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本文(人教版初中英语复合不定代词复习资料大全知识点总结归纳重难点汇总总结 1最新版Word文件下载.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教版初中英语复合不定代词复习资料大全知识点总结归纳重难点汇总总结 1最新版Word文件下载.docx

1、4) this 和that有时作状语用,表示程度,意思是这么和那么。The dictionary is about this thick.反身代词用法探析在中学英语中,有一类代词比较特殊,因为在中文中找不到相应的对应词,这类代词就是反身代词。反身代词共有9个,分别是:myself(我自己),yourself(你自己),himself(他自己),herself(她自己),itself(它自己),ourselves(我们自己),yourselves(你们自己),themselves(他们自己)和oneself(他、她、它自己)。在此,笔者归纳总结了反身代词在句中的作用与用法,希望能对大家有所帮助。

2、 一、作动词的宾语 反身代词作动词的宾语,表示动作反射到动作执行者本身,一般放在这些动词的后面, 如:dess, enjoy, help, hurt, shave, teach, wash等等。例如:1. He fell down and hurt himself. 他摔了一跤,跌伤了。2. I teach myself French 我自学法语。注意:有时小部分动词从词义上说总是动作及于主语自身,或者说,这类动作是“惯行的常规”。那么,作宾语的反身代词可以省略,如在dress,shave,wash等动词之后。3. He shaves(himself)every moming 他每天早上刮脸。

3、4. The girl often dresses(herself)in red 这个小女孩总是穿着红衣服如果不考虑“动作的常规性质”,就不能省去反身代词。5. The small boy is learning to dress himself这小男孩此时正在学自己穿衣。有时动词后用人称代词宾格作宾语与用反身代词作宾语时,两者含义是有区别的。试对比:6. They want to build them a house 他们要为那些人盖一座房子。7. They want to build themselves a house 他们要为自己盖一所房 在一些固定的说法中,反身代词的意义有其特殊性。

4、behave oneself, 规矩点。8. She told the boy to behave himself. 她让这男孩子规矩点。enjoy oneself(=have a good time)玩得高兴 9. Tom enjoyed himself at the party 汤姆在聚会上玩得很高兴。explain oneself为自己辩解 10. Late, Tom? I hope you can explain yourself. 迟到了,汤姆?希望你解释一下。二、作介词的宾语 反身代词作介词的宾语,表示与主语相同的事物。11. She was talking to herself.

5、 她在自言自语。12. Take good care of yourself 好好保重你自己。在表示处所的介词短语后,当介词宾语和主语人称一致时,常用人称代词代替反身代词。13. She looked about her 她环顾四周。14. We placed our papers in front of us 我们把文件放在面前。以上两句之所以用可以这样代替,是因为人称指代明确,不会有歧义。但是也并非绝对。同时,也存在用反身代词作宾语的情况。15. He has built a wall of English books around him(self) 他身边堆满了英语书。16. Tom

6、stepped back,gently closed the door behind him(self)汤姆退后几步,轻轻地随手关上了门。在表示主语内心的情绪的介词短语后,介词的宾语可用反身代词,也可用人称代词。17. As for memyself, I never want to talk about it. 至于我(自己),再也不想谈它了。18. For someone like memyself, one good meal a day is quite enough对于像我(自己)这样的人,一天足吃一顿好饭就够了。反身代词作介词的宾语也常用于一些惯用语组中。by oneself独自地

7、、自动地 19. This is a machine that works by itself 这是一部自动化的机器。of oneself启动地、自然而然地 20. The disease will not die of himself 疾病不会自然消亡。for oneself为自己、亲自地 21. She felt sorry for herself 她为自己感到难过。in oneself本性、本身 22 It is not a bad idea in itself 这主意本身不错。to oneself独占、独有 23. How I wish to have a house to mysel

8、f!多么希望能独有自己的房子呀!beside oneself精神失常、发狂 24. He was beside himself with joy. 他欣喜若狂。above oneself自高自大 25. Hes bit above himself now 他现在有点自视过高。三、作主语的同位语 反身代词作主语的同位语时常放在主语后或句末,用来加强语气,表示“亲自、本人”。26. We ourselves can solve this problem 我们自己就能解决这个问题。27. Lily herself is a typist. 莉莉本人就是一个打字员。四、作宾语的同位语 反身代词作宾语的

9、同位语时只放在宾语之后,也是用来加强语气,表示“亲自、本人”。28. He went to see the artist himself 他去看望了那位画家本人。29. You can go and ask him himself 你可以去问他本人。五、作表语 反身伐词作表语,常用在习语中,比如在be,feel,seen等系动词之后。30. Im not quite myself today 我今天情绪不好。31. You dont seem yourself today 你今天看上去似乎不大舒服。六、反身代词作主语 反身代词作主语比较少见,可代替人称代词,这类用法中的反身代词常含有强调的意味

10、,一般反身代词常被用作并列主语的第二部分,前有and,or,nor等连接,例如:32. Mary and myself went shopping yesterday 昨天我和玛丽在一起逛街。33. Both my sister and myself asked to go to work in the countryside我和我妹妹都要求去农村工作。本文来源于 外语爱好者网站() 转载请以链接形式注明出处 网址:复合不定代词的习惯搭配不定代词something, anything 及nothing特殊用法归纳 一. something1. something 不简单的事,可观的成绩,有些地

11、位的人At least we didnt lose any money. Thats something.Its something to have got $500 from them.She thinks shes something since she won the beauty contest.2. 用于成语或词组:have something on 拿着某人的把柄Although Miss Brown is not a good worker, her boss not fire her because she has something on him.make something

