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1、中考英语词汇100句中考英语词汇100句1. It is reported that last Tuesday, a young traffic policeman was knocked down by accident and sent to the nearby hospital.据报道,上周二一名年轻的交警意外地被撞倒,然后送往了就近的医院。 2. As students, we agree that we should take full advantage of time to practise ourselves and receive more education so tha

2、t we will have a bright future.作为学生,我们都同意这样的说法,我们应该充分利用时间来锻炼自己,接受更多的教育以便今后我们有所成就。 3. Sometimes, the tired scientist wants to give up the plan for he has failed in the experiment some times, but he still spends some time on it every day because he believes he will be successful sometime.有时,那个疲劳的科学家想要

3、放弃那个计划,因为他已经几次在实验中失败了,但是,他仍每天在这上面花时间,因为他相信,在将来某个时刻会成功的。 4. You can try borrowing some money from this rich woman, but I am afraid she won t lend even one dollar to you.你可以试着从那个富有的女人那里借钱,但我恐怕她连一元也不会借给你。 5. To our surprise, though the result of the exam is surprising, the teacher was not surprised at

4、it.使我们惊讶的是,尽管考试的结果令人吃惊,但是老师一点都不惊讶。6. The support from his whole family gave him confidence to solve the difficult problem and finally he not only discovered a new disease but also invented new medicine against it.来自他全家的支持给了他解决难题的信心,最终他不仅发现了新的疾病而且发明了新药抵制这种疾病。 7. Since the clever boy realizes that he

5、himself is keen on physics, he makes a decision to study this interesting subject well with the help of his teacher.由于那个聪明的男孩意识到他自己热爱物理,他决定在老师的帮助下好好学这个有趣的学科。 8. Besides eating more vegetables and less meat, these fat men have to take several exercises such as playing basketball, running in order to

6、lose weight.除了多吃蔬菜少吃肉,这些肥胖的男人们必须做一些锻炼来减肥,例如打篮球,跑步。 9. It is very kind of you to help us repair this new computer for it is difficult for us to finish the work without it in time.你太好了帮我们修好了这台新电脑,因为对我们来说,没有它要及时完成工作是困难的。10. All the members in this club are worried about the changes of climate so they p

7、erform an activity to ask more people to protect environment.这个俱乐部的所有成员都担心气候的变化,因此他们发起一个活动让更多的人来保护环境。11. Nowadays, more and more countries start to pay attention to the pollution, they advise people to prefer paper bags to plastic ones when they go shopping.当今,越来越多的国家开始关注污染,他们建议人们在购物时选择纸袋而不是塑料袋。 12.

8、 Although both noise and voice can be called sounds, all the people enjoy the beautiful voice from good singers and no one wants to hear noise.尽管噪音和嗓音都被称为声音,但是所有人都喜欢好歌手的优美嗓音,没人要听噪音。 13. Youd better not look up each new word in the English-Chinese dictionary while you are reading the English newspape

9、r or novel.当你读英语报纸和小说的时候,最好不要每个新单词都查英汉词典。 14. In many western countries, thirteen is not regarded as a lucky number, but no one knows why.在许多西方国家. 13不被认为是一个幸运的数字,但是没有人知道为什么。 15. The careless patient mistook a white button for a pill so the doctors operated on him immediately to take it out as soon a

10、s possible.那个粗心的病人把一颗白色的纽扣误认为一粒药,因此医生立刻为他动手术,尽可能快地将其取出。16. If food supplies the energy to children, knowledge provides the chance for the children to improve themselves and realize their dreams.如果食物给孩子提供能量,知识就为孩子提供完善自我,实现梦想的机会。 17. After the leaders discussed with each other about the sports meeting

11、, they agreed to cancel it because it might snow heavily and some accidents might happen.在领导们互相讨论过运动会后,由于大雪和事故的发生,他们同意取消它。 18. A few little girls like the Chinese teacher because he looks like a famous Japanese film star and also knows a little Japanese culture.一些小女孩喜欢语文老师因为他看起来像一个有名的日本电影明星,而且他也知道一些

12、日本文化。 19. The manager prefers going to a restaurant with his friends to inviting them to have a meal at home because he says it is too tired for him to prepare food and cook at home.比起在家请客,那个经理还是喜欢和朋友去饭店吃,因为他说他太累了,不想在家中准备和烹调食物。 20. Every Saturday science museum is crowded with a lot of middle school

13、 students, and some teachers are busy explaining the scientific secret behind a lot of interesting experiments.每周六,科学博物馆里挤满了中学生,而老师忙于解释许多有趣实验背后的科学奥秘。21. This pretty nurse told the lovely girl it was bad manners to throw the rubbish everywhere and she should put them into the dustbin.那个漂亮的护士告诉那个可爱的女孩

14、,随处乱扔垃圾是不文明的举止,她应该扔在垃圾桶里。 22. When the engineer found the machine stopped working, he stopped to check what was the matter with it.当工程师发现机器停止工作,他停下来查看出了什么错. The ladys husband raised his head and told me that yesterdays highest temperature had risen to 36 degrees, but tomorrow it would rise by 3 degr

15、ees.这位女士的丈夫抬起头并告诉我昨天最高气温升到 36度,但是今天还会升 3度。 24. It was very loud outside the classroom so our English teacher required all the students to read the new text aloud.教室外面很吵,所以我们的英语老师要求所有的学生大声朗读新课文。 25. The beautiful journalist received the rich mans expensive gift; however, she refused to accept it beca

16、use she didnt like him.那个漂亮的记者收到了这富人送的昂贵礼物,但是她拒绝接受,因为她不喜欢他。26My deskmate has made so great progress in French recently that he can speak French fluently now. So he has, and so have you. Congratulations on winning the first prize in the French contest.我同桌最近在法语上取得很大进步,现在法语说得很流利了。是的,你也是。祝贺你赢的法语竞赛第一名。 27.A duck is lying below a tree, it has laid four eggs but the boy lied that it had laid 3 eggs.一只鸭子躺在树下,它下了四个蛋,但是那个男孩谎称它只下了 3

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