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模拟卷02上海市中考英语最新题型冲刺卷 解析卷上海市专用Word文件下载.docx

1、【解答】friendly友好的;happily高兴地;angrily生气地;sadly悲伤地;根据意思:住的地方真棒!3If you must use a cell phone, please talk _ a low voice and move to the backAto Bby Cat Din【分析】如果您必须使用手机,请低声说话,然后移到后面去【解答】to朝、给、对于;at在、以、向in在之内by通过、被、由,四者都是介词in a low voice低声地由题干如果您必须使用手机,请低声说话,然后移到后面去可知,空格用in,因此答案应是inD4To tell you the trut

2、h, the physics teacher doesnt explain the problem as _ as he used toAclear Bclearly Cmore clearly Dmost clearly【分析】实话告诉你,物理老师并不能跟以前一样把问题解释清楚【解答】根据句意:实话告诉你,物理老师并不能跟以前一样把问题解释清楚考察副词,asas中间加形容词副词原级,clearly修饰explain,用副词B5While she _, someone knocked at the doorAtyped Bwas typing Cis typing Dtypes【分析】当她打字

3、时,有人敲门【解答】while当时,type延续性动词;根据句意当她打字时,有人敲门可知,要用过去进行时,其构成为was/ were doing6Im afraid the doctor _see you now he is busy said the nurse to the patientAmustnt Bshouldnt Cneednt Dcant【分析】恐怕医生现在不能见你了他很忙护士对病人说【解答】mustnt不可以;shouldnt不应该;neednt不必;cant不能根据7Students will have to wait for_three weeks before the

4、result of the final exam comes outAother Bthe other Cothers Danother【分析】在期末考试结果出来之前,学生还要再等三个星期【解答】考查形容词Aother其它的,通常加名词Bthe other(两个中)另一个Cothers相当于other+复数名词,泛指另外几个,其余的Danother(三个及以上之中)另一个根据three weeks三周可知,表示再等另外三周(三个以上)用another8_ a sport may help children relaxAPlay BPlaying CPlayed DPlays【分析】运动可以帮助

5、孩子们放松【解答】句意:运动可以帮助孩子们放松考察动名词,动名词作主语,动词加ing9d like to go to the concert with you tonight, _Im too busy Ann said to meAbut Bfor Cor Dso【分析】我今晚想和你一起去听音乐会,但我太忙了安对我说【解答】but 但是,表示转折;for 为了,so因此,表因果关系,or 或者,还是,一般用于疑问句或否定句中根据意思:我今晚想和你一起去听音乐会,但我太忙了10Tina had decided _in a village school after graduation to h

6、elp the children thereAteach Bto teach Cteaching Dteaches【分析】蒂娜决定毕业后到一所乡村学校去帮助那里的孩子们蒂娜决定毕业后到一所乡村学校去帮助那里的孩子们可知考查decide to do sth决定做某事B。11According to the political adviser, 5G smart phones _on the market in early 2020Awill be sold Bhas been sold Care sold Dwere sold【分析】据政治顾问称,5G智能手机将在2020年初在市场上销售【解答】

7、主语5G smart phones 与sell的关系是被动关系,根据in early 2020可知用一般将来时的被动语态,构成will be +过去分词12Our monitor has won the first prize in the math contest _exciting news it is!AHow BWhat CWhat a DWhat an【分析】我们的班长在数学竞赛中得了一等奖这是多么令人兴奋的消息啊!【解答】根据exciting news it is 可知是感叹句,what修饰名词,how修饰形容词/副词,语境中news是不可数名词,消息, 句型结构为:What +形

8、容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语动词!13By the end of last month, they_enough money for Friends of NatureAcollect Bcollected Chave collected Dhad collected【分析】到上个月月底,他们已经给自然之友筹集了足够多的钱到上个月月底,他们已经给筹集了足够多的钱结合By the end of last month,可知此处的动作是过去的过去,用过去完成时had+过去分词14Linda, please put the book back on the bookshelf, _?Ado you B

