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1、DrinkingWater大堂及客房保险箱- page 8LobbySafetyBox page 8照明系统LightingControlofGuestRoom洗衣LaundryCleaning擦鞋 page 9ShoePolishingHair- page 9page 9宽带BroadbandAccess(ADSL叫醒WakingUp失物Lost&DryerAccess)Found page 10“ DoNotDisturb- page 10电烫斗/烫板IronBoard房内送餐迷你吧MiniBarKTV订Banquet- page 10 page 11账Account信用卡Credit-

2、page 11客page 11台风Typhoon- page 11外币Foreignpage 12Currency12防盗CardKeyExchangepageDoubleLockedPrograminhouseMailBatteryRechargeMessagePowerPetspage 13SourceNumberSauna page 13保安Security电话指南 page 14-15PhoneDirectory- page 14-15宾须知 page 16LodgerRegulationsFireAlarmpage 19 page 20AmendsListFOR欢迎辞尊敬的贵宾承蒙阁

3、下莅临巴里岛假日酒店 ,“宾客至尊, 享受高贵 ”是我们的服务宗旨。在您住店期间, 我们将为您提供尽善尽美的服务, 使您感受到温馨与真诚, 愿我 们的服务给您留下美好的印象。恭祝您旅途愉快、商务成功、万事如意!欢迎您再次光临!Welcome To Bld hoday hotelDear guest:It is with our pleasure that we welcome you to HUAXIN HOTEL,workhardand create new earnestly and enthusiastically. To try to be best are our objective

4、.We would like to offer you the perfect hotel service with our all hearts,in order to makeyou feel warmand are expecting our service will leave you a very good impression.We wish you every success whether your visit is for business or pleasure.Welcome back againSincerely yours酒店简介Hotel Introduction巴

5、里岛酒店隶属于金奥恒丰国际管理集团 ( . ManagementGroup, Inc. ),巴里岛是一家源于法国文化、 专门从事酒店管理及相关服务的专业化集团公司。酒店集团为客户提供与酒店管理相关的一系列服务, 主要包括: 酒店管理及度假 村管理、预开业管理、酒店顾问咨询、酒店风格及功能布局设计。作为中国酒店加盟业高端品质的代表,巴里岛酒店始终以顾客满意为基础,以成为“高品质酒店的卓越领导者“为目标,为每位顾客带去宾至如归的享 受。巴里岛酒店, 以直营和特许并存的模式经营连锁酒店, 形成了连锁酒店网络体系。凭借品质、优雅、温馨、享受的酒店住宿产品,巴里岛酒店为八方来客 提供安心、舒适住宿服务,

6、传递着高品位的生活理念。巴里岛酒店集团拥有三大品牌: “巴里岛国际酒店” 、“巴里岛假日酒店”、巴厘岛商务酒店”。在奢华酒店、五星级、四星级、经典商旅酒店市场内均代 表欧洲优秀水平,巴里岛酒店集团能够帮助成员酒店成功地实现利润最大化和物 业的升值。成立至今, 巴里岛酒店以敏锐的市场洞察力、 完善的人力资源体系、 有力的管理执行力和强大的资金优势迅速建立起了优质的竞争力。 巴里岛酒店正用实 际行动带动着中国高端酒店加盟业走向成熟和完善。Bali Hotel attached to the Austrian Hengfeng international management group ( . M

7、anagement Group, Inc. ), is a French origin culture, specializing in hotel management and related professional services company. Bali Hotel Group to provide customers with a series of hotel management related services, including: Hotel Management & ResortManagement, the business management, hotel co

8、nsultancy, hotel style and layout design.As Chinas hotel industry to join the high-end quality representative,Bali Hotel has always been to customer satisfaction as the basis, to become high-quality hotel outstanding leadership as the goal, for each customer to enjoy the guests feel at home.Bali Hot

9、el, to direct and chartered coexist pattern operating hotel chain, formed a chain hotel network system. With quality, elegant, warm, enjoy the hotel product, Bali Hotel is eight side guests to provide ease, comfortable accommodation services, delivery of high quality of life concept.Bali Hotel Group

10、 has three major brands: Bali International Hotel, BaliHoliday Inn, Traders Hotel in Bali Island. At the El Luxor Hotel, five star, four star, classic hotel market are representative of the European elite level, Bali Hotel Group to help membersof the hotel to successfully realize the profit maximiza

11、tion and the appreciation of the property.Si nee its establishme nt, Bali Hotel with a kee n in sight into the market, perfect system of humanresources, strong managementmpiementation force and strong cap ital adva ntage and quickly established quality comp etitive ness. Bali Hotel with p ractical a

12、cti on to drive of Chi nas high-e nd hotel in dustry joined to mature and p erfect.Hotel In troducti on大堂副理服务Assista nt Man ager电话分机:8999Ext:8999 如需帮助请与当值大堂副理联系。For any assista nce,p lease con tact us.行李服务Luggage Service8222 Ext:8222为您提供16小时行李服务以及贵重物品存放服务,如需服务请联系礼宾部Our 16hours bellboys pro vide you

13、luggage service and valuables any con tact us.接待服务/问询服务Rece ptio n/ln formatio n8282 Ext:8282提供24小时的接待/问询服务,位于大堂。Located in the lobby,our rece pti oni sts pro vides you 24hours service.商务中心Busin ess Center8555 Ext:8555位于大堂,16小时为你提供商务、传真、订票、邮件等服务。Locates in the lobby,our bus in ess Cen ter pro vides

