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吉林市第二次模拟测试英语 Word版含答案Word下载.docx

1、A. a; an B. the; a C. an; a7. Jack, why were you late for school? There was _ with my bike. So I had to repair it halfway. A. something wrong B. anything wrong C. wrong something 8. WeChat makes a big _ to our life because we can communicate with others easily. A. decision B. choice C. difference 9.

2、 The fire in Jilin on April 25 was caused by electric cars and it spread fast in a short time. _, no one was hurt. A. Luckily B. Sadly C. Suddenly 10. I am so happy that you invite me_ the opening ceremony. A. attending B. to attend C. attend 11. Nowadays, movie tickets can _ online. Its very conven

3、ient. A. buy B. be bought C. are bought 12. Mom, where are my shoes? Under your bed. You should _your things. A. put down B. put on C. put away 13. Lisa, were leaving in five minutes. Are you ready? No, I _my jeans and raincoat yet. A. dont pock B. didnt pack C. havent pack. 14.Sam, what are you loo

4、king for?Im looking for the magazine _came out last Sunday. A. what B. that C. who 15. _ wonderful speech President Xi gave at Beijing Normal University, I really admire him. A. How B. What a C. What二、交际运用(共15分) III. 完成对话 (方框中有一个选项是多余的)(5分)A. Thanks for telling me so much. B. I want to give some bea

5、utiful wallets from Suzhou as gifts to my host family. C. And you arent expected to open an umbrella in a house. D. In China, well receive lucky money. E. Could you please tell me where you are going? F. What s the traditional food?A= Lin Tao B= Betty A: Betty, Im going to England on my student exch

6、ange program.16._ B: In our country, you mustnt give anyone an empty wallet. It means theyll have no money. Oh, my god. I almost make mistakes. Can you tell me more customs in England? Okay. Its very unlucky to put new shoes on the table. 17. _ That will make the host family very afraid because it m

7、eans someone will die. Its really necessary to know local customs in a new country. 18. _ Youre welcome. When are you going there? I will fly to London on Dec 20th. And Im excited to have a Christmas dinner with my host family in the evening. In England, Christmas dinner is usually eaten at noon. Oh

8、, I see. 19. _ A roast turkey with vegetables. And we usually eat fruity Christmas pudding (布丁) for dessert. By the way, you can find Christmas gifts on the tree. That s great. I like gifts. 20. _ Thats our favorite Spring Festival gift. What is it? Lucky money is the money that is traditionally giv

9、en in red bags to young people. Thats interesting. IV. 补全对话 (每空词数不限)(10分) Hi, Kevin. Do you know the 2018 FIFA World Cup will start soon? No, I havent read the sports news for to long time. 21._ will it be held? It will be held between June 14 and July 15 in Russia. A lot of football fans are going

10、to watch the wonderful matches. Many football stars will go to the game, too. That sounds great. 22. _is it held? Every four years. I am going to Russia on June 30 after the exam. Really? How are you going there? I am going to take the plane to Moscow. 23. _ ? It is about 8 hours flight. Can you go

11、with me? Id love to, but I have to take a piano class and it wont end until July 10. 24. _! But you can watch the games on TV. Yes. And I really hope you will 25. _ there. Thanks. And I will share toy happy experience with you when I come back. 三、阅读(共50分)A. surprised B. moved C. poor D. good E. cont

12、inued F. life G. to H. who I. to rest J. on K. only L. wellV. 短文填空 (方框中有两个选项是多余的) (10分)One day, a king was traveling in his own country. He saw a farmer 26. _ was working to hard that he didnt notice a snake coiling around(缠绕着) his leg. The king shouted, Farmer, there is a snake on your leg! The far

13、mer shook the snake off and 27. _his work. The king was 28._ by this and asked, Dont you know that the snake can hurt you? Is your work more important than your 29. _ ? The farmer said, Your Majesty (陛下), if I dont work hard, my family will starve (挨饿) to death!s the 30. _ thing that I am afraid of.

