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Unit 14人教版九年级英语词汇与语法基础Word文件下载.docx

1、overcome克服;战胜graduate毕业;获得学位ours pron.我们的senior级别(或地位)高的text课文;文本leveldegree n(.大学)学位;度数;程度manager经理;经营者gentleman先生graduation毕业ceremony典礼;仪式congratulate祝贺thirsty口渴的;渴望的none没有一个;毫无task任务;工作ahead adv.向前面;在前面responsible承担责任;有责任separate单独的;分离的分开;分离wing翅膀;翼二、重点词汇1. noun & adj /stndd/1). noun. a level of

2、quality标准,水准,水平例句:This essay is not of an acceptable standard - do it again.这篇文章不达标准重新写。This piece of work is below standard/is not up to standard.这活儿做得不合要求。2). adj. usual rather than special, especially when thought of as being correct or acceptable标准的;规范的;通常的White is the standard color for this mo

3、del of refrigerator.白色是这种型号的冰箱的标准色。Most announcers on the BBC speak standard English.英国广播公司的大多数播音员说的都是标准英语。2. noun /nstrkn/1). something that someone tells you to do指示,命令,吩咐The police who broke into the house were only acting on/under instructions.警察破门而入只是奉命行事。He gave me strict instructions to get t

4、here by eight oclock.他命令我必须在8点以前到达那里。2). advice and information about how to do or use something, often written in a book or on the side of a container用法说明;操作指南The cooking instructions say to bake it for half an hour.烹调说明书上说烘烤半个小时。You obviously didnt read the instructions properly.你显然没有好好看说明书。3. nou

5、n /grdut/ & verb /grduet/1). noun a person who has a first degree from a university or college大学毕业生;学士学位获得者Chris is a physics graduate.克里斯是物理专业的毕业生。2). verb to complete a first university degree successfully取得学士学位;大学毕业Alice graduated from Columbia University.爱丽丝毕业于哥伦比亚大学。After he graduated from high

6、 school, he joined the Army.他高中毕业后参军了。4. adjective /rspnsbl/1). to be the person who caused something to happen, especially something bad对(尤指坏事)负责任;应对承担责任Who is responsible for this terrible mess?谁把这儿搞得乱七八糟的?2). to have control and authority over something or someone and the duty of taking care of i

7、t, him, or her负责;掌管Paul is directly responsible for the efficient running of the office.保罗直接负责办事处的高效运作。Her department is responsible for overseeing the councils.她的部门负责监督各市政会的工作。5. adjective /seprt/ & verb / adjective existing or happening independently or in a different physical space各自的

8、;单独的,不同的The art department and the music department are in two separate buildings.艺术系和主学院在两座独立的大楼中。I try to keep meat separate from other food in the fridge.我想把肉同冰箱里的其他食物分开放。 to (cause to) divide into parts(使)分离;(使)分开The north and south of the country are separated by a mountain range.这个国家的南北两部分被一条山

9、脉隔开。You can get a special device for separating egg whites from yolks.你可以买一种把蛋白与蛋黄分开的专用器具。三、必背短语1. in a row连续几次地 2. make a mess弄得一团糟(一塌糊涂)3. keep ones cool沉住气;保持冷静 4. believe in信任;信赖5. first of all首先 6. be thirsty for渴望,渴求7. ahead of在前面 8. be responsible for对有责任9. set out出发,启程 10. separate from分离,隔开

10、11. remember doing sth.记得做过某事 12. look forward to盼望13. be thankful to对表示感激 14. hope to do sth.希望做某事四、经典句型She helped you to work out the answers no matter how difficult they were.无论题多难,他都曾帮你解出答案。He always took the time to explain things to me clearly whenever I couldnt understand anything.无论什么时候我有不懂的

