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1、专业英语四级考试 2000年专业英语四级考试1、听力1. What is said about Harrys brother? A. He is happy with his job. B. He is a very ambitious man. C. He is too ambitious to be an engine driver. D. He doesnt like to be an engine driver. 2. What do you learn about Ms. Ellis? A. She has been waiting. B. She is examining her

2、patient. C. She is seeing her doctor. D. She wouldnt mind waiting. 3. Joan is probably a_. A. nurse B. doctor C. lawyer D. saleswoman 4. The speaker sees Mary wear _ different silk scarves in a wee k. A. 2 B.5 C.7 D. 6 5. Where will the passengers change trains to go to Gilford? A. East Croydon. B.V

3、ictoria. C. Southeast. D.Red Hill. 6. What is the speaker probably doing? A. Interviewing a clerk. B. Writing a job ad. C. Dismissing a clerk. D. Making inquires 7. What does the speaker mean? A. Emily is neither honest nor trustworthy. B. Emily used to be honest only. C. Emily used to be trustworth

4、y only. D. Emily is more than honest and trustworthy. 8. When does the next train leave? A. 6:56. B. 7:00. C.7:28. D.8:38.9. What was wrong with Malcolm? A. He had trouble working hard. B. He didnt know where to go. C. He never went anywhere. D. He worked hard but never succeeded. SECTION B CONVERSA

5、TION In this section, you will hear eight short conversations between two speakers. A t the end of each conversation you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of th e following eight questions. 10. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and pati

6、ent. C. Lawyer and client. D. Boss and secretary. 11. What is the weather usually like in November? A. Hotter than the present weather. B. More humid than the present weather. C. Drier than the present weather. D. Cooler than the present weather. 12. What conclusion can we draw from this conversatio

7、n? A. Public buses are fast and cheap. B. Parking is becoming a big problem. C. Subway trains are even safer than taxis. D. Taxis are more convenient than buses. 13. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Fixing the womans computer. B. Ordering some new parts by Friday. C. Getting the new parts

8、 ready by Friday. D. Sending the womans computer for repair. 14. What can we learn from the conversation? A. Neither of them has a favourable opinion of the service. B. The woman is having a terrible time serving in the restaurant. C. Both agree its time for the restaurant to fire some staff. D. The

9、 man thinks the restaurant is all right, but the woman doesnt. 15. Who will pay for the call? A. The man. B. The operator. C. The mans sister. D. The man and his sister. 16. What does the man think of the womans choice of clothing? A. He thinks her choice is good. B. He thinks her choice is terrible

10、. C. He doesnt like the colour. D. He doesnt like the style.17. What happened to Mr. Runts project? A. It was fairly successful. B. It was hard and futile. C. It failed for lack of fund. D. It stopped for lack of land. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Question 18 is based on the following news. At the end o

11、f the news item, you wil l be given 1O seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news. 18. According to the news, NATO and Russia_. A. have finalized a charter on their new relationship B. still have differences in military and political issues C. will hold a fifth round of talks in Luxembou

12、rg D. made no progress in this round of talks Questions 19 and 20 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item , you will be given 20 seconds to answer the two questions. Now listen to the news. 19. _ people were killed during the air crash. A. 61 B. 51 C. 41 D. 1020. According to th

13、e news, the plane crashed_. A. shortly before it landedB. minutes after it took off C. after it cleared the mountainsD. at the foot of the mountains Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item , you will be given 20 seconds to answer the two questions. Now listen

14、 to the news. 21. Which of the following is NOT listed as a terrorist group by the US ? A. The pro-Iranian Hezbollah. B. The Palestinian group Hamas. C. The Irish Republican Army. D. The Basque separatist group ETA. 22. The affected groups will be prevented from_. A. entering the United States legal

15、lyB. freezing US financial assets abroad C. receiving support from other countriesD. giving weapons to other terrorist groups Question 23 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you wil l be given 1O seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news. 23. Israeli Prime Minis

16、ter Benjamin Netanyahu_. A. has been prosecuted by the Justice Ministry B. may be prosecuted by the Justice Ministry C. has been prosecuted by the police D. will be prosecuted on Monday Questions 24 and 25 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item , you will be given 20 seconds to