14、you bus in ess service,tickets book ing Service etc.Service Hour:AM:7:00 PM:23:00总机服务Op erator Service8888 Ext:8888为您提供电话信息查询、留言服务。Our op erator will pro vide you in formati on and message service.订房服务Reservatio n Service8111 Ext:8111酒店提供24小时订房服务We p rovide you 24hours reservati on serviceOTC药品服务“OT

15、C Medcine Service8999 Ext:8999如需服务,请与当值大堂副理联系。If you n eed any help,p lease con tact AM.服务中心Housekee ping Center您若需要增加房内用品或服务,请于服务中心联系If you n eed any additi onal room supp lies and services ,PI ease con tact ourHouseking.、饮用水Drin ki ng Water如需饮用开水请用房内开水器PI ease make use of the electric thermos if y

16、ou n eed some hot water.大堂及客房保险箱Lobby Safety Box大堂接待处和您的房间为阁下提供免费使用的保险箱,较大的贵重物品可存放在 大堂保险箱内。酒店管理当局对留在客房内物品的任何损坏或遗失不负任何责 任。Each room is fitted with a safe box;your valuable bel ongings are recomme nded to be kee p in the safe ,PI ease open your safe door before you checkout,Bye the way,the lobby pro v

17、ides free safes for bigger valuable hotel man ageme nt is not liable to any loss or damage valuables left in the gust rooms.客房照明系统Lighti ng Con trol of Guest Room房间配有灯光总控制器,将磁卡插入取电器内,灯光便会自动开亮,当您离开房 间时,请取出磁卡,灯光便会自动开关。Each room is equipped with master switch con trol lighti ng,PI ease in sert the card

18、 key in to the slot beside the door to turn on the lights,Whe n leav ing the room p lease remove the card key to turn lights off automatically.洗衣服务Laundry And Dry Clea ning Service 8282如有水洗、干洗衣物请与服务中心 8282联系。详情请参阅洗衣单。For laundry and dry clea ning,p lease con tact Housekee ping at Ext 8282 for detail

19、s p lease refer to the laundry list.擦鞋服务Shoe P olishi ng Service8282 Ext :房内备有擦鞋布,如需提供擦鞋服务,请与服务中心联系。Each room p rovides shoe p olishi ng,p lease con tact Housekee ping if you n eed extra service.吹风机Hair Dryer客房的浴室备有吹风机,如有问题请与服务中心联系。PI ease con tact Housekee ping if there is any p roblem with the hai

20、r dryer in your washroom.冰块Ice Cube如您需要冰块,请与服务中心联系。If you n eed ice cube ,pl ease con tact Housekee ping宽带上网接口Broadba nd Access(ADSL Access)8888 Ext : 8888会客客房已安装宽带上网接口。接口位于你的书桌下面。叫醒服务Wake-U p Call Service请按8888与接线生联络,确定您的叫醒时间。Wake-up calls can be arran ged by op erator to confirm the time ,PI ease

21、dial.失物招领Lost & Found如有物品遗失,请与总台联系,遗失物品,酒店保留三个月,易变质物品只保留 三天,在上述期限内无人认领的物品,酒店有权自行处理。For lost and found items ,p lease con tact front desk,the hotel will only lost and found items for a p eriod of three mon ths ,P erishable items will be reta ined for three days onl y,the hotel reserves the right to d

22、is pose of any item which is not claimed within this p eriod of time.请勿打扰“ Do Not Disturb ” Service当您需谢绝探访及不被打扰时,请将“请勿打扰”牌挂在门把手上,并通知接线 生不要把接转电话到客房。Whe n you do not want to be disturbed ,pl ease hang out this card on the kn ob,you can also inform the op erator not to con tact any to your room.电烫斗/烫衣板

23、Iron/lron Board客房中心备有电烫斗和烫衣板,如有需要可与客房中心联系。The Housekee ping pro vides iron and iron board,if any n eed p lease con tactHousekee ping .房内用餐服务Room Service8333 Ext: 8333本酒店全天为您提供房内用餐服务,详情请参阅客房用餐服务餐单。Our hotel pro vides a wide select ion of super Chin ese cuis ine a whole day ,PI ease refer the guest ro

24、om menu to make your choice or con tactHousekee ping.迷你吧Mini Bar客房内备有迷你酒吧,每日有专人补充,任何使用都会按价计入客账上。如有其 它需要,请随时与客房中中心联系。A full stock mini bar is pro vide in your room,ltems will be repleni shed daily and all consump tio n will be charged to your acco unt accordi ng to the list p rice,For any requireme n

25、t pl ease con tact Housekee ping.8777 Ext: 8777位于酒店二楼和三楼,配备高端,拥有先进的VOD点歌系统,为您营造最逼真的 视听效果,为您提供展现自我风采的舞台。Located on floor three and floor four,Be a superstar in our well-furnishedKTV Rooms with the state of the art VCD system.订餐服务 电话分机:8201 Ext: 8201位于酒店一楼的巴里岛咖啡厅,承接个人或团队的商务用餐服务。At hotel build ing un l

26、imited sce nery restaura nt, un dertake in dividual and team dinner service.服务时间(Service Hour):08:00-02:账务服务Acco unt Service 8111退房时间为正午十二时,若需延迟退房时间,请与总台接待联系。如果您在下午 六点退房,酒店将保留对客人增收半天房费的权利, 超过六点酒店将增收全天房 费。Check-out time is 12:00 at noon ,if you exte nd your stay ,pl ease con tact our rece pti onist who will assist you, we reserve the right to cha

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