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1、To date we have received more than five hundred applications.到此时为止,我们已经收到了五百多份申请书。The committe have never heard the whole story to this day.至今委员会还从未听到整个事情的始末。15、(表示相对的位置)在 to the north of England 在英格兰的北方The village lies to the east of the woods. 村庄位于树林的东面。16、对于;关于 Whats your answer to that? 你对那件事的答案

2、是什么?(a number) to (a number) (一个数目)到(一个数目);(数目)和(数目)之间;比较;比例in 10 to 12 feet of water 水深10到12英尺 Its 100 to 1 hell lose. 他百分之百会输。词性变化:to (adv)醒过来 He didnt come to for half an hour after hed hit his head. 他撞伤头后过了半小时才醒过来。关上,关闭 The wind blew the door to. 风把门给吹关上了。From (prep)1、从,自from the beginning to th

3、e end 从头至尾 a letter from Mary 玛丽来的信The train goes from Paris to Rome. 火车从巴黎开往罗马。From his appearance, you wouldnt think he was an old man of seventy years.从外貌上看,你不会认为他是一个七十岁的老人。2、用做成 Bread is made from flour. 面包用面粉做成。3、由于She was nearly crying from the pain of her cut leg. 割破的腿疼痛得使她几乎要哭了。From现代英汉综合大辞典

4、(prep.)1、表示动作发生的起点从fall from the sky 从天上掉下来 jump down from a window 从窗口跳下2、表示时间顺序的起点从, 自; 从.起from the first of October 自10月1日起 from now on 从今以后3、表示变化, 转变awake from a dream 从梦中醒来 from bad to worse 愈来愈坏, 每况愈下4、表示距离, 间隔away from home 不在家, 离开家 five years fromnow 今后五年 How far is it from here?离这里有多远?5、表示差

5、异, 区别differ from others 与别的不同 know right from wrong 辨别是非6、表示除去, 解除, 停止, 阻碍, 防止, 制止take 5 from 8 八减去五 be expelled from school 被学校开除 be released from prison从监狱中释放出来cannot refrain from laughing 忍不住发笑 prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事7、表示出处来源, 根源, 根据a letter from a friend 朋友的来信 quotations from Shakesp

6、eare 引用莎士比亚的语句judge from a persons conduct 根据某人的行为来判断 from what I have heard 据我所听到的8、表示原因, 动机, 理由 die from cancer 死于癌症 act from a sense of duty 行动出于责任感9、表示原料, 材料 Steel is made from iron. 钢是由铁炼成的。10、用于表示场所的副词或介词前from above below自上下、from far and near从远近、from before the war自从战前、from under the table从桌下继

7、承用法:from-scratch(adj.)从零开始的; 白手起家的from among从.之中 、from before从.以前、from behind从.后面、from beneath从.下面from.on从.(时间)以后以来, 从.时起、from.till to从.到、from within从.的内部里面from without从.外面for、(prep)1、给;为a present for Mary 给玛丽的礼物Ive got a little present for your birthday.我有一件小礼物送给你过生日。I can do it for myself.我自己能做这件事

8、。These investigations are not done for nothing.这些调查工作自然不是白做的。2、以为目的地;开往;前往We set off for London. 我们动身去伦敦。3、在时间Shes coming for Christmas. 她在圣诞节来。4、代;替;代表Red is for danger. 红色代表危险。 What do you want for a present?你要什么样的东西作礼物?5、为了for existence 为了生存Did you come to Paris for the purpose of simple leisure,

9、 or for business purposes?你到巴黎来的目的纯粹是为了休闲,还是为了做生意?6、对于;关于For him to forfeit his favourite hobby would be impossible.要他放弃他所喜爱的业余爱好是不可能的。I have no ear for music. 我对音乐外行。For many of these families a college education was something new.对其中的许多家庭来说,大学教育是件新事物。7、因为Hes learning English for the fun of it.他为了好

10、玩才学习英语的。 for several reasons 因为种种原因We bought this house with a much higher price than others just for its convenience.我们买下这幢房子花的钱比其它房屋要贵得多,就是图的方便。8、仅管For all his efforts, he didnt succeed. 他虽然竭尽全力还是没有成功。For all your explanations, I understand no better than before.尽管你作了解释,我还是不懂。9、以为价钱;付出a pen for 50

