副词,故填 Instead/Rather/Actually。 (8)考查推理判断。根据第六段中的”The world becomes richer, the layers start to peel back, and you see things for

24、 what they really are, in all their wholeness, in all their contradictions, and in all their unfamiliarity.“可知独处时世界变得丰富,层次开始剥落,你看到事物的本质,它们的全部,它们的矛盾处,和它们的陌生处,即你对看到的事物有更全透彻的理解。再结合名词views判断此处应填形容词,故填comprehensive/thorough/ overall。 (9)考查推理判断。根据第七段中的”Just because a quiet room doesnt depth to explore the

25、re.“可知,仅仅因为一个安静的房间不会让你兴奋的尖叫,就像你沉浸在一场精彩的电影或电视节目一样,这并不意味着没有深度去探索,即安静的环境可以让人集中精力去深度探索。故此处用探索符合文意,在结合前面的of判断此处应用动名词形式。故填exploring。 (10)考查推理判断。本文主要讲害怕孤独对我们的危害,以及独处和无聊的好处,再结合”Solitude is the first step you should take to save yourself from being ruined by _ and anxiety.“可知独处是你避免被孤独和焦虑毁掉所采取的第一步,可以总结本文,又根据a

26、nd anxiety可知空格处应填名词。故填loneliness。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,推理判断和原词重现三个题型的考查,是一篇生活类阅读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,从而写出正确答案。3根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 If youre a gamer whos constantly glued to your phone, it could be time to ask for medical help. On June 18, 2018, the World Health Organization(WHO)officially listed “gaming disorder” as a mental health condition. _ “Video gaming is like a non-financial kind of gambling(赌博)from a psychological point of view,” Mark Griffiths, a professor from Nottingham Trent University in the UK, told the As

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