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2、一些政客坚持斗争,我们要多一些辛勤劳动者,少一些玩世不恭的人坚持斗争,我们要多一些希望,少一些麻木坚持斗争,我们要多一些信心,少一些绝望2. Why are You Laughing?Thus laughter gradually became established as a capacity among virtually all human beings.In addition, laughters infectious quality helped distribute it as a characteristic common to all mankind. Laughter was

3、 advantageous; therefore it survived.Everyone likes a good laughter;he brings good cheer with him wherever he goes,the very thought of him makes life more bearable. Even today our most highly paid entertainers are not tragedians but comedians.Laughter is infectious, and most of us go out of our way

4、to acquire the infection. We cannot think that it was otherwise in the earlier days of mans evolution,and if that was indeed so, then it would follow that the capacity to laugh would tend to become increasingly distributed as a trait common to all men.In society, laughter became a characteristic tha

5、t served to “humanized” men,because it is essentially a social phenomenon, largely controlled by the civilization in which it takes place. The times change, and the situations about which laughter is acceptable change correspondingly. A few hundred years ago it was socially acceptable to laugh at th

6、e infirmities of others;today it is unacceptable. In the western world it is not customary to smile at the reprimands of others,as it is in Japan. Personalities should smile or laugh in their photographs,but college professors should look serious. Each of these examples underscores laughters social


8、代在前进,作为能使笑成为可接受的周围的情景也在相应的改变。曾在几百年前,嘲笑别人的缺陷,还是受到社会接受的。而今天则不能接受了。在西方社会,人们不习惯于当别人责骂时,还去微笑,但在日本却可以。电影明星应在照片中微笑或大笑,而大学教授则应表现的严肃些。这些例子都强调了笑的社会作用。3.Let Your Mind WonderUntil recently daydreaming was generally considered either a waste of time or a symptom of neurotic tendencies, and habitual daydreaming w

9、as regarded as evidence of maladjustment or an escape from lifes realities and responsibilities.It was believed that habitual daydreaming would eventually distance people from society and reduce their effectiveness in coping with real problems. At its best, daydreaming was considered a compensatory

10、substitute for the real things in life.As with anything carried to excess, daydreaming can be harmful. There are always those who would substitute fantasy lives for the rewards of real activity. But such extremes are relatively rare, and there is a growing body of evidence to support the fact that m

11、ost people suffer from a lack of daydreaming rather than an excess of it. We are now beginning to learn how valuable it really is and that when individuals are completely prevented from daydreaming, their emotional balance can be disturbed. Not only are they less able to deal with the pressures of d

12、ay-to-day existence, but also their self-control and self-direction become endangered.Recent research indicates that daydreaming is part of daily life andthat a certain amount each day is essential for maintaining equilibrium. Daydreaming, science has discovered, is an effective relaxation technique

13、. But its beneficial effects go beyond this. Experiments show that daydreaming significantly contributes to intellectual growth, powers of concentration, and the ability to interact and communicate with others.直到最近白日做梦通常被认为不是浪费时间就是要患精神病的征兆。习惯性白日做梦被看做精神失调的证据或是对现实生活和责任的逃避。人们相信,习惯性白日做梦会使人远离社会,降低其处理现实问题


15、一点,实验表明,白日梦特别有助于智力的发展,有助于全神贯注的能力和与人交往、交流的能力。4.PensSmall as it is, the pen has changed the course of history, shaped the destiny of nations, facilitated the commerce of peoples, imprisoned the elusive thoughts of man, recorded events, carried news, and done more work for mankind than all other tools

16、or weapons.Progress without it would have been almost impossible. The invention of the wheel and screw,the introduction of steam-power, the use of electricity, all these have changed the lives of millions; but the pen has done more. It has removed mountains. It has prepared the way for all advanceme

17、nt. Whatever plans have been drawn up, whatever laws formulated, have come from the pen.笔笔虽很小,却已经改变了历史的进程,决定了民族的兴衰,推进了民间的贸易, 钳制了难以捉摸的不良思想,记录事件,传播消息,为人类做了比任何其他工具或武器更多的工作。没有它,进步几乎是不可能的。车轮和螺丝的发明,蒸汽机的问世,电力的使用,所有这些都曾改变了亿万人的生活;然而,笔却做得更多。他创造了奇迹。他为所有的前进铺平了道路。任何计划的拟订,任何法律的制定,无一不出自于笔。5. The embarassment of ou

18、r ageWe have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time;we have more degrees,but less common sense;more knowledge,but less judgment; more experts, but more problems;more medicine, but less wellness.We spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get to angry too

19、quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too often, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too little and lie too often. Weve learned how to make a living, but not a life;weve added years to life. not life

20、 to years.We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it less.Weve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. Weve conquered outer space, but no

21、t inner space. Weve split the atom,but not our prejudice;We write more, but learn less; plan more, but accomplish less.Weve learned to rush, but not to wait; we have higher incomes, but lower morals. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies, but have less communicatio

22、n.We are long on quantity, but short on quality.These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion; tall men and short character; steep profits and shallow relationships. More leisure and less fun; more kinds of food, but less nutrition;two incomes, but more divorce; fancier houses, but broken hom



25、情冷漠相生的时代。我们的休闲多了。乐趣却少了;食品种类多了,营养却少了;双薪家庭增加了,离婚率也激升了;居室的装修华丽了,家庭却残缺破碎了。6.How To Grow OldBertrand RussellAn individual human existence should be like a riversmall at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider,

26、 the banks recede,the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will cont

27、inue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will be not unwelcome. I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.老之将至一个人的一生好比一条河,开始是涓涓细流,限制在狭窄的两岸之间,然后激烈地冲过巨石,冲下瀑布。渐渐地,河宽了,两岸退去,河水舒缓,最后与大海毫无痕迹地融为一体,毫无痛苦地失去了个体的存在。一个人在其暮年时能这样看待自己的一生就不会因怕死而苦恼,因为他所关心的事情将继续下去。而且如果随着精力衰退,疲倦之感日渐增加,长眠的念头便未尝不是一件好事。我宁愿在工作中死去,知道别人在继续我不能再做的事情,想到自己尽了力,也就无限的安慰了。

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