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1、这两个城市由铁路相连。A new road was built to connect this town to / with New York.新修了一条马路将这个小镇与纽约连接起来。The discussion is connected with the incident.这次讨论与这件事有关。3. behave vi. & vt.(举止或行为)表现 behaviour n. 态度;行为;举止He behaved badly towards the guests.他对客人们很不礼貌。How is your new car behaving?你的新车性能怎样?She behaves as if

2、/though nothing had happened.她显得像是什么事也没发生过。Behave yourself; dont make a fool of yourself.注意你的举止,别闹出笑话来。Their behaviour towards me shows that they dont like me.他们对我的态度说明他们不喜欢我。4. worthwhile adj. 值得的,值得干的,值得花时间/金钱/精力的 Helping the disabled is a worthwhile activity.帮助残疾人是一项很有意义的活动。The smile on her face

3、made it all worthwhile.她脸上的笑容使得这一切都非常值得。Its worthwhile taking / to take the trouble to explain a job fully to new employees.给新雇员详细解释一下工作要求,费点事也是值得的。词语辨析: worthwhile / worth / worthy worth 作形容词时,意为“值得的;有价值的”,只能作表语,其后一般接动词-ing的主动形式来表达被动含义,或与表示价值方面的词连用,常用well修饰。worthy可作表语或定语,用作定语时,意思是“有价值的;值得尊敬的”;用作表语时

4、,意思是“值得的;应得到的”其结构为be worthy of sth. / being done; be worthy to be done. The laptop is worth 10,000 yuan and it is well worth buying.这台笔记本电脑值一万元,但很值得买。Its a worthy cause and is worthy of our hardworking.这是一份高尚的事业,值得我们努力。He who does his duty is worthy of being praised/ worthy to be praised.凡是忠于职守的人都值得

5、赞扬。5. observe v. 观察;观测;看到;注意到;遵守;庆祝observation n. 观察力;言论She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.她花了多年时间观察并记录它们的日常活动。She observed that all that chairs were already occupied.她发现所有的椅子都有人坐了。He observed a stranger hanging around the store.他看到一个陌生人在商店附近闲逛。She observed someone open t

6、he door.她看到有人开了门。Tom was observed to steal from the shop.汤姆被人看到从商店里偷东西。The law must be strictly observed.这项法律必须严格遵守。Do you observe Christmas in your country?你们国家过圣诞节吗?6. respect(1) vt. 尊重;尊敬;敬重The media should respect famous peoples privacy.媒体应当尊重名人的隐私。I respect you for your honesty.由于你为人正直,我对你十分敬重。

7、(2) n. 尊重;敬重;(pl.)问候;敬意;方面He has / shows no respect for the feelings of the others.他不尊重别人的感情。Give my respects to your wife. 请代我向你太太问好。I cant agree with your opinions in this respect.在这一点上我不赞成你的意见。7. argue (argument n. 争论;争吵;辩论)(1) vt. 争吵;争论;辩论He argued with Mary over / about the best place for a hol

8、iday.他和玛丽争论关于度假的最好的地方。He argued for / against the five-day week.他赞成/反对一周五天工作制。(2) vi. 主张;认为;说服She argued that our attempt would be a waste of time.她认为我们的尝试将是浪费时间。I argued her into buying a new car.我说服了她买一辆新车。8. support(1)支撑;维持;抚养;赡养The chair isnt strong enough to support that heavy man.那把椅子不够结实,支撑不住

9、那个大胖子。Air, food and water are necessary to support life.空气、食物和水是维持生命必不可缺的。He has to work hard to support his family.他必须努力工作养活一家人。(2) 支持;拥护;赞成His family and friends have given him lots of support.家人和朋友给了他很多支持。Only a few people spoke in support of the proposal.只有几个人表示支持这个提议。I dont support his opinion.

10、我不赞成他的观点。9. intend vt. 意欲;计划;打算Do you intend making / to make a long stay here?你打算在这里长待吗?He intended his son to manage the company.他打算让他的儿子经营这家公司。The chair was intended for you, but she took it away.那把椅子原来是为你准备的,可是让她拿走了。The meeting is intended to deal with some important problems.开这个会的目的是想解决一些重要问题。I

11、 intended to have gone / I had intended to go to Beijing, but I didnt get the tickets.我本打算去北京的,但我没买到票。She intended that her daughter should study English.她打算让她的女儿学英语。intention n. 意图;打算;目的He has announced his intention to retire.他已经宣布他要退休了。I have no intention of going to the wedding.我无意去参加婚礼。He left

12、England with the intention of travelling in Africa.他离开英国,打算去非洲旅行。10. considerate adj. 体贴的, 体谅的, 考虑周到的consideration n. 考虑,体谅He is always considerate to old people.他对老人一向体贴入微。It was very considerate of you to send me a postcard.你想得真周到,寄给我明信片。After careful consideration, weve decided to accept their of

13、fer.经过慎重考虑,我们决定接受他们的提议。John never showed any consideration for his mothers feeling.约翰从来都不体谅他母亲的感情。Your teacher will take your recent illness into consideration when judging your examination results.老师评考分时肯定会考虑你最近生病的情况的。The question is now under consideration. 这个问题正在考虑之中。11. deliver vt. & vi. 递送;生(小孩

