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1、适用于铁磁性材料的机加工件、焊缝、板材坡口面等表面和近表面缺陷的检测,不适用于非磁性材料及磁性材料与非磁性材料结合部位的检测。满足GB 150、压力容器安全技术监察规程和相关标准的要求。1.2 This regulation is compile based on JB/T 4730.4-2005. It is suitable for ferro-magnetic material, such as machining workpiece, weld seam, groove face of plate and near surface flaw. The regulation is not

2、 suitable for non-magnetic substance and bonded block made with ferro-magnetic material and non-magnetic substance. The regulation satisfied with GB-150, Supervision, Regulation on Safety Technology for Pressure vessel and correlative standard.1.3 本规程适用于非荧光湿磁粉的连续磁化技术。1.3 This regulation is suitable

3、for continuous Magnetizing technique of non-fluorescent wet magnetic particle.1.4 检测工艺卡是本规程的补充。由级或以上人员按合同及本规程和JB/T 4730.4-2005编制,其参数规定得更具体。1.4 Examine process chart is a supplement of this regulation. The chart is prepared be grade II person or more than grade II person, and the chart is prepared fo

4、llowing contract, this regulation and JB/T 4730.4-2005. The parameter in process chart is more detailed.2 检测人员 2 Testers2.1 检测人员必须经过培训,按特种设备无损检测人员资格考核与监督管理规则取得与其工作相适应的资格证书,并负相应的技术责任。2.1 All personnel engaged in Magnetic Particle examination must be trained technically and examined and appraised in a

5、ccordance with Special Equipment Nondestructive Testing and Supervising Standard.These person should have corresponding technical responsibility. And take corresponding technical responsibilities.2.2 检测人员每年应检查一次身体,其未经矫正或经矫正的近(距)视力和远(距)视力应不低于5.0(小数记录值为1.0),不得有色盲。2.2 The personnel engaged in nondestru

6、ctive testing must have excellent physical conditions and do physical check-up once a year, corrected eyesight must not be lower than 1.0. The personnel engaged in magnetic powder testing and penetration testing must not be color blind and weak.3 设备、工具和材料3. Facility, Equipment and Material 、级人员按下列条件

7、和工艺卡要求选用设备、工具和材料。 Person with grade I and II should choose facility, equipment and material as following condition and chart.3.1 磁化设备及校验3.1 Magnetizing Equipment and Calibration3.1.1 磁化设备见表1。3.1.1 Magnetizing Equipment is shown as Table 1.表1 磁粉检测设备(按公司现有设备修改下表)Table 1 Magnetic Particle Testing Equip

8、ment制造厂/Manufactory型号/Model结构形式/Type提升力/Lifting power备注/Note江苏射阳探伤机厂/Jiangsu She yang detective equipment companyDCE-E2便携式/portable typeAC提升力118NAC Lifting power118N交叉磁轭/cross yokeDCE-C注:提升力用试块测定,当使用磁轭最大间距时,交流电磁轭至少应有45N的提升力,直流电磁轭至少应有177N的提升力,交叉磁轭至少应有118N的提升力(磁极与试件表面间隙0.5mm)。Note: Lifting force is te

9、sted by shim. When use the maximum yoke distance, the lifting power of alternating current yokes should at least 45N and 177N for DC yoke. The lifting power of cross yokes at least 118N . (the distance between magnetic pole and shim 0.5mm )3.1.2 磁化设备的校验3.12 Calibration of Magnetizing Equipment(1) 电流

10、表精度校验(1) Calibration of amperemeter precision磁粉检测设备的电流表,至少半年校验一次。当设备进行重要电气修理或大修后,应进行校验。Magnetizing equipment with an ammeter shall be calibrated at least once half a year, or when-ever the equipment has been subjected to major electric repair, periodic overhaul, or damage.(2) 电磁轭提升力校验(2) Lifting pow

