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1、所以,请珍惜你现在的所有.珍惜你的生活,你生活的环境,你生活中的每个人,珍惜你能感知的整个世界.当然,最应该珍惜的是你自己:你的理想,你的青春,你的学业.不要放弃,不要虚度.青春只有一次,生命独一无二.要知道一棵草可以妆点绿色,一朵花可以吐露芬芳,一个人也可以靓丽世界.同学们现在生活在父母的羽翼下,生活的风雨经历的不多,也许还不能明白珍惜的可贵.无论以后的生活是平淡或是辉煌,是大风大浪还是日丽风和,都请记住:世界可能千疮百孔,但只要珍惜,生活依然美丽迷人.关于电影英语演讲稿目录第一篇:film review 英语电影演讲稿第二篇:英语演讲稿电影美丽心灵第三篇:presentation(根据英语

2、经典电影对白ppt的演讲稿2)(ppt在我的文辑里)第四篇:英语专业电影第五篇:英语电影正文hello everybody,today ,my presentation is about film review.the graduate is an attractive and affecting has a very important place in the america film history,because it reflected the peoples life at that time, also a ground-breaking film

3、,had taken a new film type in american film market.mike nichols,is the the director. he is a famous and fruitful director in america,has many movie works ,helped him receive a lot of honors and awards,including the graduate ,which helped him get the oscar awards,the best director .the graduate is a

4、edy film,theme is about love,premiered in 1967.after that,the film got many awards,such as:best director,best picture,best actor,best actress,and so on.the main stars including dustin hoffman,anne bancroft,katharine ross and others.dustin hoffman plays a graduate ,named benjamin,who is worried about

5、 his future,his eyes are confused.anne bancroft,plays mrs. robinson ,a middle-aged woman,although has a rich husband,she doset like her husband.katharine ross plays elaine,she is mrs. robinson daughter.ben is a graduate,his father held a party for him and give a beautiful red car as graduate gift.bu

6、t he had no interested the party,mrs. robinson seduced first,he refused.however ,after several days,he had sex with her in a local hotel.all is going well until mrs. robinson insisted that ben must leave from her daughter elaine.but he didnt follow what she said and finally fell in love

7、 with elaine.others found the truth and elaine decide to leave ben.this time,he was not confused again,finally,he and elaine ran away from elaines wedding.i like the film ,because nobody is perfect, and people do improper things at the improper time. the point is whether you are willing to amend it

8、or not. ben should be a good exle.when his affair with mrs. robinson,found by others, he was brave enough to face it, courageous enough to purse his true love . from the movie ,we can see bens transformation from a confused graduate to a mature man; from the fall to the persistence for true love ; w

9、ell, this is our graduate, its a part of life, its the process of growth.the theme music is very popular. lets enjoin it.thank you !the story is based on the life of john forbes nash, jr., a mathematician and nobel laureate who suffered from schizophrenia. the film drawing us into his world and allo

10、wing us to see what nash sees.nash in a very early age showed remarkablemathematical talent. 1947 little john - forbes - nashto enter and study at princeton university to study mathematics. he spent his indulgence in one thing: to find a truly innovative theories. he was convinced that this is somet

11、hing he should be doing. nash, 21 years old, one of his article on game theory doctoral dissertation and other related articles, establish the status of his master of the game the late 1950 , he is a famous scientist in the world. he began to enjoy international reputation.when nash work a

12、t the massachusetts institute of technology . he met theradiant alicia .she introduced nash to his never seriously considered the idea - love. soon, nash and alicia were married, but unfortunately, he got a paranoid schizophrenia. alicia is terrified, she struggled in the weight of the destruction.a

13、s each day seems to bring themnew terror, but alicia still loves the man she found him charismatic, it is also a source of support her mitment to her undying devotion of love and loyalty, nash final decision struggle to that is consideredcan only get better, incurable disease.nashs goal is ve

14、ry simple, but it is difficult toachieve these goals.under the weight of illness, he was still the exciting mathematical theory of driving,and he determined to find his own way to restore normalcy.through unremitting efforts, in the end he by force of will, in the late 1980, nash convalesce, awakeni

15、ng from the madness.and he regained consciousness seems to be in order to meet a great event in his life: in 1994, hereceived the nobel prize in the same time,his game theorybee the most influential 20th century theory, nash has bee one not only has good feelings, and has a beautiful so

16、ul, nash still continue to study and seekknowledgea:first of all,i want to thank my front really told me many movies classical dialogs and the characterspostive attitude to life.b:yeal,i agree with you.i learnt a lot too.and now,i want to introduce a movie which has a great

17、influence on me for everyone.a:what?that is the shawshank is about andydefresne,a successful young banker who issentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and her lover. andy is sent to shawshank prison. he make a friend named red who has already spent many years inside.