11、问题,他总是花时间跟我解释明白。I hope to get a business degree and become a manager.我希望拿到商务学位,称为一名经理。Please consider what theyve done for you and what they mean to you.请想一想他们为你做了什么,记忆他们对你的意义所在。Never fail to be thankful to the people around you.永远不要忘记对你身边的人表达感谢。三点剖析一、考点熟练掌握本课涉及的固定搭配和短语。回顾宾语从句及动名词的用法能够通过听懂校园生活类听力材料,

12、能够读懂校园话题阅读材料,并能够书写出校园生活话题相关的书面表达。二、易错点divide与separate的区分1). divide意为“分开,除开”,通常表示把一个整体分成若干部分,常用divideinto“把分成”。2). separate意为“分开,分离,隔离”,通常表示把在一起的各部分分开,常用separatefrom“把与隔开”。The World is divided into seven continents.世界被分成七大洲。Youd better separate him from others.你最好把他与其他人隔离开。例题:Its impossible to _ (分离)

13、 Diaoyu Island from China.【答案】separate 【解析】考察separate的用法。钓鱼岛是中国的一部分,此处分开是部分分隔开的意思,所以填separate。题模精讲题模一 Unit14 词汇应用例1.1、Remember _ the book to the library when you finish _ it.A、to return; to readB、returning; readingC、D、retuning;例1.2、根据首字母和括号提示填空1). They did a s_ about how students spent their weekend

14、s. Heres the result.2). The bicycles they produced were not up to _ (标准).题模二 语法回顾-宾从与动名词例2.1、-Could you please tell me _?-Sure. Its at the street corner.where the bank waswhere the bank iswhere was the bankwhere is the bank例2.2、根据中文提示,完成句子1). 略读可以帮助提高一倍的阅读速度,也增强理解。_ helps _ your _ _ and improve your

15、 comprehension as well.2). 我不知道那支队伍赢得了比赛。I dont know _ _ _ the match.随堂练习随练1.1、You have to be _ and wait until I finish my work.patientstricthonestactive随练1.2、The teacher encourages their students to _ the problems by themselves, and in this way students can enjoy success.give upwork outlook through

16、try out随练1.3、When they came in, they found the house was _ with garbage all over the a messin a suddenin a momentin a circle随练1.4、根据首字母和括号提示完成句子1. The students stood in a r_ and welcomed the visitors.2. Im going to be a reporter after g_ from the university.3. The man was so great that he

17、could o_ all the difficulties.4. If you finish the work on time, you can get the _ (双倍的) salary.5. We want to buy a new _ (键盘).6. My mother is _ (体贴人的) and she does everything for me.7. After _ (graduate), he lives on his own.8. I was _ (thank) to see theyd all arrived safely.随练1.5、Mr. Wang has left

18、 for Guangzhou. He _ a speech there in two days.givesgavewill givehas given随练1.6、To my surprise, my grandma suddenly asked me _ get the “Red Packets” on QQ.that she couldhow she couldwhat could shewhether could she自我总结课后作业作业1、The coach asked us to stand _ a row.foroninat作业2、-Remember _ the door when

19、 you leave the room.-OK, I locklockinglocklocked作业3、The summer vacation is coming. Im looking forward _ it.to作业4、根据中文提示完成句子1. 他总是把事情弄得一团糟。他真是太愚蠢了。He always _ _ _of things. How foolish he is!2. 不要紧张,你应该保持冷静。Dont be nervous and you should _ _ _.3. 我记得今天下午给我爸爸打过电话了。I remember _ _ _ this afterno

20、on.4. 记得出去的时候要关灯。_ _ _ _ the light when you go out.5. 将来学生会在家里学习吗?_ students study at home _ _ _?6. 他们准备什么时候出发?When _ they _ _ _ _?7. 他们总是充满活力。They are always _ _ _.8. 你必须为你自己的决定负责。You must _ _ _ your own decisions.作业5、The kids may not go to school in the future. They _ at home on computers.have studiedwill studystudiedare studying作业6、-I will visit my uncle in Beijing next month. Could you please tell me _?-Oh, you may take the subway there.where is the new airporthow I can get to the new hospitalwhere will the new airport behow can I get to the new airport

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