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外研版英语精品选择性必修三Unit3 Using languageWord格式.docx

1、Ato continue educating students in China Bto save the educational and intellectual heritage of the three universitiesCto train soldiers for the Anti-Japanese WarDto improve the consciousness of the whole people in the Anti-Japanese War答案B2Which is WRONG about the difficulties Lianda was faced with a

2、t that time?AThere were no enough classrooms and equipment.BThe harassment and attack from the enemy.CLack of teachers.DPoor natural environment.答案C3What is the theme of Zha Liangzhengs poem in the passage?ATo call on people to fight with the invaders.BTo remind people not to forget the hardships th

3、e Chinese people suffered.CTo advise students to study in Lianda.DTo describe the contributions his peers made.重点单词1uniform n制服 adj.一致的;统一的2friction n冲突,摩擦3weapon n武器,兵器4bomb v轰炸5associated adj.联合的6anniversary n周年纪念日7sum n金额,款项8grain n谷物,粮食9relevant adj.有关的,切题的10stability n稳固,稳定stable adj.稳定的11acade

4、mic adj.学术的academy n学院;学会12rough adj.简单的roughly adv.大约;粗鲁地13emerge v出现emergency n突发事件;紧急情况14glory n辉煌的成就glorious adj.光荣的15dedication n奉献dedicate v奉献16representative n代表represent v代表;描绘掌握规律巧记单词后缀-ic加在名词后面构成形容词,表示“与有关的”“有性质的”“是的”等。例:academy n学院academic adj.学术的history n历史historic adj.历史(性)的hero n英雄hero

5、ic adj.英雄的;英勇的alcohol n酒alcoholic adj.酒精的atom n原子atomic adj.原子的.核心短语1on standby 待命2keep to坚持;履行;不偏离3refer to.as把看作4light up照亮5lay the foundation for为打基础6shirk ones duty逃避责任7serve as用作;充当8break through突破.经典句式1现在分词短语作状语Peacekeepers monitor the peace process in areas that have experienced friction and

6、civil wars,making sure that previously warring parties keep to their agreements.维和人员在经历过摩擦和内战的地区监测和平进程,确保先前交战各方遵守协议。 2It is no wonder that.难怪It is no wonder that many,if not most,of Chinas leading scholars and scientists emerged at Lianda,including the two Nobel Prize-winning physicists,Yang Zhennin

7、g and Li Zhengdao.难怪在联大涌现出了许多中国顶尖的学者和科学家,包括两位诺贝尔物理学奖获得者杨振宁和李政道。3过去分词短语作状语Driven by a sense of commitment,a great many joined the army to resist the Japanese invaders and defend the honour of the nation.在责任感的驱使下,许多人参军抵抗日本侵略者,保卫国家的荣誉。重点词汇 .but also because of the schools strong spirit of perseverance

8、and dedication.更因为学校的坚韧不拔和奉献精神。 dedication n奉献dedication to对的奉献dedicate v把献给;致力于dedicate. to.把献给dedicate oneself/ones life to sth./doing sth.献身于;把一生献给dedicated adj.敬业的;有奉献精神的(1)They faced one difficulty after another with bravery and dedication.他们以无畏和无私奉献的精神面对一个又一个的困难。(2)The general manager called o

9、n his staff for dedication to the firm during the time of the crisis.总经理要求员工在这个危难时刻对公司要有奉献精神。(3) Mary dedicated herself(she) to a life of fashion show.玛丽献身于时装表演事业。(4)Id like to dedicate the song to my wife,who has been working hard for the family.我想把这首歌献给我的妻子,她为了这个家一直任劳任怨。(5)The artisan is certainly

10、 dedicated(dedicate) but really not very talented.这个手艺人确实敬业,但是实在不是很有才华。 In 2017,representatives from Peking University Tsinghua University,Nankai University and Yunnan Normal University gathered to commemorate the 80th anniversary of its founding.2017年,北京大学、清华大学、南开大学和云南师范大学的代表们齐聚一堂,共同纪念建校80周年。 repre

11、sentative n代表adj.有代表性的,典型的be representative of代表的represent vt.代表;表现;象征;描绘;声称represent be.宣称某人为把描绘成represent oneself as/to be.自称是represent sb.向某人说明某事;向某人传达某事(1)We all voted for him as our representative at the meeting.在会上我们大家都推举他当代表。(2)What he said is representative of th

12、e ideas of most students in college.他所说的代表了大多数大学生的想法。(3)He represented himself as/to be a friend to the workers,but actually he was not.他自称是工人们的朋友,但实际上不是。(4) She represents herself as the kindest mother in the world.她把自己描绘成世界上最好的母亲。 In 1938,the Japanese army offered a large sum of money for Yangs he