11、 pence 50便士一枝笔10、以的价格,值He paid 50 pence for the book. 他付了50便士买这本书。11、经过(时间、距离)We ran for two miles. 我们跑了两英里。He stayed for a week. 他待了一周。We havent seen each other for ages.我们好久没见面了。12、用于for + 名词或代词 + to + 不定式动词的名词短语中The bell rang for the lesson to begin. 开始上课的铃响了。习惯用语:for example例如You can buy fruit h

12、ere oranges and bananas, for example. 你可以在这里买水果,例如买柑橘和香蕉。The government has reduced spending in several areas, for example in the construction of highways.政府已经在几个方面削减了开支,例如高速公路的建设。Thats for you!就是这样! Theres . for you!恰好相反He just grabbed the money and left Theres gratitude for you! 他抓了钱就走,你可真会感激人!For

13、词性变化(conj)因为We cant go for it is raining. 我们不能走,因为正在下雨。For his ideas and actions, he went to jail for a short time.由于他的思想和行动,曾蹲过短时间的监狱。against FOR=Free on Rail铁路火车上交货(价格)for(现代英汉综合大词典)prep.1、表示目的为了 struggle for existence生存竞争、go out for a walk出去散步2、表示目标、去向向, 往leave for Shanghai动身去上海、the train for Dal

14、ian、开往大连的火车passengers for Beijing去北京的旅客He is getting on for sixty.他快到六十岁了。3、表示对象、用途等为, 对于; 适于; 供; 属于.的; 给.的books for children儿童图书an instrument for measuring pressure测压力用的仪器、Not For Sale非卖品(常用于商品标签)That will be bad for your health.那将有损于你的健康。A letter for you!你的信!4、表示愿望、爱好、特长等对于, 倾向于long for freedom渴望自

15、由、have a liking for music爱好音乐、an eye for beauty审美的眼光5、表示理由、原因由于, 因为jump for joy高兴得跳起来、a city famous for its beauty一个以美丽而著称的城市6、代, 替; 代表 teach for sb.为某人代课7、表示时间、距离、数量等达, 计The meeting lasted(for) hours. 会议继续了几个小时。8、表示赞成, 支持拥护, 有利于vote for sb.投某人的票、They are all for him.他们都拥护他。9、表示让步 虽然, 尽管 F-all your

16、explantions, I understand no better than before.尽管你作了解释, 我还是不懂。10、至于, 说到, 就.而言for my part至于我, 讲到我、He is tall for his age.就他的年龄而言, 他是个高个子。So much for today.今天就讲做这么多。11、表示等价、报酬、 赔偿或比例关系 交换sell for a dollar以一美元卖掉、answer point for point逐点答复、translate word for word逐字翻译12、表示约定的时间an appointment forSaturday

17、星期六的约会13、表示身分看作, 当作, 作为take sb. for a fool把某人看成傻瓜、give sth. up for lost认定某物已丢失而不找寻It was built for a pleasure boat.这条船是作为游艇建造的。14、用于插入语, 表示列举Many people want to buy it because, for one thing , the price is low. 许多人想买它, 原因之一就是价格便宜。15、与名词或代词连用, 后接动词不定式, 构成名词短语make way for the car to pass给汽车让路、It is ti

18、me for him to go.他该走了。For词性变化conj.因为, 由于He felt no fear, for he was very brave.他很勇敢, 毫不畏惧。【说明】 for 和 because 在表示“原因”的时候意思基本相同, 一般可以互相代用。form来自拉丁词formafC:mn1、形状;外貌;形体She has a tall graceful form. 她有着高大优雅的外形。2、方式;制度Different countries have different forms of government. 不同的国家有不同的政治制度。3、形式form and cont

19、ent 形式与内容He seems to dislike any form of exercise.他好象讨厌任何方式的运动。4、礼节;仪式;习俗a form of marriage 结婚仪式5、行为Schoolboys think it bad form to tell a teacher of another boys wrong-doing. 学生认为向老师报告别的学生的过失是不好的举动。6、运动员的竞技状态The footballers been out of form. 这足球运动员的状况不好。7、精神;心情 in fine form 心情很好 8、词形 9、表格If you fil

