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1、B 切勿回复该电邮或按下邮件内的超链接C 查看中文大学资讯科技服务处内有关欺诈电邮的网页D 删除可疑的电邮5. 下列哪一项不是诈骗或钓鱼电邮的攻击手法? DA 使用合法的电邮外观B 引诱回复C 使用紧急语句D 电邮转寄6. 以下哪一项是骇客使用欺诈或危险网站的共同目的?A 盗取或收集受害人个人机密资料B 控制受害人的电脑C 滥发电邮D 使电脑不能正常运作7. 恶意程式包括 Di. 电脑病毒ii. 间谍程式iii. 电脑蠕虫A i及iiB i及iiiC ii及iiiD i-iii全部皆是8. 避免个人电脑上受恶意程式破坏,我应该i. 安装及经常更新防毒软件,反间谍软件和防火墙ii. 经常更新电脑

2、作业系统的保安更新iii. 使用严谨的密码登入系统iv. 切勿安装可疑程式A i, ii, iiiB i, ii, ivC i, iii, ivD ii, iii, iv9. 以下哪些建议是在减低在使用便携装置时资料外泄的机会?i. 更改档案名称ii. 使用加密技术iii. 使用严谨的密码iv. 切勿在便携装置上存放重要资料10. 下列哪三个是正确设定“Foxy”的做法?i. 小心选择“下载文件夹”ii. 不要选取“自动更新”iii. 不要选取“开机时启动”iv. 不要把电脑中的root directory设定为“共享资料夹”11. 下列哪一个不是正确使用P2P程式的建议?A 经常开启点对点程

3、式以便更新程式B 不要把重要资料放进分享资料夹引C 于官方网站下载点对点程式D 正确设定点对点程式12. 新亚书院的创办人包括以下哪几位? BA 钱穆、钱逊、金耀基B 钱穆、唐君毅、张丕介C 钱穆、梅贻宝、唐君毅D 钱穆、李卓敏、唐端正13. 新亚校歌歌词是以下哪一位所作? CA 黄友棣B 唐君毅C 钱穆D 张丕介14. 代表耶鲁大学雅礼协会到亚洲寻求教育团体作为资助对象的是A 林仰山教授B 高诗雅教授C 卢鼎教授D 罗维德教授15. 以下哪一项不是新亚学规A 求学与作人,贵能齐头并进,更贵能通融合一B 祛除小我功利计算,打破专为谋职业谋资历而进学校之浅识C 做人的最高基础在求学,求学之最高旨

4、趣在做人D 先有伟大的事业,才能有伟大的学业16. 新亚学规共有多少条?A 24B 23C 21D 1917. 以下哪一个名词最适合形容新亚书院的教育理想?A 民族主义B 孔子主义C 理想主义D 人文主义18. 新亚书院是在哪一年迁入沙田马料水校舍?A 1971B 1972C 1973D 197519. 就课堂所得,文艺复兴时期对于“全人”的解释是A 全部奉献自己的人B 完全奉行理性,精于思辨的人C 对科学、艺术都好奇,能充分实践自己的人D 精神与健康都健全的人20. 以下哪一项与艺术态度无关A 游戏态度B 追求功利效果C 自主性D 专注与投入21. 就课堂所得,设计与艺术的分别在于:AA 设

5、计为客户服务,艺术为自己B 视觉效果的分别设计较好看C 设计计算较精密,艺术较随意D 设计是一份职业,艺术不算22. 就课堂所得,艺术家的“个性”应来自:DA 沟通的能力B 技法的完整C 对名声的珍惜D 对自己的真诚23. 就课堂所得,在艺术三基本中,和“文化”相关的是:BA 别树一帜,壮大传统B 让人连紧,与人栖息C 学习传统,放眼未来D 解放传统,融入新意24. 就课堂所得,在艺术三基本中,和“创意”无关的是:A 破坏力B 亲和力C 想象力D 更新力25. 就课堂所得,在艺术三基本中,和“本能”有关的是:A 教养B 原始欲望C 道德D 文化26. 就课堂所得,下列不是“美的层次”:A 官能

