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1、Yes, it is. Thank you.Dialogue 5:Excuse me, is this your bookNo. Its not mine.Whose book is it, thenIts Pedros, I think.Dialogue 6:Whose bicycle is thatWhich oneThe old green one.Oh, thats Roberts.Dialogue 7:What are you looking atIm looking at a photograph.Is it interestingYes, its a picture of my

2、girlfriend.Dialogue 8:Wheres John at the momentIn the garden.Whats he doing thereHes reading, I think.Dialogue 9:Are there any oranges in the kitchenNo, Im sorry. There arent any.Are there any bananas, thenYes. There are plenty of bananas.Dialogue 10:I want some butter, please.How much do you want,

3、MadamHalf a pound, please.Thank you, Madam.Dialogue 11:Is there any cream in the refrigeratorNo. There isnt any, Im afraid.Is there any milk, thenYes, there is plenty of milk.Dialogue 12:Where does Pedro come fromHe comes from Mexico City.What language does he speak, thenHe speaks Spanish.Dialogue 1

4、3:What does your friend doHe is a bank clerk.What does he workAt the Middleland Bank in Birmingham.Dialogue 14:Do you like your appleYes. Its nice and sweet. Is yours sweet, tooNo. Mine is rather sour.Oh, Im sorry about that.Dialogue 15:Can I help you, MadamYes. I want to see some cardigans.What siz

5、e do you take, MadamAbout fourteen inches, I think.Section Two:A.Problems:1.I really need some new curtains but Im afraid I cant sew.2.My problem is that I cant find a job. Managers always say my hair is too long.3.I do love listening to the radio but Im afraid my radio isnt working.4.Just look at t

6、hese shoes. They cost forty-five dollars last year and they have holes in them now.5.Do you know anything about cars My car is using too much petrol.B.Monologue:John Haslam is talking about his garden.You know, I dont really like the country. Its too quiet. Theres not enough movement, not enough act

7、ion, not enough to do. But Im like most other people: I need some peace and quiet sometimes, and this little garden is my peace and quiet. Its big enough for me. During the summer I may spend three or four hours out here. But even in the winter I may come out here for an hour or two at the weekends,

8、 if the weathers good. Its a good place to sit with my typewriter. And its a good place to sit with a book and a drink. And do you know something I spend as much time out of the house now as I did when I lived in the country. Funny, isnt itC.Telephone Conversation:(Sound of radio playing. Telephone

9、rings.)Betty: Listen, Mum. The phones ringing. Can I answer itJulie: Yes, of course. But please answer correctly.(Receiver being picked up.) (excited) Hello. This is Betty.Male Voice: (confused pause) Uh . good evening. Is that 789-6 double 43 Yes, it is. Would you like to talk to my mother Well . I

10、d like to talk to Mrs. Henderson. Just a moment. Ill tell her. Mrs. Henderson speaking. Whos calling please This is Brian Murphy, Mrs. Henderson. Im your new neighbor. I moved in yesterday. Oh, good evening, Mr. Murphy. Welcome to Oak Lane. Can we give you any help Sorry to bother you, Mrs. Henderso

11、n, but Id like to ask you some questions. Im never too busy to help a neighbor, Mr. Murphy. What would you like to know Well, first, could you tell me what time the milkman calls And which day do the dustmen come Whos the most dependable newsagent (pause) Oh, yes. where is the nearest police station

12、 My goodness. Mr. Murphy. You have got a lot of questions. Look, I have an idea. Why dont you come to tea tomorrow afternoon Then we can meet you and answer all your questions. Thats very kind of you, Mrs. Henderson. What time shall I come Any time after 3 oclock. We look forward to meeting you. Goo

13、dbye. Goodbye, Mrs. Henderson.(Receiver being replaced.)Section Three:Dictation.Dictation 1:Everything changes. Once a lot of people went to the cinema to see silent films. Then when talking pictures started nobody wanted to see silent films any more. But people still went to the cinema and everybod