14、);接生;发表(演说等)delivery n. 移交;释放The telegram was delivered early this morning.这份电报是今天清晨送到的。Mr. Smith delivered the opening speech.史密斯先生致开幕词。She had gone to a neighbouring village to deliver a baby. 她到附近一个村子里帮助接生去了。She was delivered of a healthy baby.她生下了一个健康的婴儿。He delivered the thief over to the police

15、.他把小偷移交给警察。(二)重点短语1. She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system.她还发现了黑猩猩之间是如何交流的,而她对黑猩猩身势语的研究帮助她弄清楚了黑猩猩的社会体系。 work out 解决、解答、计算出;产生结果、发展;锻炼;作出、制订出I cant work out where the music was coming from.我弄不清这音乐是从哪儿传来

16、的。She worked out the problem with no difficulty.她毫无困难地解决了这个问题。Everything has worked out according to plan.一切都按计划发展。I want to try to follow Davids example but it never worked out for me.我想仿效大卫的做法,但这对我不起作用。These athletes work out at the gym for two hours every day.这些运动员每天都要在体育馆锻炼两个小时。It wasnt too long

17、 before we had worked out a plan acceptable to all.没多久我们就制订出一个大家都能接受的计划。2. She is leading a busy life but she says 她过着忙碌的生活,但是她说 lead a life = live a life 过的生活Now they have retired and want to live a quiet life.如今他们退休了,想过一种平静的生活。Although he is very rich, he still leads a simple life.尽管他非常富裕,但他仍旧过着简朴

18、的生活。3. Many people look down upon poor people. 很多人瞧不起穷人。 look down upon / on 蔑视;轻视;瞧不起You mustnt look down upon/ on the disabled.你绝不能瞧不起残疾人。知识拓展:英语中常与look 搭配的其它短语We look forward to seeing you again.我们期待着与你再次相见。The government will look into how to reduce unemployment.政府将研究如何降低失业率。They stood looking o

19、n while the man was robbed.在那个人被抢劫时, 他们却站在那儿袖手旁观。I look on him as a good friend. 我把他视为好友。If there are words you dont understand, look them up in a dictionary.有生词就查字典。I look up to Bill for his courage and determination.我敬重比尔,因为他既勇敢又果断。Tell the children to look out when they cross the main street.告诉孩子

20、们过大街时要当心。Every time I try to fool him, he looks through my tricks.我每次企图愚弄他都会被他识破。The stranger looked around/round him with great interest.那陌生人怀着极大的兴趣看着他的四周。4. If the word group refers to different members, use a plural verb.如果group(作主语)指的是各个成员,谓语动词用复数。 refer to指的是:提及;谈到;提到;查阅、参考Does your remark refe

21、r to all of us?你的评论指的是我们所有的人吗?We agreed never to refer to the matter again.我们一致同意永远不要再提这件事了。She referred to the subject several times during her speech.在演讲中她好几次提到这个话题。Refer to the dictionary when you dont know how to spell a word.当你不知道怎么拼写一个词时,查阅一下词典。All his classmates referred to him as “Black bear

22、d.”他的同学都称他为“黑胡子”。5. By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in womens diseases.很偶然地,我看到了一篇关于林巧稚大夫的文章,她是一名妇科专家。 by chance=by accident 偶然地,意外地I met her quite by chance/accident.我遇见她完全是偶然的。I heard their talking by chance/accident.我偶然听到他们的谈话。 come across 偶然发现,偶

23、然遇见;被理解、接受I came across him in the street yesterday.昨天我在街上无意中碰到了他。I came across her name on the list.我无意中在名单上发现了她的名字。He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not come across.他讲了很久, 但没把意思讲明白。英语中常与come搭配的短语还有:How did the difference come about?差别是如何产生的?The question hasnt come up yet.问题还没提出来。When wi

24、ll the dictionary come out?那本字典什么时候出版?6. Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?为什么不像林巧稚那样去读医学院,继续她的伟大事业呢? carry on 继续;坚持We must carry on till success in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.尽管条件极其困难,我们必须坚持下去,直到成功。Anyhow, we should carry on with our resea

25、rch.无论如何,我们必须坚持我们的研究。If you carry on working like that, you will make yourself ill.如果继续那样工作,你会生病的。英语中常与carry搭配的短语I had some difficulty in carrying out the plan.实施这个计划我有些困难。Their faith and courage carried them through.他们的信心和勇气使他们渡过了难关。本单元其它重要短语fight for 为而战concern oneself with /about关心,忙于devoteto把奉献给

26、encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事as as possible 尽可能地move off 离开;启程;出发spend some time doing sth. 花费时间做某事set up 成立;建立crowd in (想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海say to oneself心中暗想;自言自语gain a doctors degree获得博士学位catch sb.s eye/attention引起某人注意second to 比差;次于later on 以后can not wait to do sth. 迫不及待地要做某事of ones own 属于某人自己的pr

27、epare for (使)为作准备(三)重(难)点句型1. This means going back to the place where we left the chimp family sleeping in a tree the night before. 这就意味着我们要返回前一天晚上我们离开时黑猩猩一家睡觉的大树旁。2. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.只有在她母亲头几个月过来帮忙后,她才得以开始自己的计划。 on

28、ly + 状语,位于句首,引起部分倒装。Only in this way can we solve this problem.只有用这种办法,我们才能解决这个问题。Only then did I realize I was wrong. 此时此刻我才意识到自己错了。注意: Only when one loses something, can he know its value.只有当一个人失去某样东西的时候,他才会知道它的价值。Only Tom knew the result of the football match.只有汤姆知道那场足球比赛的结果。3. It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and car

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