9、will you Cdoesnt she Dshall we【分析】琳达,请把书放回书架上,好吗?【解答】根据Linda, please put the book back on the bookshelf可知是祈使句,其反意疑问句是will you15_the little girl was only six, she began to do housework for her familyAIf BUntil CBecause DAlthough【分析】虽然小女孩只有六岁,但她开始为家人做家务【解答】if如果;until直到;because因为;although尽管,根据意思:虽然小女孩只

10、有六岁,但她开始为家人做家务II、Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共8分)A get tired of B travel C below D floods E play withMasouleh, a village in northern Iran, is certainly a tourist attraction In the village, you might have one of your b

11、est 16_experiences in life Masouleh was built halfway up a steep mountain It is to keep the village safe from_17_in the valley and to keep it safe from the cold wind blowing on the top of the mountain The village is most famous for its unique way of building the houses Each house in the village was

12、built on the rooftop of the house_18_it Rooftops here serve both as front gardens of the houses above and as roads Wherever you go in the village, you can have a rooftop view and you will never_19_it But remember that you can only walk around the village because cars are no allowed to run on those r

13、ooftop roads【分析】这是一篇选词填空,主要介绍了伊朗的一个好的旅游去处,Masouleh风景优美【解答】16 B 考查名词,根据句意,在村庄里,你生命中可能会拥有最好的一次旅行体验旅游经验可直接说成travel experiences ,故选B17 D 考查名词,根据上句Masouleh was built halfway up a steep mountainMasouleh建在陡峭的山腰判断下句句意为这是为了防止峡谷中的洪水以保护村庄的安全故选D18 C 考查介词,below在下面,根据句意,每一座房子都是建在下面房子的屋顶上选C19 A 考查动词短语,will将要,后跟动词原

14、形,根据句意,无论你去村子哪儿,你都会看到屋顶的风景并且不会厌烦故选AA Besides B sell C Finally D bright E duringThe village also features houses built from yellow clay The_20_color allows them to be seen even in heavy fog; the village is often covered in a blanket of fog_21_, houses here usually have large windows in the front wall

15、s to let in sunlight It is one of the traditional ways in which local residents keep themselves warm_22_ cold winters Masouleh has long been a trading center For centuries, people came from all around the region to_23_their goods there although many young people have moved out of the village to live

16、 in Irans towns and cities, the village is still full of vitality as it has become a popular tourist destination in Iran【分析】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了伊朗马苏莱地区村庄传统的房屋及该地区也是一个贸易中心虽然如今很多年轻人离开了这个村庄,但村庄仍然充满了活力,变成了伊朗一个受欢迎的旅游景点20 D 考查形容词根据文中The village also features houses built from yellow claythe village is often cov

17、ered in a blanket of fog可知这个村庄经常多雾,所以这里的房子由黄色黏土建成,因为这种明亮的颜色帮助人们在大雾中看到房子,其中bright表示明亮的,故选D21 A 考查副词根据文中houses here usually have large windows in the front walls to let in sunlight可知除黄色黏土是房子的特色之外,这里的房子通常有很大的窗户让太阳招照进来,其中besides表示此外,故选A22E 考查介词根据文中可知这种传统的房子让当地居民在寒冷的冬天可以保暖,其中during表示在期间,故选E23 B 考查动词根据文中

18、Masouleh has long been a trading center可知马苏莱长久以来是一个贸易中心,来自不同地区的人们在那里卖他们的货物,其中sell表示卖,故选BIII、Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子每空格限填一词)(共8分)24The room was filled with smoke,and it was becoming difficult to_(breath)【分析】房间里到处是烟,呼吸变得困难起来【解答】答案:breathe提

19、示词 breath是名词,意为呼吸,根据所给单词结合语境 可以推测句意为房间里到处是烟,呼吸变得困难起来,由于设空处单词前面有形容词和动词不定式符号to,表示做某事,所以应填动词 breathe25John lives on the_floor, two floors higher than mine (five)【分析】约翰住在五楼,比我高两层约翰住在五楼,比我高两层表示几楼用序数词基数词变序数词,五变第五,ve变为f加th,所以是fifth26Many items in our_ use are made of plastic (day)【分析】我们日常使用的许多物品都是塑料的我们日常使用

