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1、17.They plan to (B.recruit) several new members to the club next year.18.Reading an English original is a (A.tremendous) task for beginners.19.There are altogether pour (C.candidates) for this presidential election.20.She had twisted her ankle and was (limping).21.A well-known professor (B.delivered

2、) a lecture on ecology yesterday in the auditorium of Nanjing University.22.She won a (D.scholarship) to study in Harvard University.23.Does your job (D.fulfill)your expedtations?24.I (B.paid)200 yuan for my MP3.25.The change in climate may (A.affect) your health.26.Its amazing how soon you (D.adapt

3、ed) to your new boss.27.Men hesitate to ( their feelings of depression,anger,and fear.28.It is a heavy burden for those single mothers to (B.rear) their children alone.29.You are unlikely to succeed unless you (D.follow)his advice.30.When they found the boy in the forest,he had (B.come to)

4、 be used to the wild life there.31.Never (B.fall on) love before you are prepared.32.He chose a tie which would (B.match) his suit.33.She spent the (A.whole) day washing and cleaning.34.He (D.whispered) to his classmate in the library in order not to disturb others.35.The Red Crosss (C.primary) conc

5、ern is to preserve and protect human life.36.The present international situation is no longer (C.manipulated) by several super powers.37.A series of border incidents would (A.inevitably) lead the two countries to war.38.She tried to appeal to (B.emotion) rather than to our reason.39.Increasing the n

6、umber of women in top management jobs will be a slow (A.process).40.A city built on an island is easily (A.defensible) in times of war.41.What is 5 (B.equal) to in US dollars?42.This job requires (D.intellectual) faculties and great patience.43.My main objection ( the plan is would be too expen

7、sive.44.Women (B.tend) to live longer than men.45.(A.Mash) the fruit up with a fork so that the baby can eat it.46.Though Jake is an introverted student,he took the (D.initiative) in making acquaintances.B.1.In order to make the experiment easier,she (paid no attention to) some details. B.ignored2.H

8、e (changed) his order in the last minute. B.altered3.The army decided to (wage) an attack. C.mount4.People have different (opinions) about this event. A.slants5.The differences between British English and American English are (odvious). D.apparent6.She (insisted on) her belief in communism when she

9、was in danger of being killed by her enemy. A.stuck to7.I (keep an eye on)Butty,in case his appearance changes. A.look after8.If I ever look down and see that Butty has turned green,or hes wearing a little pair of Groucho glasses,Ill know its time to take some kind of medical action,Such as (quit dr

10、inking). B.stop drinking9.But my point is that because of computer weirdness,I regularly see an entire mornings work-sometimes as many as 18 words-(get blipped away) forever to the Planet of Lost Data. C.get removed to somewhere10.My computers keep (having seizures),but I keep buying Windows version

11、s,hoping Ill get lucky. D.committing errors suddenly and unexpectedly.11.His shoes (are squishing from) the pina colada she poured on him,but hes thinking:“shes warming up to me!” B.mention all this12.Every morning and evening I (feed them on corns). B.give corns as food to them13.You can callem,you

12、 know.Im (pretty)good at it. D.fairly14.The slightest noise would (set them off),and to our amazement,whenever I called, “kitty,kitty,kitty”,they would respond, “GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE”. A.arouse them15.These “wild”birds would (prance around) the picnic table and perch on the porch. A.move arrogantly

13、around16.So whenever I called the cats,we would have forty turkeys,fifteen deer and numerous crows (munching) in the yard. C.eating17.Before we could answer,he pumped up his chest,twisted his fingers into some kind of (complicated) knot,puckered his lips and produced a loud“GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE”. D.

14、complex18.I was always (in the top 20 percent of my class)in middle school. D.among the best 20 percent in the class19.She (was) almost (beside herself)when she heard of the death of her husband. B.was very sad20.By midterms my grades (werent looking good). B.were poor21. “Dad,I might not be able to

15、 (hang on to) my scholarship.” A.keep22.He is completely (ignorant) since he didnt even finish his elementary education. A.uneducated23.I sat down and (cracked the books). C.studied the books24.This is a (crushing)failure for Tom. B.severe25.The amount of money earned is (equated with) the amount of

16、 success. B.equal to26.This can (put a strain on) their relationship with their wives and children. B.add pressure to27.How will we (finance) our education? D.fund28.The (identification) of self through work also becomes a problem when it pushes other concerns-sush as family life-out of the picture.

