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Book 1 单元过关实战检测2文档格式.docx

1、10. lonely (adj. 孤独的,寂寞的) loneliness (n. 孤独,寂寞)11. disagree (v.不同意) disagreement (n.) agree (v.同意) agreement (n.)二、 不规则动词、名单复:1. set _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分) 2. upset _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分) 3. fall _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分)4. hide _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分) 5. German _ (复数)三、语法填空1. I dont believe Tom broke the rules _ purpose b

2、ecause he always behaves well in school. 2. I still find_ hard to make friends my classmates and get along well with them, and I am so upset about this.3. After _ (recover) from his illness, he made use of every chance to take exercise. 4. I dont remember the words you said just now_ (exact). Can yo

3、u repeat them again? 5. Although we had a hot discussion, they still _ (agree) with us for several reasons. 6. It is the first time that they _ (go) through so much hardship.7. The mayor was greatly_ (concern) about the safety of the homeless after the earthquake struck the city.8. The teacher asked

4、 the students _ they had questions to ask or not. 9. Recently there has been _ series of car accidents at the crossroads and many people were killed. 10. We need some friends _ can share our happiness and sadness.11. There was a time _ I ignored the good advice on English learning from Miss Chen.、改错

5、(每个句子最多不超过2处错误)1. The physical examination suggested that he was entire healthy.2. She has suffered for a severe disease since she live in the north.3. They saw some German setting down notes carefully in class.4. As a doctor, he has got to looking after the patient who was seriously ill all the nig

6、ht.5. After Peter died, George wrote down the story of our friendship in a book.6. Tom told me that sun rises in the east and set in the west. 7. Although he didnt speak English well, but he could make himself understand by using body language.五、词形变化默写:1. recover v. 康复 n. _ 康复2. calm v.使镇定 n. _平静 ad

7、j. calm镇定的 adv. _镇静地6. concern v.担忧n. concern 担忧adj. _担忧的 prep. concerning _7. _ n. 德国人,德语 n. _ 德国 8. settle v. 安家,定居 n._ 安家,定居 settler n. 定居者6. entire adj. 完全的 adv._ 完全地 7. power (n. 力量,权力) _ (adj. 有力量/权力的,强大的)8. dust (n. 灰尘) _ (adj. 积满灰尘的)9. suffer (v. 遭受,经历) _ (n. 遭受,经历)10. lonely (adj. 孤独的,寂寞的)

8、_ (n. 孤独,寂寞)11. disagree (v.不同意) _ (n.) _ (v. 同意) _ (n.)六、重点句型语篇翻译我一度对一些琐事感到很烦恼。我收拾好东西去了北京。这是我第一次去那里。有一天我在参观颐和园时碰巧遇上了李平。我觉得跟他相处很容易,同他在一起聊天是件很快乐的事。我们很快成了好朋友。正是因为有了这样一个朋友,我才不再烦恼也不再感到孤独。直到那时,我才真正意识到朋友的重要性。_Book1 Unit2 单元过关实战检测 2019.81. official adj.官方的 adv.officially 官方地 n. office 办公室 n. officer 官员2. n

9、ative adj. 本国的,本地 n. nation 国家 adj. national 国家的 adj. international 国际的 nationality n. 国籍 3. actual adj. 实际上 adv. actually实际上4. gradual adj. 逐渐的 adv. gradually 逐渐地 5. base v. 以为根据,n.基部 adj.basic 基本的,基础的6. fluent adj. 流利的 fluently adv. 流利 fluency n. 流利7. frequent adj. 频繁的 frequently adv.频繁地 frequency

10、 n. 频率8. expression n. 词语,表示,表达 express v. 表达9. recognize v. 辨认出,承认,公认 recognition n. 承认,公认二、 不规则动词:1. come _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分) 2. make _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分) 3. begin _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分)4. speak _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分) 5. write _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分)1. The _(express) on her face suggested that she was in pain.2. Some

11、think in todays world we need to make _ (frequency) contacts with different people in different parts of the world, so it is absolutely necessary to learn English.3. _(actual), Tom is honest with his parents.4. Most students _ (gradual) realize the importance of English study due to todays globaliza

12、tion.5. With the development of the economy, English _ (speak) widely in the world nowadays.6. Many people believe the English _ is spoken on TV and the radio is standard English.7. Mobil phone plays _ important part in our daily life.8. It was based more on German than the English _ present.9. Most

13、 people dont have trouble _ (communicate) with each other.10. He is such a genius that he can speak_(fluent) and write with ease in six European languages.1. Believe it or not, there are no such person in our class.2. Students in my class have many hobbies, such as swim and climbing the mountains.3.

14、 The policeman commanded that all the people present came up to her office.4. As a official leader, he should pay more attention to take care of the poor and the old.5. Lori is recognize as a quiet girl and sometimes she is very active.6. Although a number of native made good use of the local resour

15、ces, they still went through a lot of suffering.1. _ adj. 官方的 adv. _ 官方地 n. _ 办公室 n. _ 官员2. _ adj. 本国的,本地的 n. _ 国家 adj. _ 国家的 adj. _ 国际的 nationality n. 国籍 3. _adj. 实际上 adv. _ 4. _ adj. 逐渐的 adv. _ 逐渐地 5. _ v. 以为根据,n.基部 adj._ 基本的,基础的6. _ adj. 流利的 _ adv. 流利 _ n. 流利7. _ adj. 频繁的 _ adv.频繁地 _ n. 频率8. _ n.

16、 词语,表示,表达 _ v. 表达9. _ v. 辨认出,承认,公认 _ n. 承认,公认上周,我们学校的学生会就“我们是否要学英语”在全校展开了调查。结果表明,大多数同学赞成学英语,因为他们认为学好英语是现代社会对人们的要求之一,而且对日后的就业非常有帮助。然而,有些同学却表示反对,他们说学英语没用,是浪费财力。更糟糕的是,他们感到学英语纯属一种负担。依我看,我们应该学好英语,因为精通英语意味着将来能有更多的机会。Book1 Unit3 单元过关实战检测 2019.81. advantage n. 优势, 优点 disadvantage n.劣势, 缺点2. graduate v. 毕业 g

17、raduate n. 大学毕业生 graduation n. 毕业3. determine v. 决定, 下定决心 determined adj. 坚决的, 有决定的 determination n. 决心4. rely v. 依靠, 依赖 reliable adj. 可信赖的, 可依赖的5. organize v. 组织 organization n. 组织, 团体, 机构6. final adj. 最终的, 最后的 finally adv. 最后, 终于7. persuade v.说服 persuasion n.说服8. prefer v.更喜欢 preference n.偏好1. pre

18、fer_ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分)2. bend3. give4. grow5. buy6. begin7. ride8. keep1. He has dreamed of _ (be) a writer after growing up ever since he was a boy. 2. I live next door to a couple_ children often make a lot of noise even at night. 3. We think he is _ (rely) because he never lets us down no matter wh

19、at happens. 4. When they _ (final) arrived at the airport, it was already midnight. 5. She _ (prefer) that nobody should come to see her yesterday. 6. The air on the top of the high mountain is hard _ (breath). 7. _ usual, he would never change his mind once he has determined.8. There are some big _

20、 (advantage) of being overweight, for example, being unhealthy.9. It was the foreseeability and the full preparation _ helped HUAWEI get through the difficult time. 10. After a fierce quarrel, they _(persuade) to calm down at last.1. A attitude is a way of thinking and behaving. 2. I am very fond sports because they can make him relaxed.3. The rest of the apples in his garden has been given to the poor people. 4. I told Mary that her journe

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