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1、shouldshall notshould notshantshouldntmustmust notmustntneedneed notneedntought toought not tooughtnt to 三基本用法 1. can 的用法 1)表能力 can表能力时意味着凭体力或脑力或技术等可以无甚阻力地去做某事。 I can climb this pole. 我能爬这根杆子。 He is only four , but he can read. 他只有4岁,但已认得字了。 Fire cant destroy gold. 火烧不毁金子。 2)表可能性 多用于否定与疑问结构中,但也可用在肯定

2、句中。 Can the news be true? 这消息可能是真的吗? It cant be true. 它不可能是真的。 What can he possibly mean? 他可能是什么意思? 3)表示允许(和may意思相近)常见于口语。Can (May) I come in ? 我能进来吗?Can I smoke here ? 我可以在这里抽烟吗? 2.could的用法 1)表过去的可能和许可, Father said I could swim in the river. 爸爸说我可以在河里游泳。2)表过去的能力 I could swim when I was only six. 我刚

3、六岁就能游泳。3)表“允许”。可表示委婉客气的提出问题或陈述看法,不是can的过去时态。-Could I use your bike? -Yes, you can./No, you cant.注意:be able to 表示能力,意为“能够做成某事”,相当于can 的用法,但是有区别:can泛指一般的能力;be able to 则主要指成功做了某件事的能力。3. may(might) 的用法 1)表示请求、可以、允许。You may drive the tractor. 你可以开那台拖拉机。 2)当回答由may 引起的问题时,否定答语要用must not,表示“不许可”、“不应该”、“不行”。

4、 May I come in? Yes, you may. No, you cant. No, you may not. No ,you mustnt 3)might是may的过去式,语气比may更加委婉;4. must 的主要用法1)表示必须、必要 We must do everything step by step .我们必须按部就班地做一切事情。 Why must you always bother me? 为什么你偏要打扰我呢。2)must be + 表语的结构,通常表示猜测,含有“一定”之意。(只用在肯定句中) He must be an honest boy. 他一定是个诚实的男孩

5、。 This must be your room. 这一定是你的房间。3)must 的否定式有两个:当回答由must引起的问题时,否定答复要用neednt或dont have to 表示 “必”、“无须”、“用不着”、“不一定”的意义。当表示“不应该”、“不许可”、“禁止”时,就用must not。 Must I go tomorrow?明天我必须去吗?Yes, you must./No , you neednt. must= have to. 但有区别: must 表示说话人的主观思想, have to “不得不,必须”,表示客观需要,客观条件只能如此。You must do it now.

6、 你必需现在就干。(说话人认为必须现在干) I have to go now. (客观条件必须现在走) 5. need 的主要用法 1) need作情态动词,表“需要”,多用在否定式或疑问句中. Need I attend the meeting tomorrow? -Yes, you must./No , you neednt. -You need not hand in the paper this week. 2)need也作实义动词,用法是need to do sth./sth He needs to finish his homework in time. I need your h

7、elp. 3) need主动表被动的用法:sth needs doing=sth needs to be done. The room needs cleaning.=The room needs to be cleaned. 4) need做名词的用法: meet ones needs=satisfy ones demands in (great) need of(急需)6.should的主要用法 意思为“应该”。表示劝告、建议、命令,其同义词是ought to;在疑问句中,通常用should代替ought to。 You should go to class right away.Shou

8、ld I open the window?7. ought “应当;应该”。用法则ought to do sth. You ought to read these books if you want to know how to repair the motorcar.8. shall的用法意思为“将要/应该”1)用于第一人称征求对方的意见,如: What shall I wear on the journey? 我路上穿什么好呢?Shall we dance? 我们跳舞好吗?9. 情态动词will和would的用法 will (would) 表决心、愿望。 would 为 will 的过去式

9、, 可用于各人称。Ill do my best to catch up with them. ll never do it again, thats the last time. He said he would help me. will, would用于第二人称疑问句表示说话人向对方提出请求或询问,用 would 比 will 更婉转,客气。10. may be与maybe 二者都有“或许,也许”的意思,但用法不同:(1). may be是情态动词,只能用于句子中, 如:Its eight oclock now. My father may be at home.(2). maybe是副词

10、,相当于perhaps, probably, likely,常用于句首。Its eight oclock now. Maybe my father is at home. 11.had better 最好.had better do sth. / had better not do sth. (重点)You had better keep silent in class. 四、易错点:(一)、can, may, must , need, should的提问与应答:(1). Can I go to the cinema tonight? Yes, you can./No, you cant. (

11、2). May I have a look at your photos? Yes, you may / can./No, you mustnt / cant. (3). Must I book a ticket for the concert right now? Yes, you must./No, you neednt / dont have to. (4). Need I water the flowers in the garden in the afternoon? Yes, you need / must./No, you mustnt.(二)、表示判断: may / may n

12、ot, must ( be ) / cant ( be ) (1). 判断语气坚定,有理有据(常摆出理由). 肯定判断 ( must ) e.g. The light in the office is on. Our teacher must be still working. It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet and muddy. . 否定判断(cant / can not)注:不能用must not 或mustnt 形式 e.g. Mr. Green cant be at home, for I met him at