18、 over years in the prison, andy gained the respect of the most of the other prisons and guards. more importantly, he never loses hope for the future-a hope he tries to pass on to the other prisoners. enen,shawshank is a story about hope. its about justice. its about the struggle to find the meaning

19、of life, to find redemption, and the triumph of the human spirit. thisfilm teaches us, as has been conveniently turned into a tagline, that fear can hold you prisoner, but hope can set you free” .today i will perform a part of a scene in the show us although in the prison ,andy never give u

20、p his hope.what about you play the role of andy,and i red?okandy :my wife used to say im a hard man to know. like a closed book(高深莫测的东西). plained about it all the time. (pause) she was beautiful. i loved her. but i guess i couldnt show it enough. (softly) i killed her, red. i didnt pull the trigger(

21、枪). but i drove her away. thats why she died. because of me, the way i :that dont make you a murderer. bad husband, maybe. feel bad about it if you want. butyou didnt pull the i didnt. someone else did, and i wound up here. bad luck, i guess.bad luck? floats around. has t

22、o land on somebody. it was my turn, thats all. i was in the path of the tornado. i just had no idea the storm would go on as long as it has. i just didnt expect the storm would last as long as it has. think youll ever get out of here?red: sure. when i got a long white beard(胡子) and about three marbl

23、es left rolling around upstairs(形容神志不清)andy:tell you where id go my opinion,movie is the can affect humans mind,set us thinking,jolt our menmory.whats more, the movie is also a language school, through watchingmovie, we can expand us our vocabulary , improve our spoken langua

24、ge b: so let us enter the palace of movie.that is all.thank you.在嚷叫:阅读好难最难了! 当然喽,首先,读都不愿去读,所以词汇量永远爆低!-尤其90后!所谓的听-说-读-写-译,绝不是纸上谈兵paper talk!饭菜天天都得吃,饮食男女嘛,其实,听-说-读它们3姐妹或3结义哥们就跟天天饮食男女一样:必须每日读得多+会读,听得多+会听,说得多+说的地道会说说得好 = 一切的写作+翻译的基础之本!下面这40部遗产性英语片是专门强荐给那些读不进书的人儿,均是英文听力+阅读助力极好的强片,要是不看(我几乎看了1/3),比较地道的纯正听力

25、+口语语感从何而来??读也不读,看又不看 ,听也不听,正确语境的认知,以及低失误率的大词汇量,高多信息化的阅读理解和真实的生活阅历就永远是句空话emptytalk!各位 千万别挥霍妈老汉儿的血汗钱,不然枉为外语专业生,最后不管你跑到哪儿读专业英语都将等于在浪费几年的tu(我们一定会做的更好)ition¥$和光阴!1. big fish ii 大鱼老爸2;american beauty 美国丽人;prettyfriends 漂亮朋友/ 丽人行2. forrest gump 阿甘正传;the sound of music 音乐之声;dances with wolves 与狼共舞3. a walk

26、in clouds 云中漫步;gone with the wind 飘/乱世佳人;jane eyre 简爱4. independent day 独立日;superman i-ii 超人+超人归来;king kong金刚5. mission: impossible i-ii-iii不可能完成的任务/碟中谍1,2,3; 或者 james bond 007 007全集6. congo 刚果惊魂;jurassic park i-ii-iii 侏罗纪公园1,2,3;man in black ii 黑衣特战警7. the pearl harbor 珍珠港;the rocks 石破天惊;fair game对

27、抗性游戏;rainman雨人8. titanic泰坦尼克;broken arrow断剑;air force one 空军一号;the fugitive 亡命天涯9. silence of the lamb 沉默的羔羊;lion king狮子王;sleepless seatle西雅图不眠人;10.shawshanks redemption 肖申克的救赎; seven sins 七宗罪 ;prettywomen 漂亮女人11. brave heart 勇敢的心; wild geese 野鹅敢死队; serpent 蛇;last assassin最后刺客12. north by northwest

28、西北偏北;cassandra crossing 卡桑德拉大桥;roma holiday罗马假日13. king solomons mine所罗门王的宝藏;national treasure 国家宝藏;vertical limit 垂直极限14. golden pond 金色池塘;speed 生死时速i-ii-iii; topgun 壮志凌云;seawolf 海狼;15. bathing beauties 出水芙蓉;ring iii美版-午夜凶铃;kramer v.s. kramer 克莱默夫妇之争16.victory 胜利大逃亡;escape to athena 逃往雅典娜;robotcop

29、i-ii-iii 机器战警123garrisons gorillas tv-series /加里森敢死队 ;the bridges of madison county 廊桥遗梦;the waterloo bridge 魂断蓝桥 。等等等等美国历史上最好的100部影片名录(英文原名)1.citizen kane(1941)公民凯恩2.casablanca (1942)卡萨布兰卡3.the godfather(1972)教父4.gone with the wind (1939)乱世佳人/飘5.lawrence of arabia (1962)阿拉伯的劳伦斯6.the wizard of oz (1939)绿野仙踪7.the graduate (1967)毕业生8.on the waterfront (1954)码头风云9.schindlers list (1993)辛德勒名单10.singin in the rain

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