11、er of Yokes电磁轭的提升力至少半年校验一次。在磁轭损伤修复后应重新校验。The magnetizing power of electromagnetic yokes shall be checked twice a year. The magnetizing power of all yokes shall be checked whenever the yoke has been damaged or repaired.3.2 灵敏度试件3.2 Shim of sensitivity3.2.1 标准试片主要用于检验磁粉检测设备、磁粉和磁悬液的综合性能,了解被检工件表面有效磁场强度和

12、方向、有效检测区以及磁化方法是否正确。标准试片有A1型、C型、D型和M1型。其规格、尺寸和图形见表2。3.2.1 The normal shim mainly used for checking magnetic particle testing machine, magnetic particle and magnetic suspension. To check whether the effective magnetic density, effective checkout zone and Magnetizing method are correct or not. The type

13、 of normal shim are A1, C, D and M1. The size and graph are shown as Table 2.表2 标准试片的类型、规格和图形Table 2 Type, Size and Graph of normal shim类型/type规格:缺陷槽深/试片厚度,msize: depth of defect/ thickness of shim, m图形和尺寸,mmgraph and size, mmA1型A1-7/50A1-15/50A1-30/50A1-15/100A1-30/100A1-60/100CC-8/50C-15/50DD-7/50

14、D-15/50M112mm7/509mm15/506mm30/50C型标准试片可剪成5个小试片分别使用。 Normal shim of type C can be used divided 5 pieces.磁粉检测时一般应选用A1-30/100型标准试片。当检测焊缝坡口等狭小部位,由于尺寸关系,A1型标准试片使用不便时,一般可选用C-15/50型标准试片。为了更准确地推断出被检工件表面的磁化状态,当用户需要或技术文件有规定时,可选用D型或M1型标准试片。As a rule, model test piece can be chose A1-30/100. If it is not conve

15、nient to use A1 model test piece for sensitivity to test the narrow parts, such as weld groove, because of small size, C-15/50 model test piece for sensitivity can be employed. For checking the magnetizing situation of the surface well and truly, and there is mention in technique document, can choos

16、e type D or type M1.3.2.2 磁场指示器3.2.2 Magnetic Particle Field Indicator磁场指示器的作用与标准试片相同,但它仅是一种粗略的校验。The function of magnetic particle field indicator is same as normal shim, but the indicator is a cursory calibration.3.2.3 灵敏度试件的使用3.2.3 Model test piece for sensitivity(1)标准试片:将试片无人工缺陷的表面朝上,使试片与被检面接触良好

17、,必要时可用透明胶带将其整体体贴在被检面上,但人工缺陷处不得贴覆。试验时边磁化边浇洒磁悬液,以人工缺陷清晰显示来确定磁化规范、磁化方向和有效磁化范围。(1) Model test piece: The shim shall be attached to the surface to be examined, such that the artificial flaw side of the shim is toward the inspected surface. Make sure the shim and surface meet well, if need, use cellulose

18、tape fix on the inspected surface. But the artificial flaw should not be cover.(2)磁场指示器:将其平放于被检面上,边磁化施加磁悬液,使缺陷清晰显示来估判。 (2) Magnetic Particle Field Indicator: Put the indicator on the inspected surface, when the magnetic suspension are applied simultaneously with the magnetizing force, let the flaw a

19、ppear on it.3.3 磁粉及磁悬液3.3 Magnetic Particle and Magnetic Suspension3.3.1 磁粉:采用BW-1型磁膏或喷灌。3.3.1 Magnetic Particle: use type BW-1 magnetic cream or irrigation.3.3.2 磁悬液:一般载体媒介为水,每升加1025g磁粉。磁悬液浓度的测定采用磁悬液浓度测定管进行。磁悬液浓度应按受检部位表面粗糙及使用方式确定,一般其沉淀浓度应控制在1.22.4Ml/100mL的范围内或按制造厂的推荐配比。3.3.2 Magnetic Suspension: Ta

20、ke 10-25g magnetic particle per litre water. The concentration of magnetic suspension is measured by concentration centrifuge tube. The concentration of magnetic suspension solution used circularly must be determined regularly. As a rule, in 100ML of magnetic suspension solution, precipitation volum

