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1、sincere greetings吃苦耐劳long suffering and hard working充满生机活力full of vitality崇高使命a lofty mission传达祝愿convey the best wishes to传统美德,世代相传traditional virtues taught from generation to generationmaritime /mrtam/海事的Maritime is used to describe things relating to the sea and to ships. 海事的 ADJ n.the largest ma

2、ritime museum of its kind.同类型海洋博物馆中最大的。mencement /kmnsmnt/mencement is a ceremony at a university, college, or high school at which students formally receive their degrees or diplomas. 美国英语President Bush gave the mencement address today at the University of Notre Dame.布什总统今天在巴黎圣母院大学发表了毕业典礼演说。good fa

3、ith:善意Today, the IPCC said in a statement their error had been made in good faith and that after noticing the mistake, investigators issued a correction and apologised directly to the family.今天,IPCC在一份声明中说,他们是因为“善意才犯了错误,而且当注意到这个错误之后,调查员们发布了修正结果,并“直接对受害人家庭致以歉意。article.yeeyan.org我们将秉持正确义利观和真实亲诚理念加强同开展

4、中国家团结合作,继续用好中非、中拉、中阿之间业已建立的机制性合作平台。China will, in keeping with the principle of upholding justice while pursuing shared interests andthe principle of sincerity, real results, affinity, and good faith,strengthen solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries.秉持正确义利观和真实亲诚理念加强同开展中国家团结合作purs

5、uing shared interests andthe principle of sincerity, honesty, affinity, and good faith,work to strengthen solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries.第四,解决合作中的问题,讲一个诚字,中方坦诚面对中非关系面临的新情况新问题,本着相互尊重、合作共赢的精神加以妥善解决。Fourth, in addressing problems in cooperation with Africa,China has always a

6、cted in good faith.China will face squarely and sincerely the new developments and new problems confronting relations with Africa, and the two sides should properly handle any problems that may arise in a spirit of mutual respect and win-win cooperation.会议致辞2答宴会return banquet大有可为have a bright future

7、道义感召力moral appeal奠基典礼foundation laying ceremony读万卷书,行万里路travel ten thousand li and read ten thousand books对历史的传承a mission that builds on history对未来的期许look to the future高度评价e*press high appreciation古代中国的风采神韵ancient glory of China古老而神奇的土地an ancient and fascinating land海纳百川being inclusive海洋文化An oceanic

8、 culture和而不同Harmony without uniformity和睦相处,和谐开展,共谋和平,共护和平,共享和平Live in peace and harmony with the people of other countries, and work with them to promote, defend and share peace together和平稳定的外部环境A peaceful and stable e*ternal environment化装舞会costume party欢送仪式Farewell ceremony欢送/开幕/闭幕词Wele/opening/clo

9、sing speech/addressuniformity /junfmt/统一If there is uniformity in something such as a system, organization, or group of countries, the same rules, ideas, or methods are applied in all parts of it. 统一性He argues that we need statewide uniformity.他辩称我们需要全州统一。costume /kstjum/戏装An actors or performers co

10、stume is the set of clothes they wear while they are performing. 戏装Even from a distance, the effect of his fo* costume was stunning.即使从远处看,他的狐装造型也非常漂亮。The performers, in costume and makeup, were walking up and down backstage.演员们穿着戏服化着妆,在后台走来走去。读万卷书,不如行万里路as the Chinese saying goes:It is better to tr

11、avel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.米歇尔奥巴马北大演讲活动日程itinerary /atnrr/根本处世之道an accepted code of conduct即席讲话impromptu speech继往开来,携手前进join hands to build on past achievements鸡尾酒会cocktail party讲信修睦、崇尚和平的历史文化传统history, culture and traditions which value credibility,harmony and peace交流的平

12、台platform for munication交流互鉴e*changes and mutual learning交流文化、增进友谊、扩大交往的重要渠道an important bridge of cultural e*change,friendship and further e*changes揭幕式unveiling ceremony交相辉映add radiance and charm to each other借此时机take this opportunity; avail oneself of this great opportunity紧有序的工作intensive and effi

13、cient work经济界人士business representatives精心安排和热情款待thoughtful arrangements and warm hospitality精心准备meticulous preparations久仰大名long heard of就.题在大会上发言address the meeting/conference on the topic of.具有世界影响的历史事件an event of historic and global significanceitinerary/atnrr/An itinerary is a plan of a trip, inc

14、luding the route and the places that you will visit. 旅行方案The ne*t place on our itinerary was Sedona.我们旅行方案的下一站是塞多纳。impromptu /mprmptju/An impromptu action is one that you do without planning or organizing it in advance. 无事先准备的This afternoon the Palestinians held an impromptu press conference.今天下午巴勒斯

15、坦人召开了一场临时记者招待会。meticulous /mtkjls/小心慎重的If you describe someone as meticulous, you mean that they do things very carefully and with great attention to detail. 小心慎重的He was so meticulous about everything.他对任何事情都很小心慎重。radiance /redns/Radiance is great happiness which shows in someones face and makes the

16、m look very attractive. 容光焕发She has the vigour and radiance of someone young enough to be her granddaughter.她精力充分、容光焕发,就像小到可以做她女的年轻人那样。Radiance is a glowing light shining from something. 光芒The dim bulb of the bedside lamp cast a soft radiance over his face.床头灯微弱的灯光给他的脸上涂上了一层柔和的光芒。开放兼容openness and in

17、clusiveness历史文化博大精深profound history and e*tensive culture立足现实keep feet firmly on the ground留下许多脍炙人口的传说leave behind a trail of widely told stories民族血脉the DNA of the nation平等互利mutual benefit on an equal footing平等相待,真诚合作,并肩前行work shoulder-to-shoulder with as equals and carry out sincere cooperation桥梁和纽

18、带a bridge and bond of勤俭持家diligence and frugality in household management权宜之计e*pediency全面推进战略协作伙伴关系advance strategic partnerships of coordination in an all-round manner热情好客gracious hospitality日新月异change with every passing day深感荣幸be honored and privileged深入沟通,相向而行have thorough munication and work in t

19、he same direction盛情邀请gracious invitationkeep feet on the ground脚踏实地To be and remain in a calm, sta ble, sensible, and pragmatic state or condition; to not be subject to e*treme emotional reactions.My father has always been a rock of level-headed judgment and advice. Even during our familys lowest po

20、ints, hes alwayskept his feet on the ground.You will do all right if you have your feet on the ground. Dont get carried away. Justkeep your feet on the groundand you will do fine.gracious /res/和蔼可亲的If you describe someone as gracious, you mean that they are very well-mannered and pleasant. 和蔼可亲的She

21、is a lovely and gracious woman.她是个得意而和蔼的女人。e*pediency /kspidns/E*pediency means doing what is convenient rather than what is morally right. 权宜之计This was a matter less of morals than of e*pediency.此举主要是权宜之计,而非道德问题。frugal /frul/People who are frugal or who live frugal lives do not spend much money on themselves. 简朴的She lives a frugal life.她过着简朴的生活。diligent /dldnt/Someone who is diligent works hard in a careful and thorough way. 勤奋的Meyers is a diligent and prolific worker.迈耶斯是个勤奋而且出活多的工人。

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