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1、7.Where did the woma n have her dinner?A. I n a restaura nt B. I n her OffiCe C. At home听下面一段对话,回答第 8和第9两个小题。8.Why does the man feel surprised?A. The woman has found a new job. B. The woman doesn tel like leaving.C.The woma n disagrees With him.9.What does the woma n Say about her departme nt?A. The

2、re is a lack of trust. B. There are SeriOUS problems.C. There is too much PreSSUre.听下面一段对话,回答第 10和第12三个小题。10.What are the SPeakerS talk ing about?A. Popular SPOrtS even ts.C. ThingS people do after work.11.HoW did the woma n do the research?B. TV PrOgramS people like best.A. She talked to people. B.

3、 She Sent IetterS to peopleC. She collected in formati On from n ewspapers12.What do most people do in their SPare time?A. Go to movies B. Read books C. WatCh TV听下面一段对话,回答第 13和第16四个小题。13.Where does this Con VerSati On take place?A. At the airport B. I n a restaura nt C. On the Street14.Why does the

4、woma n like San Fran cisco?A. It has less traffic B. It has the best food and musicC. People there are frien dlier15. Where does the woma n come from?A. Penn sylva niaB. San Fran cisco C. Chinaman sE nglish?A. Excelle nt B. ACCePtabIeC. Strange听下面一段对话,回答第 17和第20四个小题。17. How many people are in thewom

5、an s family?16. What does the woma n think of theA. Three B. Four C. FiVe18.What did the ChiIdre n think about havi ng dinner together at home?A. They thought it WaS funny B. They disliked the idea at firstC. They Preferred eati ng With friends19.How ofte n did the family fin ally decide to have mea

6、ls together?A. EVery SUn day B. TWiCe a Week C. Three times a week.20.Who fin ally Set the time for these family dinn ers?A. The ChiIdre nB. The fatherC. The woma n SPeaker2006年高考英语听力及答案(全国卷1)第一节(共5小题 海小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1.How much Will the man Pay for the tickets?A. 7.5. B. 5. C.妊0.2.Which is the right

7、gate for the man S flight?A.Gate 16. B.Gate 22. C.Gate 25.3.How does the man feel about going to school by bike?A.Happy. B.Tired. C.Worried.4.Whe n Can the woma n get the computers?A.On Tuesday. B.On Wed nesday. C.On ThUrSday.5.What does the woman think of the Shirt for the party?A.The SiZe is not l

8、arge eno ugh. B.The material is not good.C.The color is not suitable.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What Can We learn about Mr.Brow n?A.He is in his office. B.He is at a meeti ng. C.He is out for a meal.7.What will the man PrObabIy do next?A.Call back. B.Come aga in. C.Leave a message.听第

9、7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.What kind of room does the man want to take?A.A Sin gle room. B.A double room. C.A room for three.9.What does the man need to PUt in the from?A.Teleph Oneand StUde nt Card nu mbers.B.Stude nt Card nu mber and address.C.Address and teleph OnenU mber.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.What is the rela

10、ti On ShiP betwee n the speakers?A.Fellow CIerks. B.Boss and SeCreCary. C.Customer and SaIeSPerS on.11.What does the man like about his job?12.What do We know about the woma n?A.She likes traveli ng. B.She is new to the compa ny. C.She works in PUbIiC relati ons.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.When will the ViS

11、itOrS come?A.ln March. B.In April. C.In May.14.How many ViSitOrS are coming?A.8. B.10. C.12.15.What will the ViSitOrS do on the SeCOnd day?A.Go to party. B.Visit schools. C.Atte nd a lecture.16.Where will the ViSitOrS go On the final day?A.To London. B.To Scotla nd. C.To the coast.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

12、17.What is the first word the baby tried to say?A.Truck. B.OK. C.Duck.18.How old WaS the baby Whe n he lear ned to Say that word correctly?19.What did the father do When the baby SCreamed that word at the airport?A.He COrreCted the baby.B.He tried to stop the baby.C.He did himself SOmeWhere.20.Why d

13、id the mother Pretend not to know the baby?A.She got angry With the father.B.She WaS frighte ned by the no ise.C.She felt Un easy about the no isy baby.2007年高考英语听力全国卷每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1.Who is Coming for tea?A. Joh n. B. Mark. C. Tracy.2.What Will the man do next?A. LeaVe right away. B. Stay for dinner

14、. C. CatCh a train.3.What does the man come for?A. A lecture. B. A meeti ng. C. A party.4.What SiZe does the man want?A. 9. B. 35. C. 39.5.What are the SPeakerS talk ing about?A. Life in SOUtheaSt Asia. B. Weather Con diti ons. C. A holiday tour.6.What is the man doi ng?A. GiVing a speech. B. Chairi

