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1、H) smog . Key: 1. F 2. L 3. I 4. B 5. O 6. E 7. A 8. G 9. H 10. K1. F 温室气体是对公众健康的一种威胁,故选F。2L 采取步骤以鼓励在成员国中对碳排放实施监管。encourage-鼓励 故选L。3许多人责备汽车排放和火电厂造成了全球变暖。blamed-责备 故选 I。4B 立法议员开始辩论法案。 bills-法案 故选 B。5. O 要求成员国惩罚未能达标的工厂。punish-惩罚 故选 O。6. E 火电厂排放温室气体比汽车排放多出两倍。 automobiles- 汽车 故选 E。7A 根据最新的科研数字。figures-数

2、字 故选 A。8. G 更多的热量被套住(无法散出)trap-陷、套。 故选 G。9. H 它形成了烟雾。smog(smoke+ fog) -烟雾 故选 H。10K 种植更多的树有助于抵消森林砍伐。offset-抵消 故选 K。Passage 2Many people, especially youngsters, like to use credit cards in their daily shoppings and other _1_ activities. That has resulted in a heavy debts on the part of the consumers a

3、s some credit-card companies _2_ their clients. Consumers were often hooked _3_ paying extraordinarily high rates. But once they realized the cheating _ 4_, they would refuse to pay and that would probably lead to _5_. Some major banks with big credit card operations _6_ their customers with high in

4、terest rates and _7_. But regulating officials will take measures to _8_ restrictions on the power of credit card companies to raise interest rates on existing balances and demand for greater _9_ of terms. Authorities will tighten regulations and laws on credit-card practices next year as the risk i

5、s mounting for the whole _10_ system. A) impose I) mentionB) charged J) deceivedC) lawsuits K) gamesD) reclaim L) intoE) commercial M) disclosureF) define N) produceG) fees O) schemeH) financialKeys: 1. E 2. J 3. L 4. O 5. C 6. B 7. G 8. A 9. M 10.H 1. E 其它商业活动。commercial-商业的 故选E。2J 由于一些信用卡公司欺骗它们的客户

6、。deceive-欺骗 故选 E。3L 消费者常被引上钩。hook into-引上钩 故选L。4. O 一旦他们意识到这一骗局。scheme-骗局 故选 O。5. C 这或许会引发诉讼。lawsuits-诉讼 故选 C。6. B 一些有大量信用卡业务的大银行向它们的客户收取高利率和服务费。charge-收取(费用) 故选 B。7. G fee-服务费 故选 G。8 A 采取措施施加限制。impose-强加 故选 A。9. M 要求透露更多的(信用卡)条款。disclosure-透露 故选 M。10. H 由于整个金融体系风险在上升。financial-金融 故选 H。Passage 3Acco

7、rding to _1_ of scientific research, cigarette smoke is the main cause of lung cancer. It is also a cause of respiratory _2_ and leads to cancer of bladder(膀胱) and kidney. It is virtually the tar and other _3_ in cigarette smoke that cause smoking so _4_. And some smokers think that they smoke _5_ c

8、igarettes and are protected since. But that is a wrong _6_. Smoking is the top cause of some cancers and the longer and the more you _7_, the greater risk you will face. But if you quit smoke, the risk of these cancers _8_ and as time passes, normal cells replace abnormal cells. A decade later, the

9、risk reduces considerably. Stopping smoking can also bring many other benefits, including cutting the risk of developing other smoking-related _9_, such as stroke, high-blood pressure and heart disease. It takes many years for lung cancer to develop and around the age of 60, it will reach its _10_.

10、So it is good for smokers to abandon smoking as early as possible.A) chemicals I) syndromesB) assumption J) simplicityC) possible K) diminishD) drag L) peakE) challenge M) purchaseF) disease N) resultsG) undergo O) filteredH) hazardous 1. N 2. F. 3. A 4. H 5. O 6. B 7. D. 8. K. 9. I 10. L1. N 根据科研结果

11、。 result-结果 故选 N。2. F 呼吸道疾病。 disease-疾病 故选 F。3. A 实际上是卷烟里的焦油和化学物。 chemicals-化学物质。故选 A。4. H 造成吸烟如此危险。hazardous-有危险的 故选 H。5. O 抽过滤嘴的香烟。filtered-过滤的 故选 O。6. B 这是一种错误的假定。assumption-假定 故选 B。7. D 你吸烟的时间越长、吸烟越多,。 drag-吸烟 故选 D。8. K 这些癌症的风险日益减少。diminish-减少 故选 K。9. I 减少其它与吸烟有关的症状的风险。syndrome-症状 故选 I 。10L 达到其顶

12、峰。peak-顶峰 故选 L。Passage 4Globalization has made workforces in major developing countries to produce affordable commodities and _1_. But the gap of _2_ between the developed countries and developing countries is wide. Now emerging economies are _3_ in a race to catch up and it is easiest to make gains

