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1、国际交流英语视听说4U5听力原文及翻译课件U 5 Listening 1Dave Martin: Hello and welcome to Money Matters. Im your host, Dave Martin. Tonight were very lucky to have Dr. Regina Simmons of the Simmons Institute here with us to talk about money and happiness. As usual, well be taking calls from you, the listeners. If you h

2、ave a question for Dr. Simmons, please call in. Good evening, Dr. Simmons.Dr. Simmons: Good evening, Dave. Its great to be here.Dave Martin: The pleasures ours. Dr. Simmons, let me start by asking you this question: Whats the relationship between money and happiness?Dr. Simmons: Well, Dave, a recent

3、 study by psychologist Elizabeth Dunn at the University of British Columbia seems to show thatfor most of uswhat makes us happy is giving money away, not spending it on ourselves. Thats what Dunn said in a recent interview with National Geographic.Dave Martin: Really? How did she discover that?Dr. S

4、immons: Well, it was when Dr. Dunn started making more moneyuh, when she got a job as a professor. She started to get interested in whether money could buy happiness or not. She wanted to use the extra money she was making in ways that would bring her happiness. Dr. Simmons: As a scientist, she look

5、ed for studies and research on the subject of money and its relationship to happiness. To her surprise, very little information on the subject existed. So Dr. Dunn decided to do some scientific research to see if people might get more happiness from using their money to help other people, rather tha

6、n themselves.Dave Martin: Uh-huh. And how did she research this topic?Dr. Simmons: Thats a good question. Let me give you an example. In one of her first studies, Dr. Dunn and her fellow researchers gave a group of people a small amount of money in the morning. They asked some of the people to spend

7、 it on other people, and some to spend it on themselves. Dr. Simmons: At the end of the day, the researchers interviewed everyone. The researchers discovered that the people who spent the money on other people were happier than those who had spent it on themselves. Since then, Dr. Dunn has completed

8、 a lot of other research on money and happiness.Dave Martin: Has she? Oh, excuse me, but I think we have our first caller. Hello, youre on the air.Caller 1: Uh, hello, I wanted to know what are some of the mistakes people might make if they try to buy happiness with money.Dave Martin: Thank you, cal

9、ler. Dr. Simmons?Dr. Simmons: Yes, well, one very common error is to make a major purchase such as a big house that you cant really afford. Many people simply assume that owning an expensive itema home or a carwill make them happy. But, you know, buying a home is a big financial commitment, and in f

10、act people often go deep into debt to buy one. Actually, there are no statistics to prove that owning a home makes people happy.Dave Martin: I see. Are there other studies relating money and happiness?Dr. Simmons: Oh, sure. Another interesting study was recently done by researchers Leaf Van Boven an

11、d Tom Gilovich. They looked at the value of spending money on experiences. People can buy items such as cars, houses, clothes, and DVDs. But experiences are different from other items that people purchase. For example, vacations, concerts, or language lessons are experiences. So, anyway, these scien

12、tists used surveys to ask people how they felt about the items they bought compared to the experiences they bought. Well, the researchers discovered that money spent on experiences made people happier than money spent on items. The reason for this is probably because experiences are more meaningful

13、to a person, and they contribute more to successful social relationships.Dave Martin: Interesting! Oh, we have another caller on the line. Go ahead, caller.Caller 2: Hello. My question is how much money do you need to be happy.Dave Martin: How about that, Dr. Simmons? How much money do we need?Dr. S

14、immons: Well, OK, obviously thats not an easy question to answer. People like to say that “the best things in life are free”, which implies that money doesnt matter to happiness. And we all know thats not true. Money is definitely not the most important component of happiness, but at the same time,

15、having no money can definitely affect happiness. Dr. Simmons: There was a very interesting study recently done by an economist, Angus Deaton, and a psychologist named Daniel Kahneman. They wanted to know whether more money means more happiness. They analyzed surveys written by thousands of people. T

16、heir research demonstrated some very interesting things about money. Once a person earns more than $75,000 a year, making more money ceases to significantly change ones level of happiness. Dave Martin: So, in other words, after a person earns more than $75,000 a year, more money doesnt have a big ef

17、fect on your everyday happiness. Dr. Simmons: Exactly. The thing thats important to remember is this: Its not about how much money you have. When it comes to money, its what you do with the money that can promote your happinessespecially if you use it to help others and to have your own enjoyable ex

18、periences.Dave Martin: Thank you very much, Dr. Simmons. Were going to pause now for a short commercial break.戴夫马丁:大家好,欢迎来到钱很重要。我是你的主人,戴夫马丁。今晚我们非常幸运有西蒙斯学院的Regina Simmons博士在这里与我们谈论金钱与幸福。像往常一样,我们会把电话从你的听众。Simmons博士,如果你有问题请致电。晚上好,西蒙斯博士。Simmons博士:晚上好,戴夫。很高兴来到这里。戴夫马丁:是我们的荣幸才对。Simmons博士,首先,让我问你这个问题:金钱与幸福之



