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1、 “Melencolia”; “Saint Jerome in his Cell”) that had a strong influence on the art world and came to be known as the Master Engravings.Durers success as a printmaker rapidly spread across Europe. He was highly aware of his artistic image and authorship, which is obvious in his remarkable signature. A

2、s his art became increasingly valuable, Durers signature was always copied, which even led him to accuse the engraver Marcantonio Raimondi of repeatedly copying his works and signature and selling them off as originals. In the end, the court ruled that Raimondi could continue making copies of Durers

3、, as long as he didnt reproduce the artists signature.Durer died in 1528 and was buried in Nuremberg. Like most famous Italian artists, Durer probably felt himself to be an “artist-king”, and his self-portraits(自画像)seem undoubtedly to show a man sure of his own gift.1. Which of the following best de

4、scribes Albrecht Durer?A. Open-minded. B. Generous. C. Easy-going. D. Talented.2. What do we know about Durers three great engravings?A. They were made with the help of his father.B. They were created in the early 16th century.C. They were recognized as a new way of painting.D. They were influenced

5、by the art world of his time.3. What can we infer from paragraph 3?A. Durer got angry with the court.B. Durers signature was easy to copy.C. Durers reputation as a printmaker was high.D. Durer had a good relationship with Raimondi.【答案】1. D 2. B 3. C【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了著名画家,作家和雕刻家Albrecht Durer的生平

6、事迹,特别强调了他在雕刻艺术方面的天赋和影响力。【1题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第一段内容对于Albrecht Durer的描述“He was a painter, writer and engraver, but his first and probably greatest artistic influence was in the medium of printmaking.(他是一位画家、作家和雕刻家,但他的第一个可能也是最大的艺术影响是在版画的媒介上。)”可知,他在艺术方面的成就很大,且根据文章第二段“He actually expanded the craft of produci

7、ng pictures for printing, giving it more depth, and he raised print-making into an art-form.(实际上,他扩大了为印刷而制作图片的工艺,赋予了它更大的深度,并将印刷术提升为一种艺术形式。)”可知,他在艺术方面很有自己的特点,由此可推知,他是一个有艺术天赋的人。故选D项。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第二段内容“Indeed, it was in 15131514 that Durer produced the three extraordinary engravings (“Knight, Death

8、and DeviP”; “Saint Jerome in his Cell”) that had a strong influence on the art world and came to be known as the Master Engravings.(事实上,正是在15131514年,杜勒创作了三幅非凡的版画(“骑士、死亡和德维普”;”“梅兰科利亚”;“圣杰罗姆在他的牢房”),对艺术界产生了强大的影响,并成为著名的雕刻大师。)”可知,这三幅作品是在1513年至1514年期间创作的,即,16世纪早期。故选B项。【3题详解】根据文章第三段内容“As his art became inc

9、reasingly valuable, Durers signature was always copied, which even led him to accuse the engraver Marcantonio Raimondi of repeatedly copying his works and signature and selling them off as originals.(随着Durer的作品越来越有价值,他的签名总是被模仿,他甚至指责雕刻师Marcantonio Raimondi反复模仿他的作品和签名,然后当真品出售。)”可知,Durer的作品很有价值,以致于雕刻师M

10、arcantonio Raimondi模仿他的作品和签名进行出售,由此可推知,作为版画家,Durer享有很高的声誉。故选C项。B“Wont you be my neighbor?” is a famous song from Mister Rogers Neighborhood, a popular childrens television show. The show, broadcast for 31 years and ending in 2001, sought to teach American children the importance of kindness and unde

11、rstanding towards others. But recently fewer and fewer Americans seem to know their neighbors. That may be destroying Americans communities.Marc Dunkelman wrote a book called “The Vanishing Neighbor”. In it, he examined how American communities have changed over time. Dunkelman said most Americans h

12、ave three levels of relationships: The inner circle includes family and close friends. The middle circle is more casual relationships. People in this circle include neighbors and people in community groups. The outer circle includes people who live far away but share a common interest.In his book, D

13、unkelman argued that people spend most of their time and attention on the inner and outer circles. But he said the middle-circle is necessary to strengthening local communities. Relationships with neighbors are important for debate, hearing different ideas and finding compromise.Americans used to ha

14、ve more middle-circle relationships. Face-to-face communication was unavoidable without cell phones or the internet. People also felt more of a duty to join community organizations.Dunkelman argued that modern life has made middle-circle relationships less important. He said globalization, education

