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1、 指代一致(数/格/性别),还需注意反身代词,以及下列不定代词的用法人称代词:主格/宾格/物主代词/反身代词反身代词:指示代词:this/these; that/those;it疑问代词:what/who/whom/which/where/when/why/how1. 指示代词:this these; that- those; 指代的距离远近 与单复数区别2. 代词it 的用法 指代时间、金钱、距离、时间等3. Its 句型:1)形式主语:It is /was +形容词 (easy, difficult, important, impossible, comfortable, necessar

2、y )+of/ for sb. to do sth. It is/ was no use/ good doing sth.2)形式宾语:I find it impossible to finish the work on time.I found it no use asking you, for you know no more than me.3)关系代词 :that、who、which、whom、whose 应用:语法:定语从句及名词性从句 题型:完型、语法填空、改错解题技巧:判断句子 是否缺少 主、宾、表注意:that 在定语从句与名词性从句中的用法区别 which 在定语从句与名词性

3、从句中的用法区别补充:关系副词:when 、where、why、how当从句不缺乏成分,但句子语义不完整 冠词副词 what/ which / who /whom4、不定代词 不定代词: some 、any / all、 both、 either / no、neither、none / few、little、a few 、a ittle Many、much、most / another,other,theother,others,theothers复合不定代词SomeAnyEveryNo ThingBodyOne + 1、 需掌握各不定代词间的基本用法不定代词1. 普通不定代词1) some

4、与 any2) many 与 much3) both 与 all4) neither 与 either5) each 与every 6) other、the other、others、the others 与another固定搭配1).one the other (两者)2).one another(三者以上)3).one the other two(三者中的另两个)4).some others(不确定范围的另一些人/物)2、 其他语法内容相关考点:1) 主谓一致: 不定代词做主语时,谓单2) 与形容词的关系:不定代词+ 复合不定代词 something interesting 有趣的事情 三

5、、连词-连接副词逻辑关系:1.andorbutso等2.however(转折;然而) therefore(因果:因此) 句子间的逻辑关系分辨;Besides moreover furthermore(递进:此外) 等的误用3.because + 句子 与 because of +短语 的误用判断句子还是短语得看句子中有无谓语动词,不能看句子长短。4. 有因为,没所以,有虽然,没但是因为:as/since/because/for 尽管:although/ though四、动词(一)搭配易错动词:return= go/be back (错误形式:return back)enter into固定短语

6、介词用错,介词的多余或缺失,有介词与无介词的意义不同等(2)谓语常见动词错误类型有1. 时态误用:一般现在时与一般过去时错用找并列平行关系,如and前后动词时态不一致;找时态标志词;根据语境分析主从句一致固定时态结构2. 主动语态和被动语态错用。3. 主谓不一致;4. be 动词缺失,尤其注意并列句 be + adj 结构中,be 动词的缺失。(三)非谓语1. 非谓语做表语 :即动词转化为分词做形容词的功能,其中ed (.的;感到.的)修饰人 和 (.令人感到.的)修饰物。2. 非谓语做状语 或 定语时需注意主被动关系及动作发生的先后关系。3. 非谓语做宾语 :熟记解题标志类词汇4. 非谓语做

7、宾补: 即感官/使役V 后+ 非谓语形式【注意】make 与 let + V原(注意用于被动语态时,需+ to, 即 . be made to do)5. 动词短语中的介词或副词误用或多余、缺少。6. 情态动词+ V原(1)主谓一致明确语法一致和意义一致的特例,明确就近、就远的使用范围。1. 主语由一个从句,不定式或Ving 充当时谓语Ves2. the +adj 表示一类人谓语复数(即原形),如: the rich 富人3. 区别:a writer and singer 一个歌手兼作家(谓语Ves) a writer and a singer 一个歌手与一个作家 (谓语原形)4. 当两个主语

8、被下列词连接时,谓语动词的单复数采用就远原则:as well as, as much as, less than, along with, together with, with, like, rather than, but, except, besides, including. 5. 当两个主语用or, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also连接时,谓语动词的单复数采用就近原则。5、修饰关系1. 冠+名词(单)2. (形容词性物主代词、形容词) 名词3. 动词、形容词 、副词、句子 副词4. 系动词 adj.(高频,表示特征、属性、状态) / n.

9、(表示身份、职业)5. 情态动词: + V原 (在语法及改错题型中需向 语态或向词性方向考虑)6. 介词 + n./ 代/ Ving7. 连词:连接两个相等结构 如 同类词性、短语、句子6、形容词与副词比较级结构与最高级结构误用;不需要用“级”的用了,该用的却没用标志词:1)比较级 er/than/more/有任何明示或暗示的两者比较关系 2)最高级 the est/ most/ of all/ ever/in (表示范围时)原级比较:as .(原级) as; not as/so (原级) as 比较级:比较级(er) + than more and more + adj; -er and -

10、er the more., the more. the -er., the -er. 比较级表示最高级:than any other + n单 than other + n 复数最高级:最.之一:one of the +最高级 + n 复数+ v单数 第几最: the + 序数词+ 最高级 + n 复数比较级的修饰词:much. / a little / even / still / far +比较级(er) much more七、冠词(一)不定冠词的选择a: 第一个音素为辅音音素(注意:不是辅音字母)an:第一个音素为元音音素(注意:不是元音字母)。(二)易错点1. an hour / a

11、useful way / a one-year-old a /e / i / o /f /l / m /n / x / s / h / r a “u”(三)定冠词3.the 特指,译为“这”“那”;特指上文出现过的词八、介词介词的基本用法时间介词 :at点on 天 in 其余on the night of my birthday / on the morning of May 8,2004地点介词 :at 小 in 大方位: on in搭配常考介词:withforbyasto九、复合从句1、分析从句(名词性从句及定语从句)句子是否缺主语、宾语、表语缺: 关系代词不缺: 关系副