20、l in this form, you can take books out of the library. 如果你填了这张表,就可以把书带出图书馆。10、长凳 11、年级;班He is in Form 2. 他在二年级。His eldest child is still in the sixth form.他年龄最大的孩子才上六年级。Form词性变化vt, vi1、形成;产生A plan began to form in his mind. 计划在他脑子里形成。One of the most important task for a school is to help and promote

21、 to form a childs character. (喻)学校的一个重要任务就是要帮助和促进儿童个性的形成。2、以形态出现 The buildings formed a hollow square. 建筑呈中空四方形。3、制造;建造 Eskimoes form igloos out of blocks of ice. 爱斯基摩人用冰块砌圆顶冰舍。4、养成;培养 to form good habits 养成好习惯5、构成;形成 to form a correct sentence 造一个正确的句子6、组织;成立 forming a club 组织一个俱乐部The president ask

22、ed the Social Democratic Party to form a new government.总统请社会民主党组织新政府。The young people in the workshop have formed themselves into a shock brigade.这个车间的青年们组成了突击队。7、是 Flour, eggs, fat and sugar form the main contents of a cake.面粉、蛋、脂肪和糖是做糕饼的主要原料。8、(常与up连用)排成;编成 The soldiers formed into a line. 士兵排成一行

23、。用法:form,figure,shape这三个名词的一般含义为“形状”或“外形”。是个最普通、使用范围最广、含义最多的词,哲学上讲的“形态”,文艺上讲的“体裁”,雕刻艺术上讲的“形状”,以及普通含义的“方式”或“形式”等,它都可以表示。此外,form也可以表示人或动物的“体形”、“外形”Convinced of the importance of education, modern states investin institutions of learning to get back interestin the form of a large group of enlighted you

24、ng men and women who are potential leaders. 现代国家由于确信教育的重要性, 才向教育机构“投资”,以期获得一大批有知识的男女青年的形式收回“利息”,这些青年是潜在的领导人。Strange forms stand in gardens, and outside buildings and shops. 花园里、建筑物和商店外面竖立着奇形怪状的雕塑形体。My friend fails to mention the long and friendless winter evenings which are interrupted only by an oc

25、casional visit to the local cinemavirtually the only form of entertainment. 我的朋友没提到那漫长而寂寞的隆冬寒夜,而打破这寒夜寂寞的只有偶尔去当地电影院看看电影实际上此乃唯一的娱乐形式。figure可以表示隐约可见的“人影”或“物影”、几何“图形”、人体“外形”、引人注目的人物或塑像等In the torchlight he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recongnized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer. 在手电光下他

26、看到一个人影,他立刻认出这个人是本地杂货商比尔威尔金斯。With mother earning and his elder children drawing substantial wages father is seldom the dominant figure that he still was at the beginning of the century. 由于母亲挣钱和大孩子也拿相当的工资,父亲很少再象本世纪初那样是一家之主了。shape 也可以表示“外形”或“形状”以及人物体形。The bridge is so long that the shape of the earth h

27、ad to be taken into account by its designer. 桥身如此的长,以致于它的设计师不得不考虑地球的形状。注:shape 的内涵是:外形之下具有实体。如上一例中shape之“形”包含有地球这个实体。再看下面的例句Before long, biscuits of all shapes and sizes began ariving at the factory. 不久,大大小小各种形状的饼干开始送到这个工厂。animal shapes ablaze with red and gold and blue,各种兽形神像闪耀着红色、金黄色、蓝色,And the senstive observer of sculpture must learn to feel shape simply as shape, not as description or reminiscence. 雕塑品的敏锐观赏家必须学会把形体当作形体去感觉,而不当作描述或联想去感觉。这三个词的含义差异可以从它们表示的人体外形的差异上来进行辨析。form所指的“人体外形”在意义上很含糊,只是能够认出,但未必看得仔细或看得清楚。What he saw seemed to have the form of a man(他所看到的

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