15、 ng a meeti ng. C. In troduci ng a PerS on.7.Why does the woma n Si ng so well?A. She has a great teacher. B. She teaches singing. C. She is young.8.What is the SeC Ond gift for Jimmy?A. A car. B. A watch. C. A COmPUter.9.Why does Jimmy feel happy?A. He lives With his Parents. B. He S got What he dr

16、eamt of.C. He S received lots of PreSents.A. They are frien ds. B. They are Stra ngers to each other.C. They are husba nd and wife.11.Why does the woma n come to talk With the man?A. To get a job.B. To take a test.C. To See the SeCretary.12.What does the man mean by Say ing sorry?A.He Can t hear the

17、 woman clearly. B. He doesn t need a designer.C. He Can t help the Woman.13.What do We know about the woma n?A.She lives close to the office. B. She is new to the compa ny.C. She likes the big kitche n.14.How does the man go to work?A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By car.15.Why WaS SUSan late for work?A.

18、She missed the bus. B. Her train WaS late. C. Her Car broke dow n.16.What will the man do the next day?A. Go to work by trai n. B. ViSit Lily in her flat. C. LeaVe home earlier.17.Where Can you most PrObabIy hear this talk?A. In a class of the En glish Ian guage. B. In a class of the Greek Ian guage

19、.C. In a class of the FrenCh Ian guage.18.How Iong does the class last?C. 15 lear ning words accord ing to the speaker?B. Readi ng basic words aloud.B. It S taught by PrOfeSSOr Morris.A. 11 weeks. B. 13 weeks.19.What is “ the ShOrt-CUtA. Taking more courses.C. Lear ning how words are formed

20、.20.Why is the class popular?A. It is not Offered each term.C. It helps to master some USefUI rules.2008 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷一)第一节 (共5小题;1. What is the Weather like?A . Its raining. B . Its cloudy. C. Its sunny.2. Who will go to Chi na n ext mon th?A . Lucy. B. Alice. C . Richard.3. What are the SPea

21、kerS talking about?A . The mans sister. B . A film. C . An actor.4. Where will the SPeakerS meet?A . In Room 340. B .In Room 314. C . In Room 223.5. Where does the ConVerSatiOn most PrObabIy take place?A . In a restaura nt. B . Inan office. C . At home.第二节 (共15小题;听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. Why did the woman

22、go to NeW York?A . To SPe nd some time With the baby. B . To look after her sister. C . To find a new job.7. How old WaS the baby When the woman left NeW York?A . Two mon ths. B . FiVe mon ths. C . SeVe n mon ths.8. What did the woman like doing most With the baby?A . Holdi ng him. B . Playi ng With

23、 him. C . Feedi ng him.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. What are the SPeakerS talking about?A . A Way to improve air quality. B . A problem With traffic rules.C . A SUggeSti On for City pla nning.10. What does the man suggest?A . Limiting the USe of cars. B . EnCOUraging people to walk.C . Warning drivers of air

24、polluti on.11. What does the woma n think about the mans idea?s in terest ing. B . Its worth tryi ng. C . Its impractical.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. HoW Iong Will the man Probably Stay in NeW ZeaIand?A . One week. B . Two weeks. C. Three weeks.13. What advice does the woman give to the man?A . Go to NeW Z

25、ealand after ChriStmas. B . Book his flight as Soon as possible.C . SaVe more money for his trip.14. What Can We learn about flights to NeW Zealand at ChriStmaS time?A . They require early book ing. B . They Can be twice as expe nsive.C . They are On SPeCiaI offer.听第9段材料,回答第15至l7题。15. Why did Jane c

26、all Mike?A . To ask him to meet her. B . To tell him about Tom. C . To borrow his car.16. Where will Jane be in about One hour?A . At Mikes place. B . At the airport. C . At a garage.17. What Can We infer from the ConVerSation?A . Jane has just lear ned to drive. B . Jan es Car is in bad Con diti on

27、.C . Mike will go to the airport.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What did the SPeaker ask the StUdents to do the Week before?A . Write a short story. B . PrePare for the less on.C . Lear n more about the writer.19.Why does the SPeaker ask the questi ons?A . To CheCk the StUde nts Un dersta nding of the story.

28、B . To draw the StUde nts atte nti On to readi ng skills.C . To let the StUde nts discuss fathers On relati On ships.20 . What will the StUdents do in 10 minutes?2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷 1)英 语1.What do the SPeakerS n eed to buy?A.A fridge. B. A dinner table. C. A few chairs.2.Where are the speakers?A. I n a restaura nt. B. I n a hotel.3.What does the Woma n mean?A.

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