21、,一个很常见的错误是主要购买如你不能负担得起的大房子。很多人简单地认为拥有一个昂贵的项目a房子或车让他们开心。但是,你知道,买房子是一个很大的金融承诺,事实上人们经常深入债务购买一个。实际上,没有统计数据证明买房让人快乐。戴夫马丁:我明白了。有金钱与幸福相关的其他研究吗?Simmons博士:哦,当然。另一个有趣的研究是最近由Leaf Van Boven和汤姆Gilovich研究人员完成。他们看着花钱的价值体验。人们可以购买商品如汽车、房子、衣服、和dvd。但经历不同于人们购买其他物品。例如,假期,音乐会,或语言课程的经验。无论如何,这些科学家使用调查询问人们感受他们买的商品相比,他们购买的经历

22、。,研究人员发现,钱花在经历让人们快乐比金钱花费在项目。这样做的原因可能是因为经历更有意义的人,他们成功的社会关系作出更大贡献。戴夫马丁:有意思!哦,我们有另一个调用者。去吧,调用者。调用者2:你好。我的问题是多少钱你需要快乐。戴夫马丁:怎么样,西蒙斯博士吗?我们需要多少钱?Simmons博士:嗯,好吧,显然这不是一个容易回答的问题。人们喜欢说,“生活中最好的东西都是免费的”,这意味着金钱不重要,幸福。我们都知道那不是真的。钱绝对不是幸福的最重要组成部分,但与此同时,没有金钱确实能影响幸福。Simmons博士:最近有一个非常有趣的研究由经济学家安格斯迪顿和一个名叫丹尼尔卡尼曼(Daniel K

23、ahneman)的心理学家。他们想知道更多的钱意味着更多的幸福。他们分析了调查由成千上万的人写的。他们的研究证明了一些非常有趣的关于钱的事情。一旦一个人一年的收入超过75000美元,赚更多的钱就不再显著改变一个的幸福水平。戴夫马丁:所以,换句话说,当一个人一年的收入超过75000美元,更多的钱并没有很大的影响在你每天幸福。Simmons博士:没错。重要的是要记住的事情是这样的:它不是你有多少钱。当涉及到钱,这是你的钱可以促进happiness-especially如果你用它去帮助别人和你自己的愉快体验。戴夫马丁:非常感谢,西蒙斯博士。我们将暂停了一个简短的广告时间。1. What does a

24、 recent study by psychologist Elizabeth Dunn show?b. Spending money on others brings us more happiness than spending it on ourselves.2.What caused Dunn to research the relationship between money and happiness?a. She had more money and wanted to use it in ways that would make her happy.3. According t

25、o Dr. Simmons, what common error do people make when they try to buy happiness with money?b. They buy expensive things that they cannot afford.4.In their study, what question did Leaf Van Boven and Tom Gilovich want to answer?c. Does money spent on experiences make people happier than money spent on

26、 items?5.What did Angus Deaton and Daniel Kahnemans study reveal?b. Making more than a certain amount of money doesnt affect happiness much.1。最近的一项研究由心理学家伊丽莎白邓恩什么节目?b。把钱花在其他比花钱自己带给我们更多的快乐。2。是什么导致了邓恩研究金钱与幸福之间的关系?a。她有更多的钱,想用它的方式,让她开心。3所示。西蒙斯教授,常见的错误做些什么人当他们试图用钱买到幸福吗?b。他们不能买昂贵的东西。4所示。在他们的研究中,Leaf Van B

27、oven和汤姆Gilovich什么问题要回答吗?c。钱花在经历能使人更幸福比金钱花费在物品吗?5。什么Angus Deaton和丹尼尔卡尼曼的研究揭示了吗?b。收入超过一定数量的金钱并不影响幸福。 Happiness StudiesI. Elizabeth DunnA. Research question: Do people get more happiness from spending money on themselves or on other people?B. Experiment:1. Gave people money2. Asked some people to spend

28、 it on other people, others on themselves 3. At the end of the day, researchers interviewed everyoneC. Result:people who spent money on other people were happierII. Leaf Van Boven & Tom GilovichA. Research question: What is the value of spending money on experiences versus items?B. Experiment: surve

29、ys about experiences and itemsC. Result: people who bought experiences were happierIII. Angus Deaton & Daniel KahnemanA. Research question: Does more money = more happiness?B. Experiment: surveys about money and happinessC. Result: level of happiness stops after $75,000幸福研究一、伊丽莎白邓恩研究问题:人们从花钱在自己身上得到更

30、多的幸福还是别人?b .实验:1。给人钱2。问一些人把钱花在别人,别人在自己身上3所示。在一天结束的时候,研究人员采访了每个人c .结果:钱花在别人身上的人快乐的人二世。Leaf Van Boven &汤姆Gilovich研究问题:什么是花钱的价值体验与物品吗?b .实验:调查经验和物品c .结果:购买经验的人更快乐三世。Angus Deaton &丹尼尔卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)研究问题:更多的钱=更多的快乐吗?b .实验:调查关于金钱与幸福c .结果:幸福停止在75000美元的水平Listening 2James: This place is so crowded today

31、. Do we really have to eat here, Tina? I only have half an hour for lunch. Cant we go to the place next door? Its cash-only and the line moves fast. Tina: Im really sorry, James, but I dont have any cash. I was planning to use my debit card for lunch, and there arent any ATMs around here. Donna: You

32、 know, I hardly ever go to the ATM anymore. I just get cash back at the supermarket. Besides, I pay for nearly everything with my debit card or some kind of stored-value cardespecially on the subway or at the coffee shop.James: Same here, Donna. Do you two ever use credit cards?Tina: I have one, but its only for emergencies. Even though credit cards are useful, I think theyre dangerous. Its so easy to get into de

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