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1、The _ judge then gave him the goat.1Aa Ban Cthe D/2ATheir BThem CTheirs DThey3Aenjoy Benjoys Cenjoyed Dhas enjoyed4Agood Bwell Cbetter Dbest5Athink Bthinking Cto thinking Dto think6Abecause Bthough Cif Dunless7AAnd BBut COr DSo8Aname Bnames Cnamed Dwas named9Awhat Bwho Cwhen Dwhich10Aexcite Bexcited

2、 Cexcitedly Dexcitement11Apass Bpasses Cpassed Dto pass12Atasted Bhave tasted Ctastes Dtaste13Ashall Bwould Cmust Dneed14Awhose Bthat Cwhat Dwho15Aimpress Bimpressing Cimpressed Dimpression One afternoon, my son Adam asked me, “Are all people the same even though they are different _ color?”It was a

3、 serious question. I thought for a while, and then said, “Ill explain it sooner. Lets go to a fruit shop. I have something _ to show you.”At the fruit shop, we bought some apples in different colorsred, green and yellow ones. After we got home, I told Adam, “Its time _ your question now.” I put one

4、apple of each kind color on the table. Adam watched _. He had _ curious look on his face.“People are like apples. They come in all different colors, shapes and sizes. On the outside, some of the apples may not even look as delicious as _.” While I was talking, Adam was checking each one carefully. T

5、hen, I took each of the apples and peeled them, placing them back on the table, but in a different place.“Okay, Adam, tell me which is which.”He said, “I _ tell. They all look the same now.”“Take a bite of each one. See _ that helps you decide which one is which.”He took big bites, and then a huge s

6、mile _ across his face.” People are just like apples! They are all different, _ once you take off the outside, theyre pretty much the same on the inside.” He totally got it. I didnt need to say or do anything else.16Awith Bfor Cfrom Din17Ainterested Binteresting Cinterest Dinterestingly18Aanswer Ban

7、swered Canswering Dto answer19Acare Bcareful Ccarefully Dcareless20A Ban Ca Dthe21Aother Bthe others Cthe other Danother22Amustnt Bshouldnt Ccant Dneednt23Ahow Bif Cwhat Dwhy24Acomes Bcame Cwould come Dis coming25Abut Band Cor Dso阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中选出最佳选项,井在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Gold

8、Coins and a Selfish ManOnce upon a time, there lived a greedy and selfish man named David. He always wished to have a lot of money and often cheated others_ money. David never shared anything with_ of his family and friends.One day,_ small bag full of gold coins was missing. there were 50 gold coins

9、 in the bag. David became very worried. He searched inside and out for the bag, _ found nothing.After a few days, a ten-year-old daughter of one of the workers of Davids named Tina found the bag. The worker knew David_ for the missing money everywhere, so he went to David. David was overjoyed to get

10、 the coins back. Because of his greedy nature, he decided to play a trick on his poor worker.He shouted at his worker, “There_ 75 gold coins in this bag. but you gave me only 50! Where are_ coins? You have stolen them! You are a thief.” The worker was shocked to hear this and tried his best to expla

11、in. Hoverer, David still took him to the count. The judge_ heard both the sides. David said, Its quite clear_ they have stolen 25 coins!The clever judge knew that David was_. Everyone in that place knew about David and his nature. Soon, the judge made his judgment.“Since David lost a bag_ had 75 gol

12、d coins and the bag found by Tina had jut 50 coins, it seems that the bag that_ does not belong to David. It was lost by someone else. If anyone_ a bag of 75 gold coins, please tell me. As there is no report about the loss of 50 coins, I order the girl and his father to take those 50 coins_a prize o

13、f appreciation for their_!26Amake Bto make Cmaking Dmade27Aone Bsome Cany Dall28Aa Ban Cthe D/29Aand Bbut Cor Dso30Ais looking Bwould look Chave looked Dhave been looking31Ais Bare Cwas Dwere32Aother Bothers Cthe other Danother33Apatient Bpatiently Cpatience Dimpatient34Athat Bwhen Cwhere Dwhy35Alie