12、词 或 (限名词性从句)不充当成分的关系词如that;ifwhether做该类题一定要结合好主谓宾等共 5类的基本结构去分析。2、非限定性定语从句句式特征:., which/who/ where/when.3、介词+关系词要用whomwhich ! 另注意分析是否缺成分,在决定用关系代词或是关系副词(2018年全国I卷)They also had a small pond which they raised fish. Its known to all, good enviroment comes form careful protection.十、数词分数表达法:分子基数词/分母序数词,当分

13、子大于1时,分母要用复数形式在某人.岁的时候: in ones + 基数词(s)在某人第.个生日: in one 序数词+ birthday易错点:1.前有后无: 数词(several)+hundred / thousand / million / billion2.前无后有: + hundreds of / thousands of / millions of / billions of 解题标志积累名词解题标志类词汇1. 常考的不可数名词:advice, bread, butter, baggage, clothing, furniture, fun, housework, harm, i

14、nformation, paper, sugar, music, news, progress, traffic, trouble, weather, wealth, work, value equipment.2. 单复数意义不同的名词:fish鱼肉-fishes几种鱼 fruit水果fruits几种水果 food食物foods几种食物 iron铁an iron一个熨斗chicken(鸡肉)-chicken(小鸡) work(工作)-works(工厂、著作、工艺)paper (纸)-papers(文件) good(好处)-goods(商品)hair头发-several hairs 几根头发

15、light光lights灯ash(灰烬)-ashes(骨灰) glass(玻璃)-glasses(眼镜)sand(沙)-sands(沙滩) wood(木头)-woods(树林)green(绿色)-greens(青菜) time(时间)-times (时代)drink(喝水)-drinks (饮料) arm(胳膊)-arms(装备)look(看 )-looks(外貌) manner(方式)-manners (礼貌)line(线)-lines(台词) work(工作)-works(作品)3. 可以具体化的名词:surprise, knowledge, success, failure, pleas

16、ure, interest, joy, help, honor4. 只有复数形式:people, cattle, police, clothes5. 只有单数形式:machinery, furniture, mankind, jewelry6. 单复数同形的词:sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese, species, head, means, works7. 常用的集体名词:family, class, crew, team, group, public, audience, crowd, government, committee, company, public等8

17、. 名词作定语:名词作定语通常用单数,但下列名词用复数:sports, talks(会谈), goods, arms, customs, clothes, sales, accounts等。动词一、非谓语做宾语1、介词后+ Ving bydoingsth通过做某事2、非谓语做宾语只接Ving:mind, risk, admit, enjoy, keep, suggest, advise, practise, finish, feel like, look forward to, can t help, keep (on), miss, consider, put off, give up只接t

18、o do:learn, decide, expect, refuse, wish, hope, order, promise, pretend, offer, afford, happen, seem, fail, manageforbid, advise, allow, permit, admit, consider等直接接动词作宾语时要用动名词,但接宾补时 ,宾补要用不定式。如:We forbid smoking here.(宾语)We forbid you to smoke here.(宾补)You are forbidden to smoke here.(主补) 3、可同时后接不定式和

19、动名词作宾语,但意义不同的词remembertodo记得去做某事 remember doing sth. 记得做过某事go on to do 接着去干另一件事 go on doing继续干同一件事stop to do sth. 停下来去干某事 stop doing sth.停止正在干的事regret to do=遗憾没做某事be sorry to do regret doing 后悔干了某事remember to do忘记要干的事 forget doing 忘记已做过的事mean to do想干 mean doing 意味着try to do设法做 try doing 尝试做词组+疑问词+to

20、 do (why除外)tell, show, learn+how, what whether, where, when, who + to doTell, show, learn+why do itI dont know what to do.=I dont know what I should do. Can you tell me why do it?二、系动词1) be 2) 表感观的系动词:look, sound, taste, smell, feel, seem, appear(这些词用形容词作表语) 3) 表变化的系动词:become, get, turn, grow, make,

21、 come, go, fall, run4) 表依旧的系动词:remain, keep, stay, continue,5) 可带名词作表语的系动词:be, become, make, look, sound, fall, prove, remain, turn高频易混词-词性误用1. 形容词-副词so + adj (a/an) n such + (a/an adj) nhow + adj (a/an) n what + n(a/an) n many + 可数 much + 不可数few+ 可数 little+ 不可数good welllate/later/lately/latestbefor

22、e - after - ago-later2. 连词与介词 词性不分当.的时候: when 与 while + doing随着: as (连词) 与 with (介词)3. 指代错误指代易混代词:all (三者或以上)与both (两者)neither (两者都不)与 either(两者其一)other (其他的:常用结构 one., the other. 两者)与 another (另一个,三者或以上) no 与 every 与 some(肯)与 any (疑;否) (及其复合不定代词)this these - that those4. 指代易混副词here - therenow - the

23、n :注意上下文的时态一致.,too. (肯定句末) ; .,either. (否定句末) ; . also (句首、句中)易用错的几类副词(1)意义有别的同根副词。free(免费地)/freely(自由地),hard(努力地)/ hardly(几乎不),late(晚,迟)/ lately(最近),most(很,最)/mostly(主要地),fair(公平地)/fairly(相当地),near(临近)/nearly(几乎)等。(2)有些副词有两种形式:以ly结尾时表示抽象意义;-形容词同形的表示具体意义。close接近/closely密切地;wide宽地/widely广泛地;high高地/highly高度地;deep深地/deeply 深深地。(3)以-ly结尾的形容词:lively,lovely, deadly, friendly, likely

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