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浙江省金华十校届高考模拟考试 英语Word下载.docx

1、A. At the cafe. B. At the bus stop. C. At the pool.2. What is the woman going to do?A. Do some typing. B. Complete her paper. C. Have lunch.3. How will the woman help the man?A. By buying him a boo. B. By driving him to the boostore. C. By showing him the way to the boostore.4. Why didnt the woman b

2、uy the coat?A. It was epensive. B. Her friend has the same one. C. She wanted to buy it on the Internet.5. What are the speaers mainly discussing?A. A doctor. B. A classmate. C. A country.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒

3、钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What is the relationship between the speaers?A. Interviewer and interviewee. B. Customer and salesperson. C. Co-worers.7. What will the speaers do this afternoon?A. Do a survey. B. Mae a form. C. Meet the director.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What do the club

4、members have to wear?A. Golf shoes. B. Golf trousers. C. Club sweaters.9. How much is a lesson for children one hour?A. 2. B. 4. C. 8.10. What do we now about the Westwood Golf Club?A. It has a swimming pool. B. Club members can meet guests there.C. Teachers there often give group lessons.听第8段材料,回答第

5、11至13题。11. What will Rachel do?A. Hold a house-warming party. B. Give birth to a baby. C. Get married.12. What does the man thin of the gift for Bonnie?A. Suitable. B. Useless. C. Epensive.13. What does the woman mean in the end?A. She cant wor out the cost of gifts. B. She will buy some epensive gi

6、fts. C. She will spend much on gifts.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. What is the improvement of the mans new balloon? A. It can carry more fuel. B. It is easier to land. C. It is lighter.15. What did the man find difficult on his last flight?A. He had too little sleep. B. He couldnt eat the food. C. His radio

7、didnt wor properly.16. What will the man leave behind this time?A. Maps. B. Boos. C. His sleeping bag.17. What does the man want to do in the future?A. Sail around the world. B. Fly a small plane alone. C. Climb the seven highest mountains.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. How much is the group ticet to the cas

8、tle?A. $ 6.5. B. $ 3.5. C. $ 3.19. Who should the students give money to?A. The speaer. B. Mrs. Gifford. C. The school secretary.20. What should the students tae?A. Some lunch. B. A worsheet. C. A pen.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThough I now that I

9、 can do little to help the animals, I often chec dog rehoming websites. Looing through page upon page of pitiful faces looing up, you might be forgiven for thining that the only dogs to be abandoned in this country are fierce-looing or large and unruly dogs.Recently, it seems there are some new addi

10、tions in dog homes. Dogs Trust the countrys largest dog welfare charity - says that in the past year over 400 “toy dogs” were handed in, a 44% increase on the year before.“Toy dog” is the traditional term for all little dogs, but in recent years theyve increasingly been referred to as “handbag dogs”

11、 after the ridiculous manner in which famous people lie Paris Hilton carry them around in their $ 1,000 handbags, maing these dogs the most wanted for impressionable teens. As the popularity of Hilton has waned, however, these dogs are being rudely tipped out of the handbags and given up to charity.

12、In spite of the sad ending that this trend brings for some of these dogs, it can only be a good thing if people become aware that the toy types are still dogs, not dolls to be carried around. If you really are prepared to stic with them, a small dog is just as capable of bringing joy without the nee

13、d to dress him or her up. A large dog wont sit on your lap while you read the papers or travel happily on the train with you. And a par full of pugs (哈巴狗) would be a happier and safer place than one full of teenage boys and badly trained large dogs. As Edith Wharton said, “My little dog - a heartbea

14、t at my feet.”21. What is the authors new finding in the dog rehoming websites?A. More “handbag dogs” are given up. B. Some dogs in Dogs Trust are large dogs.C. Teens are liely to play with their “toy dogs”. D. The number of abandoned dogs is increasing.22. What does the underlined word “waned” most

15、 probably mean?A. Grown. B. Weaened. C. Begun. D. Wored.23. What does the author seem to suggest about dogs in the last paragraph?A. Large dogs and children mae a good par.B. eeping small dogs can bring joys in a way.C. “Handbag dogs” should be forbidden in public places.D. Ifs good to dress dogs up

