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1、23The couple had been childless for a long time,so when a little girl was born in the family,they showed too much for her.Asympathy BaffectionCanxiety Drespect解+析sympathy同情;affection爱,感情;anxiety忧虑;respect尊重。前文提及这对夫妻很长一段时间没有小孩,由此推断,小女孩出生后,父母对她投入了很多的爱。24Lucy doesnt mind lending you her dictionary.She

2、.Ive already borrowed one.Acant BmustntCneednt Dshouldnt解+析根据该空后面的句子“Ive already borrowed one.”,说明她没必要借词典给我了,故本题选C。25 more than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots.AScattered around the globe areBScattering are around the globeCAre around the globe scatte

3、redDAre scattered around the globe答案A地球上散落分布着100多个小而离散的火山活跃区,地质学家称之为“热点”。正常语序是More than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots are scattered around the globe.表语提前,把系动词提到主语前面构成倒装。26If you want to go further in the new sport,the best way is to and practise mor

4、e frequently.Adive in Bdrop outCcatch on Dspring up如果你想在这项新的运动上走得更远,最好的方法就是热切地投入和更加频繁地练习。dive in热切地加入,符合句意。drop out退出,辍学;catch on流行起来;spring up突然出现。故选A项。27 surprises me most is that she doesnt even know where the difference between the two lies.AThat BWhatCWho DWhich最让我惊讶的事情是她甚至都不知道两者之间的差异在哪里。what在主

5、语从句What surprises me most中作主语。that引导的表语从句中包含一个where引导的宾语从句。28Im sure youd rather she went to school by bus,?Ahadnt you Bwouldnt youCarent I Ddidnt she我确定你宁愿让她坐公交车去学校,是不是?此处考查的是Im sure引导的从句的反意疑问句,应该是与后面的从句保持一致;在从句中涉及到了would rather的虚拟语气的使用,但并不影响反意疑问句的生成,故用wouldnt you即可。故选 B项。29How can I live my dreams

6、 in a short time?Be practical.Between you and your dreams a lot of hard work.Astand BstandsCis standing Dare standing我怎么才能在短时间内实现我的梦想呢?现实一点儿吧。在你和你的梦想之间有着大量的艰苦工作。表示地点、方位的介词短语位于句首,主语为名词时,句子要用完全倒装,倒装的动词通常用一般现在时或一般过去时。本句主语是a lot of hard work,根据语境可知,谓语部分应用一般现在时的单数形式。30Owing to The Chinese Poetry Competit

7、ion,publications on classical Chinese literature are a significant share of storage space at the bookstore.Ataking up Bdividing upCbreaking up Dputting up得益于中国诗词大会节目的播出,中国经典文学的出版物在书店的存储空间中占据了重要的份额。take up占据;divide up分割;break up解散;put up提出。根据句意可知,答案为A。31If you cant trust your friend to have a relatio

8、nship with another person you consider a friend,its a clear of a problem in your friendships.Adisappearance BsymbolCsymptom Dsettlement如果你不能信任你的朋友与你认为是朋友的一个人建立关系,这是你们的友谊存在问题的一个明显征兆。symptom征兆,症状,符合句意。disappearance消失,不见;symbol象征,符号;settlement解决,处理。32There are no proposals to reduce the road accidents.

9、We are still seeking inspiration.Acontradictory BconcreteCconfidential Dcontroversial对于减少交通事故,还没有具体的建议。我们仍在寻找灵感。concrete具体的,有形的,实在的,符合句意。contradictory相互矛盾的,相互对立的;confidential机密的,秘密的;controversial有争议的,引起争论的。33Years may wrinkle the skin,but it is to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.(2017苏锡常镇四市一调,2

10、9)Awho BwhichCthat Dwhen岁月流逝只令容颜苍老,但是激情不再却能使心灵枯萎。强调句型:It is/was被强调部分that其余部分。本句对主语to give up enthusiasm进行了强调。故选C项。34It is said that a most popular emoji (expression of emotion on the Internet) is the “face with the rolling eyes”, is used in 14 percent of text messages.Athat BwhatCwhose Dwhich答案D据说,“

