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七年级英语上册 Unit 1 Topic 3 Section D教案 仁爱版Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、T: Lets begin.Monitor: Stand up, please! Good morningafternoon, class!Ss: Good morningafternoon, Mr. Miss! Sit down, please! Thank you. Hello! Whats your name?S1: My name is S1. How old are you? Im twelve. What class are you in? Im in Class One, Grade Seven. Whats your phone number? Thank you. Sit d

2、own, please.(让S1把上面的几个问题串连起来,组成一段自我介绍的短文,复习写作。 Now S1, put your answers together, then make a short passage to introduce yourself. My name is S1, Im from Beijing. Im twelve years old. Im in Class One, Grade Seven. (教师可适当帮助S1。2. (展示图片,让学生问答,复习句型:Whats thisthat in English? What are thesethose in Engli

3、sh?。 Look at this picture, boys and girls, please ask and answer in pairs.S2: Whats this in English?S3: Its a car. How do you spell it? C-A-R, car. Thats OK. Look! Whats that in English? Its a map. M-A-P, map. Youre welcome.(拿出多幅图片,复习复数。S4: What are these in English?S5: Theyre buses. What are those

4、in English? Theyre pencils. Are those apples? No, they arent, theyre oranges. Thank you very much. You are all great.3. (拿出图片,复习aan及单复数。展示一本书,一个鸡蛋及多件物品以小组竞赛的形式进行,每组派出两名学生,一问一答,看哪组进行得流利,准确。S6:“A book”or“an book”?S7: A book. Good!“an egg”or“a egg”? An egg. Very good! Thank you!“a pen”or“a pens”? A pen

5、.“Two box”or“two boxes”? Two boxes. “Three bus” or“three buses”? Three buses. Well done! Boys and girls.4. (教师带领学生活动,引入新课。 Lets chant together.A, A, A. Go and play.E, E, E. Come with me.I, I, I. Dont be shy.O, O, O. Let us go.U, U, U. You look cute.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13分钟)1. (1) (教师带领学生们回

6、想已学过的元音。 Do you know the“vowel letters”? A a. E e.(教师用投影仪或小黑板展示一些单词,让学生按开音节、闭音节挑出并归类,看谁挑得快。name cake zero grade that an map can pencil desk pen egg samethese ten(2) (教师读一些单词,让学生听并模仿。 Ill read some words. Please listen and imitate.(教师板书,学生归纳这四个单词的共同读音。nice hi like bike Do they and those

7、 nose go(以同样的方法,教师读另一组单词。not box dog shop(学生归纳这两组的读音特点,含有字母O,在开音节单词中读,在闭音节中读。教师解释这两个音的发音口型,并让学生试着发音。(板书并领读)I inicehilikebikesixthiskidbigO ophonethosenosegoDnotboxdogshop Other words? Orange sounds D. Old sounds .(4) (教师以同样的方法教学Uu的发音规律。 (5) (学生两人之间练习发音,一人用口型,但不发音,另一人猜对方发的是哪个音。教师先找学生到讲台前示范,然后学生之间互相操练

8、。(6)(播放录音1,学生听并跟读。完成1。2. (教师出示图片,学生就图片中内容展开对话。 If Im a policeman, you are a boy, lets make a conversation. Who wants to try? Hi!S8: My name is S8. Whats your ID number?(教师解释此句含义,并帮助学生回答。 My ID number is(教师找另一名学生示范对话。 Whats to the tape and repeat, please.(为了让学生能顺利完成此题,让学生先不看书,提出几个指导性的问题。并把这几个问题展示出来,让

9、学生带着问题听两遍。 Look at these questions, then lets listen to the tape again.(1) Whats his name?(2) How old is he?(3) Whats his phone number?(4) Whats his ID number?(让学生看书填写表格。核对答案并打分。4. (让学生参照2,各自做一张个人信息卡。完成2。 Make a personal information card according to 2.(展示出一张样卡。Name: Age:Phone number: ID number:(检查这

10、张卡片并给予指点,以备练习时使用。Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)1. (拿出个人信息卡,先作自我介绍,再用别人的卡片介绍他人。 Take out your personal information cards, please. Ill ask some students to introduce yourselves first, then introduce others according to the information cards. S1, please. Im a boy. My name is S1. Im thirteen. My ph

11、one number is My ID number is Introduce your partner S2, please. This is my good friend. Her name is S2. She is thirteen, too. Her phone number is Her ID number is Sit down, please.(让学生使用手中的卡片与搭档自由操练。 Practice with your partner, please.2. (传一传,不走样。(1) 游戏目的:巩固已学的音标,培养学生与他人合作的能力及团队精神。(2) 游戏规则:把全班学生分成几