17、 A.recognition29.Nothing was too much trouble,We (were meant to be together). B.were supposed be together30.As kissing (gave way to) the real business of living, we began to find out who wed really married. A.was replaced by31.She discovered that he (was hopeless with money). C.couldnt speng money p

18、roperly32.Those interesting and (frustrating) differences are really the spice of life and one of Gods best ideas. A.disappointing33.She ate a pie the other day and (confessed) that it was good. B.admitted34.We each (put our best foot forward). C.showed our good qualities to each other35.She found i

19、t hard to (resist) the temptation of buying more things than necessary. A.keep herself back from36.(Under the watchful eyes of his mother),he finished eating the lunch. C.Under the care of his mother37.As infants,we (relate) primarily (to) mother or other primary care-givers. B.feel close to38.The r

20、ed house (stangs out) against the background of green hills. noticeable39.From this vantage poing,we would (watch for) “The Enemy”. B.keep an eye on40.I read that book (look since),but I still rebounder the plot of the story. D.long ago二、汉译英and英译汉 BY:A1.the “slant “of the news (新闻的“观点”)2.well-e

21、ducated people (受过良好教育的人) the day (获胜,占上风)4.emotional breakdown(情绪化的故障)e out with a new version(推出新版本)6.quit drinking(戒酒)7.pucker ones lips(嘟起嘴唇)8.pump up ones chest(鼓起胸脯)9.high density(高密度)10.the in crowd(时髦人群)11.election day(选举日)12.deliver a speech(发表一篇演说)13.have positive self-concept(有积极的自我认

22、识)14.put other concerns out of the picture(将其他事情置之度外) the same speed(以同样速度)16.a perfect match(天作之合/完美的一对)17.shed tears(流泪)18.sweet nothings(甜蜜的琐事/甜言蜜语)19.the protection of home(家庭的保护)20.under the watchful eyes of an adult(在成人的看管下)21.all sorts of lines(各行各业)22.highly original work(高度创新的工作)23.a s

23、turdy soul(坚定地灵魂/人)1.旅行支票(Travelers Check)2.乘电梯(take a life/an elevator)3.地区性变化(regional variation)4.非正常关机(shut down the computer improperly)5.傲慢无礼的信息(a snippy note)6.忠实的“视窗”用户(a loyal Windows man)7.当地人(a local man)8.一大群(a large flock of)9.用甜美的嗓音(in a sweet voice)10.写标语(write a slogan)11.修一门课程(take

24、a course)12.从大学毕业(graduate from university)13.家庭的基本开支(the basic bill of the family)14.养育孩子(child rearing)15.自我感觉良好(to feel good about oneself)16.实实在在的生活(real business of living)17.结婚纪念日(wedding anniversary)18.生活的调味品(the spice of life)19.爱深究的大脑(a questioning mind)20.有利地形(a vantage point)21.怀旧之旅(a nos

25、talgic visit)22.以一定的速度(at a set speed)23.在职培训(on-the-job training)C.1.她走到哭闹的婴儿身边,把她抱了起来。She went over to the crying baby and picked her up.2.我一直到今天仍然不明白他当时为什么那样做。 To this day,I still dont understand why he did it then.3.不同的人可能对于相同事件有不同的观点。 Different people may have different“slants”on the same incid

26、ent.4.结婚后,他一直试图改变她的生活方式,但是失败了。 After marriage,he had continually made attempts to change her way of life,but failed.5.Betty Friedan是美国非常有影响的“男女平等”的提倡者。 Betty Friedan is a very influential advocate of the equality of men and women in the United States.6.苏州话与上海话有很多相似之处。 The Suzhou dialect has a lot in

27、 common with the Shanghai dialect.7.他成功地打败了对手。 He was triumphant in defeating his opponent.8.你要想要成功,就必须坚持自己的原则。 If you want to be successful, you must stick to your own principles.9.你得注意那个穿蓝衣服的人。 Youd better keep an eye on that man in blue.10.学校将采取严厉措施制止学生吸毒。 The school will take strong actions against any students using illegal drugs.11.不必说,空气,还有阳光,对我们的日常生活来说都必不可少。 Air as well as sunlight is, needless to say, necessary to our daily life.12.是反击的时候了。 It is time to fight back now.13.我认为重要的是,至少我们是平安到家了。 My point is that at least were all safe b

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