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1、Meals: 12 western buffet breakfasts,6 lunches with some being a la carte(点菜)styleTour Highlights:Must-scc sights in China-Terracotta Warriors,Famen TempleDunhuang Mogao Caves,MaijiCavcsJiayuguan Pass and Mutianyu Great WallTrace back to the Silk Road of 2.000 years ago& learn about the culture and h

2、istoryMarvel at the art trcasure-Mogao Caves&enjoy an exciting camel riding in the GobiDcscrtWe Guarantee 100%No Shopping Stops!Tour Prices$3749Tour Prices with Standard HotelsI2-3 travelers4-5 travelers$3479$30296-9 travelers$2669Prices are per person in US Dollars.Any parts of the tour length.acti

3、vities or hotels can be tailored to your individual interestsAre you ready to follow the footsteps of the ancients to explore this mysterious land now?21 .What will people do on the tour?A.Appreciate the ancient heritageB.Ride on camels all the way.C.Stay a few nights in cavesD.Do a lot of shopping.

4、22.Which of the following is most likely to join the tour?A.A Beijing businessman good at golf.B.A Japanese model loving fashionC.A Yunnan biologist interested in birds.D.AnAmerican student learning history.23.How much should a traveler pay for her family(with two sons)who want to live comfortably?A

5、$3479B$3749C$7498D$ 11247.BThe universe likes to be shy about its age,but astronomers believe they have a pretty goodidea ofthe range.Currentlyjhe most widely accepted age for the universe is around 13.8 billion years,butdetermining the age of.well,everythings no easy feat(功绩).Now.ncw studies have i

6、nvestigatedthe question using different methods and theyve come up with two different answers,separated bymore than a billion yearsBecause the universe is expanding at an accelerating pacejhe further away anobject isahc fasterit appears to be moving away from us.This is expressed as the Hubble const

7、ant (哈勃常数),and its akey factor in figuring out the age of the universe.After all.if we can determine how fastmoving away from us,we can rewind that process to its beginning-the Big Bang.Researchers from the University of Oregon set out to map the distance to dozens of galaxies The team calculated th

8、at the universe is only 12.6 billion years old-that,you might notice is much younger than the 13.8 years usually stated.In the second study.the method of figuring out the age of the universe is by mapping the oldest light we can detect.We are restoring lhebaby photoof the universe to its original co

9、ndition removing the wear and tear of time and space that distorted(扭曲)the image,says Neelima SehgaLco-author on the study.Only by seeing this sharper baby photoor image of the universe can we more fully understand how our universe was born.In doing so, the researcherdeterminedthat the universeis 13

10、.8 billion years old-in agreement with the accepted ageThe real problem though js that the studies disagreeso wildly with each other, to the tune of a billion years.But they are not the only ones-the battle lines are commonly drawn by the methods used. Obviously.more research is heeded to determine

11、where the tnith lies24.What do we know about the universe from the first two paragraphs?A.It doesnt exist long.B.It becomes larger.C.It runs away.D.It causes the Big Bang25.What makes the researchers in the first study think the universe is much younger?A.Tlic speed of moving objects.B.Thc number of

12、 galaxiesC.Thc process of the universe evolution.D.Thc distance to other objects26.How does Neelima Sehgal explain their method in the second study?A.By referring to a similar thing.B.By using hard scientific dataC.By introducing a new concept.D.By quoting an experts words.27.Which can be a suitable

13、 title for the text?A.Whose method is better?B.Which result can you believe?C.How old is the universe?D.Why is the universe so old?CDid you know that die average child has heard the worduno o-er 20.000 times before they tiirnthe age of three?Ironically4t is also around this time that children begin

14、to develop enough pcrsonalcharacter to refuse to obey Theterrible twos”are categorized by a lack of understanding.Somewherebetween three and four,childrcn begin to acquire the skills to is during this time they watchhow other children and adults reason.If weYe not carefuljhe children will

15、watch us model a world of 11 NOs By the time a person turns many times have they been told no?I havent found anystudies that even attempted to track this statistic,but Im sure if the number is 20,000 by three.then ateighteen that number has multiplied.You can do the math.AnywayJ think I

