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1、westwesterneasteastern-ly般friendfriendly每weekweeklymonthmonthly-en材质woodwoodengoldgolden-ful-less无useusefulluckluckyhopehopeless-n人AsiaAsianAustraliaAustralian三、副词功能1.作状语He works hard.He parked car very easily.2.作表语做表语副词多数是表示位置或状态,入in, out, on, down, up, off, away, upstairs.He is in.Whats on this ev

2、ening?3.作宾语补足语Let them in.四、副词分类 1. 时间副词 时间副词要有now, then, today, tomorrow, yesterday, before, soon, lately, already, just等。时间副词是确定句子时态重要标志,所以一定要牢固掌握不同时态时间标志。 2. 地点副词 地点副词有outside, inside, upstairs, here, there, home, near, away, in , back, off, up, anywhere等。地点副词和动词连用时,不加介词。 3. 方式副词 方式副词有quickly,hap

3、pily,loudly,suddenly,badly,easily,fast等。方式副词大多由“形容词+ly”构成。 4. 程度副词 程度副词有very,quite,rather,too,much,so等。有些程度副词可以修饰形容词、副词原级,有些能修饰形容词、副词比较级。 5. 疑问副词 疑问副词有when,where,why,how,how long,how soon,how often等。疑问副词常用来构成特殊疑问句。 6. 关系副词 关系副词有when,where,why。关系副词常用来引导定语从句。 7. 频度副词 频度副词有often,usually,never等。考点二 形容词(

4、副词)比较等级一、形容词(副词)原级用法 1、一些副词如very,so,too,enough,quite等修饰形容词或副词原级。如; The boy is too young. 2、表示A及B在某方面程度相同或者不同时用形容词(副词)原级。 (1)肯定句中结构:“A+as+形容词(副词)原级 + as + B” English is as interesting as Chinese. Li Lei runs as fast as Li Hua. (2)否定句中结构:“A+ not + as/so + 形容词(副词)原级 + as + B” This book isnt so new as t

5、hat one. I cant type as/so fast as my brother. (3)否定句结构中,部分双音节和多音节形容词(副词)除使用“notas/so+ 形容词(副词)原级+ as”结构外,还可以使用“less+形容词(副词)原级+than”结构 He thinks Chinese is less interesting than English. (4)表示“A是B倍”时,用“A+ 倍数 + as + 形容词(副词)原级+ as + B”结构。(一倍:once,两倍:twice,三倍及以上:基数词+times) Our school is three times as b

6、ig as theirs. (5)half as + 形容词(副词)原级 + as 表示“是一半” Her room is half as big as yours.二、形容词比较级用法(副词比较级用法及形容词基本相同)(一)形容词比较等级构成 1.规则变化一般直接加-er,-estlongtalllongertallerlongesttallest以不发音e结尾时加-r,-stlatelargelaterlargerlatestlargest以辅音字母加y结尾时,把y改i再加-er,-esteasyhappyeasierhappiereasiesthappiest以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一

7、个辅音字母时,双写最后辅音字母,再加-er,-estbighotbiggerhotterbiggesthottest在原级前加more,mostcarefulbeautifulmore carefulmore beautifulmost carefulmost beautiful2. 不规则变化betterbestworseworstfartherfurtherfarthestfurthest(二)形容词比较级用法:1. 表示两者进行比较时用形容词比较级,其结构为“A+比较级+than+B”。 Lilys room is bigger than mine.注意:为了避免重复,常用the one

8、, that, those 等词来代替前面出现过名词。其中the one代替可数名词单数形式, the ones代替可数名词复数形式, that 代替单数名词或不可数名词。 the weather of Shenyang is colder than that of Shanghai.2.有表示程度副词,a little, a bit, a great deal, a lot, much, even, still, far等修饰形容词时,该形容词可以用比较级。its much colder than yesterday.3. 表示两者之间进行选择“哪一个更”时,用句型“which/who+be

9、+形容词比较级,A or B?” 表示。Who is taller, Tom or Jack?4. 表示倍数时,用“倍数+比较级+than”表示。Your room is three times bigger than mine.5. 表示“两者之间比较一个(of the two)”时,常用“the+比较级” 结构。Mary is the taller of the twins.6. 表示“越来越” 用比较级重叠结构,即“比较级+and+比较级”,当形容词为多音节词或部分双音节词时,用“more and more+形容词比较级”。Its getting colder and colder in

10、 winter7. 表示“越越”时, 用“the+比较级, the+ 比较级”结构。The more,the better.三、形容词最高级用法(副词最高级用法及形容词基本相同)1.表示三者或三者以上人或物进行比较时,用最高级形式。形容词最高级前一般加定冠词the,句末常跟一个in或of短语来表示范围。Shanghai is the biggest city in China.2.表示在三者或三者以上人或物中进行选择时,用“which/who+ be +the +形容词最高级,A,B or C?”结构。Which city is the most beautiful, Beijing, Sha

11、nghai or Fuzhou?3. 表示“最之一”时, 用 “one of the+ 形容词最高级+可数名词复数” 结构。 Jay Chou is one of the most famous singers.4. 形容词最高级前面可以加序数词,表示“第几最”The yellow river is one of the second longest river in China.5. 形容词最高级前面可以用物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格修饰,此时不能再用定冠词。This is our best lesson today。 考点三 形容词和副词词义辨析一、 -ing形容词和-ed 形容词。su

12、rprised感到惊讶This is a surprising story.I am surprised at the news.interested感兴趣I have an interesting book.he is interested in science.excited感到兴奋Have you heard of the exciting news?we are excited about the travelling.pleased感到愉快/满意This is a pleasing trip.The teacher is pleased with our

13、ightened感到恐惧This is a frightening story.We are frightened of the ghost.moved受感动Titanic is a moving film.We are moved by Hong Zhanhui deeply.tired感到疲倦Its a long tiring day.Im too tired.fascinated着迷What a fascinating voice!Many boys are fascinated by computer games.特点:表示被动意义,多指人对事物感受,主语一般是人,常用于“sb. +

14、be + -ed形容词 + 介词”结构We are all interested in the interesting story.二、几组易混副词(短语)1. how long, how soon, how often 和 how far多久,多长时间,对一个持续时间段提问,常用“for + 时间段”或“since + 时间点”回答How long have you been in China?For three months.多快,多久以后,对一个短暂性动作提问,用于一般将来时句子中,常用“in + 时间段”回答How soon will he come back?In five minu

15、tes.多久时间一次,对频率提问,常用once/twice/three times a week 等回答How often do you visit your grandparents?Once a week.多远,对距离提问How far is it from your home to your school?About two kolometers.2.hard 和 hardly努力地,大量地,猛烈地Its raining hard.几乎不,是否定副词I can hardly understand his words.3.much too 和 too much非常,极其,太,中心词是too

16、 much修饰too,以加强语气,much too修饰形容词或副词原级The car is much too expensive太多,中心词是much too修饰much,以加强语气,too much修饰不可数名词,及too many相对应,too many修饰可数名词复数Theres too much rain in summer.4. too, as well, also 和either也,一般用于肯定句,常放在句末He likes English, too.I like you as well.也,常放在be动词、情态动词或助动词之后,行为动词之前I can also swim.也,用于否定句,常放在句末I dont know French.

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