11、翻白眼”成了网络上非常流行的表情符号,14%的短信用到它。空处是一个非限制性定语从句,且从句中缺少主语,故填which。that不引导非限制性定语从句,what不引导定语从句,whose在从句中往往作定语,均不符合该题。故答案为D。35Mum,look at my shoes.I need a new pair.I bought them for you only a week ago!AYou bet BYou said itCYou dont say DYou name it妈妈,看我的鞋。我需要一双新的。不见得吧。一星期以前我才给你买的。You bet没问题;You said it你说得

12、对;You dont say不见得吧;You name it由你定。根据句意,选C。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。My mom gave me some wise advice:“Nothing beats a good bite that bites back”She was talking about her 36 for bitter-tasting food like rhubarb(大黄)Moms rhubarb plant is at the east of our 37.Grand

13、ma moved it there from the farm.38 Ive always regarded it as an overgrown weed.We kept the largest garden in the neighborhood.Each growing season,we 39 the plentiful rhubarb,tomatoes,beens and carrots with our neighbors and friends.More families took the rhubarb than any other fruit.Nearly three yea

14、rs ago,while 40 Moms flower bed,I finally asked if I could dig out her rhubarb.41,she didnt bake with it anymore.“Absolutely not,” Mom said.Clearly I hadnt 42 her devotion to it.As I continued weeding,I thought about how rhubarb is one of the 43 plants to appear in early spring.It breaks through the

15、 snowy,icy ground before buds(芽) form on trees.How can anyone fail to 44 such a passionate desire?When those first sprouts(嫩芽) 45,Id find Mom outdoors,examining them like a 46 counting a newborns fingers and toes.She would estimate about how long itd be until she could make her rhubarb 47.But when I

16、 was a kid and she gave me that pie,it made me 48.In my teens,it made me complain.49 ice cream did not sweeten the deal for my young taste buds.Rhubarb was something to be 50 at all costs.Then,last summer,I searched for Moms 51.I found the one for her rhubarb pie.So I 52 to give it a try.A few tries

17、 later,I 53 rhubarb pie to family and guests.It tasted incredible.Since then Ive come to two 54 about rhubarb.First,you can take rhubarb out of the country,but you cant take the country out of the rhubarb.And second,rhubarbs taste may be lost on children,but adults can 55 it.Like my wise mother,I no

18、w understand that“Nothing beats a good bite that bites back”语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。小时候的“我”很讨厌大黄的味道,不明白妈妈为什么钟爱大黄。等“我”长大成人后,在尝试做了大黄派之后,发现了它的奇妙之处,总算明白了妈妈给“我”的至理名言:没有什么能比得上咬上一口试试。36A.effort BloveChope Dregret解+析根据下文第四段末句中的“her devotion to it”可知,妈妈喜欢大黄。结合该句可知,她在说她爱(love)吃的尝起来发苦的食物大黄。effort努力;hope希望;regret后悔。

19、rden BfarmChouse Dcountry解+析根据该空后一句及第三段首句“We kept the largest garden in the neighborhood.”可知,祖母把大黄树从农场移植到花园;结合该句可知,大黄树在花园(garden)的东边。farm农场;house房屋;country国家。38A.So BAndCBut DOr解+析根据上一句可知,祖母把大黄树从农场移植到花园,据此可知,但“我”认为它是杂草。39A.planted BpreparedCcollected Dshared解+析根据下句“More families took the rhubarb tha

20、n any other fruit.”可知,大多数家庭会选择大黄,结合该句可知,每次到了生长季节,我们会和邻居朋友们分享(share)大量的大黄、西红柿、豆角和胡萝卜。plant种植;prepare准备;collect收集。40A.weeding BmakingCexamining Ddigging解+析根据第五段中的“As I continued weeding”并结合该句可知,“我”在除草(weed)时想把大黄挖出来。make制作;examine检查;dig挖掘。41A.As usual BAs a resultCAbove all DAfter all解+析根据上文可知,“我”想挖掉大黄