16、 know why we say no.We say no to protect.We say no to direct.We say no tostop potential confusion.Howevendo we sometimes say no just for the sake of saying no?Do we sayno because we have internalized(内在化)all of theMNOsHwe,ve heard over the years and we feel it isfinally our time to say no to someone

17、 else?The internalized no can damage the growth process of dreams in infancy as quickly as it canweaken a three-year- old.And we wonder why we mn into people with big,un-accomplishcd dreamswho have a bit of a chip on their shoulder.Tliey have to take on the 20.000 NOs.HoweverJhe thingthat keeps them

18、 going is the possibility of the power of ONE YES!Just as it only takes one book toniake a writer a Pulitzer Prize Winnerjt only takes one word to change the course of your day.Thatword is YES!2&What do we know about two-year-olds?A.Tliey understand well. B.They often say no to othersC.Thcy think lo

19、gically D.They dont do all theyYe told.29.What effect does saying no have on children?A.Tliey lose all their dreams B.They aren*t easy to succeedC.Thcy dont make mistakes D.They never say yes to others30.Which word best describes the authors attitude to a world oPNOs1?A.Tolcrant .B.Disapproving C.Fa

20、vourable. D.Carefree.31.What is the text?A.A how-to guide B.A survey report C.An opinion essay. D.A short story.DIm Jeff Logan,president of Logan Luxury Theaters Corporation.Fm very sorry to tell you many cinemas are at risk of closing pcmiancnlly(永久)o Thafs something we would hate to see happenWatc

21、hing the newest box office movie and eating a big bucket of popcorn is an experience that many of us have enjoyed for a very long time.We all have fond memories of going to a theaterof our first dates or the first movie we saw with our children.A movie theater is so important to the fabric of the lo

22、cal community.Ifs a place where we all matter what our interests,and no matter whatages,young and and poor.But how much longer will classic theaters remain open?Just like other industriesjnovie theatershave been hit hard by the pandemic(流行病)and are going dark.The entire industry i

23、s being controllcdby the pandemic.bccause the studios don*t want to release their new movies until all the theaters can bcopen.As we all knowjhe theaters can*t do well and can*t get back to full 7-day a week at full speedoperation without new movies to play.Recently,the Logan Luxury 5 Cinema in Mitc

24、hell reopened for the weekends.HoweverJike manytheatersjt is only operating at about 10 percent capacity.Since opening,several new safety nieasureshave been put in place.Block off every other row.People are asked to leave three seats between themand the next group.Staff spray the theater with disinf

25、cclantC肖毒剂)after every show.And sanitizerstations can be found throughout the theater.Even so,some people still arent comfortable going to a movie theater yet.I fully understand that.AnyhowJ just hope we must do something else to help out our local theatersjike taking part in a newnational proposal

26、calledHSave Your Cinema/132.What does the underlined wordufabricuin paragraph 4 refer to?A.Typical feature.B.Basic structure.C.Public support.D.Common vision.33.Why are the film studios unwilling to release the new movies?A.Cinemas dont operate normallyB.New movies aren*t welcomedC.People dont like

27、going to cinemaD.Many cinemas go out of business34.What can we infer about the Logan Luxury 5 Cinema after its reopening?A.It makes a lot of money.B.It does well in disease prevention.C.It receives a large audience every day.D.It offers more enjoyable experience35.What is the purpose of this text?A.

28、To share the good old daysB.To explain a social problemD.To recommend a theater.C.To ask for peoples help.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。There are now lots of products and services on the market.36 It is vitaLthereforelor acompany to distinguish itself from its co

29、mpetitors by having a strong company image which isimmediately recognizableLogos are part of this image.37 The logo establishes a visual identity for the companyjustas different groups of young people express their identity through hairstyles and clothes.All groupsfrom all cultures and throughout th

30、e ages have used colors and symbols to show their identity.38Some colors may be connected with coldness in one culture and with warmth in another . Some colors represent life in one culture but death in another.International companies have, make sure that their logos will not be misunderstood in different countries.The logos of large international companies areinstantly recognizable throughout the world,One ofthe most famous logos is that of Coca-Cola.The design of the wordsMCoca-ColaMhas not changedsince 1886.although the surrounding de

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