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1、我们在生活中是怎样成功的?34.233I like that question. 我喜欢这个问题。35.845What do you think is the answer? 你认为答案是什么?37.924I think that you will succeed if you work hard. 我想如果你努力的话,就会成功。41.390I wonder what my mother and grandfather will say. 我想知道我的妈妈和外公会怎样说。44.995Heres another question: what is success? 另一个问题:什么是成功?48.

2、548Does it mean that youre rich or famous? 成功意味着你富有或出名吗?50.940Is that success? 那是成功吗?52.673I dont know. 我不知道。54.042Lets write down that question. 我们把那个问题写下来吧。56.416Can you think of any more? 你能想出更多的吗?58.548Sure! 当然!59.501Why are people different from animals? 为什么人与动物不同?1:02.118If we didnt have langu

3、age, could we think? 如果没有了语言,我们可以思考吗?05.238Do animals think? 动物会思考吗?06.919What makes us happy? 什么令我们开心?08.600Do we need to be happy? 我们需要开心吗?10.541Why are some people in the world very poor? 为什么世界上一些人非常贫穷?13.297Can we understand everything about the world? 我们能明白世界上一切吗?16.035Why are there people? 为什么

4、会有人类?17.682Are there people on other worlds? 别的星球有人类吗?19.833Will the future be better than today? 将来会比现在更好吗?22.044Stop! 停!23.203I cant write that fast! 我写不了那么快!26.229PROJECT27.605WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE?30.407What does life mean?32.638Not the word life!34.426I dont want you to look up in the dic

5、tionary.38.256I want you to think about this: why are we alive?43.478With a group of classmates, think of some questions about life.49.254What do you want to know about life?52.641Make a list of questions and then, as a group, choose your Top Five Questions.2:00.000Write them down.01.772Take the Top

6、 Five Questions home.05.064Ask your parents, or grandparents, for their answers to the Top Five Questions.12.169Write down their answers.14.780Discuss the answers with your group.17.455Now, think!18.895What did you learn from this project?21.490On your own, write a paragraph about it.25.236Do we nee

7、d to learn new things?28.322What do you think?UNIT 5 Great People Lesson 34 A Universe of Thought00.971UNIT 5 第五单元02.522Great People 伟人04.357Lesson 34: 第三十四课:05.990A Universe of Thought 思维的领域08.561THINK ABOUT IT!09.942Why do people study?13.006What do you think is the most important thing for a stud

8、ent?17.732Why was Einstein successful?21.457Albert Einstein had one of the great minds of last century. 艾伯特爱因斯坦是上世纪具有非凡才智的人之一。25.883During his lifetime, Einstein thought about the universe and solved many problems in physics. 在他的一生中,爱因斯坦思考宇宙,并解决了很多物理学的问题。32.671Einstein is most famous for his Theory

9、of Relativity. 爱因斯坦以他的相对论闻名遐迩。37.157What do you do with your mind? 你的智慧是用来做什么的?39.540You think! 你用它来思考!40.942This is what I think: 这就是我思考的:42.664E = MC2. E = MC2。46.309He once said, I think and think for months and years. 他曾经说:“我成年累月地思考。50.514Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. 99次结论都是错误的。53

10、.618The hundredth time I am right. 第一百次我对了。”57.342Quick Quiz! 小测验!59.045Did Einstein receive the Nobel Prize for the Theory of Relativity? 爱因斯坦因他的相对论获得过诺贝尔奖吗?04.331No! It was for his work in another part of physics. 没有!是因为他对物理学其他领域的贡献而获奖的。09.057Did Einstein have a wife? 爱因斯坦有妻子吗?11.601Yes. He had tw

11、o wives. 有,他有两位妻子。14.184He divorced his first wife. 他与第一位妻子离婚了。16.927How many children did Einstein have? 爱因斯坦有多少个孩子?20.352He had three children. 他有三个孩子。22.094His first child, a daughter, was born in 1903. 他的第一个孩子是女儿,出生于1903年。26.299Nobody knows what happened to her. 没人知道她怎么样。28.702Later, he had two

12、sons. 后来,他有两个儿子。32.247Einsteins childhood and early years 爱因斯坦的童年及早年生活35.831Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. 爱因斯坦1879年生于德国。40.257After he had finished school, he studied physics in Switzerland. 毕业后,他在瑞士学习物理。45.203In 1905, Einstein began to write articles about physics. 1905年,爱因斯坦开始写关于物理的文章。50.5

13、30For one of those articles, he received the Nobel Prize, but not until 1921. 直到1921年,因其中一篇文章,他获得了诺贝尔奖。58.079Einstein,the teacher 爱因斯坦教师00.422The important thing, Einstein said, is not to stop questioning. 爱因斯坦说:“重要的是不要停止提问。05.749He also said, Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anyt

14、hing new. 他还说,“没有犯过错误的人永远不会尝试新东西。12.578Einstein taught at universities in Switzerland and Germany. 爱因斯坦在瑞士和德国的大学里教书。17.144He left Germany in 1933 and went to teach at Princeton University in the United States. 1933年他离开德国到美国普林斯顿大学任教。24.694Einstein died in 1955. 爱因斯坦于1955年逝世。27.678One week before his