13、ad and a large number of troops surrounded his men.1938年,日军悬赏一大笔钱要杨靖宇的头颅,大批军队包围了他的部下。 sum n金额,款项v.共计,合计;总结,概括a large sum of大量;一大笔sum to共计sum up总结;概括to sum up总之(1)I save a nice little sum out of my wages each week.我从每周的工资中节省一笔可观的金额。(2)I had to spend a large sum of money to get the lens back.我不得不花一大笔钱

14、来拿回镜头。(3)The examples she gave in her essay sum to several dozen.她在论文中举的例子总计达几十个。(4)The last section sums up all the arguments on either side.最后一部分总结了双方的全部论点。(5)To sum up,for a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking.总而言之,为了拥有健康的心脏,你必须经常锻炼并戒烟。 Prepare a short presentation on on

15、e of the topics from Activity 2 or think of another relevant topic.就活动2中的一个主题准备简短的演讲,或思考另一个相关话题。 relevant adj.有关的;切题的be relevant to与相关relevance n.相关性;关联性(1)When I have friction with others,I usually refer to relevant web pages to find solutions.当我和他人有摩擦的时候,我通常查阅相关的网页寻求解决办法。(2)It is a great honour fo

16、r me to tell you some information relevant to the local architecture.我很荣幸告诉你一些和当地建筑相关的信息。(3)What you are saying has no relevance(relevant) to the matter in hand.你现在所说的与手头的事毫无关联。经典句式It is no wonder that many,if not most,of Chinas leading scholars and scientists emerged at Lianda,including the two Nob

17、el Prizewinning physicists,Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao.难怪在联大涌现出了许多中国顶尖的学者和科学家,包括两位诺贝尔物理学奖获得者杨振宁和李政道。It is no wonder that.意为“难怪;怪不得,不足为奇”,这是一个主语从句,It是形式主语,可以省略为No wonder.。(1)He studied hard. No wonder he passed the exam.他学习很努力,难怪他通过了考试。(2)No wonder/It is no wonder that you are tired,you have been w

18、alking for hours.怪不得你累了呢,你走了好几个小时了。.单句语法填空1Unless he is in uniform,he doesnt look like a peacekeeper.2I realized that it had any relevance to what I was doing.3The people present at the meeting yesterday summed to one thousand.4For his dedication(dedicate) to the city,the mayor awarded him a gold me

19、dal.5Molly and Sally are twins.It is no wonder that they resemble each other.完成句子6They summed up the money they spent last month.他们合计出了他们上个月所花金额的总数。7Its no wonder that you cant sleep when you eat so much.你吃得那么多,难怪你睡不着。8His views are not representative of the majority of the population.他的观点并不代表大多数人的意

20、见。9I dont think what he said is relevant to the topic we are discussing.我认为他说的与我们正在讨论的主题无关。10The great professor dedicated himself to finding a new cure for the disease.这位伟大的教授致力于寻找治疗这种疾病的新方法。.选词填空 下面的短文是P3233的课文改写,请从下表中选择合适的词汇并用其适当的形式完成此文。dedication,prominent,shirk ones duty,no wonder,emerge,academ

21、ic,fortify,due to,rough,aggressionIn 1937,the 11.aggression of the Japanese army brought disaster to Chinas three great universities.In order to save their educational and intellectual heritage,the three universities joined together to form Lianda.Professors and students alike made an epic journey o

22、ver a distance of more than 2,000 kilometers.They had to live in 12.rough buildings,packed 40 to a room,like sardines.There were dire shortages of food,books,and equipment.Furthermore,classes were frequently disrupted 13.due to fierce air attacks.However,despite the immense hardships and the dauntin

23、g challenges,it was right in this place that the nations intellectual heritage was not only guarded but 14.fortified by the passion and belief of the worthy 15.academics of Lianda.It is wonder that many of Chinas leading scholars and scientists 17.emerged at Lianda.With the country at war,stud

24、ents at Lianda were not going to 18.shirk their duty.Driven by a sense of commitment,a great many joined the army to resist the Japanese invaders and defend the honour of the nation.Lianda has become the crowning glory of Chinas modern universities because of its strong spirit of perseverance and 19

25、.dedication as well as its 20.prominent professors and talented students.基础巩固.单词拼写1They signed agreements banning the use of chemical weapons(武器)2Dressed in a white uniform,he looks more like a cook than a doctor.3Sara sensed that there had been friction(冲突) between her children.4Even after they had

26、 learned how to plant grains,they still needed help from nature to ensure good harvests.5The train had been bombed(轰炸) and Hans had made his way back to Germany on foot.6After changing back into my normal clothes,I emerged(出现) into the courtyard where the children were playing.7Thanks for inviting m

27、e to the chamber music concert to be given at the golden wedding anniversary party of your grandparents.单句语法填空8Let me take a minute to sum up the main points of this discussion.9His outward appearance isnt relevant to whether hes a good teacher.10Johnson referred to the discovery as a major breakthrough in medical science.11No matter how hard the rain falls and the wind blows,the representatives keep to their posts.12She is always supportive

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