21、,因为“我”认为大黄没有用途,结合该句可知,毕竟(After all)妈妈不再用大黄烤制东西了。as usual像平常一样;as a result结果;above all最重要的是。42A.noticed BunderstoodCfollowed Dignored解+析根据前文可知,“我”想要把大黄挖出,据此可知“我”不理解妈妈为什么还要留着大黄树。结合该句可知,很显然“我”不理解(understand)妈妈对大黄的热爱。notice注意到;follow跟随;ignore不理睬。43A.first BlastCstrange Dcommon解+析根据下句“It breaks through t

22、he snowy,icy ground before buds(芽) form on trees.”可知,它从大雪覆盖的冰层表面露出嫩芽,结合该句可知,大黄是早春最早(first)露出新枝叶的植物之一。last最后的;strange奇怪的;common普通的。44A.miss BquestionCadmire Dchallenge解+析根据上句“It breaks through the snowy,icy ground before buds(芽) form on trees.”可知,大黄从大雪覆盖的冰层表面露出嫩芽,由此可知,大黄的坚韧不拔使人钦佩(admire)。miss错过;quest

23、ion质问;challenge挑战。45A.survived BstayedCdropped Dappeared解+析根据该句中的“When those first sprouts(嫩芽) ,Id find Mom outdoors”可知,当那些新芽露出(appear)时,“我”会看到妈妈在户外。survive幸存;stay待着,保持;drop掉落。46A.parent BchildCdoctor Dfriend解+析根据该句中的“counting a newborns fingers and toes”可知,妈妈认真地数大黄树上的新芽,就像家长(parent)在数新生儿的手指和脚趾。chil

24、d孩子;doctor医生;friend朋友。 BpieCsoup Dsalad解+析根据下文的“But when I was a kid and she gave me that pie”可知,妈妈用大黄做馅饼;结合该句可知,妈妈会估计还有多久能做大黄馅饼(pie)。48A.laugh BcryCcheerful Dpeaceful解+析根据首段末句中的“for bitter-tasting food like rhubarb(大黄)”可知,大黄的味道很苦;结合该句可知,妈妈让“我”吃大黄派,味道苦得“我”哇哇大哭(cry)。laugh大笑;cheerful高兴的;peacef

25、ul和平的。49A.Only BJustCEven DYet解+析根据语境可知,小时候吃大黄苦得都哭了,青少年时抱怨大黄难吃到吃冰激凌都不能让自己感觉到甜,即大黄极其苦甚至(even)吃冰激凌都不能让“我”的味蕾甜起来。50A.obtained BgatheredCvalued Davoided解+析根据上句中“ice cream did not sweeten the deal for my young taste buds”,结合语境可知,大黄味道苦。“我”要不惜一切代价避免(avoid)吃到它。51A.recipe BadviceCnotebook Dsecret解+析根据下句“I fo

26、und the one for her rhubarb pie.”可知,“我”在食谱上找到了大黄派的做法。结合该句可知,去年夏天,“我”找到了妈妈的食谱(recipe)。advice建议;notebook笔记本;secret秘密。52A.refused BagreedCdecided Dhesitated解+析根据下文“我”把大黄派做好给家人、客人们品尝的描述可知,“我”决定(decide)试着做一次大黄派。refuse拒绝;agree同意;hesitate犹豫。53A.taught BservedCpassed Dshowed解+析根据下句“It tasted incredible.”可知,

27、它尝起来美味极了;结合该句可知,尝试了几次后,“我”把做好的大黄派给家人和客人们吃。serve服务,给提供;teach教授;pass经过;show展示。54A.theories BideasCconclusions Dsuggestions解+析根据下文中的“First.And second.”可知,“我”得出两点总结;结合该句可知,自从那之后,“我”对大黄得出两个结论(conclusion)。theory理论;idea想法;suggestion建议。55A.sense BtrustCdiscover Dappreciate解+析根据该句中的but表达的语境可知,小孩子们不喜欢大黄但是在成年人中会很受欢迎(appreciate)。sense感觉;trust信任;discover发现。第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A无锡期末)VancouverNatural ResourcesAs a major centre for the global forestry industry,Vancouver plays host to many international forestr

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