12、个组,每组的人数基本相等。游戏开始前,教师给每组的第一个学生1分钟时间看卡片上的内容。然后,教师收起所给的卡片。等教师发令后,由第一个学生把卡片上的内容,较轻地说给第二个同学听,依次传递,直到最后。最后的一名同学快速到讲台前,找出自己所听到内容的卡片。(3) 游戏过程:教师先准备一些标有音标的单词卡片,请学生复习一遍已学过的音标,再进行游戏,最快且正确的一组获胜。Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:1. (把制作好的有关Bai Lili个人情况的卡片展示出来,针对她的有关情况进行问答。 Look at the card. Lets ask and answer accordin

13、g to the information about Bai Lili. OK? OK! Whats ? She is in Class Four, Grade Seven. She is in Guiyang Yuying Junior High School.2. (让一名学生把上面问题的答案连结在一起,组成一小段文字,介绍Bai Lili的情况,把这段文字板书在黑板上,呈现一篇介绍他人的写作。 S1, please write a short passage according to the answers above. Her name is Bai Lili. Her English

14、 name is Lily. She is twelve, and she is from Shes in Guiyang Yuying Junior High School.3. (让学生打开书,阅读表格,完成3。 Open your books. Read the form and complete the passage.(让学生把填好的这个段落读几遍,教师适当地指导。 Read the passage several times, please.4. (拿出制作好的几组卡片,每一组卡片的各张卡片上都有一个句子,每个句子字迹的大小以全班同学能看见为宜。玩一个对号入座的排队游戏,即问题与答

15、语相匹配,目的是操练4a Grammar focus中的句型。(每组句子内容都是从4a中的句子扩充而来,句子的个数决定卡片的张数和学生的人数。把各组卡片的顺序打乱后发给某一组学生,然后叫他们上讲台,按卡片的意思,找到自己的正确位置,找到对应的问句或答语,并把卡片半举在胸前,让全班同学判断他们所站的位置是否正确。完成4a。(参考句子如下:Team 1: Excuse me. Whats this in English? Its a cake. C-A-K-E, cake.Team 2: Are those cars? No, they arent. They are buses.Team 3:

16、Are these apples? Yes, they are.Team 4:S9:S10: They are books.5. (教师画与一个学生对话,完成4b。 Let s ask and answer.(找一名学生到讲台前。 Hello, S11!S11: Im in Class Four, Grade Seven. Boys and girls. Look! Whos that?(教师出示Mary的照片并与全班学生对话。 Thats Mary. How old is she? She is thirteen. What class is she in? Shes in Class el

17、even, Grade Seven. Whats her phone number. Its Thats OK.Youre welcome.(教师展示。放录音跟读,进行人机对话,进一步巩固4a, 4b)Grammar focus:Is thisthat aan?Are thesethose cars?What are thesethose in English?its=it is whos=who is thats=that isUseful expressions:How old are you?How old is ?What class is she in?How do you spel

18、l it?Thank you.Thanks.Yes, it is.No, it isnt.Yes, they are.No, they arent.Its an orangea car.They are cakespencilsbusesboxes.youre=you are theyre=they areIm twelve.HeShe is fourteen.Im in Grade Seven.Shes in Class Eleven, Grade Eight.E-R-A-S-E-R, eraserThats OK.Youre welcome.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活

19、动(时间:5分钟)1. T: Play a BINGO game. And finish 5.(1)(从120中选9个数字填入制作好的九个方格内,用投影仪图示。 Choose nine numbers from 120 and put them into your form like this:(2)(听教师读数字,每次九个一组,当学生听到教师读到的数字在自己表格中出现的时候,就在数字上打“”,表格上没有的不打“”。 Listen to me and cross out () the numbers you you finish any three numbers in a line, lik

20、e those on the picture.2. (找几个同学玩一个单词的“BINGO”游戏。(游戏步骤可参考上一个“BINGO”游戏。3. Homework:采访两个学生,写一篇关于他(她)们的情况介绍(包括姓名、年龄、班级、学校、电话号码、来自哪里等信息。板书设计:What class are you in?Section D1. Ii nice ? not box dog shop Im in Class Four, Grade Seven.2.Whats thisthat in English? 6.What grade is she in?Its an orange. She is in Grade Eight. 7.How old is she?Theyre cakespencilsbusesboxes. She is fourteen.3.Is thisthat a cake? 8.How do you spell it?Yes, it is.No, it isnt. O-R-A-N-G-E, orange. 9.Thank you.Yes, they are.No, they arent. Thats OK.Youre welcome.

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