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1、三、长难句之分门别类篇1.带有较多成分的简单句:去枝叶, 留主干。Schools across China are expected to hire 50,000 college graduates this year as short-term teachers, almost three times the number hired last year, to help reduce unemployment pressures . (2009 江苏) 2.含有多个从句的复合句:找从属连词,分析从句, 理解句意。Whereas a womans closest female friend

2、might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage,it wasnt unusual to hear a man say that he didnt know that his friends marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa.并列和主从复合句并存的处理方法 先读懂并列句,再看主从复合句 If you ask people to name one person who h

3、ad the greatest effect on the English language, you will get answers like “Shakespeare”, “Samuel Johnson”, and “Webster”, but none of these men had any effect at all compared to a man who didnt even speak EnglishWilliam, the Conqueror.3.含有插入语的句子: 忽略插入成分,直奔句子主题.这种句子的特点是在正常的句子中插入一些或长或短的成分或句子,比如同位语(从句)

4、、非限制性定语从句、状语从句、分词、插入语等等,打断读者的思路,割裂前后之间的语义,造成理解上的困难。我们称之为“打岔”。有时有逗号或破折号分开,The lack of right male (男性的) role models in many of their livesat home and particularly in the school environment (环境)means that their peers are the only people they have to judge themselves against.(2008辽宁卷C篇)Science has becom

5、e so important in the modern world, with its procedures so highly standardized and so widely accepted, that it is included among modern social institutions.4. 成分省略: 把握大意, 找出上文对应信息, 补充省略成分The magazine is male-targeting because young guys generally wont pick up a magazine that appears to be directed a

6、t females, whereas girls usually will.5. 倒装句: 确定主语, 调整语序,把握大意.Before 1066, in the land we now call Great Britain lived peoples belonging to two major language groups. 四、长难句之小试牛刀篇1. Mobile phone SIM cards which are put in the collars(项圈) of elephants automatically send a text message when they get to

7、o close to farms, allowing wildlife workers to drive them off rather than shoot them.2. I was discussing this problem recently with a colleague who had been beating his head against the wall for months trying to get a story about a mysterious “dark force” in cosmology(宇宙学) past editors at New Yorker

8、.五、 备考方法:1. 意群阅读法When two cars travelling at 30 mh hit each other,an unbelted driver would meet the windshieldwith a force equal to diving headfirst into the ground from a height of 10 meters.分析:是状语从句,是主句,是with引导的介词短语作状语,修饰谓语。这样,把整个句子划为3个意群,可以大大提高阅读速度。 2.剥丝抽茧法先跳读修饰成分或附加成分,找出句子的主干并理解其意义;然后再分层理解修饰成分或附

9、加成分。如果待处理的长难句为一个复杂的主从复合句,可这样处理:先分清主句与从句,然后弄清从句的性质,即弄清它是什么从句。是名词性从句,还是状语从句,或是定语从句。另外,有一点要提醒同学们,在处理长难句时,如果既能正确理解句意,又能将其准确地译成中文,那是最好了。但是,对于有些长难句,要在较短时间内(如在参加考试时)将其译成中文比较困难,此时只要能正确理解其意思就行了, 3. 良好习惯多尝试分析长难句并找出20个长难句进行朗读并背诵。六、长难句理解朗诵:1. Hary also studying biology said they wanted to make as much noise as

10、possible to force the government officials to realize what everybody was having to stand.(NMET1999)也攻读生物学的哈利说他们要制造尽可能大的噪音来迫使政府官员们认识到大家正不得不忍受的东西。简析:句型结构 possible尽可能地2. But when John and his fellow soldier came in sight some of the people watching couldnt help laughing at the one who couldnt keep

11、 pace with the others as they march along.(NMET 98)但当约翰和他的战友们出现时,一些观看的人们禁不住嘲笑那个在行进中不能同步的那个人(约翰)。句子结构较复杂,关键词keep pace with 与步伐一致。3. The measure of a mans real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.(NMET 96)衡量一个人真正品质的标准是看如果他知道他不会被别人发现的情况下他会做些什么事。 简析:表语从句中还含有虚拟语气。4. Waiti

12、ng above the crowded streets, on top of a building 110 stories high, was Philippe Pettit.(NMET 94)菲力浦帕底特在110层高的建筑物上,人群拥挤的大街上空等候。含倒装句型及分词用法。5. It happened that father had sent us upstairs because he thought he would be able to lock the doorwhich was twenty feet awaybefore the animal reached it.(NMET9

13、0)事情发生是这样的,爸爸先把我们送上楼,因为他原以为他能够在那个动物赶到之前(距离20英尺远)将门锁上。句型结构It happened that事情发生是这样的。6. How could I ever get him to finish unloading the car without screaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls, who I would have to spend the rest of the year with? (NMET2000)我怎么才能让父亲卸完车上的行李而不向我大喊大叫,在其他

14、女孩子面前出洋相呢?我还要和这些女孩一起度过以后的日子。关键词make a scene 大吵大闹,出洋相。7. It is the ability to do the job that matters not where you come from or what you are. (NMET2000.24)重要的是你做这件工作的能力,而不是你来自什么地方,或是你是什么身份。强调句型It is +强调部分+that / who+从句。8. The WTO cannot live up to its name if it dose not include a country that is ho

15、me to one fifth of mankind. (NMET2000.21)世贸组织如果没有一个占世界五分之一人口的大国加入的话,那么它就不能名副其实。关键词live up to ones name 名副其实。9. Most believe the footprints are nothing more than ordinary animal tracks , which had been made larger as they melted and refroze in the snow. (NMET2001)大多数人相信这些脚印只是普通动物的足迹,这些足迹由于在雪里融化再结冰而变大