13、 at the beginning. Once you get the right institutions in place, you can make good use of the low labor cost and _4_ technologies to advance. But things will become tough as you move closer to the _5_. Finally, you have to compete with them _6_ to generate high-value products and high-paying jobs. C

14、ountries in East-Asia are now _7_ this situation. But their workers wages have kept rising. That creates opportunities for other developing coutries as they find _8_ there. India, Brazil and other smaller economies _9_ the opportunity and developed themselves quickly. It is time for other new nation

15、s to do the same or they will find it hard to walk out of the economic downturn as their recoveries depend _10_ on capital flow from the developed nations and exports to them. A) imitate I) servicesB) front-runners J) largelyC) markets K) generocityD) nearing L) engagedE) volunteer M) charmF) salari

16、es N) fiercelyG) meetings O) watchedH) grabbed 1. I 2. F 3. L 4. A 5. B 6. N 7. D 8. C 9. H 10. J1. I 可付得起的商品和服务。service-服务 故选 I。2. F 工资差距。 salary-工资 故选 F 。3. L 新兴经济体正忙于一场竞赛。engage-忙于、从事 故选 L。4. A 模仿技术。 imitate-模仿 故选 A。5. B 随着你越来越靠近领先者。front-runner(竞争)领先者 故选 B。6. N 与他们激烈竞争。fiercely-激烈地 故选 N。7. D 东亚国

17、家正接近这种局面。nearing-接近 故选 D。8. C 找到市场。market-市场 故选 C。9. H 抓住机会。grab-抓住 故选 H。10. J 主要取决于 largely-主要地、大半 故选 J。Passage 5Ponzi Schemes(庞氏骗局) are a kind of cheating investment operation that _1_ early investors with money from new investors. It is named after Charles Ponzi who _2_ to the United States in 19

18、03 from Italy and operated on “the robbing Peter to pay Paul” scam. As long as new money continued to _3_ in, the earlier investors earned handsomely. But if markets plunged and investors were _4_ to flee, the whole scheme fell apart like a house of _5_ and the newest investors lost all their _6_. A

19、fter months of investigation and trial, Charles Ponzi was found _7_ and put behind bars for a few years. He was _8_ in 1934 and sent back to his home country, Italy. But in 2008, a 50 billion dollar Ponzi Scheme operated by Bernard Madoff was revealed in New York and the whole world was _9_. This ti

20、me, the victims include major banks, hedge funds(对冲基金) and super rich _10_ from every corner of the world. A) flood I) emigratedB) cards J) stunnedC) released K) scaredD) individuals L) life-savingsE) guilty M) sharesF) accident N) declinedG) play O) pay offH) regulations 1. O 2. I 3. A 4. K 5. B 6.

21、 L 7. E 8. C 9. J 10. D 1. O 用新投资者的钱来偿还先前的投资者。pay off-还清(债务) 故选O。2I 2013年移民到美国。emigrate-移民 故选 I。3. A 只要新资金继续涌入 flood-涌4. K 投资者被吓跑。scare-惊吓 故选 K。5. B 整个骗局就像用纸牌搭成的房子那样倒塌。cards-纸牌 故选 B。6. L 最新到的投资者失去了他们毕生的积蓄。 life-savings-毕生的积蓄 故选 L。7. E 被判有罪。guilty-有罪的 故选 E。8. C 他于1934年获释。release-释放 故选 C。9. J 整个世界为之震惊

22、。stun-震惊 故选 J。10. D 超级富有的个人。individuals-个人 故选 D。Passage 6The United Nations proclaimed Thursday that _1_ a global financial crisis, foreign governments still collected over $16 billion in commitments to bolster programs to eliminate poverty, _2_ infectious diseases and aid millions of children to at

23、tend schools. About three billion people now _3_ on less than $2 a day in the world, more than a billion of which _4_ to live on less than $1 a day. But some analysts and non-governmental organizations warned that governments often fail to _5_ their pledges. Economists said the appeal for assistance

24、 could not have come at a _6_ time and forecast that it was not possible for many governments to make good on cash pledges to finance the battle against poverty amid the worldwide financial crisis. America appropriated a _7_ small amount of fund to aid poor foreign countries last year as it was _8_

25、in what could be given. It is very difficult to pour more money into development projects overseas at a time when rich donors are trapped in an economic downturn. The worldwide economic slowdown is further increasing poverty. Assistance and investments to developing nations are declining, leaving many _9_ people jobless and unable to raise their families. Their governments lack the means to support them or carry out big fiscal programs to_10_ the crisis. A) honor I) scrambleB) restricted J) preside overC) vulnerable K) relativelyD) despite L) worseE) starvation M) pat

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