14、 The king was 31. _ and decided to reward the farmer with a lot of money. A year later, the king met the farmer again. The farmer was 32. _ dressed and looked a little heavier. The king saw that he had a bandage on his right hand. The king asked him, What happened 33. _ your hand? Your Majesty, the

15、farmer replied, My finger was pricked (刺伤) by a thorn (刺) on a pumpkin. The king was amazed, When you were 34. _ ,you were not afraid of a snakebite. But now you say that you need 35. _ after being pricked by a thorn! The farmer said, That was then, this is now!26. _ 27. _ 28. _ 29. _ 30. _31. _ 32.

16、 _ 33. _ 34. _ 35. _VI. 阅读理解(40分) (A) Another royal(王室的) baby has arrived in the United Kingdom. Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, gave birth on Monday, April 23, 2018 to a healthy baby boy. It is the third child for her and her husband, Prince William. Monday was also St. Georges Day, Englands nation

17、al day. But its impossible to give the baby that name since his older brother already has it. The familys Kensington Palaces office announced the news. The palace said the baby was born at 11:01 a.m. and he weighed 3.8 kilograms. The palace also noted that mother and child were both doing well. The

18、baby is a younger brother to 4-year-old Prince George and Princess Charlotte. The baby was born at St. Marys Hospital in London. Since early April, reporters and fans of the royal family had been set up outside the hospital waiting for news of the princes birth. John Loughrey is a longtime royal-wat

19、cher. He waited outside the hospital for two weeks. He said the baby would be very good for the country. British Prime Minister Theresa May congratulated the royal family on the birth. She wrote on Twitter, My warmest congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their baby bo

20、y. I wish them great happiness for the future. The new baby is Queen Elizabeth IIs sixth great-grandchild. He is fifth in line to the British throne (王位), after his grandfather Prince Charles, his father Prince William and his sister and brother.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分)36. When was the royal baby born?A.

21、On Tuesday, May 23, 2017. B. On Wednesday, June 23, 2017. C. On Monday, April 23, 2018. D. On Monday, March 23, 2018. 37. Why is it impossible to give the baby name of George?A. Because nobody knows that name. B. Because the babys older brother already has that name. C. Because the baby has already

22、had a name. D. Because the babys parents dont like that name. 38. Where was the baby born?A. At St. Mays Hospital in London. B. At St. Royal Hospital in London. C. At St. Princes Hospital in London. D. At St. Marys Hospital in London. 39. Who congratulated the royal family on Twitter?A. US President

23、 Donald Trump. B. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. C. British Prime Minister Theresa May. D. Germanys Chancellor Angela Merkel. 40. How many great-grandchildren does Queen Elizabeth II have?A. Six. B. Five. C. Three. D. Two. (B)阅读下面的内容,从方框总选择适当的标题与所给的段落相匹配。(10分)A. Kids can play sports with special

24、 prostheses B. A special it made of delicious food C. Good news for exercise on weekends D. New types of soap were invented E. New world record of the Rubiks Cube speed-solving 41. Researchers from Loughborough University and the University of Sydney found that there were few differences in keeping

25、healthy between doing sports every day and only at the weekend. Weekend-only exercise is enough to help you five longer. You can lower the risk of dying from cancer diseases by 18 percent. 42. The NHS is looking to help kids who lost their arms or legs get into sport by providing them with special p

26、rostheses designed for sport. This is the first time these prostheses will be available for kids on the NHS. They can help kids play different sports. 43. An American company made Rub-A-Way Stainless Steel Soap Bar. Its a piece of stainless steel shaped like a bar of soap. It can remove the smell of

27、 garlic, onions or fish from your hands. 44. In Australia, a student cut 0.01seconds off the Rubiks Cube speed-solving world record. Feliks Zemdegs, 20, solved the famous toy in just 4.73 seconds. The world record before was set by a boy who sat next to him as he broke the record. 45. Is that a car?

28、 Yes. A chocolate car! A car made of chocolate was seen during the 18th Chocolate Salon in Paris, France. There were many lovely things made of chocolate, such chocolate flowers and chocolate grapes. The Salon was open for five days. And it attracted about 130,000 visitors.(C)At night, you fall asleep while listening to beautiful music. In the morning, you are woken up by the singing of birds outside. You can enjoy all of these things because of one important organ (器官) the ears. March 3 is Ear Car

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