12、 of 1) 小题大做,瞎猜测When girls see another girl with a boy, they often try to make something of it.2) 藉吵架/生气Ann didnt like what Mary said about her. She tried to make something of what Mary said.3) 看懂意思I apologize for the untidiness of my letter , but I hope you can make something of it .make something o

13、f oneself/ ones life 取得成功, 有出息Hes a clever boy-I hope hell make something of himself.or something 之类的人(东西、情况等)Mr Green is a shopkeeper or something.I hear he has broken an arm or something.see something of someone 有时见到某人I hope well see something of you now that you live nearby.something for nothing

14、不冒风险(不下功夫)就有收获Some people will never learn that you cant get something for nothing.something like 1) 大约,约摸It cost something like ten pounds.2) 有点像The building looked something like a church.something like that/ this 大致如此I see them once every two months, or something like that.Ill whistle the tune fo

15、r you; it goes something like this.something of 有点,可说是一个,在某种程度上是Hes something of a liar, dont you think?The soldier found himself something of a hero when he returned to his village.something tells me 我想感到,我有理由相信Something tells me my watch isnt quite right.Something tells me shes lying.something to/

16、 in (话里)有些道理There is something to / in what you say: Ill take your advice.have/ be something to do with 和有关/联系I think Guy Fawkes is/ has something to do with a plan to blow up Parliament.二、 anything用于成语:be anything but 根本不是,一点也不I dont mean hes lazy-anything but!He was anything but a hero/ polite.他根本

17、不是英雄/ 他一点也礼貌。be (as)as anything 口语不得了Its (as) easy as anything.if anything 如果有什么不同的话If anything, my new job is harder than my old anything 拼命地The thief ran like anything when he saw the policeman.or anything 或是其他别的事If Bernard wants to call me or anything, Ill be here all day.三、nothingbe not

18、hing to 1) 不引起的兴趣,对无所谓 相当于mean nothing to The news is/ means nothing to him. 他对这消息不感兴趣/无所谓。2)无法和相比My losses are nothing to e to nothing 失败,没有结果All his schemes came to nothing.for nothing 1) 免费,不花代价,没花钱They will repair the building for the old man for nothing.I got this bicycle for nothing: a friend

19、gave it to me.2) 白白地,白费We have taken all this trouble for nothing.3) 无缘无故地They quarreled for nothing.go for nothing 白费,All our work has gone for nothing.What the teacher said went for nothing because the pupils did not pay attention.have nothing on 不比强Even though she is older, Jane has nothing on Pe

20、ter in school.have nothing to do 和没关系This has nothing to do with you.make nothing of 1) 不在意,觉得没什么He makes /thinks nothing of walking 15 miles.2) 一点不懂I could make nothing of what he said.mean nothing to 1) 对没有意义These technical words mean nothing to me.2) 不引起兴趣,对无所谓 相当于be nothing toHe used to like Jan

21、e but she means/ is nothing to him now.nothing but 只有,只不过Dont have him for a friend: hes nothing but a criminal.nothing doing 不行“Will you lend me 10 dollars?” “Nothing doing”nothing for it 没有别的办法with the bridge destroyed, there was nothing for it but to swim.nothing if not 非常,极其The young doctor is n

22、othing if not wise.nothing like1) 没有什么能赶得上Theres nothing like a holiday to make one feel rested.2) 绝不会,没有(那么多,那么好)His new book is nothing like as good as his earlier books.nothing much 不多,没什么“Anything interesting happening?” “No, nothing much.”nothing of the kind 哪里,没有的事,不行“Im sorry to cause you tro

23、uble.” “My dear friend, its nothing of the kind.”“Im going out.” “Youll do nothing of the kind! You must stay at home.”nothing succeeds like success 一事成功什么都顺利The girls all like Bob because he is football captain. Nothing succeeds like success.nothing to do with 和没关系.That idea has/ is nothing to do w

24、ith me.think nothing of 觉得不怎么样,不在乎,觉得没什么He thought nothing of the poem.Think nothing of it. 不用谢,没关系“You didnt mind my using your typewriter?” “Of course not! Think nothing of it!”to say nothing of 还不说,除了It is a well-paid job, to say nothing of the short hours.He had his wife and seven children with

25、him in the car, to say nothing of two dogs, a cat and a parrot.副词nowhere的特殊用法1)get/ lead nowhere 没有结果He knew they were getting nowhere.That kind of talk will get/ lead you nowhere.2) go nowhere 不起什么作用In a costly place like this, $50 goes nowhere.3) nowhere near = not anywhere near 根本不,一点也不100 is now

26、here near enough.He lives nowhere near London.4) out of /from nowhere 突然(出现)Mr. Jones was driving too fast on the express highway when a police patrol car appeared out of nowhere and stopped him.few, little, a few, a little(a) few + 可数名词, (a) little + 不可数名词 a few / a little 为肯定含义,还有一点 few / little为否

27、定含义,没有多少了。He has a few friends.他有几个朋友。He has few friends.他几乎没有朋友。We still have a little time. 我们还有点时间。There is little time left.几乎没剩下什么时间了。few 后经常跟名词复数。典型例题:Although he s wealthy,he spends_ on clothes. A. littleB. fewC. a littleD. a few 答案: A. spend所指的是钱,不可数,只能用little或 a little. 本句为although引导的让步状语从句,由句意知后句为否定含义,因此应用little表示几乎不。固定搭配:only a few (=few)not a few (=many)quite a fe

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