20、的许多物品都是塑料的名词变形容词,day的形容词为daily,日常的故答案为daily27Perhaps parents could let their children decide for_ if they want to have any afterschool homework (they)【分析】也许父母可以让孩子自己决定是否要做课外作业也许父母可以让孩子自己决定是否要做课外作业考察反身代词,for themselves意为为他们自己故答案为themselves28My daughter is_ with her glasses and has lost three pairs (c

21、are)【分析】我女儿的眼镜不小心掉了三副我女儿的眼镜不小心掉了三副 系动词后加形容词,careless粗心的,注意容易错填careful故答案为careless29The film the Wandering Earth was a great_during the Spring Festival (succeed)【分析】电影流浪的地球在春节期间取得了巨大的成功电影流浪的地球在春节期间取得了巨大的成功可知考查短语: a great success巨大成功故答案为:success30I felt so_about the bad news that I just sat down and c

22、ried (happy)【分析】听到这个坏消息,我坐下来哭了听到这个坏消息,我坐下来哭了可知考查:happy的反义词unhappy31As a result of the bloods, six people died and thousands were made_(home)【分析】由于血液,6人死亡,数千人无家可归由于血液,6人死亡,数千人无家可归可知考查:home的形容词形式homelessIV、 Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求完成句子)(共14分)32My father fell asleep during t

23、he movie(改为一般疑问句)_ your father_asleep during the movie?【分析】我父亲在电影中睡着了你父亲在电影中睡着了吗?【解答】根据该句的谓语动词fell为行为动词,要求改为一般疑问句需要用助动词,根据该句的时态为一般过去时态用助动词did,结构为:助动词(did)+主语+动词原形+其他?故填入did;fallDid; fall33George and his team will finish the project in five weeks (对划线部分提问) _will George and his team finish the project

24、?【分析】乔治和他的团队将在五周后完成这个项目乔治和他的团队多久后将完成这个项目?【解答】根据划线短语in five weeks意为五周后表达将来的时间,要求对划线部分提问,故用疑问词how soon询问将来的时间多久以后How soon34Would you like to start a new hobby when you go to another country? (保持句意基本不变)Would you like to_ a new hobby when you go to another country?【分析】当你去另一个国家的时候,你想开始一个新的爱好吗?当你去另一个国家的时候

25、,你想开始一个新的爱好吗?【解答】take up开始从事,开始一个爱好,动词短语,和start是同义的,在不定式符合to后面用动词原形故答案为take up35She felt very happy when she heard Victors voice on the line(保持句意基本不变) _great joy ,she heard Victors voice on the line【分析】在电话上听到维克多的声音时她感到很高兴【解答】同义句转换题felt very happy 感到非常高兴;to ones great joy让某人感到非常高兴To her36Scientists w

26、ill invent more amazing materials to save our lives (改为被动语态)More amazing materials will_ to save our lives by scientists【分析】科学家将发明更多神奇的材料来拯救我们的生命更多神奇的材料将会被科学家发明来拯救我们的生命【解答】原句是一般将来时,所以被动语态也用一般将来时,will be +过去分词,invent的过去分词是invented故答案是be invented37Why does Tim leave his house so early every morning? Sarah wondered (改为间接引语)Sarah wondered_Tim_his house so early every morning【分析】Sarah想:Tim为什么每天早上这么早就离开家?Sarah想知道Tim为什么每天早上这么早就离开了家【解答】要求改为间接引语原句为特殊疑问句,间接引语的连接词为特殊疑问词why,语序为陈述句语序,主句为一般过去时态间接引语的时态为相应的过去时态,原句为一般现在时态改为一般过去时态,谓语动词leave的过去式为left,故填入why;leftwhy;38

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