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1、初一英语上册unit3知识点归纳与同步练习Unit 3 This is my sister. Section A【视野聚焦】重点短语1. my two brothers 我的两个兄弟2. his sister 他的姐姐/ 妹妹 3. your friend 你的朋友经典句型1.This is my sister. 这是我的姐姐/ 妹妹。2. That is my brother. 那是我的哥哥 /弟弟。3. Is this your sister? No, it isnt. 这是你的妹妹吗? 不,不是。4. Is that your brother? Yes, it is. 那是你的兄弟吗?是

2、的,他是。5. These are my friends. 那是我的朋友们。6. Those are my two brothers. 那是我的两个兄弟。7. Is Guo Peng your brother? Yes, he is. 郭朋是你的哥哥 / 弟弟吗?是的,他是。【学海拾贝】1. This is my sister. That is my brother. (1)This 和 that 都是指示代词,用来向别人介绍人或事物。 例如:这是一辆国产车, 那是一辆日产车。 This is a Chinese car and thats a Japanese car.特别提示This 是近

3、指,指示距离较近的人或事物。 That 是远指,指示距离较远的人或事物。值得注意的是:that is 有缩写形式 thats。而 this is没有缩写形式。 (2)当我们把一个人介绍给另外的人时,通常用This is和 That is,而不用 He is和 She is。在正式场合介绍别人时,用全名显得更为尊重。 例如:这是我的老师,史密斯太太。 This is my teacher, Mrs Smith. 那位就是郭朋先生。That is Guo Peng.思维拓展从交际习惯来看,一般情况下,老少之间,我们要先把年轻人介绍给年长者:男士女士间,先把男士介绍女士;职位有高低时,先把低位者介绍

4、给尊者;在主宾之间,要先介绍宾客。 爷爷,这是我的朋友,刘海。刘海,这位是我的爷爷。Grandpa, this is my friend, Liu Hai. And Liu Hai, this is my grandpa.2. These are my friends. Those are my brothers. (1)These 和 those分别是 this 和 that 的复数形式。当被介绍的人是两个或两个以上时,就不能再用This is或That is这两个句型了,而是把 this变为these, 把 that变为those, is变为are, 句中的名词要用复数形式。 例如:这是我

5、的朋友。This is my friend. 这些是我的朋友们。These are my friends.那是我的妈妈。That is my mother.那是我的父母。Those are my parents. (2)主语是these或 those的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的答语,通常用they来代替问句中的these或those。在一般疑问句的回答中,they 和 are不能缩写。 例如:这些是你的书吗?是的,是我的。 Are these your books? Yes, they are.那些是他的学生吗? 不,不是。 Are those his students? No, they ar

6、ent. (3)brothers 是brother 的复数形式。brother “兄弟”,是个名词。其他名词如:父母parent, 卡片card, 牛奶milk等等。思维拓展名词有“可数名词”和“不可数名词”之分。“可数名词”指可以一个一个去数的名词,如:父母parent,卡片card等。而“不可数名词”则不可以一个一个去数,需要借助量词来表达,如:牛奶milk,我们只能说“一杯牛奶a cup of milk, 一袋牛奶 a bag of milk”,而不能说a milk, two milks。 可数名词有复数形式,其复数形式的构成规则是:1. 一般名词直接在后面加s: brother-bro

7、thers。2. 以s、x、sh、ch、结尾的单词,在后面加es: box-boxes, class-classes。3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的单词,将y变为i再加es: family-families, baby-babies。4. 以字母o结尾的名词一般在后面加s, 有少数在其后面加es: photo-photos, radio-radios tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes, 5. 不规则变化的名词复数形式需要单独去记。 child-children, man-men, Chinese-Chinese 3. Is that your brother? Ye

8、s, it is.It常用来指代上文提到的单数的人或事物,可翻译为“这(个)”、“那(个)”或“它”。回答this和that 为主语的疑问句时,一般用it代替this和that。例如:这是一本英语书吗? 是的。Is this an English book? Yes, it is. 思维拓展我们大家都知道,it 一般用来指事物,但在某些情况下也可以指代人。用来指心中判断或推测的人。 -那是谁? Whos that? -我想是我们的新老师,史密斯先生。 I think its our new teacher, Mr Smith. 在没有弄清是谁或不知其性别或还没有说出是谁的时候,常用it来指代人

9、。 -是谁在那里? Whos there? -是我啊,汤姆。Its me, Tom.有时可以指婴儿,尤其是性别不详时。 看这张照片。这是你的妹妹吗? Look at this photo. Is it you sister?【牛刀小试】单项选择( )1.-Are these English books? - . A. Yes, these are. B. Yes, they arent C. No, they arent D. No, these are not.( )2. Mom, is my friend, Sam. A. He B. she C. it D. this( )3. -Who

10、s that? - my teacher, Mr Li. A. Theyre B. Shes C. Its D. This is( )4. These are my . A. a friend B. friend C. English books D. an English book( )5. -Is he your grandfather? - . A. No, it isnt B. Yes, it is C. Yes, hes D. Yes, he is( )6. They are four . A. boys B. boyies C. boyes D. boy( )7. Is that

11、aunt? A. she B. shes C. her D. hers ( )8. Whats name? Is in Class Two? A. he; his B. her; her C. his ; he D. she ; her句型转换1.Is this your brother? (作肯定回答) , .2. This is my backpack.(改为复数形式) .3. They are English books. (改为单数形式) English .4. That is my grandfather. (改为一般疑问句) your grandfather?5. My siste

12、rs name is Lily. (对划线部分提问) your sisters name?6. his, is , this , brother (连词组句) ? 7. His backpack is black and white. (对划线部分提问) his backpack?8. These are his two brothers. (改为否定句) These two brothers. 用所给词的正确形式填空1. This (be) my sister .2. These are her two (brother). 3. His telephone number (be) 7912

13、-587. 4. (this) are Chinese maps.5. I have three new (watch). 6. Are Mr. Wang. These are books. (you)7. isnt here. But jacket is here. (she)8. The (key) are on the desk.【超越自我】( )1. My sister is a clerk. works in a bank near here. (2005 北京海淀区) A. She B. He C. I D. You( )2. -Can I help you, sir? (2004

14、 长沙)- Yes. Id like five and some peas.A. potato B. tomatoes C. meat D. banana ( )3. Oh, there is someone in the room. (2005 青海) - must be my brother. A. He B. This C. It( )4. -This is my good friend, Bob. (2005 福州) - . A. Its blue B. Its getting dark C. Glad to meet you( )5. It is a huge beautiful b

15、uilding. In front of we took some pictures. (2005 四川省自贡市) A. it B. them C. that【创新全解】牛刀小试版块答案:单项选择15 C D C C D 68 A C C 句型转换1.Yes, it is 2. These are my backpacks. 3. It is an , book 4. Is that 5. Whats 6. Is this his brother?7. What color 8. arent his用所给词的正确形式填空 2. brothers 3. is 4. These 5. watches 6. you, your 7. sh

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