21、e of magnetic powder is 1.22.4ML.4 被检测表面的制备4 Surface preparations4.1 若被检表面凹凸不平,以致可能遮盖缺陷显示时,应通过磨削工机加工来制备。4.1 When the inspected surface is rugged, and can effect the indication of defects, must machine the inspect surface.4.2 若被检面为焊接接头,其两侧各100mm范围内不得有松散的锈蚀、氧化皮、飞溅、油污或其他粘附磁粉、妨碍检测的污物。4.2 No grease, rust

22、, oxide skin, spatter or other magnetic powder adherence matters on both side(100mm) of welding seam.4.3 被检工件的表面粗糙度Ra不大于25m。4.3 Surface roughness (Ra) of tested work pieces must not be more than 12.5m.4.4 如果被检工件表面残留有涂层,当涂层厚度均匀且不超过0.05mm,不影响检测结果时,经合同各方同意,可以带涂层进行磁粉检测。4.4 If magnetic powder is difficul

23、t to remove from inspected surface, and the thickness of coat is less than 0.05mm, which can not effect the examine result, can do magnetic particle examination with the coat.5 检测时机5 Testing Time5.1 筒体焊接接头校圆且内部缺陷返修合格后进行。5.1. For weld joint on shell, testing must be carried out after re-rolling and r

24、epairing.5.2 封头在成型且内部缺陷返修合格后进行。5.2 For the head with repairing, testing must be carry out after molding and repairing.5.3 机加工件加工成成品,以最终热处理后检测的结果为准。5.3 Magnetic powder testing for fastners and forged pieces must be conducted after the final heat-treatment unless additionally requested.5.4 有延迟裂纹倾向的材料,

25、应在焊后24小时之后进行。5.4 For materials of delayed cracking, testing must be completed within 24h after welded.6 磁化操作6 Magnetization Procedure采用交流电磁轭和交叉磁轭湿法连续磁化技术。、级人员每天检测前,应对系统综合性能、磁悬液浓度和磁悬液润湿性能等进行检验,合格后方可进行操作。For this technique, alternating current electromagnetic yokes and cross magnetic yokes can be used

26、. Before testing, the tester must check combination property of system, concentration of magnetic suspension and wetting ability of magnetic suspension.6.1 磁轭磁化规范的确定(1) 磁轭的提升力应符合表1注的规定。(1) The lifting power of yokes must follow Table 1.(2)磁轭的磁极间距应控制在75mm200mm之间,检测的有效区域为两极连线两侧各50mm的范围内,其磁化范围应根据标准试片实测

27、结果来选择。有效磁化区域每次应有不少于15mm的重叠。(2) Space between magnetic poles of magnetic yoke must be within the range of 75200mm. The effective area tested reaches 50mm outside on both sides on the line of both poles of magnetic yoke, and there must be 15mm overlapped magnetized area each time.(3)使用交叉磁轭装置时,四个磁极端面与检

28、测面之间应尽量贴合,最大间隙不应大于1.5mm。应连续拖动检测,检测速度应均匀,一般不应大于4m/min。用标准试片试验时,其圆形及十字线各方向均应明显显示,否则不得使用,以防漏检。(3) When magnetism yokes are used, the yokes surface should abut inspected surface maximum. The maximum distance can not more than 1.5mm. The testing speed should be equality, and no more than 4m/min. When use

29、 model test piece, the circle and reticle should indicate clearly, otherwise, can not use.6.2 采用连续磁化方法,在通电磁化的同时,施加水磁悬液,持续磁化时间为13s,为保证磁化效果应至少反复磁化2次,停施磁悬液至少1s后才可停止磁化。6.2 For the continuous method, application of magnetic powder and magnetic suspension solution must be completed during the course of ma

30、gnetization. Magnetization time is 1-3s. It is very important magnetization 2 times to ensure magnetic effect, and 1s must be taken after magnetization.6.3 被检工件的每一被检区除交叉磁轭磁化外,至少进行2次独立的检测,2次检测的的磁力线方向应大致相互垂直。6.3 At least two separate examinations shall be performed on each area. The lines of magnetic flux shall be

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