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1、 As students of Senior Grade Three, we have to study from early morning till late evening. With great pressure, many of us grasp every minute to study, even a ten-minute break. Therefore to take a ten-minute break between classes is definitely important and necessary. Otherwise, we may feel both phy

2、sically and mentally tired. During the ten-minute break we should do something to get rid of tiredness. What we need is to have a real rest instead of getting more tired My ten-minute break is always pleasing. I usually do some simple exercises, such as a free chat or a walk with my classmates. - 1

3、- When the new class begins, I feel fresh again 2.【四川省南充高中2010届高三第三次月考英语试题】 据报载今年有许多应届高中毕业生放弃高考。根据下面表格的内容,谈谈学生弃考的原因,并发表你的看法,看法部分需要你自己设想。 今年有许多应届高中毕业生放弃高事 考 家庭经济困难,无法付起高昂的大原 因 学学费 受今年大学毕业生找工作难的影响 成绩太差,失去信心 你的看法 注意: 1词数:120左右; 2参考词汇:学费n. tuition fee大学毕业生n. college graduate 3短文开头已经给出,但不计入总词数 答案: It is

4、reported that many high school leavers gave up signing - 2 - up for the College Entrance Examinations this year. There are a variety of reasons for this phenomenon. The college tuition fees are so costly that poor families cant afford them even if students are admitted to college. As a result, many

5、poor students choose to give up. The news that many college graduates cant find jobs this year also has a bad effect. They decide to work right after graduation instead of going to college. And some students are so poor in their subjects that they had lost confidence. In my opinion, it is unwise to

6、give up such a good chance that will probably change your future. After all, college graduates have better chance of finding better jobs. Besides, if you miss the golden opportunity for study in college, you may never make up for it later in life. We should take advantage of the opportunity. As for

7、colleges, tuition fees should be greatly reduced so that everybody can afford higher education. 3.【四川省绵阳中学2010届高三12月月考】 你是某中学英文报记者。最近,你校开辟的“发泄墙”为学生释放压力提供了一个有趣的平台。请根据表中列出的信息,写一篇英语短文进行报导。 发泄墙基本情况 长度 评价 学生和老师都认为20米 - 3 - 制作材料来纸 源:学科网ZXXK 使用方式 目的 随意写/随意画 释放压力,调整调整情绪 有好处来源:学科网ZXXK 注意:1、短文内容应包括表中的所有信息,可适当

8、发挥。2、词数:120左右,开头句已给出,不计入总词数。3、参考生词:释放压力 release ones stress In the modern world, it seems impossible to live without stress. As for the Chinese students, 答案: In the modern world, it seems impossible to live without stress. As for the Chinese students, they also suffer a lot from stress. To deal with

9、 the problem, our school came up with an idea. Recently, our school set up a 20-meterlong wall on campus. Different from other walls, this one is made of paper. The students are allowed to write down or draw what they want on it. Our school hopes this paper wall can help the students release their s

10、tress in some way, and adjust themselves better to school life. The wall turned out to be a great success. The students like it very much. While the students are writing down their voice, the - 4 - teachers are asked to visit the wall to think of plans to help students solve their problems. They tho

11、ught the wall was helpful because the teachers could hear students true voice 4.【四川省棠湖中学高2010届高三上学期半期考试 】 近来中国部分学校出现甲流感疫情。你的美国朋友Mike来信询问你的情况。请回信报平安,并从以下四个方面介绍你们学校的防控情况: 1环境卫生; 2个人卫生; 3体温检测; 4营养搭配。 注:1字数100左右;2信的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Mike, Thank you very much for your concern 答案: Dear Mike, Thank you

12、 very much for your concern. Im OK and so far no A H1N1 cases are reported in my school. However we are doing everything to safeguard ourselves from the disease. My school is - 5 - thoroughly cleaned everyday. Windows are open to let in the fresh air. We are asked to stay away from crowds in the str

13、eet and to wash our hands often both at school and at home. Our body temperatures are closely watched and any sign of fever will be dealt with immediately. The school canteen prepares more nutritious food to keep us strong and healthy. With all these measures Im sure we can pull through this crisis

14、safely. Yours, Lihua 5.【四川省棠湖中学2010届高三上学期9月月考 】 请根据下列提示的要点,以What will life be like without animals为题,介绍保护珍稀动物的意义及必要性。 1动物是人类亲密的朋友,尤其是珍稀动物的存在使整个世界变得丰富多彩; 2最近听到甚至动物园里的珍稀动物都遭到人为伤害,深表震惊。事件的发生源于有些人对保护动物认识不够及对动物漠不关心; 3牢记保护珍稀动物是我们每个人的职责,我们应学习宣传其意义,并采取积极有效措施。 要求:1内容必须包括所有要点,可适当发挥; 2词数120左右。 - 6 - What will

15、life be like without animals? 答案:What will life be like without animals Animals are close friends of human beings. Their existence, especially the existence of rare animals makes the whole world lively and colorful. Unfortunately, we heard such news recently that rare animals, even kept in the zoo,