14、d Blay Clain Dlying36Awhat Bwhich Cwho Dthere37Afinding Bfinds Cfound Dwas found38Asee Bsaw Csees Dseeing39Aas Bwith Cof Dfor40Ahonest Bhonestly Chonesty Ddishonest There was a very stupid king and queen (皇后) in China. One day the queen had _ baby daughter. When they _ their baby, they both cried ou

15、t, “My god! How small it is! Its had no hair or teeth! Its a monster (妖怪)!” They sent for all the doctors in the country and ordered them to prepare some medicine for her.“When she _ your medicine, she must grow to the right size and have hair and teeth,” the king said to the doctors, “If you dont d

16、o this, Ill will kill you.”The doctors thought it impossible, but they couldnt say _ against (违反) the kings order. Just then, one of the oldest doctors came up. “Oh, we shall certainly follow your _,” he said, “but it takes time. We have to dig for something to make _ medicine from the KunLun Mounta

17、ins when the snow melts (融化) for the second time. The snow melts on those mountains only once in six years. _ we need twelve years.”At last the king agreed and the doctors took away the little princess. On her _ birthday, they brought her back to her parents _ long black hair and beautiful teeth. Th

18、e king and queen were very _ and gave the doctors many expensive presents.41Aa Ban Cthe D/42Asee Bsees Csaw Dsee43Adrink Bwill drink Cdrank Ddrinks44Asomething Banything Cnothing Deverything45Aadvice Badvices Cadvise Dadvises46Aa few Ba little Cfew Dlittle47AHowever BBut CBecause DSo48Atwelve Btwelf

19、th Cthe twelve Dthe twelfth49Afor Bto Cwith Dof50Ahappier Bhappiest Chappily Dhappy There is an old horse and a little horse on a farm. One day _ old horse asks the little horse to send the wheat to the mill. The little horse is very _. He carries the wheat and runs toward the mill. But there is a _

20、 in front of the little horse. He stops and does not know what to do next. Just then Aunt Cow is passing by. The little horse asks, “Aunt Cow, please _ me. Can I cross the river?” Aunt Cow answers, “It is not deep.” You _ cross it.When the little horse begins to cross the river, a little squirrel sh

21、outs at him, “Little horse, _ cross it, or you will be drowned. Yesterday one of my friends was drowned in this river.The little horse is very _. Finally he decides to go home and ask his mother.The old horse asks, “Why do you take the wheat back? Whats wrong with you, my child?” The little horse an

22、swers _, “There is a river in front of me. Aunt Cow said it was not _. But the little squirrel said it was. What shall I do?” The old horse says, “My child, you should try to cross the river by yourself. If you do not try, how do you know the river is deep or not?The little horse carries the wheat a

23、nd returns to the _. At last, he succeeds in crossing the river. Now, he knows how deep the river is.51Aa Ban Cthe D/52Aunhappy Bhappy Cexciting Dsad53Ariver Blake Csea Dwaterfall54Atell Bsay Cask Dsave55Amust Bmustnt Ccant Dcan56Adont Bdoesnt Chardly Dcant57Ahard Btired Cworry Dafraid58Aangrily Bsa

24、dly Chappily Dloudly59Awide Bshallow Cdeep Ddangerous60Ariverside Bseaside Cmill DsquirrelW: Good morning, Frank.M: Good _, Cindy. How _ you? Fine, thank you. _ are you? _ OK, thanks. Whats this? _ a ruler.61Amorning Bafternoon Cevening62Ais Bare Cam63AWhat BWho CHow64AIts BI CIm65AIt BIts CIts Some

25、 years ago, a big fire burned down a large part of a city. Lots of houses _. A rich lady was hurrying through the crowd of people, trying to save a box of valuable things _ the fire. After running out of the fire, she met a little boy in the street. She called him and said, “Take this box, and do not part with it _ I see you again. I will reward(回报) you well.”The boy took the box, and the lady turned back _ for something else. Just then many people came rushing between the lady and the boy, and they _ see each other.That night, the lady stayed in a friends home outside the city. The next

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