16、 before carrying them around.BA U-shaped object,resembling a silvery dome (穹顶), is now under inspection by Russian eperts, after being secretly removed under cover of night from the possession of villagers who found it.After discovering it on Sunday, locals from the village of Otradnesny had managed

17、 to drag the “UFO fragment” from the thic forest where it had fallen. They loaded it onto a truc and too it through the snow to their village, where local inspectors then eamined it before reporting Moscow authorities.In an official statement, Sergey Bobrov, who found the object, agreed to eep it sa

18、fe. But following their secret removal of the 200-ilogram metal fragment (碎片), police have it under close guard on orders from unnamed authorities.The object has not had its origin confirmed yet. However, it does not come from a rocet or missile or be in any way associated with earth space technolog

19、y, it has been announced. “The object found is not related to space technology. A final conclusion can be made after a detailed study of the object by eperts,” said Roscosmos, the Russian space agency. Eperts have also eamined the object to determine whether it is dangerous. “We measured the radiati

20、on level near and inside the object. We found no radiation here,” said Yuri Bornyaov, who heads the rescue service department of the uybyshevsy district in the Novosibirs region. Part of the fragment is made of ultra-strong titanium (钛), said Valery Vasiliev, the head of the uybyshevsy Department fo

21、r Civil Defence and Emergency Situations.A guess that it had come from a failed aahstan rocet or satellite launch was also denied. “You can see inside it. All is open. Its empty. No danger here. We were ased to tae and store it. We brought it here. And now we are going to wait until they come to tae

22、 it if they need it, said local police spoesman Sergei Sulein.24. The “UFO fragment” was found .A. in the sy B. in the field C. in the forest D. in the sea25. We can infer from the passage that .A. the “UFO fragment” comes from outer spaceB. the fragment could be used to mae a rocetC. the person who

23、 found it will get a reward from MoscowD. the local police will eep the “UFO fragment” for a while26. What does the passage mainly tal about?A. A fallen “UFO fragment” in Russia. B. A UFO found by Russian villagers.C. An inspection of a “UFO fragment”. D. A report on a failed rocet.CStreet dances ar

24、e dance styles that evolved (演变) outside of dance studios in any available open space. They are often improvisational (即兴的) and social in nature,encouraging interaction and contact with audiences and the other dancers. These dances generally evolve out of urban and suburban spaces and are a part of

25、the native culture of that geographical area. Some eamples of street dances include B-boying, or breadancing, which originated in New Yor City, and Melbourne Shuffle which originated in Melbourne, Australia.Street dances are dances that evolve between people in a social environment,although it canno

26、t be always determined as to how they actually do evolve between people. In theory, as one person comes up with a move that loos good to another person, that other person tries to copy that move. Similar to the game of Chinese Whispers, the effect is that the other person cannot absolutely perform t

27、hat move the same way as the other person, thus leading to the dancer creating their own style or entirely new moves.There is a small difference between entirely freestyle dance and an absolute street dance. While freestyle dance is random and a personal dance invented by a single person (even if if

28、s based on someone elses dance style), a full street dance is a collection of the various similar dance moves and styles collected into one practice and regarded as the same dance. For eample, when B-boying evolved out of early hip-hop culture, people came up with their own moves, and other people i

29、mproved them. Street dances constantly evolve for as long as they are now and then practiced and regarded as the same dance. All the moves danced to breas in hip-hop culture were regarded as B-boying.Sometimes it is possible to trace bac street dance styles that were mostly pioneered by specific per

30、sons. One eample is Locing, which is often regarded as being started by Don Campbell, who was a 1970s pioneer of American street dance. Most of the time it is impossible to owe street dances to specific people; since the dances evolve outside of professional dance environments, and there is no socia

31、l or legal record. Street dance pioneers also rarely have professional degrees in dance, thus distinguishing street dance from other modern dance forms.27. Paragraph 1 is intended to tell us the of street dances.A. varieties B. changes C. characteristics D. distributions28. What do we now about street dances?A. Dancers perform them in dance studios. B. They are developed by professional dancers.C. They are collected from different moves and

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