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高二英语 Unit8 PrereadingReading Postreading45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版第二册.docx

1、高二英语 Unit8 PrereadingReading Postreading45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版第二册2019-2020年高二英语 Unit8 Pre-reading,Reading Post-reading45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版第二册基础巩固:站起来,拿得到!.单项选择1.Its not enough only _ the rules of grammar if you are learning English.A.keeping in the mind keep in keep in your mind D.keeping in your mi

2、nd答案:B提示:keep in mind意为“牢记” heart。2.Galileo insisted that the earth _ round the sun.A.should move B.moveC.moves D.moved答案:C提示:宾语从句为客观真理。3.He _ full marks,but he was so careless to make a spelling mistake.A.must have gained B.can have gainedC.could have gained D.must gain答案:C提示:could have ga

3、ined指“本来能获得,但事实上没有”。4.We are lucky to be among the generation of people who have _ and experienced the great social changes in our country.A.reported B.appreciatedC.impressed D.witnessed答案:D提示:witness意为“见证,目击,目睹”。5.Please stay _.The help is _.A.calmly;the way B.calming;ingC.calm;on the way D.calm;e答

4、案:C提示:stay后接形容词。6.Deng Xiaoping _ one of the greatest politicians in the world.A.regarded as regarded regarded to be D.regarded to答案:B提示:is regarded as “被当作”之意。7.The pupil they referred _ is far ahead _ everyone else in the;with;;of;from答案:C提示:refer to意为“谈到”;ah

5、ead of意为“在之前”。8.Though _ money,her parents managed to send her to university.A.lacked in B.lackedC.lacking of D.lacking答案:D提示:lack此处作及物动词。9.Last summer when Mr Smith returned home from abroad,he found all his things in the rooms_ .His house _.A.upside down;must have been broken into B.upside down;mu

6、st have broken intoC.down upside;might have broken in D.down upside;might have been broken in答案:A提示:upside down指“底朝天”,房间是被break into。10.We were sitting peacefully at dinner when _ the light went out.A.after all B.all of a suddenC.all of sudden D.all along答案:B提示:all of a sudden指突然,为固定搭配。11.He _ in be

7、d and _ to his mother “I got A in the test”.Surely his mother thought it to be _.A.lied;lay;lie B.lay;lied;a lieC.lied;lied;a lie D.lay;lay;lie答案:B提示:lie:名词“谎话”,作动词时为不规则动词(lay,lain)。12.He _ live in the country than in the city.A.had better betterC.prefers to D.would rather答案:D提示:would rather do

8、 than do=prefer doing to doing。13.“Cant you read?”Mary said,_ to the notice.A.angrily pointing B.and point angrilyC.angrily pointed D.and angrily pointing答案:A提示:现在分词作方式状语。14.It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants.A.however B.whateverC.whichever D.whenever答案:B提示:用whatever

9、引导宾语从句,在从句中作wants的宾语。15.The WTO cannot live up to its name _ it does not include a country that is home to one fifth long as B.whileC.if D.even though答案:C提示:as long as(只要),while(当时),even,though(即使),答案为if。能力提升:踮起脚,抓得住!.单句理解从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出与所给句子意义相同或相近的选项。1.I Dont think he is at home at th

10、is time of day.A.He is at home at this time of day,so I Dont think about it.B.I think he is out at this time of day. C.I Dont think he stays at home in the day. D.I think he isnt at home in the evening.答案:B提示:句意为“我想白天这个时候他是不会在家的”。2.Make sure that electric wires are safe and that children cant touch

11、them.A.Be sure to keep the wires safe and Dont leave them within the reach of children.B.Were sure that electric wires are safe,so children are free to touch them.C.If electric wires are unsafe,children cant touch them.D.Children cant touch safe electric wires.答案:A提示:句意为“确保电线安全,孩子触摸不到它”。3.The car wa

12、s upside down and the driver was bleeding and screaming.A.The car had an accident and the driver survived.B.The driver stopped the car and got hurt.C.The car was damaged by the bleeding and screaming driver who was careless.D.The driver leave the car upside down in order to avoid an accident.答案:A提示:

13、“车翻了,司机正在流血并大声呼喊”说明“车出了事故,但司机还活着”。4.The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with an emergency is to stay calm.A.Remembering the time to deal with an emergency is more important than staying calm.B.Dont forget to stay calm when solving an emergency problem.C.What you should remember,abo

14、ve all,when dealing with an emergency is that you should stay calm.D.If an emergency is the most important thing,keep it in mind and remain calm.答案:C提示:句意为“处理紧急情况时心中要牢记最重要的事情是保持镇静”。5.If I had known more about giving first aid,I could have helped them.A.Because I knew more about giving first aid,I ha

15、d helped them.B.Though I had known more about giving first aid,I hadnt helped them.C.I didnt know more about giving first aid,so I couldnt help them.D.I didnt want to know more about giving first aid,as I didnt want to help them.答案:C提示:该句对过去进行虚拟。.完成句子1.The man looks like_ (死于心脏病突发).答案:dying of sudden heart attack2.I did it only for your_ (安全).答案:safety3.Whe

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