16、couldnt escape being hurt and killed, at which we can feel nothing but shocked. The reason why it happened is that some people lack understanding about these animals and caring for them. Therefore, we should study and publicize the information about rare animals, and keep it in mind that protecting

17、animals is the duty of everyone. At the same time, we should take active and effective measures. After all, protecting animals is protecting ourselves. 6.【成都石室中学2010届高三上学期期中考试 】 假设你是李华,今年暑假你参加了社会实践活动,去某旅行社当业余导游。请根据该旅行社提供的数据和你的所见所闻,用英语写一篇短文。 - 7 - Number of people in City X traveling abroad in 1999,

18、2004 and 2009 要求:1简析表格,说明产生这种现象的原因; 2结合漫画,谈谈境外旅游出现的问题; 3针对所出现的问题简要阐述你的看法; 4词数120左右。 When peoples life is getting better and better, more and more people choose to spend their holidays abroadThe year 2009 has seen a sharp increase in the number of travelers overseas compared with the year 2004, when

19、the number was already more than double that of the year 1999 Its a good thing that our tourism has been developing so fast thanks to the development of our economyHowever, some Chinese spit and litter everywhere, paying no attention to the environment! Personally, the poor behavior has done great h

20、arm to the - 8 - image of China, which is really shamefulChina has long been regarded as a country with good mannersEverybody should keep some dos and donts in their mind to guide their behavior in public, home and abroadWin respect for yourself and our country! 7.【绵阳中学2010届高三12月月考】 你是某中学英文报记者。 发泄墙基

21、本情况 长度 制作材料 使用方式 目的 20米 纸 随意写/随意画 释放压力,调整调整情绪 评价 学生和老师都认为有好处 注意:释放压力 release ones stress In the modern world, it seems impossible to live without stress. As for the Chinese 答案: - 9 - In the modern world, it seems impossible to live without stress. As for the Chinese students, they also suffer a lot

22、from stress. To deal with the problem, our school came up with an idea. Recently, our school set up a 20-meterlong wall on campus. Different from other walls, this one is made of paper. The students are allowed to write down or draw what they want on it. Our school hopes this paper wall can help the

23、 students release their stress in some way, and adjust themselves better to school life. The wall turned out to be a great success. The students like it very much. While the students are writing down their voice, the teachers are asked to visit the wall to think of plans to help students solve their

24、 problems. They thought the wall was helpful because the teachers could hear students true voice 8.【四川2010级备战高考模拟试卷】 据报载,广东某中学的女学生因拒绝剪头发面临停课处罚的消息在网络上引起热议,你班同学对此也是议论纷纷。请你根据下表内容,介绍同学们对这件事的看法,以及你的态度。 赞成学校的做法(80%) 反对学校的做法无所谓(10%) (10%) 1.短发精神,与学生的1.单一发型让人觉 身份相符 得沉闷 2.更多地关心学习 2.成绩好坏无关头发长短 注意:1.可适当增加细节,以使

25、行文连贯2.词数100左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 It was revealed on the Internet that some girls from a school in Guangdong was forced to stay out of class as they refused to cut - 10 - off their long hair according to the school regulation. There has been a lot of talk in our class concerning whether the school is righ

26、t doing so. 答案: It was revealed on the Internet that some girl students from a school in Guangdong was forced to stay out of class as they refused to cut off their long hair according to the school regulation. There has been a lot of talk in our class concerning whether the school is right doing so.

27、Their opinions vary on this topic. As many as 80% of the students are in favor of what the school has done, saying that we may feel energetic and refreshed by keeping short hair, which also match our identity as school students. Besides, keeping long hair may cost us a lot of time and efforts, which

28、 may otherwise be devoted to our study. Whats more, we should obey the school rule once it comes into practice. However, there are also some students who think it not right for the school to set such rules, arguing that the stereotype of hair may make one look dull. Besides, wearing long hair doesnt

29、 necessarily mean that the students are not studying hard. When it comes to me, I feel that we students should not pay too much attention to our appearance. After all, our time and energy should be devoted to our study. 9.【成都七中高2010级一诊模拟考试英语试卷】 假设你是李华。目前北京大学等高校决定,部分自主招生将推行“中学校长推荐制”,在社会上引起了很大反响。请你根据以

30、下支持者和反对者的观点,就其利弊为21st Century Teens写一篇英语短文,并提出自己的观点。 支持者的观点 1? 分数不再是上大学的唯一标准,有特长的优秀学生也能上大学 2? 反对者的观点 有利于中学教育。 1、 实际操作中不好掌握标准; 2、 诚信和公正受到挑战。 - 11 - 你个人的观点 注意: 改革没错,但 1、词数100左右,信的开头和结束语已为你写好。 2、可根据内容要点提示适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 3、不要逐字逐词翻译。 Dear Editor, Its reported that such universities as Beijing University wi

31、ll admit some freshmen recommended by their secondary school headmasters. 答案: Its reported that such universities as Peking University will admit some freshmen recommended by their headmasters. Different people have different opinions. Some hold that its good to see that students scores will no longer be the only way to decid

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