16、了。关键词nothing more than only。10. The home improvements have taken what little there is of my spare time . (NMET2001.27)房子装修花费我的闲暇时间不多。句型结构little of的用法,例We see very little of our children (we do not see them often) now that they are grown up.孩子们已经长大了,所以我们现在很少见到他们。11. It is said in Australia there is m

17、ore land than the government knows what to do with it. (NMET2002 .33)据说在澳大利亚土地太多以致政府不知道怎么去处理。含比较级句型。12. In a way , I think we both won : I the game , but cousin Ed my respect.(NMET2003) 在一定程度上,我认为我们都赢了,我赢得了这次比赛,伊德表弟赢得了我的尊重。承前省略谓语动词won。13. So when Ed arrived for our game not only with the bottom of h

18、is shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly notice , I was so surprised that I was speechless , my cousin must have made an effort to get himself into shape .(NMET2003)因此当伊德来参加我们的比赛时,我发现他不仅将衬衫的底部扎进裤里,而且几乎注意不到他的肚子,我感到很惊奇,以致无话可说,我的表弟过去一定努力把自己训练好,保持很好的竞技状态。14. As a re

19、sult , at the point in our game when Id have figured on (predicted) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor , it was instead 7 to 9 and Ed was leading.(NMET2003)就在我们比赛之前,我曾预料这场比赛对我有利,比分大概是9比1,结果比分反而是7比9,伊德暂时领先。关键词figure on预计,估计;in ones favor对某人有利。15. After all, Eds idea of exercise has always been

20、nothing more effort-making than lifting a fork to his mouth.(NMET2003)要记住的是,伊德搞锻炼的想法根本没有进餐使用刀叉那么费力。16. After all, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lived or endured, just as you choose to look at it.八十大寿,毕竟非同一般,不管怎么说你又活了十年,或者说熬了十年,是活还是熬,全在于你怎么看了。关键词endure (stand; bear; put up with)忍受。17.

21、 Still, he could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he contact by radio, unless there was a ship nearby, would be on an island 885 miles away. 他禁不住寻思起来,要是果真有什么意外,除非附近有条船,他用无线电能联系上的最近的人远在885英里以外的岛上。含虚拟语气。18. It covered the whole distance from broken hearted misery to

22、 bursting happinesstoo fast.先是令人心碎的痛苦,继而是极度的喜悦,从一个极端到另一个极端变换得实在太快了。比喻形象生动。19. I went around to the front of the house, sat down on the steps, and, the crying over, I ached, And my father must have hurt, too, a little.我绕到房子的前面,坐在台阶上,哭了一阵之后,我感到阵阵心痛,我的父亲心里肯定也有一点不好受。动作描写,情真意切。20 Ill and suffering as she

23、 was after the inhuman punishment, she yet remained so cheerful and confident, eager to devote the little strength left to her to helping the other comrades. 她受过重罚,而且有病,可她却这样愉快,这样充满了信心,这样用尽她所剩的力量来帮助其他同志。含有让步状语从句及形容词短语作状语。21. The present question is that many people consider impossible what is really

24、 possible if effort is made. 目前的问题是,很多人把其实只要付诸努力就能做到的事情看成是做不到的。consider后的宾语后置。22. Rising through the roof is the Tower of the Sun, inside Which stands a 160 foot tall Tree of Life.穿过屋顶矗立着太阳之塔,在里面有一棵160英尺高的生命之树。含有两个倒装句。23. Dad, in a hurry to get home before dark so he could go for a run, had forgotte

25、n wear his safety belta mistake 75% of the US population make every day. (NMET1999. D篇) 爸爸,急匆匆地在天黑之前赶回家,以便他能出去跑步,却忘记系安全带这是75%的美国人每天犯的一个错误。关键词for a run去跑步。24. After all, what lively children wouldnt settle for spending only half the day doing ordinary school work, and acting, singing or dancing their

26、 way through the other half of the day? (NMET1999. E篇)毕竟,难道这些活泼可爱的孩子们不满足于半天搞普通教育的文化课,半天搞表演、唱歌、舞蹈等舞台训练吗?反问句式,语气强烈。25. Decision thinking is not unlike poker it often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think. (NMET2000. C 篇)做决策像打扑克牌,起

27、作用的不但是你怎么想的,还包括别人对你的想法是怎么看的以及你对别人的看法是如何考虑的。含较复杂的句型结构not unlike=like not onlybut also不仅而且26. These words, I have just made up, have to stand for thing and ideas that we simply cant think of. (NMET2000.D篇)这些词,是我编造的,只是代表我们不能想到的事物和观念。关键词make up 编造。27. That you wont be for long means it wont be long befo

28、re youll have to recycle your rubbish. (NMET2000. E篇)你不会等很长时间意味着过不了多久你就会回收你的垃圾。夹杂主语从句及宾语从句。28. The major market force rests in the growing population of white-collar employees, who can afford the new service, in other words, Shanghais car rental industry is growing so fast mainly due to the increasi

29、ng number of white-collar employees.(NMET2001. A篇)主要的市场因素取决于白领工人的人数增加,这些人付得起这种新型服务,换句话说,上海的汽车出租行业发展如此快,主要因为白领工人人数的增加。关键词rest in 依赖。29. When Americans visit Europe for the first time, they usually find Germany more “Foreign” than France because the German they see on signs and ads seems much more different from English than French does. (NMET2001. D篇)当美国人第一次游览欧洲时,他们通常发现德国比法国对他们来说更加“陌生”,因为他们在标牌和广告上看到的德语,比起法语更加不同于英语。 含比较级句型结构。30. We even have different word for some foods, meat in particular, dependi

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