14、y knew the names of all the great film stars. Now we have television. People sit at home night after night watching their favorite programs. But what is going to happen to the cinemaDictation 2:Dear Mr. Scott,Thank you for your letter of 15th January. You say that you telephoned our office five time

15、s in two days and did not receive a reply.I am sorry about this, but we have had problems with our telephone. Yours sincerely, D. RentonLesson EightHere comes my secretary. She is an extremely good-looking young woman, dont you thinkYes, but she isnt very good at her work.Perhaps you are right. But

16、I like her all the time.Im going to buy a new carpet.But you cant do that.Why cant IWe havent got enough money.What are you going to do this afternoonIm going to weed the garden.Are you going to weed the garden tomorrow afternoon, tooNo. Im going to paint the front door.Im going to sit on this chair

17、.But you mustnt.Why notBecause its broken.Do you like roast chickenYes. I love it. Thank you.Do you prefer brown meat or white meatI really dont mind. Thank you.Did you buy anything when you went to ParisYes. I bought a briefcase.Whats it likeIts a large, leather one.Did you take a bus to the meetin

18、g placeNo. I went in Richards car.Did Susan go in Richards car, tooNo. She took a taxi.Excuse me, sir, is this your cigarette lighterI beg your pardonI said “Is this your cigarette lighter”.Oh, yes, it is. Thank you so much.Not at all. Its a pleasure.Are you engaged, MargaretOf course Im not. Why do

19、 you ask, NicholettI only wanted to practice my English.Oh, I see. You want to make use of me.Good evening, and how have you spent the dayI serviced and cleaned the car till lunch time.And what did you do after lunchI took the family into the country for a picnic.Hello, Tony, where have you beenSwim

20、ming.Who did you go withI went with Mark and Elizabeth.Hello, why havent you lit your cigarI havent brought my lighter.I would lend you mine, if you like.Thank you. Thats very kind of you.Good evening. Can I help youYes. I have injured my ankle.What happenedI fell off a ladder last night.What are th

21、ose trays made ofThey are made of plastic.Are trays always made of plasticNo. They are sometimes made of wood or metal.Whats wrongIm very thirsty.Why not buy a cup of coffee, thenYes. Thats a good idea. I will.Dialogue 16:Excuse me, but is it half past four yetIm sorry, but I havent got a watch. Try

22、 the man with the walking stick. He has one.Thank you. I will.A.Likes and Dislikes. Listen to these people talking about things they like, things they dont like and things they sometimes like.Kurt is talking to Georgina.Male: Do you like chocolateFemale: It depends.Instructor: Now look at the boxes.

23、 Listen again to the conversation and listen carefully to the question. Then put a tick in the correct box. Here is the question: Does she like chocolateIs the tick under “sometimes”“Sometimes” is the correct answer.Now listen to the next example and do the same. Would you like a chocolate Not at th

24、e moment, thanks. Does she like chocolatesIs the tick under “Dont know”“Dont know” is the correct answer.Here are more conversations. Listen and tick the correct boxes.(a) Do you like pop music Does he like pop music(b) Would you like to come to a concert tonight Sorry. Im afraid I cant. Does she li

25、ke pop concerts(c) Do you like good coffee Mmmm. Its delicious. Does she like good coffee(d) Do you like English food Not all of it. Does he like English food(e) Would you like a cup of tea Id rather have a cool drink, please. Does she like tea(f) Would you like an ice cream Well . I never eat ice c

26、ream. Does he like ice cream(g) Would you like to come to a football match tomorrow Football matches are usually awful. Does she like football matches(h) Would you like to come to the cinema this evening That would be lovely. Does she like the cinema Does she like the boyB.Window-shopping:Bob and An

27、gela are window-shopping. The shop is closed, but they are talking about the sales next week. They are planning to buy a lot of things.Bob: Look at that, Angela. True-Value are going to sell hi-fis for pounds. Im going to buy one. We can save at least twenty pounds.Angela: Yes, and look at the washing machines. Theyre going to sell s

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