17、 answer the two questions. Now listen to the news. 24. The winners of the reported elections are_. A. the left-wing ConservativesB. the left-wing Socialists C. the centre-right ConservativesD. the centre-right Socialists 25. If the left secures the parliamentary majority,_. A. Chirac will share his

18、presidential power with Jospin B. Jospin will share his prime ministerial power with Chirac C. Jospin will become prime minister, and Chirac will remain D. Jospin will become prime minister, and Chirac will resign二.完型填空The difference between a liquid and a gas is obvious ( 26 ) the conditions of tem

19、perature and pressure commonly found at the sur face of the Earth. A liquid can be kept in an open container and( 27 ) it to the level of a free surface. A gas forms no free surface but ( 28 ) to diffuse throughout the space available; it must ( 29 ) be kept in a closed container, as ( 30 )a planets

20、 atmosphere. The distinction was a prominent feature of early theories( 31 )the phases of matter. In the nineteenth century, for example, one theory maintained that a liquid could be “dissolved” in a vapor without losing its identity, and another theory held that the two phases are ( 32 ) different

21、kinds o f molecules(分子). The theories now prevailing ( 33 ) a quit e different approach by emphasizing what liquids and gases have in common. They are both forms of matter that have no permanent structure, and they both flow ea sily. They are fluids. The ( 34 ) similarly of liquids and gases becomes

22、 clear ly apparent when the temperature and pressure are raised somewhat.( 35 ) a closed container partially filled with a liquid is heated. The li quid expands or ( 36 ), becomes less dense; some of it evapor ates.( 37 ), the vapor above the liquid surface becomes dense r as the evaporated molecule

23、s are added to it. The combination of temperature an d pressure ( 38 ) the densities become equal is ( 3 9 ) the critical point. Above the critical point the liquid and the gas can no longer be ( 40 ); there is a single, undifferentiated fluid phase of uniform density.26. A. in B. on C. under D. bey

24、ond 27. A. fills B. be filled C. filling D. to fill 28. A. intends B. tends C. inclines D. contends 29. A. however B. nevertheless C. so D. therefore 30 A. in the event of B. in the case of C. with a view to D. with reference to 31. A. having described B. described C. describing D. to have described

25、 32. A. made up of B. consisted of C. constituted of D. made from 33. A. apply B. adapt C. take D. conduct 34. A. elementary B. crucial C. rudimentary D. fundamental 35. A. Suppose B. To suppose C. Being supposed D. Supposed 36. A. in a word B. in the meantime C. in other words D. in that case 37. A

26、. Similarly B. In contrast C. Furthermore D. Instead 38. A. on that B. on which C. at that D. at which 39. A. known B. defined C. called D. referred to 40. A. classified B. recognized C. categorized D. distinguished 3.选择 41. Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorm s long

27、before people_. A. do B. hear C. do them D. hearing it 42. This is an illness that can result in total blindness _ left u ntreated. A. after B. if C. since D.unless 43. The central provinces have floods in some years, and _. A. drought in others B. droughts are others C. while other droughts D.other

28、s in drought 44. Do help yourself to some fruit,_ you? A. cant B. dont C. wouldnt D. wont 45. There_ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an e nd half an hour earlier. A. to be B. to have been C. being D. be46. My mother cant get _ because she has rheumatism (风湿病). A. about B.on C. throu

29、gh D. in47. I was very much put _ by Marks rude behavior; it really annoy ed me. A.over C.up 48. You _ Jim anything about it. It was none of his business. A. neednt have told B. neednt tell C. mustnt have told D. mustnt tell 49. All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there_ q

30、 uite such a crowd of people there. A. werent B. hasnt been C. hadnt been D. w ouldnt be 50. Firms that use computers have found that the number of staff _ quality control can be substantially reduced. A.whose C.what D.that 51. _ at in this way, the present economic situation doesnt seem so glo

31、omy. A. Looking B. Looked C. Having looked D. To look 52. Many people are _ to insect bites, and some even have to go to hospital. A. insensitive B. allergic C. sensible D. infected 53. When youre driving on a motorway, you must obey the signs telling you to get into the right _. A.way B.track C.road D.lane 54. The motorist had to _to avoid knocking the old woman down in the middle of the road. A. swerve B. twist C. depart D. swing 55. In winter drivers have trouble stopping their cars from _

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