15、 and more women in the workforce have resulted in less middle-circle communication. Americans may be losing what it means to be a good neighbor, as Fred Rogers of Mister Rogers Neighborhood taught.However; doing good for a neighbor is healthy “not just for our neighbor but for ourselves as well,” Du

16、nkelman said. “Learning how to be a good citizen can be lost when we defer the problem to somebody else.”4 What does the underlined word “that refer to in paragraph 1?A. The lack of close ties with neighbors. B. The popularity of childrens TV shows.C. The way of teaching children to be kind. D. The

17、previous knowledge of communities.5 What is a benefit of having middle-circle relationships?A. Preventing digital harm. B. Sharing opinions with others.C. Bearing more family responsibilities. D. Raising awareness of health problems.6. Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. How to

18、Get Along with Neighbors? B. The Inner-circle or the Middle-circle?C. Why are Americans Becoming Distant? D. Are American Communities Disappearing?【答案】4. A 5. B 6. D【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了越来越少的美国人认识他们的邻居,这一情况可能正在摧毁美国人的社区的社会现象。文章介绍了消失的邻居一书的作者对此的看法,以及这一现象可能导致的影响。【4题详解】词句猜测题。根据画线词上文“But recently fewer and

19、fewer Americans seem to know their neighbors.”以及后文“may be destroying Americans communities”可知,最近越来越少的美国人认识他们的邻居,即与邻居缺乏亲密关系可能正在摧毁美国人的社区。故画线词指的是“与邻居缺乏亲密关系”。故选A。【5题详解】根据第三段中“But he said the middle-circle is necessary to strengthening local communities. Relationships with neighbors are important for deb

20、ate, hearing different ideas and finding compromise.(但他说,中间圈子对于加强当地社区是必要的。与邻居的关系对于辩论、听取不同意见和寻求妥协都很重要)”可知,拥有中间圈子的关系可以与他人分享意见。故选B。【6题详解】主旨大意题。根据第一段中“But recently fewer and fewer Americans seem to know their neighbors. That may be destroying Americans communities.(但是最近越来越少的美国人认识他们的邻居。这可能正在摧毁美国人的社区)”结合文

21、章主要说明了越来越少的美国人认识他们的邻居,这一情况可能正在摧毁美国人的社区的社会现象。可知,D选项“美国社区正在消失吗?”最符合文章标题。故选D。CIn an age of online shopping, commercial algorithms and streamed entertainment, most of us rarely face up to things that have not been digitally matched to our previous interests or prejudices. Few will have avoided the sugge

22、stion “if youve enjoyed X, then youll like Y and Z” as they surf the internet looking for books, films or music.”But now there are efforts to fight back against it. In both the arts and the media, a series of new projects are celebrating the importance of coming across the unexpected.A new self-help

23、 book by Neil Farber; an American academic and doctor focuses on the vital role that chance plays in enriching our lives and thoughts. An unconventional service, Trade Journal Cooperative is offering to send a random publication direct to your door four times a year, from Professional Pasta to Ameri

24、can Funeral Director or Plumber Magazine.A new radio app, Stack, deliberately delivers music chosen by someone else. Stack has been set up in response to the vast areas of unknown music available to download. The music on Stack is instead chosen by a number of DJs and musicians and, importantly, lis

25、teners cannot influence what it plays. “Its not designed around your usage,” says Wigram, who is an art dealer. “But it removes the anxiety of having to like, or liking something by mistake, and suddenly being recommended tracks that you dont even like. Algorithms reduce diversity and chance. And it

26、s that element of chance, of discovering a new track, that an algorithm cant compete with. I do believe that human beings can do it better than algorithms.”So the hope for an interesting future, according to Wigram, depends upon a good mix of blind chance and trusted human recommendations a bit like

27、 the shelves of the old independent record stores and bookshops.7. What is mainly talked about in paragraph 1?A. A dilemma facing internet users.B. A suggestion given by internet providers.C. An online phenomenon related to preference.D. An open discussion concerning online shopping.8. Why are the e

28、xamples in paragraph 3 mentioned?A. To indicate the influence of the media. B. To explain the operation of new projects.C. To prove the success of a creative service. D. To show the significance of chance in life.9. How does the app Stack help listeners choose a song?A. By offering expert recommendations. B. By making use of algorithms.C. By removing the anxiety of musicians. D. By providing plenty of songs.10. What is the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To promote a healthy digital lifestyle.B. To give help

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