6、美B 均衡美C 个性美D 大美(宇宙之美)27. 就课堂所得,艺术态度可以协助我们28. 构成戏剧的基本要素是:A 主题B 矛盾C 任务D 音乐29. 一般电影的风格趋于:A 夸张B 激烈C 写实D 讽刺30. 以下哪一项不属于喜剧的结构:A 高潮B 惊喜C 转折点D 主角31. 小鹿斑比是属于何种剧种?A 闹剧B 喜剧C 悲剧D 正剧32. 何种戏剧歌颂人性中至高无上的情操?A 悲剧C 正剧D 闹剧33. (题目出错,于考试时删去)34. 以下哪项不是喜剧的目的?A. EternityB. EducationC. EntertainmentD. Elevation35. After 1911

7、 Revolution, the Qing Dynasty collapsed and the _ was established. BA. Republic of ManchuB. Republic of ChinaC. Republic of PekingD. Peoples Republic of China36. In _, about 5000students in Peking held a huge demonstration against the verdict of the Versailles Peace Conference on Shantung, and it wa

8、s called the May Fourth Movement. BA 1911B 1919C 1936D 195437. Many university students and professors actively and enthusiastically participated in the May Fourth Movement, especially those from the _ University. CA ChineseB Hong KongC PekingD Fudan38. 1916-1927 was usually called the Period of _.A

9、. RepublicB. Peoples RepublicC. WarlordismD. Revolution39. At the First Congress of the Chinese Communist Party immediately after its founding, _ and Li Ta-chao were honored as co-founders of the Party.A. Mao Tse-tungB. Chou En-laiC. Chen Tu-hsiuD. Chang Hsueh-liang40. After the Long March, the Tsun

10、gyi Conference, and then the Sian Incident, _step by step won absolute control of the military, and became the leader of the Chinese Communist Party.C. Chiang Kai-shek41. The Sian Incident might be considered a blessing in disguise it formed the _, which united the country and put an end to the civi

11、l war between the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) and the Kuomingtang(KMT) for the moment. AA. United FrontB. United NationsC. League of NationsD. Republic of China42. On _, 1937, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident started the underclared war between China and Japan. CA. Jan 1B. May 4C. Jul 7D. Sep 1843. W

12、hat is poverty?A. a condition that people are lack of means to meet the necessities of daily livingB. a condition in which people cannot satisfy their growing desiresC. a condition that people less capable to market themselvesD. a condition in which people lack incentives for achievement44. (看不清)45.

13、 What is the idea of satisfying basic needs?A. to keep people physically survivalB. to make people happyC. to help people to have ?D. to change peoples social function46. The World Bank sets up an absolute measurement for survival. It isA. US$0.5B. US$1.0C. US$5.0D. US$10.047. What is the percentage

14、 of the median income set by the International Labor Office as a poverty line of a country?A. 30%B. 40%C. 50%D. 60%48. What is the Gini Coefficient of Hong Kong in 2006?A. 0.233B. 0.333C. 0.433D. 0.53349. When the Gini coefficient is large, it meansA. the narrowing of poverty gapB. the widening of p

15、overty gapC. the poverty gap disappearsD. non of the above50. For the past 3 years in Hong Kong, the ? unskilled workers as compared to skilled workers was A. the sameB. higherC. lowerD. none of the above51. The CSSA can help Hong Kong people to liveA. a barely sufficient livingB. a comfortable livi

16、ngC. a luxurious livingD. an expiring living52. According to the Hong Kong ? index, what social arena isdeteriorating?A. educationB. family coherenceC. environmentD. social safety53. (缺失)54. The standard rate of CSSA in 2008 is A. $3500B. $2500C. $1750D. $125055. Number of employees working over 60

17、hours per week in 2006 was roughlyA. 100,000 peopleB. 300,000 peopleC. 700,000 peopleD. 1,000,000 people56. According to the statistics of the Central Registry of Drug Abuse (CRDA), which of the following drugs was the most commonly abused drug among all drug abusers in Hong Kong in 2005-2006?A. Her

18、oinB. Psychotropic substancesC. CannabisD. Ecstasy57. According to the statistics of the Central Registry of Drug Abuse (CRDA), which of the following drugs was the most commonly abused drug among all drug abusers in Hong Kong in 2007-2008?A. OpiatesC. TranquilizersD. Sleeping pills 58. According to

