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必修4 Unit 1 全国通用版高考英语课本知识强化提升Word版含答案Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、3. (1)into (2)in (3)to (4)across (5)on (6)by 4. (1)for (2)it (3)crowding (4)having (5)can (6)find . 单句改错1. Boys, behave you! It is impolite to play around talking loudly. ( )2. I observed a stranger to slide into the office. 世纪金榜导学号79060078( )【误区警示】在把observe sb. do sth. 变为被动语态时应该加上省掉的to, 上面句子可改为:A s

2、tranger was observed to slide into the office. 3. He is such a selfless man that I deeply respect him his kindness. ( )4. If you do not see people you love for more than a year, you definitely do not want to argue them. ( )5. I came about this old photograph when looking for a book yesterday. ( )6.

3、I intended to finish the program in two days, but my mother was ill and I had to stay in the hospital to take care of her. ( )7. I was about to leave the house when this hit me that I forgot to turn off the gas in the kitchen. ( )8. It is worthwhile sort out your thoughts before delivering a speech.

4、 ( )9. He is the only one of the students who come from England. ( )10. In fact, none of these results are statistically significant, that is to say, theyre just as likely to be caused by the chance as by real differences in the treatments. ( )1. you改为yourselves2.去掉stranger后面的to3. him后加for4. argue后加

5、with5. about改为across6. intended前加had7. this改为it8. sort前加to或sort改为sorting9. come改为comes10. 去掉chance前的the. 完成句子1. Helping old people _. 帮助老人是一项很有意义的活动。2. We cannot always _ from the past. 我们不能永远遵守过去传下来的传统。3. Memories _ when I saw the photo. 当我看到这张照片时, 往事涌上了心头。4. They _ for a holiday. 他们彼此争论关于度假的最好的地方。

6、5. He _ take up the sport. 他激励了很多年轻人参与这项运动。6. Practice makes perfect, as the saying goes. Only in this way _. 俗话说, 熟能生巧。只有这样我们才能提高我们的英语口语。7. Failure can make a positive contribution to your life _. 一旦学会了利用失败, 那么失败就能为你的生活做出积极的贡献。8. _ I had left my passport on the table in the kitchen. 世纪金榜导学号79060079

7、我突然想到我把护照落在厨房的桌子上了。9. Everybody knows about it now! But no one knows _ once prevented the rumor from spreading. 现在大家都知道它了。但没人知道是什么曾经阻止了谣言传播。10. Recently he was invited _ ordinary jobs. 近来他受邀请做了一次关于不要小看普通工作的演讲。1. is a worthwhile activity2. observe the traditions handed down to us3. crowded into my mi

8、nd 4. argued with each other about the best place 5. inspired many young people to 6. can we improve our spoken English. 7. once you learn to make use of it. 8. It suddenly hit me that9. what it was that 10. to deliver a speech on not looking down upon 关闭Word文档返回原板块. 单句语法填空1. When she heard about th

9、e news that her father had died, she burst out _ (cry). 2. After World War , many of the cities across western European countries lay in _(ruin). 3. As China develops fast and steady, a number of foreigners _ (learn) Chinese as a second language. 4. To make the most of your time, live every moment a

10、s if it _ (be) your last. 5. A large number of soldiers were sent there _ (rescue) those trapped in the building. 6. _ the end, he chose to go to Australia to study biology. 1. crying 2. ruins 3. are learning 4. were 5. to rescue 6. In . 语境填词1. In the crash, he was seriously _. He suffered severe _

11、to the head and arms. (injure)2. On seeing the _ scene, the little girl was so _ that she burst out crying. (frighten)3. The headmaster wrote a letter to _ her on her good performance and the exciting _ encouraged her greatly. (congratulate)4. He was _ to learn the _ news that his wife was killed in

12、 a traffic accident. The news was a terrible _ to him. (shock)5. He _ his thanks to us, with a thankful _ on his face. (express)1. injured; injuries t2. frightening ; frightened 3. congratulate ; congratulations 4. shocked ; shocking ; shock 5. expressed ; expression . 单句改错1. To our relief, up to no

13、w the injured in the crash has been carried to the nearby hospital. ( )2. The girl was sitting on the bench in the park, buried her head in the novel. ( )3. George is organized, easy-going, hard-working and intelligent. In a word, I cant think too high of him. ( )4. The whole city was completely des

14、troyed in the sudden flood, leaving everything to the native people. ( )5. She is always talking as though she knows everything under the sun. 世纪金榜导学号79060018( )1. hashave2. buriedburying3. highhighly4. everythingnothing5. knowsknew. 运用所学短语完成下列语段An explosion broke out at midnight. 1. _ (大量的) firefig

15、hters were sent to the scene 2. _ (立刻). The fire spread so quickly that the building 3. _ (成为废墟) in no time. 4. _ (从判断) the situation, many people 5. _ (被困在) the fire. The firefighters did all they could to put out the fire and tried to carry the trapped people out. 1. A great number of 2. right awa

16、y3. lay in ruins4. Judging from 5. were trapped in . 根据要求补全句子1. _ just now, he must be an honest man. (judge) 世纪金榜导学号79060019通过他刚才说的话判断, 他一定是一个诚实的人。2. Just as an old saying goes: it is never _. (too. . . to. . . )正如那句老话: 活到老, 学到老。3. Jack _ the earthquake happened. (be doing. . . when)杰克正在超市中购物, 这时发生

17、了地震。4. The students you should learn from _. (those who)你应该学习的是那些从名牌大学毕业的学生。5. The air quality in the city, _, has improved over the past two months. (as)正如报告所显示的, 在过去的两个月里, 这个城市的空气质量已有所改善。1. Judging from what he said 2. too late to learn3. was doing some shopping in a supermarket when 4. are those who graduate from top universities5. as is shown in the report

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