15、death, he signed his last letter. 在他死前一周,他写下最后一封信。32.003The letter asked people to give up nuclear weapons. 信中要求人们放弃核武器。36.064This is Princeton University, a famous university in the United States. 这是普林斯顿大学美国的著名学府。42.102Albert Einstein taught here. 艾伯特爱因斯坦曾在此执教。45.057LETS DO IT!46.972Many people wan

16、t to be famous.50.255Is it important to be famous?53.356In a small group, discuss why you do or dont want to be famous.59.257Try using the following phrases:3:02.278Its important / not important to be famous because _.07.024I want / dont want to be famous because _.11.469Give an oral report to the r

17、est of the class.UNIT 5 Great People Lesson 35 Chinas Most Famous Farmer00.898UNIT 5 第五单元02.273Great People 伟人03.816Lesson 35: 第三十五课:05.541China 中国最著名的“农民”09.525Every scientist has a childhood dream. 每位科学家都有一个童年的梦想。12.401A scientist in China once had a dream. 中国的一位科学家曾有一个梦想。15.206He wished to grow a

18、 new type of rice. 他希望种出一种新型的水稻。18.166The grain of this new type of rice would be as big as a peanut 这种新型稻谷的谷粒像花生一样大,22.010so that farmers could rest in the cool shadows of big rice plants. 农民们能在可以在这种高大的水稻的阴凉下休息。26.751This person is Yuan Longping Father of Hybrid Rice. 这个人是袁隆平“杂交水稻之父”。33.008Yuan Lon

19、gping of Hybrid Rice 袁隆平“杂交水稻之父”37.973Early years 早年生活39.779Yuan Longping was born in 1930. 袁隆平出生于1930年。42.821He graduated from the Southwest Agricultural University in 1953. 1953年毕业于西南农业大学。48.905His work 工作50.181He came up with an idea for a hybrid rice in the 1960s. 20世纪60年代他提出杂交水稻的构想。55.048Since

20、then, he has devoted himself to research and to the development of new varieties. 从那时起,他就一直致力于这项研究以及新品种的培育。01.878In 1973, together with other people, he succeeded in the development of hybrid rice. 1973年,和其他人一起,他成功地培育出了杂交水稻。09.611This made China a worldwide leader in rice production. 这使中国的稻米产量位于世界领先

21、地位。14.105For this, he was honored with the name of Hybrid Rice. 因此,他被尊称为“杂交水稻之父”。19.169In 1980, the technology for hybrid rice was introduced to the United States. 1980年,杂交水稻技术被传入美国。26.077Because of Professor Yuans hard work, China now produces enough rice to feed her people every year. 因为袁教授的辛勤工作,现

22、在中国每年都生产出足够全国人民食用的稻米。33.849Besides, many other countries including the U.S. have benefitted from his work. 此外,包括美国在内的其他许多国家也从中受益。40.718What does he do in his spare time? 空闲时间他做什么?43.387In his spare time, he loves playing the violin and listening to music. 闲暇时,他喜欢拉小提琴,听音乐。47.626Every night, he reads

23、for half an hour before he goes to sleep. 他每天晚上睡觉前读半小时的书。51.473He likes swimming, too. 他也喜欢游泳。53.828It is said that Professor Yuan is one of the richest people in China. 据说袁教授是中国最富有的人之一。58.107But he cares about nothing but his research. 但他只关心他的研究工作。01.979What is he doing now? 他现在在做什么?04.040Now Profe

24、ssor Yuan is working on developing super hybrid rice. 现在袁教授正在研制高级杂交水稻。09.162He goes to the fields twice a day. 他每天下田两次。12.946PROJECT14.254WHOS YOUR HERO?16.657Write a short paragraph about your hero.21.097Then, use words in your paragraph to make a crossword puzzle about this person.28.396Use words

25、that describe the person!31.909Give your paragraph and crossword puzzle to a friend.36.775Can your friend do your puzzle?39.314Can you do your friends puzzle?42.249Here is Li Mings puzzle.44.621Across46.111147.358This is his favourite food.50.065(Its sweet and round.)53.091354.323His skin is this co

26、lour.57.835559.067He likes this sweet drink.02.884604.420I laugh because hes _.08.632709.681Hes good at this game, since hes tall.13.893Down14.912116.068Hes this kind of animal.19.276220.630Hes not short, he23.808424.781He comes from this country.28.553529.648He also likes this food.32.096(Its round

27、, but it isnt sweet!)UNIT 5 Great People Lesson 36 Make the World a Better Place00.520UNIT 5 第五单元01.841Great People 伟人03.437Lesson 36: 第三十六课:05.447Make the World a Better Place 让世界更美好24.747You can make the world, 你能使这个世界,26.856A better place to live. 变得更美好。29.976You can make the world, 你能使这个世界,32.153A better place. 变得更好。35.104You become a hero, When you care for those around you. 当你关心周围的人时,就会成为一个英雄。40.476Set a good example, 树立一个好榜样,43.087Day after day. 日

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