19、 the statistics of the Central Registry of Drug Abuse (CRDA), which of the following drugs was the most commonly abused psychotropic drug among drug abusers aged under 21 in Hong Kong in 2008?B. Ketamine59. The number of drug abusers aged under 21 reported to the Central Registry of Drug Abuse (CRDA

20、) was the highest in which of the following years?A. 2001B. 2004C. 2007D. 200860. According to the CRDA figures (20062008), most young people abused drug in:A. DiscosB. Their homes or homes of their friendsC. Electronic game centresD. Schools61. According to the CRDA figures (19982008), which of the

21、 following is the major reason for current drug abuse in adolescents:A. CuriosityB. To seek euphoria or sensory stimulationC. Relief of boredomD. Peer influence/ to identify with peers62. Heroin is a substance to abuse. It is usually classified as a type of:A. Narcotics analgesicsB. HallucinogensC.

22、DepressantsD. Stimulants63. Mandrax is a substance to abuse. It is usually classified as a type of:64. Cannabis is a substance to abuse. It is usually classified as a type of:65. MDMA (Ecstasy) is a substance to abuse. It is usually classified as a type of:66. According to Shek (2007), which of the

23、following is NOT a risk factor contributing to adolescent substance abuse in Hong Kong?A. Financial tsunamiB. HopelessnessC. Growing adolescent poverty problemD. Under-achievement67. Ecological models assert that _ are principal determinants of human behavior.A. Genetic factorsB. Geographical factor

24、sC. Factors in different systemsD. Individual choice68. Theorists adopting ecological models use _ to understand adolescent substance abuse.C. Political factorsD. Risk and protective factors69. High sensation seeking is a _ for adolescent substance abuse.A. motivational factorB. Problem FactorC. Ris

25、k factorD. 70. (缺失)(二)是非题(共三十题,每题答对得一分,答错倒扣半分,共三十分)71. 新界养鱼协会的创办人之一的林达荣先生是大生围的原居民。72. 早年,本地渔民经常在早春时期在岸边捕捉鲩鱼苗。73. 检查网站安全凭证是确保收到的电邮的有效性。 F74. 严谨的密码是长度至少为六位,当中包括随机字母,数字及符号(例如#,$,%及空格)。75. 在个人电脑保安上,只要在电脑上开启个人防火墙、防毒软件并防间谍城市就十分安全。76. 以下有一位学者不曾在早年新亚书院讲学或任教:尧宗颐,左舜生,董作宝,夏x安,林仰山,曾克x,林扶雅。77. 新亚精神只是一种艰苦奋斗的精神 F7

26、8. 新亚书院早期在桂林街时代,经济拮据,钱穆先生于1950年冬曾到台湾筹款,得到当时国民政府总统蒋经国答应每月资助新亚三千元。79. 钱穆先生所谓代表“新亚心”,是新亚书院的一面镜子、一部历史,是指书院出版的新亚生活双周刊,后改为月刊。 T80. 设计师应具备多元“意思风格及能力”,因为他的服务对象变化较大。81. 就课堂所得,香港在教育上的盲点是“重知识,轻智慧”。82. 艺术的三个基本是“真”“善”“美”。83. 香港的怀旧浪潮始于两千年代初。84. 香港人的本土身份认同在五十年代最为鲜明。85. 电影电视里的大陆人形象多年来都是十分负面的。86. 新浪潮电影在八十年代初为香港电影带来多

27、种实验性的风格,社会写实主义为其中一种。87. 九七年后,香港影视颇多跨境制作,是香港与内地合作的新趋势。88. 现代启示录的主题已经过时。89. Crisis是全剧最令人激动的时候。90. “儿子取代父亲”是西方戏剧的一个母题。91. 只有杯具的主角才能成为Protagonist。92. It is false that the traditional problem of free will and determinism is that if everything is determined, then there would be no room for free will.93. If an act is determined to be performed at time t1, it does not imply that anyone can predict that it will be performed at time t1.94. The two-level view maintains that, even if we b

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