13、 the street just now. This book cant be Bettys. She doesnt like detective stories. (2). 判断语气不坚定,模棱两可,不确定,常附带有Im not sure / I dont know等句子。 e.g. How soon will your father come back home from London? May be in a week, but Im quite not sure.专项巩固提升练习(一)1Actions _ be taken to stop H7N9 from spreading aga

14、in.Amust Bmay Ccant Dneednt2You have already tried your best, so you _worry too much about the exams.Acant Bneednt Cmustnt Dshouldnt3The new software can help us call a taxi immediately, so we _ wait too long.Aneednt to BneedntCdont need Dnot need to4 To be a good teacher, you _ be able to hold the

15、attention and interest of your students.Amust BmayCcant Dneednt5A: Must I return the magazine to you right now, Amy?B: No, you _. You may keep it until next Wednesday.Aneednt BcantCmustnt Dshouldnt6A lot of people will help you, so you _worry about the money.Acant BneedntCmustnt Dcouldnt7Look at the

16、 sign! It says: You_ park your cars here.Amustnt BneedntCshouldnt Dcant8For the safety, everyone _ obey the traffic rules when he is driving or walking.Aneed Bmust Cmay Dcould9Five-star hotels provide better services than some small hotels. You _ even use free WIFI there.Amust Bcan Cought to Dused t

17、o10-Must we stay in the classroom and finish all the homework?-No, you_. You can take it home.Aneednt Bmay not Cmustnt Dcant11 Its not safe for you to go to the forest alone, for you _ lose your way in it.Aneed Bmust Cshould Dmay12A: _ I go to the airport to see Uncle David off tomorrow morning, mum

18、? No, you neednt. You may join us if you want to. A Must B Need C Should D May13We _ respect the local culture and customs when traveling abroad.Acan Bneed Cmay Dshould14Should I wear a suit for the concert tonight?-No , you _. It is not as serious as the one we went to last week .Amustnt Bneednt Cc

19、ant Dwouldnt15It is 11:00 p.m now. Peter hasnt come back yet. His mother _ be very mad at him.Amay Bcan Cmust Dneed16He _ build a motorcycle if he is given all the parts.Ashould Bcan Cmust Dneed17If you find free WiFi in public places, you _ a password.Aneednt Bdont need toCneednt Ddont need18Five-s

20、tar hotels provide better services than some small hotels. You _ even use free WIFI there.Amust BcanCought to Dused to19All passengers _ go through safety check before they take a plane.A can B may C must D ought20A: Shall I take my swimming suit?B: No, you . We will go hiking in the mountain.Acant

21、Bmustnt Cneednt Dshouldnt21The students_ _to be very strict with themselves in their study and work.Acan Bmay Cought Dshould22There be something. on Davids mind today. for he shows no interest in the food he likes.Acan Bmust Cneed Dshould23According to the law,traffic keep to the left in England.Ama

22、y Bmust Cneed Dcan24Wendy_join our school football team next term, but she is not very sure.Ashould Bmay Cmust Dneed25In my job I_wear a uniform. I dont mind because its quite smart.Ahave to Bought to Ccan Dmay26The text is available online so you _ have a copy of it now.Acant Bshouldnt Cneednt Dmus

23、tnt27-have you heard that some horrible things might happen in 2020?-dont worry! The news_ be true.Amustnt Bmay not Cneednt Dcant28Mum told me that I be afraid of the difficulties and should learn to be brave。Adid not need Bneed not toCneed not Dnot need29All passengers _ exit at the next stop. The

24、train will not continue.Amust Bshould Ccan Dmay30Nowadays, people _ pay for things conveniently with their mobile phonesAmust Bneed Ccan Dshould31According to the new traffic rules, kids under 12 _ sit in the front passenger seat of a car.Amustnt Bcant Cshouldnt D32With smart technology, we _ use vo

25、ice to control lights and TV in this room.Acan Bmust Cshould Dneed33To everyones surprise, Detective Ken _ find the guilty in such a short time.Acan Bmust Cshould Dmay34Before you go abroad, download a map APP, because it _ help you.Amust Bmay Cneed Dshall35The shopping mall _ go through fire contro

26、l safety check, or it cant start business.Acan Bmay Cneed Dmust36The computer room _ be cleaned again as we are going to have an Open Day tomorrow.Amust Bcan Cneed Dmay37Can I fish here?No, you _. The sign says, “No fishing.”Amustnt Bneednt Cmay not Dshouldnt38Combs _ be soft enough not to damage yo

27、ur hair.Ashould Bmay Cneed Dcan39Im afraid I _ go now. My mother must be so worried about me.Acan Bhave to Cneed Dmay40Children _ be allowed to deal with problems on their own.Aought Bmight Ccan Dshould41Tony _ be in Shanghai now. He has gone to Paris on business.42All my plants _ be dead! I forgot

28、to water them before I went on holiday.Aare able to Bneed Cmust Dshould43You _ show your member card, or you will have to pay the full price.Acan Bmay Cmust Dwill44Dont touch that wire with a wet hand. We _ always be careful with electricity.Aneed Bcan Cmust Dmay45Mr. Black is looking for the concert tickets. He remember where hes put them.Ashouldnt Bmustnt Cneednt Dcant46You _argu

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